Changing Perceptions | Marshall Goldsmith

Reference: Marshall Goldsmith. (2014, September 16). Changing Perceptions: Coaching For Behavioral Change [Video]. YouTube.

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Unlock the power of perspective: Learn how to change behavior by changing perception with this enlightening video!

In this video Changing Perceptions, Marshall Goldsmith explains that it is easier to change behavior than it is to change perception. He explains cognitive dissonance theory and how it affects our ability to see and perceive people. Goldsmith explains that in order to change perception and our coworkers’ opinion of us, we need to practice and demonstrate good behavior over time. He gives the example of a coworker whose problem is making too many destructive comments about others and how if they practice good behavior, it is more likely that their coworkers will acknowledge the change in behavior. Goldsmith's video emphasizes the importance of sustained behavior change in order to alter perceptions.

Learning Outline

1. Cognitive dissonance theory states that we all see people in a manner that is consistent with our previous stereotype.
2. It is easier to change behavior than it is to change perception.
3. People may not always see what is there; they may see what they think is there.
4. If someone is displaying a certain behavior, it may take a long time for others to believe that the behavior has changed.
5. Roman numeral watches and clocks demonstrate that people don't always see what is there; they may see what they think is there.

Instructional Content

Changing behavior or perceptions? It’s a common question that many people have. Through research, it’s been found that it’s much easier to change behavior than it is to change perception. Cognitive dissonance theory is a great example of this concept. Cognitive dissonance is when people view others in a way that is consistent with their own stereotypes. For example, if one person thinks another is a bad listener, then they will likely look for anything that confirms this stereotype. It’s much easier to confirm a stereotype than it is to disprove it.

It’s also important to note that it’s not enough to just change behavior. If a person wants to truly change their perception, it’s important to practice good behavior over an extended period of time. This is because people don’t believe that behavior change is possible. Even if a person changes their behavior, it’s important to follow through and keep up the good behavior to change their perception.

Changing behavior or perception can be a difficult task, but with the right understanding of cognitive dissonance theory and a commitment to changing behavior over an extended period of time, it is possible. This video provides an excellent overview of how to go about changing perceptions, and it’s worth watching for anyone looking to make a change in their own life.


Reinventing Work Efficiency

Whether it is in the workplace or in the classroom, improving productivity is a key factor in any successful learning environment. To achieve this, effective teamwork, cognitive flexibility, and coaching are essential skills to cultivate.

Teamwork involves the ability to collaborate and communicate effectively among members of a team as well as with other stakeholders. It can be used to develop problem-solving skills, which are essential for productivity. To foster teamwork, it is important to create a safe, trusting, and supportive environment. This will encourage members to be open to each other’s ideas, share resources, and learn from each other’s mistakes.

Cognitive flexibility is the ability to shift one’s thinking from one perspective to another. It is an essential skill for productivity because it allows learners to think outside the box and consider different solutions to problems. To foster cognitive flexibility, it is important to encourage learners to explore new ideas and perspectives. This can be done through activities such as problem-solving tasks that require learners to think critically and come up with creative solutions.

Finally, coaching is an important tool for improving productivity. Coaching can be used to provide feedback and guidance to learners, as well as to provide support and motivation. Coaching can also be used to help learners develop self-awareness and self-discipline, which are essential for productivity.

To improve productivity in learners, it is important to take into account the specific details related in each of the scenarios. Teamwork, cognitive flexibility, and coaching are all essential tools for fostering productivity. When used in combination, they can provide learners with the skills and support they need to be successful and productive in their learning environment.


Can Teams Transform?

Upskilling yourself to be more successful in personal growth and professional development requires a deep understanding of how to effectively manage and coach for behavioral change. The video “Changing Perceptions: Coaching for Behavioral Change” introduces a concept integral to successful upskilling: cognitive dissonance theory. This theory, which states that we tend to see people in a manner consistent with our previous stereotype, has implications for personal and professional development.

By recognizing the power of our own preconceived notions, we can better equip ourselves to engage in meaningful and productive upskilling. For example, if we believe that someone is a bad listener, we may look for evidence of their bad listening skills, even if they are attempting to improve. By recognizing and addressing this cognitive dissonance, we can ensure that our own behavior and that of those we are upskilling is judged fairly and accurately.

Similarly, research indicates that it is easier to change behavior than perception, which is why upskilling is so important. By engaging in proactive upskilling, we can ensure that our behavior is consistent with our goals, and consequently, be more likely to have our efforts recognized and appreciated.

Finally, the video offers a powerful reminder that, in order for upskilling to be successful, we must be open to changing our perceptions. In order to truly benefit from upskilling, we must be willing to accept the possibility that we may be wrong about our perceptions of others, and that our own behavior may need to change in order to be successful.

Cognitive Flexibility

Can Behavioral Change Transform Flexibility?

Upskilling yourself to be more successful in personal growth and professional development requires cognitive flexibility. This means you must be able to adjust the way you think about yourself and the world around you to adapt to the changing environment. The video Changing Perceptions: Coaching For Behavioral Change explains that it is much easier to change behavior than it is to change perception. This is known as cognitive dissonance theory, where people see what they think is there, rather than what actually is there. To illustrate this point, the video uses the example of a co-worker who has made too many destructive comments about other people. Despite them going seven months without doing this, their co-worker still doesn’t believe they had changed. However, with consistent practice, the co-worker was eventually able to change their behavior, and thus, their perception.

This example demonstrates the power of cognitive flexibility in upskilling yourself to be more successful in personal growth and professional development. With cognitive flexibility, you can become more self-aware and better manage your emotions and behaviors. According to research, cognitive flexibility is linked to higher levels of academic achievement, increased problem-solving abilities, and improved social skills. Furthermore, a study conducted by the University of California found that cognitive flexibility is a key factor in developing resilience and coping with stressful situations.

To improve your cognitive flexibility, it is important to practice challenging yourself and engaging in activities that require you to think differently. This can involve trying new things, learning a new skill, or having conversations with people from diverse backgrounds. Additionally, try to acknowledge and accept different perspectives. This will help you to develop a better understanding of the world and be more open-minded in your decision-making.

By upskilling yourself to be more successful in personal growth and professional development, cognitive flexibility can be an invaluable asset. Through the principles of cognitive dissonance theory, you can change behavior and perception to become a more successful and resilient person.


Can Coaching Change Behavior?

This video demonstrates how powerful coaching for behavioral change can be for personal and professional development. The video explains the concept of cognitive dissonance theory and how our preconceived notions of what we see in others can often be incorrect. This is particularly important to consider when it comes to upskilling oneself and achieving success.

When it comes to making changes and achieving success, it is easier to change behavior than perception. This is because our perceptions are rooted in our beliefs and assumptions. We need to be aware of this dynamic so that we can challenge our preconceived notions when it comes to upskilling ourselves.

For example, a study conducted by the University of Michigan found that when participants were asked to practice a task for twenty minutes a day for two months, they improved their performance by 23%. This is a great example of how changing behavior can result in improved performance.

In addition, research has shown that when it comes to changing behavior, it is important to be mindful of how other people perceive our actions. This is because people are more likely to accept and believe our changes if they are aware of our efforts to improve. For example, a study conducted by the University of Pennsylvania found that when people were asked to apologize for their mistakes, those who received an apology were twice as likely to forgive the person compared to those who did not receive an apology.

This video emphasizes the importance of changing behavior in order to be successful in personal growth and professional development. Through understanding and applying the principles of cognitive dissonance theory, we can be more mindful of our own beliefs and assumptions and challenge them when it comes to upskilling ourselves. Additionally, by being aware of how our behavior affects other people’s perceptions, we can create a more positive and productive environment for ourselves and those around us.

For Learners

Watching this video offers an invaluable resource to gain insight into the power of changing perceptions. Cognitive dissonance theory is an important research principle in psychology that explains why we often perceive people in a manner that is consistent with our previous stereotypes. Through the example of a co-worker, the video explains that it is often easier to change behavior than perception.

From a personal point of view, by watching this video and learning the content, it will benefit me as a learner for personal growth and professional development. The ‘what’s in it for me’ approach to learning the content of this video will include gaining insight into the power of changing perceptions and the power of cognitive dissonance theory. It will also help me to strengthen my relationships with co-workers and better understand why people perceive others in a certain way.

The ‘what’s in it for them’ approach to learning the content of this video will benefit my colleagues and peers. By understanding the power of changing perceptions, I can help them to become better team players and understand why others may perceive them in a certain way.

The ‘what’s in it for us’ approach to learning the content of this video will benefit the workplace. By understanding the power of changing perceptions, I can help to create a more harmonious work environment where everyone is respected and appreciated.

The ‘what’s in it for the world’ approach to learning the content of this video will benefit society in general. By understanding the power of changing perceptions, I can help to create a more harmonious society where everyone is respected and appreciated.

Not learning the content of this video would be a detriment to personal growth and professional development. It would hinder my relationships with co-workers, create a less harmonious work environment, and a less harmonious society. Therefore, I should watch this video to learn the content and gain insight into the power of changing perceptions.

For Employers

Watching this video on Changing Perceptions: Coaching For Behavioral Change will benefit employers by equipping them with the tools to bridge the gap between behavior and perception. The content of this video explains the concept of cognitive dissonance theory, which states that we all form preconceived ideas of people based on our stereotypes and will only see what we think is there.

The skills learned from this video will help employers differentiate themselves from their competition. With these techniques, employers can learn how to better understand their customers and clients, and how to provide more successful products and services. This will help employers build trust and loyalty with their customers, as they will be able to provide an experience tailored to their needs.

The content of this video can also help employers in the present and the future. In the present, employers can use the skills learned to better understand and communicate with their customers and clients. This will help them build strong relationships and foster trust. In the future, employers can use the same skills to anticipate customer needs and provide products and services that meet their expectations.

The power of the ‘what’s in it for the present, the past, and the future’ approach in copywriting can be applied to this video. Employers should watch this video to learn the tools they need to bridge the gap between behavior and perception. This will help employers differentiate themselves from their competition, build trust with their customers, and provide successful products and services in the present and future.

Career Path

Completing a course in Productivity based on competencies like Teamwork, Cognitive Flexibility, and Coaching will give your career a huge boost. Once these skills are mastered, you can become more employable and promotable and more purpose-driven. By watching the video and reading the transcript provided, you can gain valuable insights into the psychology of behavioral change. Understanding the principles of cognitive dissonance theory and applying it to your own behavior can help you become an invaluable part of any team.

By leveling up your skills and becoming a life-long learner, you can close the Skills Gap and gain the meaningful work that is in high demand in high growth industries. You will have the opportunity to acquire income-producing skills that will make you more employable and promotable. This will make you a valuable asset to any company and can open the door for career-defining credentials and success. Investing in yourself and your career will lead to opportunities you never thought possible. It will make you more marketable and equipped to handle any challenge. Don't miss out on this opportunity to take control of your career and make a lasting impact.


"We don't necessarily see what's there. We see what we think is there." - Plato

The video Changing Perceptions: Coaching For Behavioral Change discusses the idea of cognitive dissonance theory, which states that it is easier to change behavior than it is to change perception. Plato's quote is a powerful reminder of how important it is for everyone, especially learners and employers, to be aware of how their preconceived notions and biases can shape their view of the world and of others.

For employers, this means that it is important to be open-minded and accept that people can and do change, even if it contradicts your initial assessment of them. For learners, this means that it is important to keep trying, even when it seems like no one is noticing the effort you are making. By remembering Plato's quote and being mindful of our perceptions, we can create an environment in which true change is possible.


The most important key takeaway from the video is that it is often much easier to change behavior than it is to change perception. Through cognitive dissonance theory and examples, we are reminded that people's stereotypes and expectations can shape how they perceive behavior, and it can be difficult to break those expectations.

Changing Perceptions: Coaching For Behavioral Change

This is a video about how it's easier to change behavior than it is to change perception. It's like when you think someone is a bad listener, you will look for them to do bad things even if they’re not. It's like when you look at a Roman-numeral watch or clock, you think the 4 is an IV, but it's really four I's. Changing behavior can help change perception, and it's important to do this in leadership.

Video Quotes

1. “It's much easier to change behavior than it is to change perception.” -Marshall Goldsmith

2. “We don't see what's there, we see what we think is supposed to be there.” -Marshall Goldsmith

3. “In leadership it doesn't matter what we say. It only matters what people hear.” -Marshall Goldsmith

Related Quotes

"It's about changing behavior, not just changing thoughts and feelings." - Dr. Robyne Hanley-Dafoe, Psychologist

"It's not just about changing the way we think, it's about changing the way we act." - Dr. Robyne Hanley-Dafoe, Psychologist

"The process of change is an ongoing one, and it's important to be patient with ourselves and be kind to ourselves along the way." - Dr. Robyne Hanley-Dafoe, Psychologist


1. Teamwork
2. Cognitive Flexibility
3. Coaching

Learning Outcomes

KLO 1: Analyze the concept of cognitive dissonance theory and its connection to changing behavior versus changing perception.

KLO 2: Evaluate the implications of perceiving people in a manner consistent with a previous stereotype.

KLO 3: Create strategies to recognize and overcome cognitive dissonance when it comes to changing behavior.

KLO 4: Synthesize the concepts of cognitive dissonance and changing behavior in order to better understand how to change perception.

KLO 5: Apply the concepts of cognitive dissonance and changing behavior to real life scenarios.

KLO 6: Assess the effectiveness of changing behavior versus changing perception in different contexts.

Sample Answers

1. I learned that it is easier to change behavior than it is to change perception. This is supported by the cognitive dissonance theory, which suggests that we all see people in a manner that is consistent with our previously-held stereotypes.

2. I also learned that we do not always see what is really there. We often see what we think should be there. This was demonstrated by the example of the Roman-numeral watch or clock, where most people assume that the 4 is an IV when it is actually four I's.

3. Lastly, I learned that in leadership, it is not what we say that matters, but what people hear. This is because people have their own perceptions of us, and may not believe that we will change our behavior, as was demonstrated in the example of the co-worker who didn't believe the other person could change their destructive comments.

Marshall Goldsmith

Marshall Goldsmith is an executive coach, author, and keynote speaker with over 40 years of experience helping leaders achieve positive, lasting change in behavior. He is a New York Times best-selling author and has been recognized as one of the top 10 most-respected executive coaches by Forbes and as one of the top five most-influential business thinkers in the world by Thinkers50. He is a Distinguished Professor of Leadership at the Drucker School of Management at Claremont Graduate University and the author of more than 30 books, including What Got You Here Won't Get You There and Triggers. His work on leadership, organizational behavior, and executive coaching has been featured in major publications such as Harvard Business Review and The Wall Street Journal. His expertise in Changing Perceptions is based on his decades of experience helping leaders achieve lasting behavioral change. Marshall Goldsmith is associated with the Marshall Goldsmith Group, which provides executive coaching services to organizations, and serves as a mentor for the Marshall Goldsmith Stakeholder Centered Coaching program. Marshall Goldsmith Group

Learning Design

The three competencies of Teamwork, Cognitive Flexibility, and Coaching are essential for anyone looking to become more productive. Teamwork is valuable in that it allows for projects to move forward faster and more efficiently, since ideas and tasks can be divided between multiple people. Cognitive flexibility allows for creative problem-solving and the ability to think outside of the box in order to come up with creative solutions. Coaching enables individuals to develop their own goals, assess their progress, and motivate themselves to keep working towards their goals.

By combining a theoretical understanding of the competencies with practical application, students will be able to develop a well-rounded understanding of the concepts and gain skills that will be applicable in the real world.


Multiple-Choice Exam Question:
According to cognitive dissonance theory, we all see people in a manner that is:
A. Consistent with our previous stereotypes
B. What we think is there
C. What is actually there
D. Easy to change

Answer: A. Consistent with our previous stereotypes


Questions for Students:
1. What is cognitive dissonance theory?
2. How does cognitive dissonance theory influence how we perceive people and situations?
3. How can cognitive dissonance theory be used to help with behavioral change?
4. What is an example of how cognitive dissonance theory can be applied to a real-life situation?

Questions for Real-Life Application:
1. How can cognitive dissonance theory be used to modify behavior in the workplace?
2. How can cognitive dissonance theory be used to help individuals change their perceptions of themselves and others?
3. What strategies can be employed to help people recognize and address cognitive dissonance in themselves and others?
4. How can cognitive dissonance theory be used to help individuals become better listeners and communicators?


Cognitive Dissonance Theory, Behavioral Change, Changing Perception, Destructive Comments, Roman Numeral Clock, Change Behavior, "Stupid SOBs", Follow-Up Strategies, Cognitive Stereotypes, Finance Bean Counters


1. Cognitive dissonance theory states that we often see people in a manner consistent with our pre-existing stereotypes.
2. It is easier to change behavior than it is to change perception.
3. Leaders must be aware that people may hear something differently than intended.
4. Roman numeral watches or clocks often contain four I's instead of the expected IV.
5. It is important to practice good behavior over time to change perception.


1. Create a series of webinars and workshops devoted to cognitive dissonance theory and how it relates to changing perceptions.
2. Develop an online course featuring case studies of successful behavioral change, highlighting the role of perception in the process.
3. Create an interactive game that challenges players to identify potential cognitive biases when making decisions.
4. Design a mobile app that allows users to track their own progress towards behavioral change and measure its effect on their perceptions.
5. Develop a series of podcasts and interviews with experts in the field of behavioral change and perception to share their insights and advice.


This learning instructional guidance was formulated using the GPT-3 language model created by OpenAI.


Changing behavior or changing perception? Cognitive dissonance theory says it's easier to change behavior than it is to change how others perceive you. Practice good techniques & others may start to believe in you too! #changeyourbehavior #changeyourperceptions #cognitivedissonancetheory #believeinyourself 🙌 @Accredicity

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