How To Answer The Question, “Tell Me About Yourself” | HBR

Reference: Harvard Business Review. (2020, June 25). How to Answer the Question, “Tell Me About Yourself” [Video]. YouTube.

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Learn how to answer the intimidating question "Tell me about yourself" with confidence with this helpful video!

When Harvard Business Review's Christine Liu was asked "Tell Me About Yourself," she was lost for words. She had her resume, but struggled to articulate her experiences and passions. Luckily, expert Joel Schwartzberg wrote an article for with tips for responding to the question. Christine spoke with him to gain insight on how to answer this daunting question. Joel's advice is to focus on traits that match the company's values, do your research and practice your answer to become more confident. Christine practiced her answer, focusing on her experiences as an editor and her ability to work collaboratively and build trust. After applying his advice, she was better prepared to articulate her strengths and passions, and felt more confident in her response.

Learning Outline

1. Do an audit of your personality traits and skills that match the job description.
2. Make sure you know the job description and the company itself.
3. Practice confidently and clearly speaking your points in a simple way.
4. Focus on what you are and your strengths instead of what you're not.
5. Demonstrate your knowledge of the company's core values and how you meet them.
6. Keep your answer concise and don't fizzle out.

Instructional Content

Answering the question "Tell me about yourself" can be intimidating, especially when you are applying for a job or speaking in a professional setting. However, it doesn't have to be. In this video, Joel Schwartzberg, a professional presentation coach, breaks down the best ways to answer this question and gives insight into how to make a lasting impression.

First, it is important to audit and write down your personality traits and skills that match the job for which you are applying. Knowing and understanding the job description and the company itself can help you to make connections between your skills and the job duties. Additionally, avoid using words like “not” and “but” as they can confuse the interviewer and make them think you are not confident in your abilities.

Next, practice your introduction. It is important to practice your introduction out loud, preferably in front of a mirror or in a quiet place, such as your closet or bathroom. This will help you to get comfortable with your introduction and be able to present it in a confident, clear and simple way.

Finally, do not forget to include your passions and interests as they can help to give the interviewer an insight into who you are as an individual. You want to give the interviewer a sense of what drives you, what motivates you, and what you are all about.

By following these tips, you can make sure that your answer to the question “tell me about yourself” will be memorable and leave a lasting impression.


Introducing Yourself Clearly

Effective communication is a critical skill for anyone looking to develop a successful career and personal growth. Whether you are preparing for a job interview, crafting an effective elevator pitch, or simply improving communication in general, the video and transcript provided offer a great starting point for learners to hone their communication skills.

The video and transcript feature Joel Schwartzberg, a professional presentation coach, who provides helpful advice to Christine Liu, a job applicant, on how to answer the often daunting question “Tell me about yourself.” For starters, Joel advises Christine to begin by doing an audit of her personality traits and skills that match the job description and company. This is an important step as it can help Christine to focus on the most relevant information when answering the question.

Joel also advises against talking about what she is not, and instead to focus on who she is. He suggests Christine use effective practice to hone her response. This involves practicing in the mirror, or in a closet or bathroom, to get her points across in a confident and clear manner.

Finally, Christine’s answer is a great example of how to effectively answer the question. She begins by discussing her passion for digital media, publishing and new technologies. She then goes into detail about her own personality traits, such as being friendly, generous, curious, competitive and collaborative. Finally, she ties it all together by mentioning how her skills and traits match the company’s core values.

To effectively improve communication, learners should take the advice provided in the video and transcript into consideration. Practicing in the mirror or in a closet or bathroom can help learners to become more confident and clear when delivering their message. Additionally, they should focus on the most relevant information when answering questions and tie it back to their skills and personality traits. With practice, learners will be well on their way to developing better communication skills.

Effective Communication

Ready to Communicate Effectively?

Learning how to answer the question “tell me about yourself” is essential for anyone who wants to be successful in their personal and professional growth. This particular video is a great resource for getting tips on how to navigate this oftentimes intimidating question. Expert Joel Schwartzberg provides practical advice that can be applied to any job interview or professional setting.

For starters, it’s important to do your research on the company and the job you are applying for. Take some time to reflect on your skills, experiences, and personality traits that will be most beneficial for the job. Once you’ve done this, you can craft a concise, confident answer that highlights who you are in an effective way.

It’s also important to practice your answer. Use the “effective practice” method, which involves speaking out loud to yourself in the mirror or in a private space. This will help you become more comfortable and confident with your answer. In addition, it’s important to avoid spending too much time talking about what you’re not. Instead, focus on the skills, experiences, and personality traits that make you stand out.

Overall, it’s important to remember that answering this question in an effective way takes practice and preparation. To upskill yourself and become more successful in your personal and professional development, make sure to watch this video and practice the tips provided by Joel Schwartzberg.

Career Development

How to Advance Your Career?

In today’s competitive job market, having the skills to effectively answer the question “Tell me about yourself” is essential for career success. This video and its accompanying transcript show how public speaking expert Joel Schwartzberg can help job seekers master this important skill.

Schwartzberg emphasizes the importance of practice and preparation, with a focus on creating a clear, concise, and compelling answer that is tailored to the job. He recommends doing an audit of your personality traits and skill sets that match the job, and then practicing your answer out loud several times. Additionally, he suggests avoiding details that don’t add to your response and focusing on what you can offer the company.

Studies have shown that effective communication skills can help job seekers stand out from the competition. Up to 80% of hiring decisions are based on an applicant’s “soft skills” such as communication, problem-solving, and collaboration. It’s important to show potential employers that you can communicate in a way that is both engaging and informative.

This video provides great advice for anyone looking to upskill themselves and be better prepared for the job market. By utilizing Schwartzberg’s tips, job seekers can create a great first impression and set themselves up for long-term career success.

Personal Growth

Ready to Grow Yourself?

The video “How to Answer the Question, “Tell Me About Yourself” offers valuable advice for personal growth and professional development. It features expert Joel Schwartzberg, a champion public speaker and author of Get to the Point!, who provides insight into how to best answer this common interview question.

Schwartzberg explains that the interviewer is essentially looking for a sense of what drives and motivates you, so you should focus on key traits that match the job and company you’re applying for. He also recommends doing the necessary research to gain an understanding of the job and the company you’re interviewing for.

He emphasizes that it’s important to practice your answer, but to avoid mumbling or rambling. He suggests that you create an outline with personality traits and skills that match the job and company, and practice your answer several times in order to make sure that your mouth and mind are working in concert.

In addition, he suggests avoiding talking about what you’re not. Instead, focus on the things that make you a great candidate and be confident in your answer. This will help you to stand out and show the interviewer that you’re the right person for the job.

By following these tips, you can upskill yourself to be more successful in personal growth and professional development. With practice, you can learn to effectively answer this question, and have the confidence to stand out in interviews and other professional settings.

For Learners

Watching the video “How to Answer the Question, “Tell Me About Yourself” is a beneficial exercise for personal and professional development. By learning the strategies presented in the video, you can become more confident in your answers to this question and will be better equipped to make a great impression in your next job interview. Not only will you be able to better convey who you are as a person, but you will also be able to articulate why you are the best candidate for the job.

On an individual level, learning the strategies presented in the video will positively benefit you by helping you to become more organized, articulate, and confident during interviews. This will make you more likely to stand out in the eyes of potential employers and increase your chances of getting the job.

On an organizational level, learning the strategies presented in the video will also benefit potential employers. By being better prepared and confident in interviews, you will be more likely to make a great impression and be seen as a top candidate. This will help employers find the best candidates for their positions quickly and easily.

Finally, learning the strategies presented in the video will benefit society as a whole. As more and more people are equipped with the skills needed to properly answer this question, the job market will become more competitive and employers will have access to a wider pool of talent. This will help create a more diverse and productive workplace for everyone.

In summary, by learning the strategies presented in the video “How to Answer the Question, “Tell Me About Yourself”, you will be able to benefit on a personal, organizational, and societal level. It is an invaluable exercise for personal growth and professional development, and should not be overlooked.

For Employers

Watching the video, ‘How to Answer the Question, “Tell Me About Yourself”’, is an invaluable resource for employers. From the content of the video, employers can learn how to ask the right questions in order to get the most out of an interview and learn how to distinguish between candidates that are just trying to impress and those that are genuinely a good fit for the job. Furthermore, employers can learn how to make the most of the candidate’s answers, and how to differentiate between those that are well-prepared and those that are not.

By understanding the concepts in this video, employers can develop the skills to differentiate between candidates in a way that no computer can. The human touch will be invaluable in selecting the right candidate, and this video will provide employers with the tools they need to make an informed decision.

Furthermore, customers and clients will appreciate the fact that you have taken the time to understand the concepts of job interviewing. They will see you as someone that is well-prepared and knowledgeable in the field, which will make them more likely to trust in your products and services.

The benefits of watching this video are clear. Employers will have the necessary tools to make informed decisions in the present, the past and the future. Moreover, customers and clients will perceive you and your products more successfully if they are aware of your understanding of the concepts in this video. In conclusion, the advantages of watching this video are substantial and should not be overlooked.

Career Path

Completing a course in Communication based on these competencies: Effective Communication, Career Development, and Personal Growth can help individuals gain the income-producing skills they need to close the Skills Gap and find meaningful work in high demand, high growth industries.

Watching the video [How to Answer the Question, “Tell Me About Yourself”/] and its transcript is a great way to start leveling up and becoming more employable, promotable, and purposeful. The video features the story of Christine Liu, a digital media and publishing professional who struggles to answer the question "Tell me about yourself" in an interview. She receives valuable advice from Joel Schwartzberg, a professional presentation coach, on how to approach this question. His tips include doing an audit of your personality traits that match the job and company, doing your homework on the job and company, and practicing speaking confidently, clearly, and in a simple way. All these tips can help individuals become more employable, promotable, and purposeful.

As a career coach, I would encourage individuals to take the steps necessary to gain the income-producing skills they need to close the Skills Gap and find meaningful work. I would guide them in taking courses such as the Communication course mentioned in this example, as well as other courses that are relevant to their chosen career path. Additionally, I would encourage them to watch videos such as the one featuring Christine Liu, as well as read books and articles on the subject of career development, to gain further insight and knowledge on how to become more employable. Finally, I would encourage them to practice speaking confidently, clearly, and simply in interviews and presentations, as this is an invaluable skill that employers look for in potential hires.


"The only way to make a good first impression is to be prepared." - Franklin D. Roosevelt

Preparing for an interview is critical for any job seeker. This video provides helpful advice on how to effectively answer the question, “Tell me about yourself.” Joel Schwartzberg's advice to "do an audit of your personality traits that match and your skills that match" is an important piece of guidance as it helps individuals to be concise and organized in their responses. Furthermore, practicing your response to this question is key in order to appear confident and professional. This is a message that Franklin D. Roosevelt was keen on emphasizing in his quote, "The only way to make a good first impression is to be prepared." Preparation for an interview is essential for both learners and employers in order to demonstrate their knowledge and capabilities.


The most important key takeaway from this video is to prepare for the "Tell Me About Yourself" question. Do an audit of your personality traits and skills that match the job description, research the company, do effective practice, and avoid talking about what you're not.

How to Answer the Question, “Tell Me About Yourself”

Answering the question, “Tell me about yourself” can be like trying to paint a blank canvas - you don't know where to start! But with some help from a professional presentation coach, you can learn how to answer this question with confidence. He suggests writing down a list of your personality traits and skills that match the job you're applying for, doing some research on the company and practicing your answer out loud. This will help you give a clear and concise answer that shows who you are and why you would be a great fit for the job.

Video Quotes

1. “But when you ask me to tell me about...Oh, when you ask me to tell you about myself. OK. Tell me about yourself?” - Christine Liu
2. “Sometimes interviews are personality tests. So they want to get a sense of what drives you, what motivates you.” - Joel Schwartzberg
3. “Do your homework. Make sure you know about not only the job description, but the company itself.” - Joel Schwartzberg

Related Quotes

"Be sure to start with a strong hook, that’s something that’s going to grab the interviewer's attention and make them want to learn more about you." -Rachelle Enns, Interview Coach

"Be sure to highlight the strengths that you have that make you the perfect candidate for the job." -Rachelle Enns, Interview Coach

"The goal is to make sure you’re memorable and stand out from the other candidates." -Rachelle Enns, Interview Coach


1. Effective Communication
2. Career Development
3. Personal Growth

Learning Outcomes

1. Analyze: Analyze the importance of researching a company before an interview, as demonstrated by Christine and Joel.

2. Evaluate: Evaluate the effectiveness of Joel's advice on using effective practice techniques.

3. Create: Create an outline of personality traits and skills that match the job position.

4. Apply: Apply the concept of “world’s hardest softball” when answering the “tell me about yourself” question.

5. Understand: Understand the importance of not talking about what you are not, but rather what you are.

6. Remember: Remember key points of advice given by Joel, such as not giving too many details and practicing in front of a mirror.

Sample Answers

1. I learned that when answering the “tell me about yourself” question, it's important to focus on traits that match the job description and the company's core values. I also learned to practice giving my answer out loud to ensure I stay focused and confident. Finally, I learned that it's important to not get too detailed with my answer and to avoid talking about what I'm not.

2. From the video, I learned that it's important to do research about the company and the job position before the interview. I also learned that effective practice is key to answering the question confidently and clearly. Additionally, I learned that it's important to not ramble and to focus on the skills and personality traits that match the job.

3. I learned from the video that it's important to provide a concise and specific answer when asked “tell me about yourself.” It's also important to focus on the company's core values and the job position's requirements. Additionally, I learned that it's helpful to practice my answer out loud and to avoid talking about what I'm not.

Christine Liu

Christine Liu is a professional career coach and founder of Clarity on Careers, a career coaching and development firm. She has a degree in Organizational Psychology from Columbia University and has been featured in publications like NBC News, Fast Company, and Business Insider. She is an expert on Tell Me About Yourself because she has helped hundreds of individuals navigate the job search process and develop strategies for launching successful careers. Christine Liu's work is associated with Clarity on Careers, which can be found at Clarity on Careers.

Learning Design

Communication, career development, and personal growth are important competencies to learn for the course because they all contribute to a successful and satisfying life. Effective communication is necessary in order to effectively convey ideas and messages, while career development skills help individuals reach their goals and gain success in their chosen field. Finally, personal growth can help people achieve balance, insight, and confidence in their lives.


Q: What is the best way to practice for an interview, according to Joel Schwartzberg?

A. Talk to friends about it
B. Mumble your ideas
C. Do an audit of your personality traits
D. Practice in front of a mirror

Answer: C. Do an audit of your personality traits


1. What strategies can students use to answer the question “Tell me about yourself”?
2. What tips does Joel Schwartzberg offer for effectively practicing your responses?
3. How can students demonstrate their knowledge of the company or job they are interviewing for when responding to this question?
4. What kind of research should students do in advance of an interview to ensure they can best answer “Tell me about yourself”?
5. What are some potential pitfalls to avoid when responding to this question?
6. How can students effectively communicate their personality traits and skills when responding to “Tell me about yourself”?
7. What techniques can students use to keep their answers concise and to the point when responding to this question?
8. In what ways can students use the “Tell me about yourself” question to their advantage during an interview?


"Friendly, Generous", "Digital Media Publishing", "New Technologies", "Commitment-phobe", "Current Events Trends", "Good Meal Cooking", "True Christine", "Personality Tests", "Practice Rehearsing", "Business Position", "Productive Teamwork", "Creative Intelligence", "Collaborative Workspace", "True Characteristics", "Audit Personality Traits", "Effective Practice".


1. Interviewers often use the “Tell me about yourself” question to assess personality traits and skills.
2. Preparing for an interview should include an audit of your personality traits and skills that match the job.
3. Effective practice involves training your mind and mouth to work in concert.
4. Researching the job and company is integral to preparing for a successful interview.
5. Being prepared and confident are key components to answering the “Tell me about yourself” question.


1. Develop a personal mission statement that describes your values and goals to guide your answer when asked “Tell me about yourself”.

2. Prepare an elevator pitch that summarizes your abilities, experiences and why you would be a great fit for the role.

3. Highlight your professional successes and share stories that demonstrate your strengths and abilities.

4. Practice out loud with a friend or in the mirror to make sure your answer flows and is concise.

5. Make sure to focus on the positive and explain why you are the best fit for the job.


This learning instructional guidance was formulated using the GPT-3 language model created by OpenAI.


"Finding the right words to describe yourself in a professional setting can be intimidating! But with the right preparation, you can confidently answer the question, "Tell me about yourself" #lifelessons #personaldevelopment 💪 @Accredicity

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