Using GROW Model for Problem Solving and Decision Making | The Mission Continues

Reference: The Mission Continues. (2020, April 24). Using the GROW Model for Problem Solving and Decision Making [Video]. YouTube.

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Discover how to make the best decision and solve your problem quickly with the GROW Model!

Heather McCarty, the Director of Learning and Development at The Mission Continues, introduces the GROW Model for Problem Solving and Decision Making. This model is used to help people move forward in decision-making, identify areas of uncertainty, and take action leading to better results. The four components of the GROW Model are Goals, Reality, Options and Way Forward. Through example, Heather explains how to use the GROW Model in both personal and professional life to efficiently solve problems and make decisions.

Learning Outline

1. Goals: Identify why the goal is important and the implications if it is not achieved.
2. Reality: Identify what has been happening, the current state, any limitations, and what has been tried already.
3. Options: Brainstorm without judgment all the different ways the goal can be achieved and explore potential options.
4. Way Forward: Decide which option to choose, what needs to be done, by when, and how it can be followed up on.

Instructional Content

The GROW Model is an incredibly useful tool for problem-solving and decision-making. It is a framework that helps you to move from feeling stuck to taking action and achieving better results. The GROW Model consists of four components: Goals, Reality, Options, and Way Forward.

When utilizing the model, start by determining your goal and exploring the reality. Ask yourself why this goal is important, what are the implications if it isn't achieved, and what has been done already. Then, brainstorm different options without judgment and assess which of these you feel comfortable with. Finally, decide on what you are willing to do and identify any potential roadblocks.

The GROW Model can be used in both personal and professional settings. It is useful in helping to identify the steps to take when making decisions and can help to stimulate creativity and generate ideas. This model is beneficial in that it can provide a roadmap for problem-solving and decision-making, allowing us to move forward and take action.


"Unlock Leadership Potential: GROW"

Coaching, problem solving, and decision making are essential components of effective leadership development. By using the GROW Model for Problem Solving and Decision Making, leaders can gain the skills necessary to be successful in any situation. The GROW Model is a framework composed of four components: Goals, Reality, Options, and Way Forward. Through this model, leaders can set goals, explore the current reality, generate options, and decide on the best way forward.

When setting goals, it is important to consider why this goal is important, what are the implications of not achieving it, and if it is worth spending time on. Exploring the reality helps to identify what actions have been taken, what potential obstacles exist, and what impact this has on others. Generating options focuses on brainstorming without judgement and allowing for imagination. This is the phase where leaders can really think outside the box and come up with creative solutions. Finally, the Way Forward phase is all about taking action and committing to the goal. Leaders can decide which option they are most comfortable with and what is needed to move forward.

The GROW Model is an effective tool for leaders to use in any situation. It helps to identify and commit to goals, navigate current situations, and plan for the best way forward. By using this model, leaders can develop their problem solving and decision making skills, leading to greater success in the workplace.


"Grow Your Coaching Skills?"

One of the most important skills we can develop is upskilling ourselves through problem-solving and decision-making. The GROW model is a great way to develop our problem-solving and decision-making skills and it can be used in our personal and professional lives. The GROW model stands for Goals, Reality, Options and Way Forward.

The first step of the GROW model is to set our goals and determine why achieving them is important. This helps us to make sure we are investing our time in the right place and that we are achieving our goals in the most efficient way.

The second step is to explore the reality of the situation. This requires us to identify what has been tried, what stands in our way, and the potential implications of not achieving the goal.

The third step is to explore the options available to us. We need to think of the options we have without limitations and consider the potential impact on other people.

The fourth and final step is to decide which options we are comfortable with and move forward with them. This allows us to take action and hopefully get the desired results.

By upskilling ourselves with the GROW model, we can make better decisions and solve problems more efficiently. Through the GROW model, we can develop our personal growth and professional development and become more successful.

Problem Solving

Solve Problems: GROW?

The GROW Model is an invaluable tool for problem solving and decision making. It helps us take action and move forward in a productive and effective way, whether in our personal or professional lives. The model is composed of four components: Goals, Reality, Options and Way Forward.

The first step is to identify our goal. What do we ultimately want to achieve? What are the implications for ourselves and for others if we don’t achieve this goal? It is also important to consider if the goal is worth our time and the time of others.

Next, we explore the reality of the situation. What have we already tried? What stands in our way? How might this situation affect other people? This helps us to check the feasibility of our goal and adjust our expectations accordingly.

In the third step, we generate options. This is a chance for us to brainstorm and come up with ideas without judgement. What choices can we make if there are no limitations? What might other people need to know to be a part of this process? This encourages us to think outside the box and come up with creative solutions.

Finally, we make decisions. What are we willing to do to achieve our goal? What will we need to do, by when, and how will it be followed up? It is essential to identify any potential obstacles and decide how we will move them out of the way.

The GROW Model provides a framework to ensure that we make decisions that will set us up to take action and ultimately result in better outcomes. It is an essential tool to upskill ourselves and become even more successful in personal growth and professional development.

Decision Making

Can GROW Help Decide?

The GROW Model for problem solving and decision making is a powerful tool that can help you upskill yourself to achieve personal and professional growth. This model can be applied to many different situations and can help you get unstuck when you’re feeling stuck and unable to make progress. The GROW Model is made up of four distinct components. The first is Goals, where you must identify why the goal is important and what will happen if it’s not accomplished. The second is Reality, where you explore what has been tried, what stands in the way, and what impact it has on others. The third is Options, where you generate solutions and consider the feasibility of each option. And finally, the fourth is Way Forward, where you decide which option to take and the steps required to make it happen.

For example, if you’re trying to decide what to do for dinner, the GROW Model can help. You can start by identifying the goal, which in this case is to decide on a dinner that everyone in the family can eat. Then, you explore the reality, such as the availability of curbside pickup and local businesses that need support. You can then brainstorm solutions and options, such as ordering delivery or picking up food. Finally, you can decide on the best option and what steps you need to take to make it happen.

This model is incredibly useful in many aspects of life, including personal and professional situations. It allows us to make decisions and take action, leading to better results. It also helps us think generatively and consider solutions that may have seemed outlandish at first, but could be the best way of achieving the goal. When implemented correctly, the GROW Model is an effective tool for problem solving and decision making that can help you upskill yourself to be more successful in personal growth and professional development.

For Learners

Watching this video and learning the content of the GROW Model for Problem Solving and Decision Making provides a great positive benefit to learners. The video takes a concise yet comprehensive approach to introducing the model, breaking it down into four different components and providing examples of how to apply it. Learning this model can help you in many areas of your life, from personal goal setting to work decisions. Specifically, the model provides a framework for identifying goals, exploring the current reality, brainstorming options, and making a way forward that leads to better results.

Not learning the content of this video has a negative detriment. Without the tools provided by the model, you may find yourself stuck in a difficult situation without knowing what to do next. You may find yourself overwhelmed by the number of options and unable to determine which one to pursue. You may struggle to make decisions that lead to meaningful progress.

Using the ‘What’s in it for me’, ‘What’s in it for them’, ‘What’s in it for us’, and ‘What’s in it for the world’ approach to learning the content of this video will benefit you as a learner for personal growth and professional development. For you, the model can help you to think more clearly and to make better decisions. For them, it can help to create the best possible outcome in any given situation. For us, it can foster collaboration and teamwork by providing a framework for working through complex issues. For the world, it can provide individuals and organizations with the tools they need to make decisions that will lead to positive change.

For Employers

This video on the GROW Model for Problem Solving and Decision Making provides employers with invaluable tools to help them achieve better results. Employers can differentiate themselves from their competitors by learning and applying this model to their problem solving and decision making processes. By doing so, they will have the confidence and knowledge to make better decisions, faster and more efficiently. This skill is essential for any employer, as not only can it help employers stay ahead of the competition, but it also helps them to be seen as an authority in their field.

Employers can also use this model to provide their team with the skills they need to make the best decisions, while minimizing risk. Knowing how to use the GROW Model can help ensure that the team is able to identify the right goals, explore the reality, explore options, and make the right decisions and take the right actions. This can help employers to create a culture of problem solving and decision-making that leads to better results and improved customer and client satisfaction.

Finally, understanding the GROW Model can help employers become better problem solvers and decision makers which can have a positive impact on their products and services. Employers can use the GROW Model to make decisions that have a positive impact on their current and future customers and clients. This helps to create a positive perception of the company and the products and services they offer.

By watching this video, employers can learn and apply the GROW Model for Problem Solving and Decision Making, which can help them to make better decisions, faster and more efficiently. This model also provides employers with a way to differentiate themselves from their competition, provide their team with the skills they need to make the best decisions, and create a positive perception of their products and services.

Career Path

For people looking to take their career to the next level, completing a course in Leadership based on the competencies of Coaching, Problem Solving, and Decision Making can be an invaluable asset. With the right credentials and understanding of the GROW Model, you can become more employable, promotable, and purposeful in your career.

The GROW Model provides a framework for problem-solving and decision making that can be used in a variety of situations, from personal and family to work and team settings. By setting goals, exploring the reality, brainstorming options, and deciding on a way forward, you can make decisions and take action that leads to better results.

The knowledge and credentials you will receive from taking a course in Leadership based on the competencies of Coaching, Problem Solving, and Decision Making will set you apart from the competition and give you the skills to become a leader in your field. With these career-defining credentials, you can accelerate your progress and increase your chances of finding the job of your dreams or getting a promotion at your current job.


"It always seems impossible until it's done" - Nelson Mandela

This quote by Nelson Mandela perfectly encapsulates the GROW Model for Problem Solving and Decision Making. It is a framework that helps to break down complex tasks into manageable pieces, so that individuals can move forward and achieve their goals. The GROW Model suggests that the first step is to identify the goal and ask why it is important. The next step is to explore the reality and consider what has been tried already and what obstacles need to be overcome. The third step is to generate options and explore the possibilities without judgement. Finally, the last step is to make a decision and take action to achieve the goal.

Using the GROW Model is a great way to stay focused and motivated, even during complex or difficult tasks. It can be used by both learners and employers to break down goals into achievable steps and to consider how their decisions will impact others. The GROW Model helps to keep perspective and encourages action, so that the seemingly impossible can be done.


The most important takeaway from the GROW Model is that it allows us to make decisions that lead to better results. By taking the time to set goals, identify reality, explore options, and decide on an action plan, we can move beyond feeling stuck and take action towards a successful outcome.

Using the GROW Model for Problem Solving and Decision Making

The GROW Model is like a map to help us make decisions and solve problems. It's a way to get unstuck and move forward. It has four steps: Goals, Reality, Options, and Way Forward. Goals are why we are doing something and what would happen if we don't do it. Reality is what we have tried, what stands in the way, and how others might experience it. Options are all the possible ways to do something, even the wild ideas. Way Forward is choosing what to do and how to do it. So with the GROW Model, you can get from feeling stuck to taking action and seeing results.

Video Quotes

1. “Ultimately when we are able to identify the goals, what's going on with the reality, explore different opportunities and then land on a way forward it allows us to make decisions which ultimately sets us up to take actions and eventually that leads to better results.” - Heather McCarty

2. “Not only can you utilize this in your personal life or your familial situations but it's also really a great model to use in team settings as well as in work settings.” - Heather McCarty

3. “In this particular phase the things that you are checking are what will you need to do, you have to identify which one of those options do you feel committed to enough that you would be willing to put forth some effort take some action." - Heather McCarty

Related Quotes

"We should never assume that we know the answer before exploring the situation thoroughly." - Dr. Dave Alred MBE

"We can't just assume that we know the answer to every problem that comes our way. We need to take the time to really understand the situation, gather the facts, and then make an informed decision." - Dr. Dave Alred MBE

"The GROW Model provides a simple but comprehensive structure for problem solving and decision making." - Dr. Dave Alred MBE


1. Coaching
2. Problem Solving
3. Decision Making

Learning Outcomes

1. Analyze the implications of not achieving the goal of deciding on dinner for the family (Analyze)
2. Evaluate ways to support local businesses for dinner options for the family (Evaluate)
3. Create a plan for dinner options that would meet the dietary needs of the family (Create)
4. Utilize the Grow model to identify the current reality for dinner options (Understand)
5. Apply the Grow model to explore potential dinner options (Apply)
6. Synthesize the different dinner options to decide on the best outcome (Synthesize)

Sample Answers

1. The GROW Model is a great tool to help with problem solving and decision making. It consists of four components: goals, reality, options and way forward. By identifying the necessary components, it allows us to make decisions and take action which helps us achieve better results.

2. When using the GROW Model, it's important to set clear goals and understand the implications of not achieving them. We must also explore the reality of the situation to check if the goal is realistic, identify any limitations and brainstorm options.

3. Lastly, we must decide which option to pursue and be committed to taking action. We should also identify what could stand in the way and how we can move those out of the way in order to achieve the goal. This model can be used in personal, familial, team and work settings.

Heather McCarty

Heather McCarty is a Leadership Coach and Executive Leadership Consultant. She has a Master's degree in Human Resources and has been working in the field for over 20 years. She has extensive experience in working with teams to develop and implement successful problem solving and decision making strategies. Heather currently serves as the Director of Leadership Development for The Mission Continues, a non-profit organization that empowers veterans to build stronger communities.The Mission Continues

Learning Design

Coaching involves the ability to motivate, develop, and support others in order to help them reach their goals. It is important for leaders to have this skill in order to be able to support their team and provide them with the resources they need to succeed.

Problem-solving is a skill that all leaders must possess in order to be able to identify and address issues that arise in their organization. Leaders must be able to think critically and identify the best solutions to problems in order to ensure the success of their team.

Decision-making is an essential skill for any leader. Leaders must be able to make informed decisions that are in the best interest of the organization. They must also consider the potential consequences of their decisions and be able to make adjustments as needed.


Q: What is the first step of the GROW Model for Problem Solving and Decision Making?

A. Identify the Implications
B. Explore the Reality
C. Set Goals
D. Take Action


Common Questions:

1. What is the GROW Model?
2. What are the four components of the GROW Model?
3. What are the benefits of using the GROW Model?
4. How can the GROW Model be used in different situations?

Real-Life Examples:

1. How can the GROW Model be used to develop a solution to a problem related to dinner for a family with different dietary needs?
2. How can the GROW Model be used to make decisions in a work setting?
3. How can the GROW Model be used to make decisions in a team setting?
4. How can the GROW Model be used to identify potential obstacles and develop solutions?


Problem Solving and Decision Making, Local Businesses Support, Curbside Pickup Restaurants, Dietary Needs Variety, Grocery Shopping Options


1. The GROW Model is an effective tool for problem-solving and decision-making.
2. Setting a goal is the first step of the GROW Model.
3. Exploring the reality of a problem allows you to determine if the goal is achievable.
4. Generating ideas and brainstorming solutions is the third step of the GROW Model.
5. The fourth step of the GROW Model is to decide on an action plan to achieve the goal.


1. Goal: Brainstorm potential local restaurants that serve meals that meet the dietary needs of all family members and also offer curbside pickup.

2. Reality: Identify any potential limitations such as a shortage of staff or a lack of restaurants that meet the criteria.

3. Options: Explore different delivery services or meal delivery kits that could be ordered online.


This learning instructional guidance was formulated using the GPT-3 language model created by OpenAI.


Feeling stuck on what to do next? Take the #GROWModel to help make decisions & solve problems! Set goals, explore reality, generate options, decide on way forward. With this model, you can move forward and achieve better results! #DecisionMaking #ProblemSolving #MoveForward 💪 @Accredicity

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