The Growth Mindset | Carol Dweck | Talks at Google

Reference: Talks at Google. (2015, July 16). The Growth Mindset | Carol Dweck | Talks at Google [Video]. YouTube.

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Unlock your potential and learn how to thrive with Professor Carol Dweck's groundbreaking work on the Growth Mindset.

In this Talks at Google video, Professor Carol Dweck, the Lewis and Virginia Eaton professor of psychology and author of "Mindset: The New Psychology of Success," explains the widely-discredited theory of self esteem and the self esteem movement of the 1990s, and how it led to the discovery of mindsets. She explains how some people believe their talents and abilities are fixed, while others believe they can be developed through hard work and good strategies. She further discusses how innate talent plays a role, and how growth and fixed mindsets can both exist on a spectrum. Finally, Professor Dweck explains how words like "smart" and "stupid" can work against best intentions.

Learning Outline

1. Self-esteem movement in the 1990s was a complete disaster, leading to the acceptance of mediocrity and not challenging people to fulfill their potential
2. Fixed mindset: people believe their talents and abilities are fixed traits, leaving them afraid of challenges
3. Growth mindset: people believe their talents and abilities can be developed, leading them to take on challenges
4. Innate talent does play a role, but is not the only factor in success
5. Mindset is not a dichotomy but a spectrum, with people having a mix of fixed and growth mindsets
6. Trigger words such as “smart” and “stupid” can be detrimental as they create a fixed mindset, leading people to narrow their world to only things they know they can succeed at

Instructional Content

The Growth Mindset, as introduced by Carol Dweck in her Talks at Google lecture, is a powerful concept that can help individuals achieve success. By understanding the difference between a fixed and growth mindset, individuals can create better strategies to help them reach their potential.

A fixed mindset is one in which individuals believe their talents and abilities are fixed and cannot be developed. This can lead to individuals shying away from challenges and avoiding failure, as they are afraid of being seen as “not smart”.

A growth mindset, however, suggests that talents and abilities can be developed through hard work, good strategies, and mentorship. This encourages individuals to take on challenges and learn from their mistakes, as the focus is not on appearing “smart”, but on getting smarter.

Carol Dweck stresses that innate talent does play a role in achievement, but it is hard work and dedication that makes true success possible. Through her research and experience, Dweck has shown that having a growth mindset can lead to greater success in any area of life, as individuals are more likely to take risks and learn from their mistakes.

The Growth Mindset is an important concept to understand, and Carol Dweck is an inspiring speaker on this topic. By watching her Talks at Google lecture and learning more about the power of mindset, individuals can gain insight into building a successful life.


Unlock Productivity Through Growth.

In order to improve productivity in learners, it is important to understand the importance of having a growth mindset and utilizing effective learning strategies. Growth mindset is the belief that abilities, attitudes, and skills can be developed through effort and dedication. It is the opposite of a fixed mindset, which assumes that abilities are innate and cannot be changed.

In order to foster a growth mindset, it is important to provide coaching and positive reinforcement to learners. Coaching can help learners to understand their strengths and weaknesses, and to develop effective strategies for improving their skills. Coaches should provide feedback and encouragement to encourage learners to strive for improvement.

In addition, it is important to provide learners with positive reinforcement and motivation. This can come in the form of rewards, recognition, and praise. Rewards should be tailored to the individual and should be something that the learner can strive for. Recognition should also be given to learners who make improvements and work hard to reach their goals. Praise should be specific and genuine, and should acknowledge the effort that the learner has put in.

Learning strategies are also important when it comes to improving productivity in learners. Strategies such as breaking down tasks into smaller, more manageable chunks, setting realistic goals and timelines, and taking regular breaks can help learners to stay focused and on task. Furthermore, learners should be encouraged to take advantage of resources such as online tutorials, books, and other materials to help them in their learning.

Finally, it is important to create an environment that is conducive to learning. This includes limiting distractions, setting aside adequate time for studying, and creating a positive atmosphere. By providing learners with the right resources and support, they can be better equipped to reach their goals and improve their productivity.

Learning Strategies

"Grow Learning Strategies?"

The Growth Mindset, as outlined by Carol Dweck, is a powerful concept for personal and professional growth. The idea is that one's talents and abilities are not fixed traits, but can be developed through hard work and good strategies. This idea challenges the widely-discredited theory of self-esteem, which was popular in the 1990s, and which led to the acceptance of mediocrity.

Dweck's research has found that telling people they are "smart" often backfires, leading to a fear of challenges, a tendency to fold in the face of difficulty, and a reluctance to take on new tasks. On the other hand, having a growth mindset--believing that abilities can be developed--encourages people to take on challenges and to use obstacles as opportunities to learn and grow.

In addition to providing a framework to motivate oneself and others, the Growth Mindset also has been shown to be beneficial in the workplace. Studies have found that employees who embrace a growth mindset are more likely to take on challenging projects, collaborate better with colleagues, and have higher job satisfaction. Moreover, when faced with a setback or failure, those with a growth mindset are more likely to reflect and use the experience to help them become better in the long run.

By embracing a Growth Mindset, you can create a powerful platform for upskilling yourself and achieving greater success. Through hard work, good strategies, and a willingness to take on challenges, everyone can develop their talents and abilities to reach their full potential.


"Unlock Coaching Potential?"

Carol Dweck's work on mindsets has revolutionized the way we think about personal growth and professional development. By introducing the concepts of fixed and growth mindsets, she has provided us with a powerful tool to understand the motivations behind our behavior and how we can use those to achieve success.

The fixed mindset is one of believing that our talents and abilities are set in stone, and any attempts at growth will be fruitless. This leads to fear of failure and difficulty in the face of obstacles, as any sign of difficulty could be interpreted as a sign of deficiency. The growth mindset, on the other hand, is one in which people understand that their talents and abilities can be developed through hard work and good strategies. With a growth mindset, people are empowered to take on challenges and learn from their mistakes, rather than shy away from them.

The idea that success is determined by innate, unchangeable talent has been widely debunked, yet it persists in our culture. From sports broadcasts to reality TV shows, we are constantly reminded of how “talented” people are. But as Dweck's research has shown, talent is only part of the equation; it is the hard work and dedication that sets successful people apart.

Ultimately, Dweck's work on mindsets has provided us with a powerful tool to help us understand our motivations and use them to achieve success. By understanding the power of the growth mindset, we can open ourselves up to the possibilities of success and use it to upskill ourselves and reach our full potential.

Positive Mindset

"Unlock the Power of Positive?"

Carol Dweck's work on positive mindsets has revolutionized the way we think about success and personal development. Her research has shown that having a growth mindset - believing that your talents and abilities can be developed through hard work, good strategies, and mentorship - can lead to greater success in both personal and professional contexts. Instead of seeking to be "smart" or "talented" all the time, a growth mindset allows us to embrace challenges and learn from our mistakes.

For example, Dweck's research has shown that individuals with a growth mindset are more likely to persevere through difficult tasks and achieve higher grades in school than those with a fixed mindset - the belief that one's talents and abilities are fixed and cannot be developed. Furthermore, a growth mindset can prove beneficial in the workplace. Individuals with a growth mindset are more likely to take on new challenges, be open to feedback, and strive for personal and professional development.

This is supported by research, which has shown that employees with a growth mindset consistently outperform those with a fixed mindset in terms of productivity, teamwork, and creativity. Dweck's research also suggests that having a growth mindset can help organizations foster a culture of learning and growth, as employees will be more likely to collaborate, take risks, and innovate.

In short, Carol Dweck's work on mindsets has revolutionized the way we think about success and personal development. By embracing a growth mindset, we can foster a culture of learning and growth, become more resilient to challenges, and achieve personal and professional success.

For Learners

Watching this video can have positive benefits for you as a life long learner. By watching this video and learning the content, you will gain a better understanding of the growth mindset and how it can help you reach your full potential. You will learn how to cultivate a growth mindset, which will help you strive for success and make progress along the way. The video also provides insight on how to motivate yourself and others through the power of positive reinforcement, rather than relying on negative feedback.

Not learning the content of this video has a negative detriment. Without understanding the concepts of the growth mindset, it can be difficult to recognize the areas of your life in which you need to make changes. If you are unaware of the power of a growth mindset, you may be more prone to giving up when faced with challenges instead of pushing through and striving for success.

Using the ‘what’s in it for me’, ‘what’s in it for them’, ‘what’s in it for us’, and ‘what’s in it for the world’ approach to learning the content of this video will benefit you as a learner for personal growth and professional development.

For you, the benefit is that you will gain the knowledge and understanding needed to foster a growth mindset in yourself and others. For them, the benefit is that they will be able to grow and develop in ways that they may not have been able to before. For us, the benefit is that we will create a culture of growth and progress that will lead to greater success for everyone. For the world, the benefit is that we will create a better society by enabling individuals to reach their full potential and make a positive impact on the world.

For Employers

Watching the video “The Growth Mindset | Carol Dweck | Talks at Google” and reading its transcript can be very beneficial for employers looking to differentiate themselves from the competition and create a successful business. By learning the concepts presented in the video, employers can learn how to create a growth mindset for their team and customers, which will result in improved productivity and success.

The growth mindset approach, which focuses on developing abilities and skills through hard work, good strategies, and mentorship, rather than relying on innate talent, can help employers create a more positive and successful work environment. This will result in increased motivation and productivity from employees, leading to better results for the business. Additionally, understanding this approach will also help employers better understand how to interact with customers, creating a more positive experience and a better reputation for the business.

Having a team and customer base that understands the concept of a growth mindset can also provide significant benefits in the long term. Increased motivation and productivity will lead to better customer service, improved products and services, and a more successful business overall.

All in all, employers can benefit from learning the concepts presented in the video “The Growth Mindset | Carol Dweck | Talks at Google” and its transcript. By doing so, employers can create a growth mindset for their team and customers, leading to increased motivation and productivity, improved customer service, and better products and services. In the end, this will result in a more successful business, now and in the future.

Career Path

Completing a course in Productivity based on the competencies of Learning Strategies, Coaching, and Positive Mindset is essential for anyone looking to take their career to the next level. With this course, you will develop the skills and knowledge necessary to become a more employable and promotable professional.

Gaining the credentials and certifications associated with this course will set you apart from the competition, demonstrating your commitment to honing your skills and learning new competencies. With the ever-changing landscape of the job market, having the ability to stay ahead of the curve and learn the skills that are in high demand in high-growth industries is key to success.

The Growth Mindset, as taught by Professor Carol Dweck from Stanford University, is a key component of learning these skills. By recognizing that your talents and abilities can be developed through hard work and good strategies, you will be able to take on challenges and embrace failure as a learning opportunity. This will help you to become more confident and resilient in the face of obstacles, and will give you the motivation and determination to reach your goals and achieve success.

By taking this course, you will be able to level up your career-defining credentials and become more employable, promotable, and purposeful. You will be able to demonstrate to employers that you are an ambitious and capable professional who is open to learning new skills and willing to work hard to achieve success. This will give you an edge over the competition, and will help you reach your goals and find meaningful work.


"It is not the mountain we conquer but ourselves." - Edmund Hillary

This famous quote by Edmund Hillary encapsulates the main message of Carol Dweck's video: the power of a growth mindset. Rather than focusing on innate talent or intelligence, Dweck emphasizes the importance of challenging yourself and seeing failure and difficulty as learning opportunities. This philosophy is beneficial for both learners and employers. For learners, it encourages them to take risks and strive for their best, rather than focusing on the fear of failure. For employers, it can create a more motivated and resilient workforce, as employees are more likely to take on challenges and learn from their experiences. This growth mindset is essential for both individuals and organizations to reach their full potential.


The most important takeaway I learned from this video is that praising people for their intelligence can have a negative effect, leading to fear of challenges, a desire to look smart, and a narrowing of the world to only include activities that the person is sure they can succeed in. Having a growth mindset, on the other hand, encourages people to take on challenges and learn from mistakes.

The Growth Mindset | Carol Dweck | Talks at Google

Carol Dweck is an expert in the psychology of success and wrote a bestselling book about mindsets, which are beliefs people have about themselves and their abilities that impact how they approach tasks. In the 1990s, the self-esteem movement told people to tell everyone how special and talented they were, but it backfired and led to people accepting mediocrity. Carol's research showed that telling people they are smart actually makes them afraid of challenges and not want to try new things, because they don't want to look or feel stupid. Instead, Carol found that a growth mindset, the idea that everyone can grow and improve their skills, leads to people taking on challenges and working hard to get better. Even though some people are born with special talents and passions, Carol found that they all still need to put in hard work and face obstacles in order to succeed. So instead of telling people they are smart, it's better to let them know their hard work is paying off, and that they can keep growing and learning.

Video Quotes

Quote 1 (Carol Dweck): “Ultimately this led to our discovery of the mindsets. And what we found was that some people believe their talents and abilities are just these fixed traits-- you have a certain amount and that's it. But other people believe talents and abilities can be developed through hard work, good strategies, good mentoring from others.”

Quote 2 (Carol Dweck): “So I don't rule out the idea of the fact that some people are born with passions and talents and build those, but many people who never achieve anything are also born with talents and passions that they don't see through. And what's there, what we come with, that's the raw material that you've got to develop.”

Quote 3 (Carol Dweck): “When you call someone smart, you put them in a box. Or, really, you are kind of putting them on a pedestal. And their life becomes organized around deserving the pedestal, staying on the pedestal. And you can only do that by narrowing your life to include only things you sure you're good at, only things you're sure you can succeed at.”

Related Quotes

"The passion for stretching yourself and sticking to it, even (or especially) when it's not going well, is the hallmark of the growth mindset." -Carol Dweck

"The idea is not to judge yourself but to understand yourself and to use that understanding to move forward and to reach higher goals." -Carol Dweck

"When you do something that stretches you, it's not just the immediate satisfaction; it's that you are building yourself and your future capabilities." -Carol Dweck


1. Learning Strategies
2. Coaching
3. Positive Mindset

Learning Outcomes

1. Understand the concept of ‘mindset’ and differentiate between a fixed and growth mindset (Knowledge)

2. Explain the impact of the self-esteem movement in the 1990s (Comprehension)

3. Analyze the role of innate talent in success (Analysis)

4. Apply the concept of trigger moments to identify fixed and growth mindsets (Application)

5. Evaluate the impact of words such as ‘smart’ and ‘stupid’ on personal development (Evaluation)

6. Create strategies to cultivate and benefit from a growth mindset in various areas (Creation)

Sample Answers

1. Through Carol Dweck's research, I learned that the self-esteem movement of the 1990s was a complete disaster, as it led to the acceptance of mediocrity and caused people to be afraid of challenges. People with a fixed mindset believed that their talents and abilities were limited and could not be changed, while people with a growth mindset believed that their talents and abilities could be developed.
2. I also learned that innate talent can be important, but it is not the only factor in achieving success. Talented people must also put in a lot of hard work and effort in order to reach their goals.
3. Finally, I learned that certain words, such as "smart" and "stupid", can have a powerful effect on motivation. Using these words can cause people to focus on looking smart rather than getting smarter, which can limit their growth and success.

Carol Dweck

Carol Dweck is a Professor of Psychology at Stanford University and the author of the best-selling book Mindset: The New Psychology of Success. She is an expert on The Growth Mindset because of her research on the effects of having a growth mindset (the belief that intelligence and abilities can be developed) versus a fixed mindset (the belief that intelligence and abilities are set and cannot be changed). She is also an honorary member of the American Psychological Association and a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Carol Dweck is affiliated with the Mindset Works organization, which works to help people and organizations reach their full potential through the use of growth mindset strategies. Mindset Works


Q: What did Carol Dweck's research show about telling people they are smart?

A. It motivates them and boosts their achievement
B. It leads to the acceptance of mediocrity
C. It makes them afraid of challenges
D. It makes them embrace challenges and thrive in the face of failure

Answer: B. It leads to the acceptance of mediocrity


Common Hypothetical Questions:
1. What is the difference between a fixed and a growth mindset?
2. What are the advantages of having a growth mindset over a fixed mindset?
3. How can people shift from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset?
4. How can having a growth mindset help someone achieve their goals?

Real-Life Application Questions:
1. How can educators foster a growth mindset in students?
2. What are some practical strategies parents can use to encourage a growth mindset in their children?
3. What are some of the challenges associated with developing a growth mindset?
4. How can businesses and organizations create a growth mindset culture?


Growth Mindset, Fixed Mindset, "Carol Dweck", "Stanford University", "Lewis and Virginia Eaton", "Psychology of Success", "Developing Talents", "Innate Talent", "Trigger Words", "Smart and Stupid", "Motivation and Learning", "Power Through Challenges", "Achievement and Motivation", "Mindsets and Success", "Fixed Mindset Spectrum".


1. Carol Dweck is the author of the bestselling book "Mindset: The New Psychology of Success" which has sold over a million copies.
2. Fixed mindsets lead people to be afraid of challenges, withdraw in the face of difficulty, and be motivated by looking smart.
3. Growth mindsets encourage people to take on challenges and see them through, believing their skills can improve.
4. Innate talent can be developed and augmented through hard work, good strategies, and mentoring.
5. Trigger words like "smart" and "stupid" can lead to negative thinking, and should be avoided.


1. Create a "Growth Mindset" online course or workshop, teaching people how to develop a growth mindset and its benefits.
2. Develop a "Growth Mindset" app, with daily challenges and reminders to help users build their growth mindset.
3. Create a "Growth Mindset" book club, where members read books related to the topic and share their insights and experiences.
4. Develop a "Growth Mindset" web series, where experts in the field are interviewed about their experiences and insights.
5. Create a "Growth Mindset" podcast, featuring interviews with experts, success stories, and advice on how to develop a growth mindset.


This learning instructional guidance was formulated using the GPT-3 language model created by OpenAI.


Growth mindset is key for success: Prof. Carol Dweck from Stanford University explains how a growth mindset, in which you believe that your abilities can be developed, leads to more success than a fixed mindset, in which you believe that your abilities are fixed. #GrowthMindset #SuccessMindset 🙌 @Accredicity

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