Daniel Pink: Fear, Shame, Empathy | SXSW

Reference: SXSW. (2015, June 22). Daniel Pink: Fear, Shame, Empathy [Video]. YouTube.

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Discover the power of behavior change with Daniel Pink's captivating exploration of fear, shame, empathy and gamification.

In this captivating SXSW session, Daniel Pink, the bestselling author of "Drive" and "To Sell is Human" and host and co-executive producer of NatGeoTV's "Crowd Control", assesses the science and practice of behavior change. He dives into Fear, Shame, and Empathy as techniques that can be used to powerfully influence people's decisions and actions. He also stresses how a slight adjustment to environment can have a drastic effect. By the end of the session, attendees are left with effective tips to modify behavior in their workplace, school, or home.

Learning Outline

1. Fear can be a powerful tool for behavior change, but it has its limits.
2. Shame is not an effective way to modify behavior.
3. Empathy can be a powerful motivator for positive change.
4. Gamification can be effective in creating behavior change.
5. Distraction can sometimes be a useful tool for behavior modification.
6. Subtle changes in the environment can have a dramatic effect on a person's behavior.
7. Understanding the science and practice of behavior change is key to making effective changes.

Instructional Content

In this enlightening and captivating session, Daniel Pink, best-selling author of "Drive" and "To Sell is Human" as well as the host and co-executive producer of NatGeoTV’s “Crowd Control”, examines the science and practice of behavior change. He focuses on how small changes to the environment can have a profound effect on what people do. He digs into the ability (and limits) of tactics like fear, gamification, empathy and distraction to modify behavior. After watching this video, you will have a better understanding of how to alter the behavior of those in your workplace, school, or residence.

The video begins by introducing Pink's concept of the "Four Fs" which are the four most effective ways to alter behavior: Freedom, Fun, Frustration and Fear. Pink explains how Freedom is the most powerful tool and how it can be used to create an environment that encourages people to take ownership of their actions. Fun is also discussed, and Pink explains how gamification can be used to increase engagement. He goes on to talk about frustration and how it can be a powerful tool to push people to make changes. Lastly, he talks about fear and how it can be used to shift people out of their comfort zones.

Pink then moves on to discuss the power of empathy. He explains how it can be used to create an environment of understanding, connection and openness. He also mentions the importance of distraction, and how it can be used to help people focus on their goals. Lastly, he talks about the importance of positive reinforcement and how it can be used to reward people for their performance.

The video concludes by highlighting the importance of understanding how behavior can be changed in order to create a more effective and productive workplace. Pink emphasizes the importance of utilizing the right tools and techniques to create an environment that encourages people to take initiative and be their best selves.

Overall, this video provides an interesting and insightful look into the science and practice of behavior change. It provides helpful tips on how to create an environment that encourages people to take ownership of their actions and be their best selves. Daniel Pink's engaging and entertaining talk sheds light on the power of freedom, fun, frustration, fear, empathy, distraction and positive reinforcement to help people make positive changes in their lives. If you are interested in learning more about how to influence behavior, this video is definitely worth a watch


Overcome Fearful Communication

Improving communication skills is essential to effective leadership, influence, and persuasion. Daniel Pink’s video and transcript provide a comprehensive guide to developing these skills in learners. Pink’s video and transcript focus on the science and practice of behavior change, and how to use different tactics to influence and persuade. He emphasizes the power of empathy, fear, and gamification, as well as the importance of understanding the environment to maximize the effects of these techniques.

In order to improve communication skills, learners must first understand the importance of empathy. Pink explains that empathy is a powerful tool in improving communication, as it allows us to understand the perspective of the person we’re trying to influence. He also emphasizes the importance of being aware of the environment and how it can affect our ability to influence. For example, he mentions that fear can be a powerful tool, but it should be used carefully as it can have negative long-term effects.

Leadership is also a key factor in improving communication. Pink explains the importance of understanding the needs of the people you’re trying to influence, and how to motivate them to change their behavior. He also states that distraction can be a useful tool for maintaining attention, but it should be used judiciously.

Finally, Pink emphasizes the importance of practice and feedback in developing communication skills. He stresses the importance of understanding the feedback received, and encourages learners to experiment with different techniques to find the best approach for each situation.

In conclusion, Daniel Pink’s video and transcript provide a comprehensive guide to improving communication in learners. By understanding the importance of empathy, fear, gamification, leadership, and feedback, learners can develop the skills they need to effectively influence and persuade others.

Influence and Persuasion

Can Influence Persuade?

This video and transcript offer an informative and entertaining exploration of the science and practice of behavior change. Daniel Pink's insights into the power of techniques such as fear, gamification, empathy, and distraction are invaluable for anyone looking to upskill themselves to become more successful in both personal growth and professional development.

For example, the power of fear can be used to motivate people to take action. Research has shown that people are more likely to complete a task if they are given a deadline with consequences for not meeting it. Similarly, the use of gamification can incentivize people to achieve a goal. By providing rewards for completing tasks, it can be a powerful tool for creating positive behavior change.

Empathy can also be a useful tool for influencing people's behavior. Studies have shown that people are more likely to take action if they understand how their behavior affects others. Finally, distraction can be an effective way to help people break out of destructive patterns of behavior. By temporarily shifting their focus, it can help them make better decisions and avoid repeating past mistakes.

In conclusion, the video and transcript offer invaluable advice on how to use influence and persuasion to increase personal and professional success. With a better understanding of the power of fear, gamification, empathy, and distraction, upskilling oneself to become more successful in personal growth and professional development is within reach.


Can Empathy Overcome Fear?

In a world where success often depends on our ability to communicate and cooperate with others, empathy is an invaluable skill. Daniel Pink’s video and transcript provide an insightful look at how understanding the power of empathy can help us better understand, motivate, and influence others.

Recent studies have shown that employees who have higher levels of empathy are more successful in their careers. They are better at recognizing opportunities, resolving conflicts, and understanding their colleagues’ motivations. They are also better at building relationships, which can be a valuable asset in a professional setting.

One way to upskill ourselves in empathy is to actively observe how others respond to our communication. This requires being mindful and attentive to the reactions of those around us, as well as recognizing our own biases. It is also important to understand that our approach may not be the same as someone else’s and to strive for greater understanding.

Another way to increase our empathy is to practice active listening. This involves not only hearing what someone is saying, but also trying to understand their perspective and even asking questions to learn more. This not only shows that we are listening but also helps us gain a better understanding of what the other person is saying.

Finally, understanding the power of fear and shame can be a helpful tool in understanding the complex dynamics of empathy. We can use our understanding to create environments where everyone is comfortable and respected, and where everyone is given the opportunity to learn and grow.

By focusing on honing our understanding of empathy and applying the tips provided by Daniel Pink, we can increase our success in personal growth and professional development.


How Empowers Leadership?

Upskilling yourself to be more successful in personal growth and professional development starts with understanding the science and practice of behavior change. Daniel Pink’s video and transcript provide valuable insight into how subtle changes in environment can be used to dramatically affect behavior. Fear, shame, empathy, gamification, and distraction are all powerful tools to consider when attempting to change behavior in the workplace, school, or home.

For example, Pink cites research that shows using fear can be a successful way to motivate people to take action. However, fear should only be used sparingly and carefully, as too much can lead to negative outcomes. Empathy can also be an effective way to influence behavior, as people can relate more easily to others who have experienced similar struggles.

Using gamification techniques can also be an effective way to motivate people, as it can create an environment of friendly competition that can encourage people to work hard and strive for success. Finally, distraction can be used to disrupt patterns of behavior, allowing people to focus on new, more positive activities.

Overall, understanding the science and practice of behavior change can be a powerful way to upskill yourself for personal growth and professional development. By considering the tools of fear, shame, empathy, gamification, and distraction, it is possible to generate positive behavior change and unlock greater potential.

For Learners

Watching this video is incredibly beneficial to a life-long learner. It provides valuable insight into behavior change and how to affect it. Daniel Pink’s exploration of the power and limits of techniques from fear to gamification to empathy and distraction provides an interesting look into how subtle changes in environment can dramatically affect what people do. Not learning the content of this video could be detrimental to personal growth and professional development.

It is beneficial for the life-long learner to gain insight into how to affect behavior change, which is what this video contains. Applying the ‘what’s in it for me’, ‘what’s in it for them’, ‘what’s in it for us’, and ‘what’s in it for the world’ approaches to learning the content of this video will benefit the learner in the long run. As a life-long learner, it is important to stay informed on the latest information and strategies to better oneself and help others. Knowing the various techniques presented in this video allows the learner to apply them in their own life, as well as in others’ lives.

Overall, this video provides the life-long learner with a plethora of valuable information. The skills and strategies presented can be applied in many aspects of life, from personal development to professional development. It is beneficial to watch this video and learn the content presented in order to maximize the potential for success.

For Employers

We all know that the best way to stay ahead in the business world is to stay informed about the latest trends and techniques in our industries. Watching the video of Daniel Pink's "Fear, Shame, Empathy" is a great way for employers to learn how to use subtle changes in the environment to influence employee behavior. Employers can use these techniques to encourage their employees to work more efficiently and effectively, while also providing an environment of understanding and empathy.

Employers can differentiate themselves from their competition by learning and implementing these skills. Customers and clients will perceive them as more knowledgeable and understanding if they can show that they understand the concepts discussed in this video.

By watching this video and implementing the techniques discussed, employers can not only benefit their workplace today, but also in the future. By staying informed and learning the latest trends and techniques, employers can ensure that their workplace remains competitive and successful for years to come.

Using the power of the ‘what’s in it for the present, the past, and the future’ approach, employers can recognize the importance of watching this video and learning how to use fear, shame, empathy, and distraction to their advantage. Employers who learn and implement these skills will benefit in the present, the past, and the future.

Career Path

Completing a course in communication based on the competencies of influence and persuasion, empathy, and leadership can be a crucial step to help someone find their job or get a promotion at their current employment. These skills are important for many roles and can help someone stand out from the crowd when applying for a job or seeking a promotion.

Leveling up by watching the video “Fear, Shame, Empathy” by Daniel Pink and reading the transcript can help someone gain the knowledge and skills necessary to become more employable, promotable and purposeful. The video and transcript will help the learner understand the power of techniques such as fear, gamification, empathy and distraction when it comes to behavior change. This knowledge can be used to help the learner become more successful in the workplace, school, or home.

Having a strong understanding of these techniques will help the learner gain the income-producing skills needed to be successful in the future. This will help close the skills gap and make the learner more employable in fast-growing and high-demand industries.

For life-long learners, it is important to stay informed and up-to-date on the latest techniques and skills. By watching this video and reading the transcript, learners can gain the knowledge and skills necessary to become successful in the future. This knowledge and understanding can help them find the job or promotion of their dreams and have a successful career.


“The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.” – Alan Watts

This quote from Alan Watts perfectly captures the essence of Daniel Pink's video. Pink explores how small changes in environment can have an impact on how people behave. He talks about using techniques such as fear, gamification, empathy and distraction to influence people's behavior. By embracing change and adapting to it, we can become better learners and employers. Change is not something to be feared, but rather something to be embraced and used to our advantage. When we join the "dance" of change, we become more capable of adapting and learning new skills, which can be invaluable for both learners and employers.


One key takeaway from the video is that empathy is a powerful tool for behavior change. When we engage with people with care and understanding, it can motivate them to alter their behavior in positive ways. Empathy is also a more sustainable and effective approach than fear or shame.

Daniel Pink: Fear, Shame, Empathy

Daniel Pink talks about how to change people's behavior. He suggests using different techniques, like fear, gamification, empathy and distraction, to make small changes in the environment that can have a big impact on people's actions. It's like teaching a kid not to eat too many cookies: you can use fear by telling them they'll get sick if they do, or use empathy by explaining why it's not good for them, or even use distraction by offering them an apple instead!

Video Quotes

“We think of emotion as something that happens to us, but it's also something that we can do.” - Daniel Pink

“The most powerful way to change behavior is to change the environment in which the behavior takes place.” - Daniel Pink

“If you want to change behavior, don't focus on the person. Focus on the situation.” - Daniel Pink

Related Quotes

“In order to lead with greater purpose, we must be able to tap into the power of empathy.” - Daniel Pink

“Fear and shame can be powerful levers for motivating people, but the risks may outweigh the rewards.” - Daniel Pink

“Empathy is the most powerful form of influence. It's what allows us to connect with people on a deeper level.” - Daniel Pink


1. Influence and Persuasion
2. Empathy
3. Leadership

Learning Outcomes

1. Comprehension: Understand the impact of fear, shame, and empathy on behavior change.
2. Application: Apply techniques such as fear, gamification, empathy, and distraction to modify behavior in the workplace, school, or home.
3. Analysis: Analyze the effectiveness of subtle changes in environment on behavior change.
4. Synthesis: Synthesize the power and limits of techniques from fear to gamification to empathy to distraction for behavior change.
5. Evaluation: Evaluate the scientific basis for behavior change and its practical implications.
6. Creation: Create an effective and practical plan to modify behavior in the workplace, school, or home.

Sample Answers

1. In this video, Daniel Pink explains the science and practice of behavior change. He discusses the power of different techniques like fear, gamification, empathy, and distraction to alter behavior. He emphasizes that small changes in the environment can have a major impact in how people act.

2. From this video, I have learned that motivation is key when it comes to behavioral change. Fear can be an effective motivator, but it is important to consider the potential consequences of relying on it too heavily.

3. Additionally, I have learned that empathy is a powerful tool for influencing people's behavior. When people feel understood and respected, they are more likely to respond positively and cooperate.

Daniel Pink

Daniel Pink is an American author and entrepreneur. His books on business, work, and behavior have sold over 2 million copies and have been translated into 35 languages. He is the author of six bestselling books: Drive, A Whole New Mind, Free Agent Nation, The Adventures of Johnny Bunko, and To Sell Is Human. He is a contributing editor to Wired magazine and a former speechwriter for Vice President Al Gore. He has also been a contributing editor for Fast Company, a columnist for The Sunday Telegraph, and a business correspondent for The New York Times. He is currently the host of the podcast "WorkLife with Adam Grant" and a professional speaker. Daniel Pink is an expert on Fear, Shame, Empathy because of his extensive experience in the fields of psychology, business, and entrepreneurship. He has studied these topics in depth and has written extensively on their intersection with the workplace. Daniel Pink is affiliated with the consultancy firm Free Agent Nation, which provides insights and advice to professionals who want to run their own businesses. Daniel Pink

Learning Design

These three competencies are important to learn for the course on Communication because they are integral to effective communication. Influencing and persuading others is important for achieving desired outcomes in any setting, whether in a personal or professional context. Empathy is an important part of developing relationships and understanding others, both of which are fundamental to effective communication. Lastly, leadership is important to learn for communicating effectively, as it is necessary for setting goals and creating an environment where influence and persuasion can be put into practice.

In addition to these activities, the course can also feature lectures, discussions, projects, and case studies to help students better understand the concepts. This will help students gain a better understanding of how these competencies can be used in real-life situations.


Question: How does Daniel Pink suggest using communication to change the behavior of people in your workplace, school, or home?
A. By using fear tactics
B. By using gamification techniques
C. By using empathy
D. By using distraction

Answer: B. By using gamification techniques


Common Hypothetical Questions for Students:
1. What are the main areas of behavior change explored in this video?
2. What techniques are discussed for how to effectively change people’s behavior?
3. What is the science behind the different techniques?
4. How does the environment influence behavior change?

Real-Life Application Questions:
1. How can the techniques discussed in this video be used to encourage positive behavior in the workplace?
2. How can fear, shame, and empathy be used to improve school performance?
3. How can gamification be used to motivate people to reach their goals?
4. What are some ways to use distraction to focus people’s attention on the task at hand?


Fear of Change, Shame-Based Motivation, Empathy-Based Techniques, Gamification of Behavior, Distraction-Based Tactics


1. Daniel Pink believes fear, shame and empathy are effective techniques for behavior change.
2. In order to create change, subtle changes in the environment must be made.
3. Daniel Pink is a best-selling author and host of NatGeoTV’s “Crowd Control”.
4. Gamification is a popular behavior change technique used to motivate people.
5. Distraction can be used to redirect negative behavior.


1. Developing a Fear-Inspired Motivational Program - Create a program that uses fear to motivate employees or students to reach their goals. Include an incentive-based system that rewards employees or students with rewards for reaching their goals.

2. Gamification of Fear - Design a game that uses fear as a key component to motivate players. This could be a game that rewards players with points or rewards for completing tasks in a certain amount of time or under certain conditions.

3. Empathy-Based Training - Develop a training program that focuses on empathy and understanding. Utilize role-playing exercises, team-building activities, and other methods to help employees and students better understand and empathize with one another.

4. Distraction-Based Learning - Create a learning program that uses distraction techniques as a way to help people learn. This could be a game-based learning program, or a program that utilizes video and audio elements to keep people engaged.

5. Shame-Based Behavior Change - Develop a program that uses shame as a way to help people change their behavior. This could include using public shame tactics, or other forms of negative reinforcement to help people learn to modify their behavior.


This learning instructional guidance was formulated using the GPT-3 language model created by OpenAI.


Fear, shame, and empathy are powerful tools for behavioral change. Learn how to use them from Daniel Pink, author of #Drive and #ToSellIsHuman and NatGeoTV’s “Crowd Control” host. 🤓 #behaviorchange #motivation #empathy @Accredicity

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