Feedforward | Marshall Goldsmith

Reference: Marshall Goldsmith. (2014, August 26). Feedforward: Coaching For Behavioral Change [Video]. YouTube.

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Discover the power of feedforward: Learn how to help yourself and others with a positive, upbeat coaching process!

Marshall Goldsmith introduces the concept of feedforward - a positive and upbeat way to help yourself and others get better. It's a key component to his coaching process and involves two roles: learn as much as you can and help as much as you can. The rules of feedforward include no feedback about the past and no judgement or critiquing of ideas - treating the idea like a gift and saying thank you. It can be done with a team or large group, and the goal is to talk to as many people as possible. People often find this exercise positive, simple, helpful, and even fun. Feedforward focuses on the future, is fast, simple, and positive, and involves no judgement. It encourages better listening and giving recognition for good ideas. Everyone is focused on helping each other, making it a powerful tool for behavioral change.

Learning Outline

1. No feedback about the past
2. No judging or critiquing of ideas
3. Treat input like a gift and say thank you
4. Ask for input and listen to it non-defensively
5. Focus on helping each other and not judging each other
6. Ask for only one or two very quick ideas

Instructional Content

Feedforward is a powerful coaching technique to help individuals and teams make positive changes in their lives and careers. It is a simple process that encourages open and honest dialogue between those involved in order to allow for meaningful and effective change. By eliminating the need for judgement or critique, feedforward allows for constructive dialogue that is focused on helping each other, rather than judging or critiquing each other.

At the heart of the feedforward process are two key roles: learning as much as possible and helping as much as you can. Each person involved is asked to choose one area of their life where they would like to make improvements. During the process, each person is given the opportunity to listen to one or two ideas from their peers without judgement or critique and to express their gratitude.

Feedforward is fast, simple, positive and focused on the future. It is an exercise that is often seen as fun, rather than painful. It eliminates the need for judgement and critique, allowing for meaningful dialogue and progress to occur. It also eliminates the need to rehash the past and allows for a focus on the future.

Feedforward is a powerful and effective coaching technique that can help individuals and teams make positive, meaningful changes. By eliminating judgement and being focused on helping each other, feedforward can create an environment that encourages open and honest dialogue and can lead to real and lasting changes.


"Unlock Effective Communication"

Feedforward is a powerful tool for developing Communication skills in learners. It is a practice that focuses on the future, rather than the past, and emphasizes listening, being non-judgmental, and giving recognition. It is a positive, upbeat way to help oneself and others get better.

In the Feedforward video, the speaker talks about the two roles involved in the process. The first role is to learn as much as possible. The speaker encourages the participants to take advantage of the knowledge of the smart people in the room. The second role is to help as much as possible. He encourages the participants to help the nice people in the room.

The speaker then goes on to explain the rules of Feedforward. Rule number one is no feedback about the past. He emphasizes that because we cannot change the past, we should not spend our time talking about it. Rule number two is to not judge or critique ideas. He encourages us to treat ideas from others as gifts and to say thank you for the input.

The speaker then talks about how Feedforward works. He suggests that each person pick one area to improve and to come from the heart. Each person then gives one or two quick ideas for the future and says thank you. The goal is to talk to as many people as possible.

The speaker then talks about the benefits of Feedforward. He emphasizes that it is fast, simple, positive, and focused on the future. He also emphasizes that it is non-judgmental. He encourages us to view the input from others as gifts, not as something to be judged.

Feedforward can be used in various scenarios to help learners develop communication skills. It is a great tool for providing constructive feedback, coaching, and fostering trust and integrity in teams. It is also a great way to help learners become better listeners, to become more non-judgmental, and to develop the ability to give feedback in a constructive way.

Constructive Feedback

Can Coaching Improve Feedback?

The video and transcript of Feedforward provide a useful framework for upskilling yourself to be more successful in personal growth and professional development. Feedforward is a positive, upbeat way to help yourself get better and help others get better, without relying on feedback about the past. It involves two roles – learn as much as you can and help as much as you can. There are two rules of feedforward – no feedback about the past and no judging or critiquing ideas. Feedforward works by having each person pick one area to improve and then sharing one or two quick ideas for the future. It is fast, simple, positive, and focused on the future. It is also fun, as 95% of people who have tried it report that it is a positive and helpful experience.

Upskilling yourself for personal growth and professional development with the help of feedforward involves taking advantage of the unique features of this approach. For example, it encourages you to listen without judgement and to treat input like a gift. It helps you to stay focused on the future, rather than dwelling on the past, and it helps you to receive input from others without feeling the need to prove how smart or capable you are. It also helps you to develop your listening skills, and it can help you to break through stereotypes and preconceptions. Finally, it encourages you to help others and to recognize their contributions, as everyone is focused on helping each other.

In summary, feedforward is an effective tool for upskilling yourself to be more successful in personal growth and professional development. It is a positive, upbeat approach that encourages you to listen without judgement, to stay focused on the future, and to help others. By taking advantage of these features, you can become better at personal growth and professional development and realize your goals more effectively.


Can Behavioral Change Be Coached?

Feedforward is a powerful tool for upskilling yourself to become more successful in personal growth and professional development. This video and transcript provides a solid foundation to understanding what feedforward is and how it works. Feedforward is a process of giving and receiving advice without judgment or critique. Instead of giving and receiving feedback on past events, the focus is on developing concrete ideas for the future. It's a positive, upbeat way to help yourself and others get better.

In the process of feedforward, each person picks one area to improve and shares it with another person, who provides one or two quick ideas for the future. This keeps the conversation focused and meaningful. It's also fast, as each conversation should only last a few minutes. As a result, people often find the process fun and rewarding, as they can quickly learn from a large group of people, without having to waste time debating or critiquing ideas.

Feedforward also helps people to listen more effectively, as they don't have to worry about proving themselves to be "smart" or "right" in the conversation. This can help to build a more collaborative environment and create a sense of connection between people. Furthermore, it enables people to take ownership of their growth and development, as each person is in charge of choosing which area they want to improve.

Overall, feedforward is an invaluable tool for anyone looking to upskill themselves and achieve personal and professional success. It's fast, fun, and focused on helping each other. By following the advice in this video and transcript, you can learn how to use feedforward to take your development to the next level.

Integrity and Trust

Can Trust Build Integrity?

Integrity and trust are essential in upskilling yourself to become more successful in personal and professional development. As demonstrated in the video Feedforward: Coaching for Behavioral Change, feedforward is a powerful coaching tool to help others and yourself improve behaviors. In this technique, two roles are emphasized: learning as much as you can and helping as much as you can. The rules of feedforward involve no feedback about the past and no judging or critiquing of ideas. This way, feedback is not seen as a punishment but rather as an opportunity for growth.

Feedforward is a positive, upbeat approach to helping yourself and others get better. It’s simple and focused on the future rather than the past. This allows for honest and open communication, since there is no fear of judgment or critique. This encourages people to listen better and be more open to new ideas and perspectives. This technique is helpful in any group setting, from small to large, and is an effective way to upskill yourself in personal growth and professional development.

The feedforward technique helps foster a culture of trust and integrity. It encourages people to think of feedback as a gift, rather than a punishment, and to treat each other with respect. By creating a safe space for open and honest communication, it allows people to have more productive conversations and build relationships that are based on trust and integrity. This is a powerful tool for upskilling yourself to become more successful in personal and professional development.

For Learners

Watching this video on Feedforward: Coaching For Behavioral Change can be extremely beneficial to life-long learners. It offers strategies on how to improve communication in order to be more successful in both personal and professional relationships. In the video, the speaker explains the two roles of feedforward: learning as much as you can and helping as much as you can. The speaker also outlines two rules of feedforward: no feedback about the past and not judging or critiquing ideas. He explains that feedback activities can be fun because they are fast, simple, and positive.

Using the ‘what’s in it for me’, ‘what’s in it for them’, ‘what’s in it for us’, and ‘what’s in it for the world’ approach to learning the content of this video will benefit the learner in personal growth and professional development. Watching this video will help the learner to understand the rules of feedforward and to use it to improve communication. This can benefit them in their personal relationships, as they will be able to better understand and connect with others. It can also benefit them in their professional relationships, as they will be able to better understand their colleagues and build more productive relationships. Additionally, it can benefit the world as more effective communication can lead to better collaboration and progress.

Overall, life-long learners can benefit greatly from watching this video on Feedforward: Coaching for Behavioral Change. It offers strategies to improve communication which can lead to better personal and professional relationships. By understanding the rules of feedforward and using the ‘what’s in it for me’, ‘what’s in it for them’, ‘what’s in it for us’, and ‘what’s in it for the world’ approach to learning the content of this video, the learner can benefit in personal growth and professional development.

For Employers

Watching the Feedforward video would be a great asset for any employer. It offers a positive, upbeat way to help oneself and others get better, capturing the essence of an effective coaching process. This process, known as feedforward, encourages the two roles of learning as much as one can and helping as much as one can. It is a simple and positive experience, focused on the future and not the past. It is also important to note that feedback is not needed and judging or critiquing ideas is discouraged.

Employers who learn the content of this video will be able to differentiate themselves from the competition. By understanding the concepts in this video, employers will be able to provide effective coaching to their team and create a positive environment and atmosphere. This will in turn have a positive impact on customer and client relationships, as they will be able to perceive the employer and their products more successfully.

In conclusion, if employers learn the content of this video they will benefit in the present, the past, and the future. They will be able to provide effective coaching to their team, differentiate themselves from the competition, and create a positive relationship with their customers and clients. Feedforward is an invaluable tool and a great asset for any employer.

Career Path

Completing a course in Communication based on these competencies: Constructive Feedback, Coaching, and Integrity and Trust is a great step towards becoming more employable, promotable, and purposeful. It can close the skills gap and help you gain the income-producing skills necessary to make meaningful work in the future in high demand in high growth industries.

Watching the video Feedforward: Coaching For Behavioral Change, and studying the transcript, is a great way to level up your skills and gain career-defining credentials. This video will help you learn how to ask for input, listen non-defensively, thank people for their input and treat it as a gift, and not to judge or critique ideas. This is an invaluable skill to have in the workplace and can help you stand out among your colleagues.

So don't delay, take advantage of this opportunity now to transform your career and reach your goals. Take this course and level up your skills to become more employable, promotable, and purposeful. With the knowledge gained in this course, you will be well on your way to meaningful work in the future in high demand, high growth industries.


"We're just little confused people stumbling around" - Albert Einstein

Feedforward is a key component of coaching for behavioural change and is a powerful tool for both learners and employers. It teaches us to ask for input, listen without being defensive, say thank you and give recognition for what is said. More importantly, it teaches us not to judge or critique ideas. This exercise helps to cut out the 65% of time spent talking about how smart people are or how dumb someone else is and focuses on creating a positive, fast and simple environment. Albert Einstein's famous quote captures the essence of feedforward: that we are all just little confused people stumbling around. In the context of this video, this quote is a stark reminder of our shared humanity and that we all struggle in life and need help and support from each other.


The most important key takeaway from this video is the concept of "Feedforward", which is a positive and upbeat way to help yourself and others to improve. It is focused on the future, not the past, and emphasizes listening to input without judgement or critique, treating it as a gift. By practicing Feedforward, one learns to ask for input, listen non-defensively and give recognition for what is heard.

Feedforward: Coaching For Behavioral Change

Feedforward is a simple process that helps people learn and grow. It’s like giving and receiving gifts. You can’t judge or critique the gift, you just say thank you and appreciate it. You also don’t talk about the past, since you can’t change it anyway. Instead, you focus on the future and give each other one or two quick ideas for improvement. It’s fast, positive, and even fun! Everyone is working together to help each other, so it’s like a big party instead of a boring lecture.

Video Quotes

1. "No feedback about the past. We spend too much time in our lives talking about the past." - Marshall Goldsmith
2. "Treat the input like a gift and you say thank you." - Marshall Goldsmith
3. "No one is focused on judging everyone." - Marshall Goldsmith

Related Quotes

"The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing." - Walt Disney

"The best way to predict the future is to create it." - Peter Drucker

"Coaching is unlocking a person's potential to maximize their own performance." - Tim Gallwey


1. Constructive Feedback
2. Coaching
3. Integrity and Trust

Learning Outcomes

1. Remember: Students should be able to recall the core elements of feedforward, including the two roles, rules, and goals.

2. Understand: Students should be able to understand the purpose of feedforward and its significance in interpersonal communication.

3. Apply: Students should be able to apply the concepts of feedforward in their own lives, such as treating input as a gift, avoiding feedback about the past, and not judging or critiquing ideas.

4. Analyze: Students should be able to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of feedforward and compare it to other forms of feedback.

5. Evaluate: Students should be able to evaluate the effectiveness of using feedforward and develop strategies for improving their communication skills.

6. Create: Students should be able to create their own feedforward exercises for themselves and for others and develop an action plan for incorporating feedforward into their daily lives.

Sample Answers

1. In this video I learned about feedforward, a key component of the coaching process. This process is focused on helping other people improve, rather than judging them. It involves two roles: learning as much as you can and helping as much as you can.

2. The two rules of feedforward are: no feedback about the past and no judging or critiquing of ideas. This is because it is impossible to change the past and judging or critiquing ideas does not help anyone to improve.

3. Feedforward is simple, positive, and even fun because it is fast, focused on the future, and encourages people to be thankful for ideas instead of judging them. This exercise can be done with large groups and can help people learn more from each other than they would have otherwise.

Marshall Goldsmith

Marshall Goldsmith is a world-renowned executive coach and New York Times best-selling author. He is a Fellow in the National Academy of Human Resources, a Distinguished Leadership Fellow from the American Management Association, and a Distinguished Faculty at the Leadershape Institute. He is a two-time Thinkers50 #1 Leadership Thinker in the World and the first-ever recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award from the International Coaching Federation (ICF). He is the founder of Marshall Goldsmith Group, a company that specializes in executive coaching. Feedforward is a coaching technique developed by Marshall Goldsmith that focuses on future behavior rather than past behavior. Marshall Goldsmith

Learning Design

The competencies of Constructive Feedback, Coaching, and Integrity and Trust are all essential for successful communication. Constructive feedback provides an opportunity to exchange ideas and information in a respectful and open manner, while coaching provides the skills to direct and motivate others. Integrity and trust are essential for any communication to take place in a meaningful and effective way.

In order to build these competencies, learners can use a combination of instructional techniques such as lectures, role-playing, discussions, and case studies. Lectures can provide the basic information and understanding of the topics. Role-playing can be used to practice the skills in a safe environment, while discussions allow learners to engage in meaningful conversations with peers. Finally, case studies provide an opportunity to apply the concepts to real-life scenarios.

Learners can also benefit from reflection exercises that allow them to identify areas for improvement and focus their learning on the most important topics. This can be done through journaling, self-assessments, and individual or group projects.

By combining these instructional techniques and activities, learners can develop the competencies of Constructive Feedback, Coaching, and Integrity and Trust. This will enable them to communicate more effectively in the workplace and beyond.


Q: What is the 2nd rule of feedforward?
A. No feedback about the past
B. Treat the input like a gift
C. You can't judge or critique ideas
D. Ask for input and listen to it


Common Hypothetical Questions:
1. What is the main benefit of feedforward?
2. What are the two roles of feedforward?
3. What are the two rules of feedforward?
4. What is the goal of feedforward?

Real-Life Examples and Scenarios:
5. How can feedforward be used in a work setting?
6. How can feedforward be used to improve relationships?
7. How can feedforward be used to help people learn new skills?
8. What are some tips for achieving successful feedforward?


Feedforward Coaching, Behavioral Change, "No Feedback Past", "Help Nice People", "Treat Idea Gift", "Non-Defensive Listening", "No Critique Judging"


1. Feedforward is a positive, upbeat way of helping yourself and others to improve.
2. It consists of two roles: learning as much as possible and helping as much as possible.
3. Rules of feedforward include no feedback about the past and no judging or critiquing of ideas.
4. During the feedforward exercise, people should give one or two quick ideas for the future and thank each other.
5. Feedforward helps to improve listening skills, treat ideas as gifts, and focus on helping rather than judging.


1. Create an online course to teach the principles of feedforward.
2. Design a mobile app that allows users to connect with others in the feedforward process.
3. Develop a series of seminars to teach executives feedforward as a way to improve their leadership skills.
4. Design a board game that teaches the principles of feedforward in a fun and interactive way.
5. Create a podcast series that discusses the benefits of feedforward and how to apply it to everyday life.


This learning instructional guidance was formulated using the GPT-3 language model created by OpenAI.


Learn #Feedforward: A positive, upbeat way to help yourself & others get better. Focus on the future, treat ideas like gifts, & help each other. #Coaching #Lifelessons #Growth 🔆 @Accredicity

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