Sample Life Coaching Session | Life Coaching with Krista Kathleen

Reference: Life Coaching with Krista Kathleen. (2018, January 31). LIFE COACH: Sample Life Coaching Session [Video]. YouTube.

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Discover how to effectively coach with the power of mindset work and avoid the one-on-one burden with this sample life coaching session.

Sample Life Coaching Session with Krista Kathleen is a video that shows how to set up and run a life coaching session. Krista Kathleen, a life coach who helps new life coaches start and grow their business, talks with Morgan Renato who is her pretend client. The first five minutes are used to check-in with the client and celebrate wins, acknowledge their accomplishments, and set goals. The meat and potatoes of the session revolve around the coaching request which in this case is to get clear on what services to offer her health coaching clients. Krista also shares tips on how to prevent clients from coming to the session without a coaching request.

Learning Outline

Main Points to Learn from Video:
1. Take time at the beginning of a coaching session to do a check in with the client and celebrate wins.
2. Use a spiritual practice, such as meditation or breathing exercises, or a tarot or oracle card reading to transition into the coaching request.
3. Ask the client to review their goals that were established during the initial coaching session.
4. Check-in with the client to see if there are any obstacles impeding their progress.
5. Clarify the coaching request from the client.
6. Ask the client what they are currently offering their coaching clients.
7. Discuss ways to incorporate the mindset work with clients without having to work one-on-one with them.

Instructional Content

Life coaching is a great way to help individuals work through their goals and obstacles in life. Through a sample life coaching session, viewers can better understand the process, structure, and topics which make up a successful life coaching session. Krista Kathleen is a life coach who helps new life coaches start and grow their own life coaching businesses. In this video, Krista Kathleen has Morgan Renato, a health coach who works with women helping them get over limiting mindset beliefs, as her pretend client.

Krista Kathleen outlines how she sets up and runs her coaching sessions. She starts her sessions with a check-in, where she celebrates her client’s wins, acknowledges them for their accomplishments, and checks for any needs before getting into the coaching request. This is a great way to make the client feel comfortable by creating a positive rapport.

Next, Krista Kathleen has her clients create a goddess plan, where they choose one to three big goals to accomplish within the next three months. This is a great way for clients to focus on their goals and stay on track with their progress. After this, Krista Kathleen goes into the coaching request. In this case, Morgan wanted to get more clear about what she wanted to offer her clients in terms of wellness coaching, while not having to do it one-on-one.

By watching this video, viewers can get a better understanding of the process and structure of a life coaching session. In addition, viewers can also learn how to set up their own coaching sessions in a way that best suits their clients’ needs. With this knowledge, viewers can gain the insight they need to create a successful life coaching experience.


Grow Your Leadership Potential

Improving leadership skills requires developing a strong understanding of personal growth, self-awareness, and coaching. This video and transcript provide an excellent example of how to structure a life coaching session to work on developing leadership skills.

The first step to improving leadership is to create a check-in with the client and discuss any wins they want to celebrate and any needs they may have before the coaching session begins. Giving the client an opportunity to reflect on their successes and challenges allows for a more meaningful conversation about the areas they need to improve upon. Following the check-in, review the goals the client has set for themselves and how they’ve been progressing. This is a great time to provide encouragement and recognize their progress to help keep them motivated.

The next step is the coaching request. Ask the client to clearly articulate what their request is so that you can focus the session on addressing their specific needs. Once the request is clear, ask the client to explain what they’ve already done to work on their goals and what obstacles they’ve encountered. This information can be used to develop an actionable plan for the client that can help them move forward and make progress towards their goals.

Finally, utilize the coaching session to provide guidance and support. This can include providing resources and strategies, offering feedback and advice, and helping the client to identify and work through any challenges they may be facing. It is also important to ensure that the client is taking ownership of their own progress and is setting achievable goals that they can work towards.

By following the example provided in this video and transcript, individuals can develop their leadership skills and reach their goals. Taking the time to understand personal growth, self-awareness, and coaching can help individuals to become better leaders and achieve success.


Ready for a Change?

Upskilling yourself to become more successful in personal growth and professional development can be done through a variety of methods, including life coaching. As evidenced by the video “LIFE COACH: Sample Life Coaching Session”, life coaching is an effective way to upskill. The video showcases a life coach named Krista Kathleen and her client Morgan Renato, who is a health coach. In the video, Krista explains how she sets up and runs a coaching session. She begins with a check-in, to celebrate wins and acknowledge the client for their accomplishments. She also asks if the client has any needs before they get into the coaching request. Krista then reviews the client’s goals, which they have set in their previous session. This allows the coach to ensure the client is on track and to discuss any obstacles or barriers that may be in the way of completing their goals.

Finally, the coach and client move on to the coaching request. This is the meat and potatoes of the session, and is what the client wants to work on. In this case, Morgan wanted to get clear about what she was going to be offering her coaching clients. She was feeling overwhelmed by how to incorporate more of the mindset work into her offer without having to be one-on-one with her clients. Krista was able to help her break down her goals into attainable steps and suggest ways to overcome any obstacles.

Coaching sessions such as the one depicted in the video are an effective way to upskill and make progress in personal growth and professional development. They are beneficial as they allow the client to have a supportive and unbiased opinion, help them to break down their goals into attainable steps, and provide accountability and structure. By incorporating life coaching into your upskilling journey, you can ensure that you are taking the right steps to make tangible progress.

Personal Growth

Ready for Personal Growth?

Upskilling yourself in personal growth and professional development is a great way to achieve success. Watching and learning from videos, such as the life coaching session in the video, can be a great way to learn how to develop yourself and master your craft. The video and transcript showcases how to properly facilitate a coaching session and the importance of setting goals, celebrating wins and reviewing progress.

In the video, the coach sets the client up by having a check-in and reviewing goals. This is an important step as it allows the coach to assess the client’s needs and make sure that the client is in the right frame of mind to begin the coaching session. By setting up the client in the right way, it increases the chances of a successful outcome for the session.

The coach also encourages the client to take notes and have a pen and paper ready to go. This is an important step as it allows the client to take actionable steps away from the session and apply what they have learned to their day-to-day life. Additionally, the coach also encourages the client to have their own style and personality to the coaching session. This is important as it allows the client to feel comfortable and be more open to the coaching session.

Overall, the video and transcript showcases the importance of setting up the coaching session properly and the importance of taking actionable steps away from the session. By upskilling yourself in personal growth and professional development, you will be able to achieve success and reach your goals.


Ready for Self-Growth?

Self-awareness is an essential skill for personal growth and professional development. To become more successful and reach our goals, it is important to stay on top of our own self-awareness and identify areas where we can improve. The video “LIFE COACH: Sample Life Coaching Session” and transcript serve as a great example of how to apply self-awareness to your life.

Krista Kathleen, the life coach in the video, introduces us to Morgan Renato, who is playing the role of the client. During the check-in, Krista gets to know Morgan and celebrates her wins, such as facing her fear of being visible on social media head-on and creating content for her business. Krista demonstrates the importance of setting goals and having actionable steps to reach them. She also encourages Morgan to journal in order to become more self-aware.

Since self-awareness is essential to personal growth, it is important to be honest with ourselves and identify areas of improvement. According to a study by the American Psychological Association, self-awareness is a key factor in success. Specifically, the study found that people who are more self-aware are better able to understand their strengths and weaknesses, navigate difficult emotions and situations, and set goals for themselves.

The video and transcript show us how to apply self-awareness to our lives by setting goals, taking actionable steps, and understanding our strengths and weaknesses. By learning from Krista’s example and incorporating self-awareness into our lives, we can become more successful and reach our goals.

For Learners

Watching this video is a great opportunity to learn the strategies of how to set up a successful coaching session. Learning the content of this video will benefit the individual learner by providing a visual example of how a life coaching session can be set up. Whether you are a new or experienced life coach, watching this video will provide you with a better understanding of how to provide an effective and efficient coaching session. Additionally, you will also learn the importance of a check-in with your client, how to set goals, and how to ask the right questions that can help your client identify their needs and challenges.

The ‘what’s in it for me’ approach to learning the content of this video is that it will provide you with a deeper understanding of the life coaching process, enabling you to become a better coach and help your clients more effectively. The ‘what’s in it for them’ approach to learning the content of this video is that you will be able to provide more meaningful and effective coaching sessions, leading to better results for your clients. The ‘what’s in it for us’ approach to learning the content of this video is that it will help build a strong and trusting coach-client relationship. Finally, the ‘what’s in it for the world’ approach to learning the content of this video is that it will help to create a more balanced and successful world by helping individuals become more self-aware and confident, which in turn can lead to a better quality of life for all.

On the other hand, not learning the content of this video will result in a lack of knowledge and understanding of the life coaching process. This can lead to ineffective coaching sessions, resulting in a lack of trust and confidence between the coach and the client. This can also lead to a lack of success and results for the client, which can be detrimental to their personal growth and professional development.

For Employers

Watching this video and understanding the content of it can help employers differentiate themselves from their competition and ensure customer satisfaction. First, employers and their teams can learn the components of a life coaching session and tailor it to their own business practices and customer service methods. Not only will this help employers and staff gain a better understanding of how a coaching session works, but it will also allow them to provide a more customized approach to customers and clients, which in turn would lead to better customer satisfaction. Additionally, employers and their teams can use the concepts in the video to craft more effective marketing strategies and campaigns that focus on the customer’s needs and wants. This will help employers create a more personalized experience for their clients and, ultimately, lead to more successful and successful sales. Finally, employers can use the video to bring a more human element to their business practices. By understanding the power of coaching and the importance of creating meaningful relationships with customers and clients, employers can demonstrate to their customers and clients that they truly care about their needs and wants. This, in turn, creates a more positive relationship and can help to build loyalty among customers and clients. In conclusion, the concepts presented in this video can help employers differentiate themselves from their competition, provide better customer service, craft more successful marketing strategies, and bring a human element to their business. Ultimately, this will help employers and their teams to better serve their customers and clients, and lead to more successful sales and customer satisfaction.

Career Path

Completing a course in leadership based on the competencies of Coaching, Personal Growth, and Self-Awareness can help anyone gain the skills necessary to become more employable, promotable, and purposeful. This course will give you the tools and knowledge to become well-versed in the latest leadership approaches, while also improving your communication, problem-solving, and decision-making abilities. In addition, you will be learning how to use the power of coaching to help others achieve their goals and aspirations, as well as leading and developing teams. By gaining these skills, you will be able to confidently demonstrate your value to employers and stand out from the crowd with your professional credentials.

Watching this video and reading the transcript will help level up your career-defining credentials and become more employable, promotable, and purposeful. In the video, the life coach demonstrates how to set up a coaching session and the importance of celebrating wins, acknowledging the client’s achievements, and having an actionable plan. These skills can be applied to any profession and will help you develop your leadership capabilities, as well as your communication and problem-solving skills. As a result, you will be able to confidently demonstrate your value to employers and be more competitive in the job market.

By completing this course, you will gain valuable knowledge that will help you stand out from the crowd and close the skills gap toward meaningful work in the future. With your newfound skills and credentials, you will be able to confidently demonstrate your value to employers and be more competitive in the job market. So, if you are looking to level up your career-defining credentials, taking a course in Leadership based on Coaching, Personal Growth, and Self-Awareness is the perfect way to do it.


"Leadership is not about titles, positions or flowcharts. It is about one life influencing another." -John C. Maxwell
This quote from John C. Maxwell is a great reminder that leadership is about more than just titles, positions, and organizational charts. It's about one individual influencing another's life. This video about life coaching exemplifies this idea. It shows the coach has a special relationship with her client and is helping her make progress towards her goals. This highlights the importance of relationships in leadership and how they can be used to create positive change. Leaders should focus on building relationships with their team and working together to achieve their common goals. It is these relationships that will ultimately help drive success and foster growth. With the right leadership, anyone can become a leader and make a difference in someone else's life.


The key takeaway from the video is to create a structured, yet personalized approach to a coaching session. This includes a check-in, goal reviews and clear requests for the client. Incorporating elements of one's own style and spiritual practice is also important.

LIFE COACH: Sample Life Coaching Session

Life coaching is like a puzzle: A life coach helps you figure out how all the pieces of your life fit together. In this video, Krista Kathleen is a life coach and Morgan Renato is pretending to be her client. They spend the first five minutes doing a check-in and celebrating Morgan's wins, like getting over her fear of social media and being more consistent with her journaling. Then they review Morgan's goals and talk about how she can get more clear about what she wants to offer her coaching clients and health coaching business. Krista helps Morgan figure out how to incorporate mindset work into her offer without having to work one-on-one with her clients. It's like putting pieces of the puzzle together to find the best solution!

Video Quotes

1. "That's what's gonna come out is the most authentic at the end of the day so this is just kind of like teaching purposes," Krista Kathleen.

2. "Facing that fear head-on and conquering it, yeah yeah absolutely that's amazing," Krista Kathleen.

3. "I don't know it's like how to incorporate more of the mindset work into an offer where I'm not having to work one-on-one with my clients," Morgan Renato.

Related Quotes

"Sometimes it's really just about getting clarity on what you want and then taking action towards it." - Life Coach
"It's about understanding why we do what we do and how that can help us and how we can change it." - Life Coach
"I want you to imagine yourself a year from now having achieved what it is that you want." - Life Coach


1. Coaching
2. Personal Growth
3. Self-Awareness

Learning Outcomes

1. Analyze the importance of creating a session platform to ensure that clients come to their coaching calls with a request.

2. Evaluate the benefits of acknowledging the client for the work they have accomplished.

3. Create a checklist for setting goals for a minimum of three months to achieve.

4. Synthesize techniques to help clients overcome fears related to social media.

5. Apply a spiritual practice to segue into the coaching request.

6. Construct an actionable plan to help clients offer their services.

Sample Answers

1. I have learned that it is important to check in with clients before beginning a coaching session. This could include celebrating wins, acknowledging the client for the progress made, and asking if there are any needs.

2. I have learned to review goals with clients. This could include discussing progress made and any obstacles or barriers to completing the goals.

3. I have learned that it is important to ask for a coaching request so that the client has a clear focus for the session. The goal should be actionable and attainable.

Krista Kathleen

Krista Kathleen is a certified professional life coach, certified master coach practitioner, and a certified hypnotherapist. She holds a degree in Psychology, is a member of the International Coaching Federation, and is a Certified Professional Life Coach and Master Coach Practitioner. Krista is an expert on Sample Life Coaching Session because she has trained extensively in the field and is qualified to provide life coaching services to her clients. She is also a member of the International Association of Coaches, a professional organization dedicated to advancing the coaching profession and providing quality life coaching resources and opportunities. Krista Kathleen

Learning Design

The three competencies—coaching, personal growth, and self-awareness—are essential for successful leadership. Coaching helps leaders to develop the skills and knowledge of their team members and can lead to higher levels of productivity and job satisfaction. Personal growth helps leaders to identify and build upon their own strengths and weaknesses, as well as develop the skills and abilities needed to succeed as a leader. Self-awareness enables leaders to recognize and understand their own emotions and those of others, while also developing an understanding of how their behavior and decisions affect others.

To help build these competencies, students can use the framework of experiential learning. This type of learning involves direct experience with a situation, such as a task or project, and involves reflection on the experience to identify what was learned. This type of learning encourages the development of effective problem-solving skills, decision-making, and communication skills. Furthermore, experiential learning can help to foster self-awareness, as it involves the exploration and understanding of one’s feelings and motivations.


Multiple Choice Exam Question:
According to the video, what is one of Morgan's goals?
A. Become more self-aware
B. Become more visible on social media
C. Become a better leader
D. Become more spiritual

Answer: A. Become more self-aware


Common Hypothetical Questions:
1. What are some best practices for setting up a life coaching session?
2. How can a life coach best assess their client's needs during the check-in period?
3. What are the benefits of setting achievable goals with a client?
4. How can a life coach help their client work through fear and limiting beliefs?

Real-Life Application Questions:
1. How can life coaching strategies be used to help someone take on a challenging project or goal?
2. What strategies can someone use to create their own personalized coaching session, to fit their individual needs?
3. How can life coaching help someone to become more self-aware?
4. How can life coaching help someone to become more comfortable with public speaking or being visible on social media?


Life Coaching Session, Health Coaching Business, Fitness Coaching, Mindset Work, Consistently Journaling, Social Media Fear, Content Creation, Coaching Practice, Coaching Requests, Actionable Goals


1. Life coaching sessions should include a check-in, goal review, and coaching request.
2. A client should have an actionable goal and an attainable plan to reach it.
3. Incorporating meditation, breathing exercises, oracle/tarot readings can be a part of the session.
4. The client's coaching request should be clarified to ensure both parties are on the same page.
5. Offering clients a combination of fitness and mindset coaching can help expand services.


1. Create an online course that incorporates a combination of life coaching and health coaching techniques, so that clients can learn the basics of life coaching without having to commit to one-on-one sessions.

2. Create a series of videos offering tips and advice for life coaches, such as how to create a coaching plan and how to set client expectations.

3. Create a blog that offers advice on how to overcome fear and limiting beliefs related to life coaching.

4. Create an online space where life coaches can come together to discuss challenges they face in their business and share advice with each other.


This learning instructional guidance was formulated using the GPT-3 language model created by OpenAI.


#Coaching #Mindset #SocialMedia #LinkedIn #Growth #Consistency: Check out this sample Life Coaching session w/ @KristaKathleen & Morgan Renato to learn how to achieve your goals & get more consistent! 📈💯 #LifeCoaching #Goals #Success @Accredicity

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At Accredicity, you can gamify your Lifelong Learning, with Cred, in order to earn Stackable Credentials and Undergraduate Certificates from Bite-Size Education.



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