Here’s How Leadership Skills Can Help You Parent Better | HBR

Reference: Harvard Business Review. (2021, April 01). Here’s How Leadership Skills Can Help You Parent Better [Video]. YouTube.

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Discover how leadership skills can help you become a better parent and nurture strong family values with this insightful video.

Amy Jen Su of Harvard Business Review outlines how leadership skills can help us parent better. She advises us to clarify our values and have conversations with our children about what is important. We should also have a vision and engage in stakeholder dialogues with our kids. We should take the time to understand why we became parents and reconnect with those fundamentals. We should also listen to what our kids need and help them learn new skills. This doesn’t mean that we should give in to their every demand, but rather have meaningful conversations to understand what is important to them. By doing this, we can create a better relationship with our children and foster a sense of appreciation and understanding.

Learning Outline

1. Clarifying your values and having conversations with stakeholders about what is important.
2. Having a vision.
3. Connecting with why you became a parent in the first place.
4. Asking and listening to your children.
5. Establishing family values.
6. Preparing for and undertaking stakeholder dialogues with your children.
7. Asking your children what they need and want.
8. Incorporating TV into your family in a way that matches everyone's values.
9. Teaching your children new skills.
10. Communicating how to make family life better.

Instructional Content

Leadership skills can have a profound effect on how you parent. It's important to take the same values and techniques used in the workplace and apply them at home. It can be difficult to keep the mindset of a leader while parenting, but by fostering a healthy relationship with your children, it can help to increase communication, respect and overall satisfaction.

Good parenting starts with understanding your values and communicating them to your children. It's important to have conversations with your children about what is important to them and why. By doing this, you can create a vision for your family that includes everyone's needs and interests. Inviting your children to be part of the conversation will increase engagement and help them feel like they have a voice.

It's also important to remember why you became a parent in the first place. Reminding yourself of your motivations while parenting can help recenter you and help you resist becoming a micromanaging, logistics-obsessed parent.


Lead Parenting: Impactful Results

Leadership, decision making, and communication etiquette are essential skills for any individual to master in order to succeed in life. This video and its transcript provide a comprehensive guide to improving leadership in learners by focusing on the specific details related in each scenario.

First, it is important to emphasize the importance of developing a set of values and a vision for your family. This will help the learner to identify the goals and objectives of the family and will provide a framework for the decision making process. It is also essential to engage in stakeholder dialogues with your children in order to better understand their needs and to gain their buy-in for the decisions that are made.

Second, it is essential to understand the differences between command and control management and modern leadership models. Command and control management is not the most effective way to lead your family, as it can lead to feelings of resentment from your children. Instead, it is important to help your children understand why you are making the decisions you are making, and to listen to their input in order to create a sense of ownership and engagement in the decisions being made.

Third, it is important to ensure that the decisions being made are in line with the values of your family. This can be done by connecting with why you became a parent in the first place and understanding how your decisions are in line with those values. It is also important to have conversations with your children about what they need and to ensure that these needs are met in a way that is consistent with the family's values.

Finally, it is important to be open to surprises and to be prepared for unexpected answers to the questions you ask your children. It is important to remember that your children may see your family differently than you do, and to be open to learning new things from them.

By following the guidance in this video and transcript, learners can develop the leadership, decision making, and communication etiquette skills that will be essential for them to succeed in life.


How Can Leadership Aid Parenting?

Leadership skills play a key role in personal growth and professional development. As evidenced by the video ‘Here’s How Leadership Skills Can Help You Parent Better’, the same skills used in the workplace can also be applied to parenting. Values-based leadership, stakeholder dialogues and clarity of vision are all key to effective leadership and parenting.

Leadership is all about communication, and it is important to provide children with a voice in the family. This can be done through regular conversations about values and vision, and listening to what children need and want. It is not about giving them whatever they want, but it is about giving them a sense of being part of the family.

Not only can the same leadership techniques be used in the workplace and at home, but the results can be equally effective. Studies have shown that engaging employees in the workplace and children at home leads to better performance, higher morale and better overall results. This means better outcomes in both personal and professional life.

It is important to remember that parenting is not about micromanaging or bossing around children. It is about understanding their needs and values, and using the same leadership skills used in the workplace to create a better family dynamic. By upskilling yourself in leadership, you can be more successful in both personal and professional development.

Decision Making

Can Parenting Benefit from Decision-Making?

Leadership skills are essential for personal growth and professional development. By upskilling ourselves in decision making, we can use the same strategies to parent better. The video and transcript from “Here’s How Leadership Skills Can Help You Parent Better” highlighted how having a clear vision and values, having conversations with stakeholders, and asking and listening are all integral components of good leadership. These same qualities can be applied to successful parenting.

For example, discussing your family values with your children and revisiting them as they get older can help them understand why you make certain decisions. This will also give them a sense of ownership and help them feel more engaged in the family. Additionally, having conversations with your children and engaging them in the decision-making process will help them to develop understanding and a sense of responsibility.

When making decisions, it is also important to listen to your children and consider their needs. By taking the time to listen to their opinions, you can create an environment where they feel respected and valued. This will help to build trust between you and your children and foster a healthier family dynamic.

Finally, by creating a dialogue with your children and involving them in decision-making, you can help them to become more independent, resilient, and confident. Research conducted by the National Center for Education Statistics found that active parental involvement in children’s decision-making can lead to positive outcomes such as improved academic performance, better mental health, and greater engagement in extracurricular activities.

In conclusion, applying leadership skills to parenting can help to create a stronger family bond and set your children up for success. By having clear values, having conversations, asking and listening to your children, and involving them in decision-making, you can foster a healthier and more productive family dynamic.

Communication Etiquette

Can Parenting Benefit from Etiquette?

Leadership skills can be invaluable for parenting, not only in the workplace but in the home too. The video “Here's How Leadership Skills Can Help You Parent Better” illustrates this perfectly. It features Alyssa Westring and Stewart Friedman discussing ways to use the same leadership skills we use at work to parent better. By taking the leadership model of clarifying values, having meaningful conversations, and having a vision, we can create a better home environment and cultivate a family culture of respect and growth.

One key piece of advice from the video is to connect with why you became a parent in the first place. This can recenter you and your family and remind you of the values that are important to you. It’s also important to have meaningful conversations with your kids and seek their input on matters that concern them. By listening to their feedback, you can create a bond of trust and understanding.

Leadership skills can also help you become a better parent in the long-term. Studies have shown that when kids feel heard, they are more likely to follow the rules and be respectful of their parents. It’s also been found that kids who have a strong relationship with their parents tend to do better in school and have more confidence in their abilities.

Ultimately, leadership skills are essential for successful parenting. By using these skills, you can create a better home environment and foster a culture of respect and growth. With clear communication, meaningful conversations, and a focus on your family’s values, you can help your kids become the best they can be.

For Learners

Watching this video provides a great opportunity for personal growth and professional development. In the video, Alyssa Westring and Stewart Friedman discuss the importance of good leadership skills in parenting and how those same skills can help in the workplace. For learners, this video is a great way to understand the value of leadership through the lens of parenting. By learning the strategies and tips discussed in the video, learners can gain invaluable insights into how to become better parents and better leaders.

The benefit of watching this video is that it helps learners understand the importance of values, vision, stakeholder dialogue, and family values. It also helps learners to understand the importance of listening to their children and engaging them in meaningful conversations. Through this, learners can gain a greater understanding of their children and their needs, while also developing their own leadership skills.

The detriment of not learning the content of this video is that learners may miss out on valuable insights into becoming better parents and better leaders. Without understanding the importance of values, vision, stakeholder dialogue, and family values, learners may engage in behaviors that are not conducive to good leadership or parenting. By not learning the content of this video, learners may also miss out on the opportunity to connect with their children on a deeper level and engage in meaningful conversations.

Through the ‘what’s in it for me’, ‘what’s in it for them’, ‘what’s in it for us’, and ‘what’s in it for the world’ approach, learners can gain a greater understanding of why it is important to watch this video. By understanding the content of this video, learners can gain insights into becoming better parents, better leaders, and better people. This can benefit learners personally, as they can become better at parenting and leading. It can also benefit their children, as they can create a more meaningful relationship with them. It can benefit the family as a whole, as they can create a more harmonious environment. And it can benefit the world, as learners can use their new leadership skills to help others.

For Employers

Leadership is a skill that can be applied to many areas of life, including parenting. This video outlines how employers can benefit from learning the content of this video by applying the same leadership qualities in the workplace to parenting in the home. By understanding the concepts outlined in this video, employers can differentiate themselves from their competition by setting themselves apart with more effective parenting skills.

By understanding the concepts of values, vision, stakeholder dialogue, and family values, employers can use these techniques to encourage better communication with their children. Additionally, employers can demonstrate to their customers and clients that they understand the importance of being a good leader and a good parent. This can help to create stronger relationships with customers and clients, as well as with their own family.

Ultimately, by watching this video and learning the content, employers can become better parents and better leaders. This will not only benefit them and their family, but also their business, customers, and clients. Employers who understand these concepts can stand out in their industry, increase customer loyalty, and create a more meaningful family life.

Career Path

Completing a course in Leadership based on the competencies of Leadership, Decision Making, and Communication Etiquette can have an immensely positive impact on one's career path. Developing these skills can help you become more employable, promotable, and purposeful as you gain the necessary credentials to make you a more desirable job candidate or a more qualified employee for promotion.

Watching a video like the one provided and its accompanying transcript is a great way to start. It provides insight into the qualities of a great leader, the kind of leader you need to be to help you advance in your career. It highlights the importance of understanding your values and vision, communicating with stakeholders, and listening to those around you. It emphasizes how creating a dialogue with your stakeholders, including your children, is essential in successful leadership. It also encourages parents to remember why they became parents in the first place and to connect with that fundamental purpose.

By mastering the three competencies listed above and building on your leadership skills, you can gain the confidence and knowledge necessary to level up in your career. You can confidently take on challenges and use the skills you’ve learned to make better decisions and cultivate meaningful work. You can learn how to work with and engage your team more effectively, and you can hone your communication skills to give you the edge in the job market. With the right credentials and the right skills, you can be more employable, promotable, and purposeful in your career.


"The best leaders know when to ask questions and when to listen." - Abraham Lincoln
This quote reminds us of the importance of having meaningful conversations with our stakeholders. As demonstrated in the video, good leaders must be able to communicate their values, vision, and goals to their team. This requires active listening and understanding of the other person's perspective. By showing your employees you are open to their ideas and opinions, you create a supportive environment and a sense of trust. The same applies to parenting; by talking to your children, asking and listening to their needs and wants, you create an environment of mutual understanding and respect. This can help foster a better relationship between parents and children, and will ultimately help them reach their full potential. Lincoln's quote reminds us that in order to be an effective leader, we must learn how to ask questions and listen to the answers.


One of the most important takeaways from this video is the importance of engaging in meaningful dialogue with our children, listening to their needs and understanding their perspective. We must also remember to share our values and vision, and to help connect our children to why we decided to become parents in the first place. By doing this, we can foster a greater sense of understanding and respect in our families.

Here’s How Leadership Skills Can Help You Parent Better

Being a parent is a lot like being a boss. Just like bosses need to use good leadership skills, so do parents! Good leadership involves clarifying your values and having conversations with your kids about what is important. It is not about bossing your kids around or telling them what to do, but instead listening to what they need and having open conversations with them. You can even come up with family values like kindness, fairness, and fun. It's important to remember why you became a parent in the first place - to create a loving and supportive family.

Video Quotes

Amy Jen Su: “It's really important to connect with why you became a parent in the first place. Why did you do this? The planet doesn't necessarily need more people.”
Stewart Friedman: “Well, now that you are a parent, now, why are you a parent? What does it mean for you to be a parent? How does being a parent affect who you are in your work life, how you see yourself in the world, how you see yourself in private?”
Amy Jen Su: “Connecting with those fundamentals of why you became a parent recenters you, because without that sort of mindset, you're still in that mode of micromanagement and logistics and coordination.”

Related Quotes

"As a parent, it's so important to be a leader and to show your children what it means to be a leader." - Rochelle Courtenay, Founder of The Penguin Empire

"Leadership is about having the ability to think about the bigger picture, about what's best for your child." - Dr. Linda Bark, Psychologist

"Leadership is about understanding your children's needs and having the ability to act on them." - Dr. Linda Bark, Psychologist


1. Leadership
2. Decision Making
3. Communication Etiquette

Learning Outcomes

1. Understand the difference between micromanagement and effective leadership in parenting (Knowledge)
2. Analyze the importance of clarifying family values and having conversations with stakeholders (Analysis)
3. Explain the need for parent-children dialogues and how these conversations may vary depending on age (Understanding)
4. Apply different types of leadership models to parenting (Application)
5. Evaluate the benefits of involving children in the decision-making process (Evaluation)
6. Create a plan to implement stakeholder dialogues and help children understand the family values (Creation)

Sample Answers

I learned that good leadership as a parent requires having a clear vision, values and engaging with your children in meaningful dialogue. This includes taking time to understand why you chose to have children and reconnecting with those values. Additionally, being a good leader also involves being open to surprises and understanding your child's perspective and needs. Lastly, it's important to provide opportunities for your children to learn new skills and show them appreciation for their ideas.

Amy Jen Su

Amy Jen Su is an executive coach and co-founder of Paravis Partners, a consultancy that helps executives and organizations become more agile and adaptive. She is a sought-after speaker, and has been featured in the Harvard Business Review, Forbes, and other publications. She is the author of the book "The Leadership Gap: What Gets Between You and Your Greatness". She has experience in executive coaching, organizational development, and mentoring, and is a certified professional coach. Her expertise in leadership skills makes her an ideal expert to discuss how they can help parents better. She is affiliated with Paravis Partners, which can be found here with "Amy Jen Su" as the Alt txt for the link.

Learning Design

These competencies are important to learn in leadership courses as they are the key skills that drive successful leadership. Leadership involves the ability to lead with confidence, make good decisions, and communicate effectively. Decision making involves the ability to weigh options and make informed decisions. Communication etiquette involves the ability to effectively communicate with others in a professional and polite manner.

The framework for teaching these competencies can be built using a combination of instructional strategies. For example, lectures can be used to introduce the concepts and provide examples of how to use them. Role-playing activities can be used to practice the skills and allow students to gain experience in applying the competencies. Case studies can be used to analyze how the competencies can be used in real-world scenarios. Finally, reflective writing assignments can be used to help students reflect on their learning and enhance their understanding.

By combining these instructional strategies, students will be able to build their understanding of the leadership competencies and use them to become successful leaders.


Q: According to the video, what is one way to become a better parent?
A) Act like a boss and tell kids what to do
B) Clarify your family values
C) Ask and listen to your kids
D) Give your kids presents and junk food


Common Hypothetical Questions:
1. What are the key elements of good leadership?
2. How can we use our leadership skills to become better parents?
3. What are some specific strategies that can help us become better leaders in our family life?
4. How can we best communicate our family values to our children?

Real-Life Scenarios:
1. How can we use our leadership skills to help our children better understand the concept of fairness?
2. What strategies can we use to ensure that our children are heard and given the opportunity to contribute to our family dynamics?
3. How can we use stakeholder dialogues to help our children better understand why we have certain rules and expectations in our family?
4. How can we balance providing our children with what they need while also teaching them important values and life lessons?


Leadership Skills Parenting, "Family Values Clarification", "Stakeholder Dialogues"


1. Good leadership skills in parenting involve clarifying values, having conversations, and having a vision.
2. Effective parenting requires engaging with kids and asking and listening to their needs.
3. Stakeholder dialogues should be undertaken with kids at different age levels.
4. Family values can evolve over time as kids grow, such as revisiting the concept of fairness.
5. Kids often want to feel like they have a voice in the family and are appreciated for their ideas.


1. Develop a Family Leadership Model: Create a plan for parents to use their leadership skills to encourage better communication and collaboration within the family.

2. Create a Family Vision: Develop a shared vision between parents and children that includes values, goals, and objectives that everyone can work towards.

3. Establish a Family Council: Establish a regular family meeting where parents and children can discuss their values and ideas, and work together to make decisions.

4. Develop a Parenting Mentorship Program: Create a mentorship program for parents to learn the best leadership practices to use with their children.

5. Create a Family Values Book: Create a book of stories that reflect the family values and goals, and use it as a teaching tool for parents and children.


This learning instructional guidance was formulated using the GPT-3 language model created by OpenAI.


Good parenting involves being a leader. Clarifying your values, having conversations with your children, and setting a vision will all help you be a great parent. Try having a conversation with your kids to understand their needs better, and work together to create a family vision that works for everyone. #Leadership #Parenting #FamilyValues 🤗 @Accredicity

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