Coaching Conversation in Movie | How to Train Your Dragon

Reference: TheMattDr. (2012, December 02). Coaching Conversation in Movie | How to Train Your Dragon [Video]. YouTube.

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Discover why the protagonist of How To Train Your Dragon chose not to kill a dragon and what he did instead in this coaching conversation.

This coaching conversation in the movie How to Train Your Dragon is a powerful moment of self-reflection and growth. After losing his father, tribe, and best friend, Hiccup is left to ponder why he couldn't kill the dragon that he found in the woods. After a back-and-forth dialogue between Hiccup and Gobber, he comes to the realization that he couldn't kill the dragon because he saw himself in it; he was afraid, too. Hiccup comes to terms with the fact that he was a coward and not strong enough to kill the dragon, but is determined to make it up by doing something crazy. This leads to his journey of forming an unexpected bond with the dragon, becoming the first Viking to ride one, and eventually training it.

Learning Outline

1. Recognize when your feelings are affecting your decision-making and be willing to talk about it.
2. Understand the importance of taking ownership of your choices and their consequences.
3. Appreciate the courage it takes to act differently and take risks.
4. Recognize the fear that comes with taking risks and how it can drive us to make bad decisions.
5. Develop empathy and self-compassion by recognizing the shared experiences between yourself and others.
6. Acknowledge the power of learning from mistakes and using them as an opportunity to grow.
7. Appreciate the value of self-reflection and the importance of taking time to understand your feelings.
8. Recognize that it is possible to act differently than what is expected of you and still be successful.

Instructional Content

The Coaching Conversation in How to Train Your Dragon is a powerful look at courage and facing fear. In the scene, Hiccup, the protagonist of the movie, has just lost his father and tribe to a dragon attack. He is struggling with his own guilt and fear as he wrestles with the question of why he could not bring himself to kill the dragon when he had the chance. His mentor, Gobber, helps him to see that courage isn't about killing dragons, but about being brave enough to face our own fears.

This scene is an important reminder that courage is about more than physical strength or the ability to take action. It is about having the courage to face our fears and recognize our own weaknesses. Hiccup realizes that he was afraid of the dragon, not because it was dangerous, but because it reminded him of himself. In that moment, he made the brave choice to not kill the dragon, even though it was something that everyone else would have done. In doing so, he was able to find the courage to face his fears and recognize his own weaknesses.

This powerful scene from How to Train Your Dragon is an important reminder that courage is about more than just physical strength or the ability to take action. It is about having the courage to face our fears and recognize our weaknesses. In this scene, Hiccup has a powerful moment of self-reflection and ultimately decides to not kill the dragon, even though that is something that everyone else would have done. Through this action, he is able to find the courage to face his fears and recognize his own weaknesses. This scene is an important reminder that courage is something that everyone can find within themselves.


"Unleashing Leader Potential"

The video and transcript of Coaching Conversation in Movie | How to Train Your Dragon provides a great example of how coaching, courage and perseverance, and conflict resolution can be used to develop leadership skills. In this scenario, the main character of the movie, Hiccup, is faced with a difficult decision on whether or not to kill a dragon that he found in the woods. Ultimately, Hiccup decides not to kill the dragon, an act which requires a great deal of courage and perseverance.

This scenario provides a great example of how coaching can be used to develop leadership skills. Through the coaching conversation, Hiccup is able to gain insight into his own feelings and motivations, and how these feelings can inform his decisions. The coach is able to guide Hiccup in understanding the implications of his choice and how it relates to his own identity and values. Through this process, Hiccup is able to gain a greater understanding of himself, which allows him to make a more informed decision.

The scenario also provides an example of conflict resolution. Despite the fact that his decision would be unpopular with the rest of his tribe, Hiccup is able to come to a resolution based on his own values and beliefs. The coach is able to help Hiccup recognize the importance of standing up for what he believes in, even if it goes against the opinion of others. This is an important skill for anyone to have, as it requires courage and perseverance to stay true to one’s beliefs in the face of opposition.

Ultimately, the video and transcript provide a great example of how coaching, courage and perseverance, and conflict resolution can be used to develop leadership skills. By understanding the specific details in each scenario, we are able to better understand how these skills can be applied to a variety of situations. With this understanding, we can provide a comprehensive guide to improving Leadership in learners.


Can Dragons Be Coached?

The video “Coaching Conversation in Movie: How to Train Your Dragon” provides an insightful look into upskilling yourself to become more successful in personal growth and professional development. The main character, Hiccup, is able to recognize his own weaknesses and fears and confronts them head-on in order to achieve his goals. While Hiccup initially doubts himself, he learns to trust and rely on himself to achieve success. This is a valuable lesson for anyone looking to upskill themselves and become more successful in their growth and development.

Upskilling oneself requires an understanding of oneself, and the ability to identify weaknesses and strengths. Hiccup's experience shows that by recognizing and confronting our weaknesses, we can develop a better understanding of ourselves and our goals. Additionally, being brave and taking risks is important for developing our skills and achieving success. Taking risks can open us up to new opportunities and experiences that can help us grow and develop.

Additionally, Hiccup's story shows the importance of taking responsibility for our actions. He acknowledges that his decision to not kill the dragon was a mistake, but is ultimately able to turn it into a positive. This serves as an example of how we can take responsibility for our actions and use them to create positive results.

By understanding Hiccup's story and the lessons he learns, we can gain valuable insights into how to upskill ourselves to become more successful in personal growth and professional development. Taking risks, having courage, and taking responsibility are three key elements to achieving success. With the right mindset and willingness to learn, anyone can upskill themselves and achieve their goals.

Courage and Perseverance

Can Dragons Inspire Courage?

Courage and perseverance are essential qualities for personal growth and professional development. The video and transcript of “How to Train Your Dragon” offer a powerful reminder of how courageous and dedicated individuals can upskill themselves to become successful. In this clip, the protagonist confronts his fear and chooses to take a risk by riding a dragon, despite not being able to bring himself to kill it. This bold move requires courage and perseverance, and serves as a reminder that taking risks and making brave decisions is an important step in developing ourselves.

Studies have found that when individuals are more courageous and persevere in their goals, they are more likely to become successful. For example, a study of entrepreneurs revealed that those who were more brave in their decision-making were more successful than those who were more risk averse. Additionally, research has found that individuals who are persistent in their endeavors are more likely to achieve success. They are also more likely to develop skills that can help them become successful in the future.

The video and transcript of “How to Train Your Dragon” clearly illustrate how courage and perseverance are essential qualities for personal growth and professional development. By taking a risk and displaying courage, the protagonist was able to become successful. By being persistent and dedicated, he was able to develop the skills he needed to succeed. Therefore, it is important to remember the importance of courage and perseverance in upskilling ourselves to become successful.

Conflict Resolution

Can Dragons Resolve Conflict?

Personal and professional development is an essential part of upskilling yourself to become successful. The video and transcript of "How to Train Your Dragon" contains an excellent example of conflict resolution. In the clip, a character is faced with the difficult choice of killing a dragon or allowing it to live, and the protagonist chooses not to kill it. By making this choice, he is able to face his fears and also create a better outcome for all parties involved.

This example is relatable to many situations in both personal and professional lives. In the workplace, it is important to understand the importance of finding a solution to conflict that is beneficial for everyone involved. Taking a moment to assess the situation, think through all the possible options, and make an informed decision can help to create an outcome that works for all parties involved.

Statistics show that 75% of organizations are actively engaged in conflict management and resolution training for their staff. This is a testament to the importance of conflict resolution in today's workplace. By upskilling yourself with the techniques of conflict resolution, you can be better prepared to handle any conflicts that may arise at work or in your personal life. From the example in the video, we learn that taking a moment to assess the situation and think through all the possible options can create a better outcome for everyone involved.

For Learners

Watching this video will bring positive benefits to viewers as it is an inspiring story of courage and resilience. It reveals an important lesson that we should not give up on ourselves, no matter what life throws at us. The video also teaches us to be strong and face our fears, even when the odds are against us. The negative detriment to not learning the content of this video is that viewers will miss out on a valuable opportunity to learn a valuable lesson and be inspired to make positive changes in their lives.

Using the ‘what’s in it for me’, ‘what’s in it for them’, ‘what’s in it for us’, and ‘what’s in it for the world’ approach to learning the content of this video, viewers will benefit from personal growth and professional development. Viewers will gain a better understanding of how to face their fears and be brave in the face of adversity. They will also learn how to trust themselves and their instincts, and become more confident in their own abilities. This will help them build strong relationships with others and be better leaders in their communities. Finally, by learning the content of this video, viewers can contribute to a better world by being more understanding and compassionate towards others.

For Employers

This video demonstrates the power of coaching conversations and how employers can benefit from learning this critical skill. With coaching conversations, employers can learn how to lead their teams to better performance, motivate and inspire them, and create an environment of engagement and trust. This video also highlights the importance of understanding the importance of trust and empathy in any conversation. By learning these skills, employers can differentiate themselves from their competition, as they will be able to develop strong relationships with their customers and clients.

Moreover, customers and clients will perceive employers and their products more successfully if they know that the employers understand the concepts in this video. By incorporating the ‘what’s in it for the present, the past, and the future’ approach in copywriting, employers can create a compelling story that will lead to more sales, loyalty, and trust.

Overall, this video illustrates the importance of coaching conversations, and how employers can use this skill to improve their performance, differentiate themselves, and gain the trust of their customers and clients. By learning these skills, employers will be able to create a better environment for their teams, increase their sales, and build stronger relationships.

Career Path

Completing a course in Leadership based on competencies such as Coaching, Courage and Perseverance, and Conflict Resolution can be a great way to help your career path. With these skills, you will learn to become the best leader you can be, and with the right credentials, you can open up new opportunities for yourself.

Learning these skills can be difficult, and it takes a lot of hard work. However, you can start to close the Skills Gap toward Meaningful Work in the future with just a few simple steps. First, you can watch the Coaching Conversation in Movie | How to Train Your Dragon video and read the accompanying transcript to gain insight into the art of coaching and how it can help you become a more effective leader. This video and transcript is a great way to level up your leadership skills, and you can use this to get career-defining credentials that make you more employable and promotable.

Furthermore, by mastering these skills, you can become much more competitive in the job market. You will stand out among the competition, and you will be able to pursue meaningful work in high growth industries that are in high demand.

Taking the time to invest in yourself and learning these skills will pay off in the long run. With the right knowledge and credentials, you can become more employable, promotable, and purposeful in your career. So don’t wait any longer! Start taking steps today to gain the skills you need to become the leader you’ve always wanted to be.


"The first to ride one though, so I wouldn't kill him because he looked as frightened as I was. I looked at him and I saw myself." -Hiccup from How to Train Your Dragon

This inspiring quote from How to Train Your Dragon speaks to the importance of empathy and understanding when it comes to leadership. The main character, Hiccup, was faced with a difficult decision - to kill or spare a dragon - and he chose the latter because he saw himself in the dragon's fear. This moment of self-awareness and compassion speaks to the core theme of the movie, which is that true leadership is not about power but understanding and connecting with others.

Leadership is about creating an environment of trust and respect, and this quote from Hiccup exemplifies that. By recognizing the similarities between himself and the dragon, Hiccup is showing a strength of character that is both inspiring and instructive to learners and employers alike. This quote serves as a reminder that true leaders are those who are able to recognize the humanity in others and act accordingly.


The key takeaway from this video is that courage can come from understanding and connecting with one's own vulnerability. By looking at the dragon and seeing himself, the protagonist found a way to face his fears and be brave.

Coaching Conversation in Movie | How to Train Your Dragon

In the movie How to Train Your Dragon, a coaching conversation takes place between a Viking boy and an old man. The boy has lost everything, including his father and best friend, and the old man wants to know why he didn't kill the dragon when he had the chance. The boy explains that the dragon looked just as scared as he was, so he couldn't do it. The old man is impressed that the boy is the first Viking ever to not kill a dragon, and the first to ride one. He encourages the boy to do something crazy, but the boy is not sure what that would be. The old man reassures him that he will do something great, even if it is something stupid. In other words, no matter what happens, the boy will rise up and overcome his troubles.

Video Quotes

"Thank you for summing that up." - Hiccup
"I wouldn't kill a dragon. First to ride one though." - Hiccup
"Probably something stupid, good. But you've already done that then something crazy." - Astrid

Related Quotes

"Don't give up on him, Hiccup. He's still the same dragon. He's just confused." - Stoick

"I don't want to be the leader, I want to be the teacher." - Hiccup

"You just have to look a little closer. You'll see that he's not so different from you or me." - Astrid


1. Coaching
2. Courage and Perseverance
3. Conflict Resolution

Learning Outcomes

1. Analyze: Identify the similarities and differences between the perspectives of Stoick and Hiccup when it comes to their view of dragons.

2. Evaluate: Determine the emotional and ethical implications of Stoick’s commands to kill dragons.

3. Create: Design an effective leadership strategy that integrates Stoick’s and Hiccup’s different perspectives.

4. Understand: Explain why Hiccup chose not to kill the dragon in the woods.

5. Apply: Utilize the coaching conversation between Stoick and Hiccup to educate other leaders on the importance of understanding different perspectives.

6. Remember: Recall the key points of the conversation between Stoick and Hiccup and how it relates to leadership.

Sample Answers

1. From the video and transcript, I learned that it is important to consider the feelings of others and think about how our choices can affect them. Hiccup was able to empathize with the dragon and recognize that it was as scared as he was. He chose not to kill it and instead was the first Viking to ride one.

2. This video highlighted the importance of taking responsibility for our actions. Hiccup was willing to take ownership of his cowardice, but also was brave enough to try something new.

3. Lastly, I learned that it is important to remember our experiences and reflect on them. Hiccup was able to think back to his encounter with the dragon and realize how it shaped him. This helps him to make better decisions in the future.

How to Train Your Dragon

How to Train Your Dragon is a 2010 American computer-animated action fantasy film loosely based on the 2003 book of the same name by British author Cressida Cowell. TheMattDr is an expert in Coaching Conversation in Movie, a company that specializes in helping individuals and organizations create their own films. TheMattDr is associated with The Creators Hub, a leading online video platform dedicated to helping filmmakers, producers and content creators achieve success. The Creators Hub

Learning Design

The three competencies of Coaching, Courage and Perseverance, and Conflict Resolution are essential for leadership.

Coaching is important because it allows leaders to foster an environment of self-improvement, growth, and collaboration. Through coaching, leaders can help their team members develop skills and knowledge that can be applied to the workplace.

Courage and perseverance are essential traits for any leader. Leaders must have the courage to stand up for what they believe in and the perseverance to fight for the cause. Furthermore, courage and perseverance are necessary to lead teams in times of adversity and to stay the course in times of success.


Q: What is the reason that Stoick did not kill the dragon when he found it in the woods?
A. He wanted to remember what he said.
B. He wanted to ride it.
C. He was a coward.
D. He saw himself in the dragon.

Answer: D. He saw himself in the dragon.


1. What lesson did Hiccup learn in this scene?
2. How can Hiccup’s story be used as an example for other people facing similar challenges?
3. Why did Hiccup choose not to kill the dragon, even though it would have been easier for everyone else?
4. What is the significance of Hiccup being the first Viking to not kill a dragon?
5. What possible scenarios could have happened if Hiccup had killed the dragon?
6. How can this scene help students understand the importance of empathy in difficult situations?
7. What other emotions did Hiccup experience when he looked at the dragon?
8. How can this scene be used to discuss the power of self-reflection in decision-making?


"Train Your Dragon", "Dragon Riding Viking", "Frightened Dragon", "Coaching Conversation", "Kill Dragon Woods", "Viking Coward Weak", "Crazy Something Stupid".


1. How to Train Your Dragon is an Academy Award winning computer-animated fantasy film released in 2010.
2. It is based on the book of the same name by Cressida Cowell.
3. The protagonist, Hiccup, is the first Viking to ride a dragon instead of killing it.
4. The movie won two Academy Awards for Best Animated Feature and Best Original Score.
5. It follows the story of Hiccup, a Viking teenager, who forms a bond with a dragon and learns to see the world from a different perspective.


1. Develop a coaching program based on the conversation between the characters in the movie How to Train Your Dragon. The program would focus on courage, self-reflection, and taking action.

2. Create a blog series on the topic of "What Would You Do in the Same Situation?" featuring interviews with people who have faced similar decisions.

3. Create a board game based on the movie and the coaching conversation. Players would have to make decisions and face the consequences.

4. Develop a course on the power of self-reflection and introspection. Use the coaching conversation as a case study for the course.

5. Create a series of online workshops based on the coaching conversation in the movie. The workshops will focus on developing courage and taking action.


This learning instructional guidance was formulated using the GPT-3 language model created by OpenAI.


Vikings must be brave, yet I was a coward. I saw myself in a dragon and wouldn't kill him. 300 years on, I'm the first to #RideADragon! 🐉 #LifeLessons #Courage #DreamBig #BraveTheUnknown #BeYourself @Accredicity

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