Your Body Language May Shape Who You Are | Amy Cuddy | TED

Reference: TED. (2012, October 01). Your body language may shape who you are | Amy Cuddy [Video]. YouTube.

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Discover how body language affects your life and learn how to use it to your advantage with Amy Cuddy's insightful video.

Amy Cuddy's TED Talk explores how our body language can shape who we are. She suggests that changing our posture for two minutes can significantly change the way our life unfolds. Cuddy explains how our nonverbal behavior can lead to powerful or powerless feelings, and how this can affect our interactions with others. Through her examples, she reveals how our nonverbal behavior can be used to predict meaningful life outcomes like who we hire or promote, who we ask out on a date, or who we vote for. She suggests that even small changes in our body language can lead to big changes in our thoughts, feelings and physiological responses.

Learning Outline

1. The power of body language can have a significant impact on one's life outcomes.
2. Nonverbal communication can influence the way we judge others, and how others judge us.
3. Power and dominance are often expressed through expansive posture, by making oneself big and taking up space.
4. When people feel powerless, they often close up and make themselves small.
5. Our nonverbal expressions also influence our own thoughts, feelings, and physiology.
6. Women are more likely than men to exhibit powerless nonverbal behavior.
7. It is possible to fake power in order to feel more powerful and increase participation.
8. Our bodies can change our minds, and vice versa.

Instructional Content

Our body language can be an important factor in how we perceive ourselves and how we are perceived by others. It is not only about the physical appearance we portray but also about the signals we send out and the impact they have on our behavior. In her TED Talk, Amy Cuddy discusses the power of body language and how it can shape our lives.

Cuddy explains that when we feel powerful, we naturally take up more space and display open, expansive body language. On the other hand, when we feel powerless, we tend to close up and make ourselves small. She also notes that our body language can influence how others perceive us, as well as how we perceive ourselves. In her research, she has found that when people watch 30-second soundless clips of real physician-patient interactions, their judgments of the physician's niceness can predict whether or not that physician will be sued.

Cuddy suggests that by simply changing your posture for two minutes, you can influence your thoughts and feelings in a positive way. She believes that if we learn to tweak our body language a little bit, it can significantly change the way our lives unfold.

By watching Cuddy's TED Talk, we can gain a better understanding of how body language can shape who we are. It can have a powerful impact on our lives, from influencing how others perceive us to how we perceive ourselves. Our body language has the potential to be a valuable tool in our lives, and by becoming aware of it, we can use it to our advantage.


Shape Your Communication Skills

Good communication is key to fostering strong relationships between people, developing skills, and strengthening emotional intelligence. The video, “Your Body Language May Shape Who You Are” by Amy Cuddy, demonstrates how body language can be a powerful tool in communication. Cuddy’s research shows how our body language can communicate to both ourselves and others, and how it can impact our lives in significant ways.

In order to improve communication in learners, it is important to teach them the basics of nonverbal communication. This includes understanding the power of body language, and how it can be used to express emotions, power, and dominance. It is also important to teach learners about the importance of self-awareness when it comes to body language. Understanding how to read and interpret body language of others, as well as being aware of one’s own body language, is essential for effective communication.

In addition to teaching learners about the power of body language, it is also important to cultivate emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize, understand, and manage one’s own emotions, as well as the emotions of others. Developing emotional intelligence can help strengthen communication by helping to identify and interpret emotional cues in conversations.

Finally, teaching learners how to be self-aware can help them become better communicators. Self-awareness is the ability to be aware of one’s own thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. It can help learners to be more aware of their own body language and its influence on communication.

By teaching learners the power of body language, emotional intelligence, and self-awareness, they can become more effective communicators. By understanding the impact of their body language on themselves and others, learners can use it to their advantage. By developing emotional intelligence, learners can learn to interpret the emotions of others. Finally, by cultivating self-awareness, learners can better understand their own thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. All of these tools can help learners to improve their communication and become more successful in their lives.

Human Communication

Can Body Language Shape Communication?

Amy Cuddy’s video and transcript on body language and its effects on our lives is an eye-opening reminder of how powerful non-verbal communication can be. The way we move, hold ourselves, and express ourselves, can shape our own beliefs and judgments, and how others view us. It is an essential skill to upskill yourself to be more successful in personal growth and professional development.

Research has shown that body language can predict meaningful life outcomes, such as job promotions and even who wins an election. Alex Todorov’s study at Princeton University found that judgments of political candidates’ faces in just one second predicted 70% of U.S. Senate and gubernatorial race outcomes. Additionally, Nalini Ambady’s research at Tufts University showed that when people watch 30-second soundless clips of real physician-patient interactions, their judgments of the physician’s niceness can predict whether or not that physician will be sued.

We must be mindful of our nonverbal communication in order to be successful. When we feel powerful, we can expand our body language, taking up space, spreading out, and opening up. On the other hand, when we feel powerless, we close up, wrapping ourselves up and making ourselves small. Additionally, when we are communicating with others, we must complement the other’s nonverbal communication, rather than mirroring it.

In order to upskill yourself to be successful in personal growth and professional development, it is important to pay attention to your body language and the body language of those around you. Doing so can have a significant impact on how your life unfolds.

Emotional Intelligence

Shape Your Emotional Intelligence?

The body language we project is extremely important to our success in personal growth and professional development. Amy Cuddy’s video highlights the power of adopting a more confident posture through expanding our body language. Studies have shown that when people adopt a more powerful posture, they experience a greater sense of power, as well as more positive thoughts and feelings. Furthermore, research from Nalini Ambady of Tufts University has found that people make judgments about someone’s niceness based on their body language and that these judgments can predict whether or not that person will be sued. Similarly, Alex Todorov from Princeton has found that judgments of a political candidate’s face in one second can predict 70 percent of U.S. Senate and gubernatorial race outcomes. Additionally, using emoticons in online negotiations can lead to claiming more value from the negotiation, so using body language effectively can be a great way to upskill ourselves.

Amy Cuddy’s video also shows how when someone is feeling powerful, they tend to open up, making themselves big and stretching out. Conversely, when feeling powerless, people close up and make themselves small. This is a universal phenomenon that has been observed across the animal kingdom. We can use this knowledge to increase our success in both our personal and professional lives. For example, when we enter a meeting or an interview, we can use the power of body language to project confidence and competence.

Overall, Amy Cuddy’s video illustrates how powerful our body language can be in shaping who we are and how successful we can be. By using body language effectively, we can upskill ourselves, improve our chances of success and achieve our personal and professional goals.


Can Self-Awareness Shape You?

In today’s world, self-awareness is key to personal growth and professional success. Body language is a powerful tool to communicate and express yourself. Amy Cuddy’s video and transcript, “Your Body Language May Shape Who You Are”, reveals how non-verbal behaviors can influence how we think and feel about ourselves and how others perceive us.

By using body language to appear powerful, we can project confidence and make ourselves more attractive to others. For example, Alex Todorov’s research showed that judgments of political candidates’ faces in just one second predicted 70% of U.S. Senate and gubernatorial race outcomes. From Nalini Ambady’s study, we can see that people’s judgments of physicians’ niceness predicted whether or not they would be sued. Even emoticons used correctly in online negotiations can lead to more success.

On the other hand, when we feel powerless, we tend to make ourselves small, crossing our legs, hunching our shoulders, and holding onto our arms. This is true across the animal kingdom and even among people who are congenitally blind. By understanding the effects of non-verbal body language and working on it, we can improve our self-awareness and increase our success.

By taking the time to be aware of our posture and body language, we can project confidence and strength, which will lead to higher success rates in both professional and personal development. Amy Cuddy’s video and transcript provide us with valuable insights into how we can use our body language to our advantage. By understanding and mastering the power of body language, we can upskill ourselves and maximize our potential for success.

For Learners

Watching the video, “Your Body Language May Shape Who You Are” by Amy Cuddy, is an essential part of personal and professional growth. Not only will learning the content of the video help you to understand the power of nonverbal communication, it will also help you to understand how to use body language to communicate more effectively.

Failing to learn the content of this video could have a negative impact on personal and professional growth. Not understanding the power of nonverbal communication can lead to missed opportunities and miscommunication. Furthermore, not understanding how to use body language effectively can lead to negative impressions and judgments.

Considering the ‘what’s in it for me’, ‘what’s in it for them’, ‘what’s in it for us’, and ‘what’s in it for the world’ approach to learning the content of this video will benefit you as a learner for personal growth and professional development. For yourself, the content of the video will help you to understand the power of nonverbal communication and how to use it to your advantage. For others, understanding nonverbal communication will help you to understand their body language and how it impacts their communication. For us all, better understanding of body language and nonverbal communication will help us to build better relationships, both professionally and personally. Finally, for the world, understanding nonverbal communication will help to create a more positive environment, as we are better able to understand each other and communicate effectively.

For Employers

Watching this video on body language and its potential to shape who we are is a must for employers looking to differentiate themselves in the current landscape. It provides insights into how body language can influence how we think and feel, as well as how we are perceived by others. Understanding the concepts in this video can help employers and their teams project confidence and power in their interactions, whether it be with clients, customers, or colleagues.

This video also provides employers with tangible and practical tips on how to better carry themselves in professional environments. By understanding and utilizing these techniques, employers can create a more powerful and successful first impression, which can go a long way in helping them stand out from the competition.

In a world that is increasingly becoming more and more digital, understanding the concepts in this video will help employers stand out from their computer counterparts. Human interaction and body language is a skill that cannot be replaced by technology, and understanding and utilizing the concepts in this video will help employers better communicate with and relate to their customers, colleagues, and clients.

Overall, this video is invaluable for employers. By understanding and utilizing the concepts in this video, employers can create a more powerful and successful first impression, stand out from the competition, and better relate and communicate with their customers and colleagues.

Career Path

Completing a course in Communication based on the competencies of Human Communication, Emotional Intelligence, and Self-Awareness can be a tremendous help to anyone looking to achieve career-defining credentials to become more employable, promotable, and purposeful.

Leveling up by watching the video “Your body language may shape who you are | Amy Cuddy” and reading the transcript provides insight into how our body language and nonverbal expressions of power and dominance can influence our successes and how we interact with others. It also shows how our nonverbals can influence our own thoughts and feelings.

For lifelong learners, this can be an essential tool for closing the Skills Gap toward Meaningful Work in the future. A course in Communication not only helps learners understand the power of body language and nonverbal communication, but also teaches them the skills they need to be successful in high demand and high growth industries. It will give learners the confidence and competence they need to take control of their career paths and create the future they desire.

The skills they will gain from a course in Communication will give them the edge they need to stand out in job applications and interviews, as well as the ability to communicate effectively in a variety of situations. They will learn how to effectively interpret nonverbal communication and utilize their own body language to portray confidence and competence. They will also learn how to use their communication skills to build meaningful relationships with colleagues and customers.

With the skills learned from a course in Communication, lifelong learners will have the tools they need to stand out from the crowd and secure the career-defining credentials they need to become more employable, promotable, and purposeful.


"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent," said Eleanor Roosevelt. This quote can be applied to the video by Amy Cuddy. Cuddy explains how our body language can shape how we feel about ourselves and how others perceive us. Our body language can have a powerful impact on our confidence, self-esteem, and overall success. If we stand up tall and open our body language, we can make ourselves feel more powerful and confident. By adopting a powerful posture and body language, we can convince ourselves and others that we have power. This has implications for learners, as standing in a powerful posture can help them to perform better in tests and presentations, and for employers, as successful candidates are often those who demonstrate confidence, strength, and power in their body language.


The most important key takeaway from this video is that our body language has a significant impact on how we perceive ourselves, how others perceive us, and how we can even alter our thoughts and feelings. Through changing our posture for two minutes, we can increase our sense of power and confidence.

Your body language may shape who you are | Amy Cuddy

Our body language can tell others a lot about us, even if we don't say a word. It can show if we feel powerful or powerless. Powerful people tend to take up more space, hold their heads up, and spread out their arms. But powerless people make themselves smaller, hunch their shoulders, and wrap themselves up. Amy Cuddy, a social psychologist, wondered if we can fake feeling powerful by changing our posture. She did experiments and found that if you stand like a powerful person even if you don't feel it, you can actually start to feel more powerful and confident. So if you want to feel more powerful, try standing like a superhero!

Video Quotes

1. "So what nonverbals am I talking about? I'm a social psychologist. I study prejudice, and I teach at a competitive business school, so it was inevitable that I would become interested in power dynamics." - Amy Cuddy

2. "We are also influenced by our nonverbals, our thoughts and our feelings and our physiology." - Amy Cuddy

3. "Can you fake it till you make it? Like, can you do this just for a little while and actually experience a behavioral outcome that makes you seem more powerful?" - Amy Cuddy

Related Quotes

"It turns out that our bodies change our minds, and our minds can change our behavior and our behavior can change our outcomes." -Amy Cuddy

"Our nonverbals govern how we think and feel about ourselves." -Amy Cuddy

"Our bodies change our minds." -Amy Cuddy


1. Human Communication
2. Emotional Intelligence
3. Self-Awareness

Learning Outcomes

1. Recall: Students will be able to explain the differences between nonverbal expressions of power and dominance.
2. Understand: Students will be able to analyze the physiological and psychological effects of body language on individuals.
3. Apply: Students will be able to use body language to create a feeling of power in themselves and others.
4. Analyze: Students will be able to compare and contrast the use of power nonverbals in different contexts.
5. Evaluate: Students will be able to assess the effectiveness of various body language techniques in creating positive outcomes.
6. Create: Students will be able to design a set of body language techniques to increase their own power and confidence.

Sample Answers

1. From what I've learned in this video, I understand that body language can play a large role in how we communicate and interact with others, as well as how we think and feel about ourselves. Our body language can communicate power and dominance, and can predict meaningful life outcomes like who we hire or promote, or who we ask out on a date.

2. The video also highlights how humans and animals use body language to express power and dominance. This includes making ourselves bigger and taking up more space, as well as opening up our posture. On the other hand, when we feel powerless, we make ourselves smaller and close up.

3. Lastly, I learned that our body language can also affect our internal thoughts and feelings, as well as our hormones. Pretending to be powerful for just a few minutes can lead to feeling powerful, and can lead to increased participation and better outcomes in life.

Amy Cuddy

Amy Cuddy is a social psychologist and professor at Harvard Business School. She is an expert in the field of body language and its effects on behavior and how it shapes one's identity. She is best known for her research on "power poses" and how it can be used to boost your confidence. She is also the author of the book Presence: Bringing Your Boldest Self to Your Biggest Challenges. Amy Cuddy is associated with Harvard Business School, and her research has been featured in the New York Times, Time Magazine, and TED. Harvard Business School Faculty Profile

Learning Design

These competencies are important to learn for the course because they are all connected with effective communication. Human communication is the ability to use verbal and nonverbal cues to understand and be understood by others. Emotional intelligence is the ability to understand and manage emotions in oneself and others. Self-awareness is the ability to recognize one’s own thoughts, emotions, and beliefs.


Q: According to the video, which of the following is true about the use of nonverbal behaviors?

A. They can predict whether or not a physician will be sued.
B. They can predict the outcome of U.S. Senate and gubernatorial races.
C. They are always used to express power and dominance.
D. They are only used by primates in the animal kingdom.

Answer: A


Common Hypothetical Questions:
1. What are the different ways in which our body language can communicate to others?
2. How does our body language affect our thoughts and feelings?
3. How can nonverbal expressions of power and dominance be used to improve communication?
4. How does our body language influence the judgments and outcomes of other people?

Real-Life Application Questions:
1. How can we use body language to express power and confidence in the workplace?
2. What are some tips for conveying open body language during a job interview?
3. How can we use body language to make a good first impression when meeting someone new?
4. In what situations can we use body language to make ourselves appear more likable to others?


Power Nonverbals, Nonverbal Expressions, Physiological Changes, Power Dynamics, "Powerful People", "High Power", "Low Power", Body Language, Social Scientists, Life Outcomes, "Body Language", "Nonverbals"


1. Amy Cuddy's "power poses" can help people feel more powerful and perform better in job interviews.
2. People can make judgments about others based on their body language, which can influence outcomes like job promotions and even court cases.
3. Women tend to express less power through body language than men.
4. Power poses have been observed in humans and animals alike.
5. Smiling and power posing can both lead to improved mood and feelings of power.


1. Creating a “Body Language Bootcamp” for Business Professionals: Create a two-day workshop specifically designed to teach business professionals the power of body language. This workshop would include interactive activities, lectures, and role-playing sessions to help participants understand the importance of body language in professional and social settings.

2. Developing a Body Language App: Create a mobile application that helps users learn and practice body language techniques. This app would include a library of body language videos and images to help users recognize the importance of body language in different contexts.

3. Creating a Body Language Handbook: Create a handbook that explains the importance of body language and provides tips and tricks for recognizing and utilizing body language in different situations.

4. Developing a Body Language Certification Program: Develop a certification program that teaches individuals the basics of body language and how to use it effectively. This program would include lectures, interactive activities, and hands-on exercises to help participants hone their body language skills.

5. Hosting a Body Language Summit: Host an annual summit that brings together experts in the field of body language to discuss the latest trends, research, and applications. This summit would also feature workshops and panels to help participants understand the importance of body language and how to use it effectively.


This learning instructional guidance was formulated using the GPT-3 language model created by OpenAI.


Discover how body language can shape who you are. Amy Cuddy explains how a two-minute posture adjustment can significantly change your life. #BodyLanguage #NonVerbals #ChangeYourLife 🤔💪 @Accredicity

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