SS07: Prepare to Negotiate Your Salary (or Anything) | CrashCourse

Reference: CrashCourse. (2019, April 24). Prepare to Negotiate Your Salary (Or Anything): Crash Course Business - Soft Skills 7 [Video]. YouTube.

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Prepare to Negotiate Your Salary (Or Anything): Get the Edge with Our Crash Course Business - Soft Skills 7!

Negotiate Your Salary successfully with the help of Evelyn from the Internets! In this Crash Course Business: Soft Skills video, Evelyn provides valuable tips for preparation and negotiation. She explains that negotiation involves two or more people with opposing interests and something the other person wants. Preparation is key, so understanding what your goal is, and the alternatives you have, is essential. Evelyn provides examples of distributive and integrative negotiations, and explains that making trade-offs is necessary. Finally, she stresses the importance of leveraging your power when you have a job offer. With this advice, you'll be ready to negotiate your salary like a pro!

Learning Outline

1. Understand your goal and what matters to you.
2. Make a definitive list of what is important to you and what you're willing to concede.
3. Consider alternative solutions to your goal.
4. Alternatives give you more power and leverage in the negotiation.
5. Research the industry to make sure you're getting a fair deal.
6. Point out the advantages to the other person in the negotiation.
7. Be aware of your resistance point and make sure not to give up too much.
8. Don't be afraid to walk away from a negotiation if it isn't what you want.

Instructional Content

Negotiating is an important part of life, whether it's for a salary, a car, or something else. Negotiating doesn't have to be an intimidating experience, however, if you take the time to prepare. Proper preparation will help you set clear goals and determine what is important to you. It will also give you more leverage by exploring your alternatives and understanding your resistance point.

When preparing to negotiate your salary, it is important to do your research to understand the average salary for your position, as well as the benefits and perks that are typically associated with the position. It is also important to consider what you have to offer the employer, such as no relocation costs, specialized experience, or other factors. Finally, it is important to be confident and know what is important to you and what you are willing to concede.

Negotiating your salary doesn't make you aggressive, it makes you smart. By taking the time to prepare, you can ensure that you get the most out of your negotiation and find the best solution for both parties. With the right preparation and mindset, you can confidently walk away from the negotiation feeling successful.


Negotiate with Confidence

Negotiation, conflict resolution and problem solving are all essential skills for successful communication. Knowing how to effectively communicate in these situations is key to developing successful communication skills that will help learners achieve their goals.

The video and transcript provide an excellent example of how to prepare for a salary negotiation. Demonstrating the importance of goal setting, understanding your interests and needs, and making trade-offs between the two is essential. Additionally, learning how to think outside the box and create integrative negotiations is also important.

When preparing for a negotiation, it is important to consider the following: understand your goals, consider your alternatives, and think of your resistance point. Understanding your goals and needs helps you identify the desired outcome of the negotiation, while considering your alternatives will help you gain leverage and create the best outcome. Finally, understanding your resistance point allows you to set realistic expectations and not give away too much.

In addition to the above, it is essential to research the other party’s interests and needs. Gathering information about the other party and understanding their wants and needs can help you create better solutions and make sure both parties walk away satisfied.

Finally, it is important to practice and be prepared for the negotiation. Practicing different scenarios, role-playing and using negotiation exercises can help learners practice the skills necessary for successful negotiation.

By taking into account the specific details outlined in the video and transcript, learners can develop communication skills that will help them succeed in negotiation, conflict resolution, and problem solving. By understanding their own goals, considering their alternatives, and researching the interests of the other party, learners can be prepared to effectively communicate in any situation.


Ready to Negotiate?

Upskilling yourself to be more successful in personal growth and professional development starts with mastering the art of negotiation. This video, “Prepare to Negotiate Your Salary (Or Anything): Crash Course Business - Soft Skills 7”, provides valuable insights into how to best prepare for a negotiation. It stresses the importance of having a clear goal and understanding what matters to you most. It also emphasizes the need to consider what alternatives you have when preparing for a negotiation. This is important because it helps you set your resistance point, or the worst possible deal you are willing to accept.

Having a clear goal and understanding your alternatives gives you leverage in a negotiation. For example, if you have a job offer, you have more leverage than you might think. You should do research to understand the industry standards and find out what the average salary is for the position. This will help you determine what to ask for during a negotiation and make sure you get a fair deal.

Moreover, the video encourages creative solutions when negotiating. It suggests thinking outside the box to find solutions that meet everyone’s needs. This may involve making trade-offs and concessions, such as giving up a few features for a lower price.

Finally, the video emphasizes that negotiation is about solving perceived conflict, not about winning or doing better than someone else. It is about finding collaborative solutions that help both parties out. Walking away from a negotiation is not a failure, and it may just mean the deal wasn’t meant to be. Understanding the art of negotiation is essential for personal growth and professional development. After watching this video, you will be better prepared to negotiate your salary or anything else.

Conflict Resolution

Negotiating for Resolution?

Upskilling yourself is an important part of personal growth and professional development. In the video, Prepare to Negotiate Your Salary (Or Anything): Crash Course Business - Soft Skills 7, the importance of preparation before entering a negotiation is highlighted. Negotiation involves two or more people that have opposing interests and something the other person wants. Preparing for a negotiation requires understanding what your goal is and what is important to you. It’s important to remember that negotiation is not about ‘winning’ or doing better than someone else, but about solving perceived conflict and finding collaborative solutions. To make sure everyone walks away from a negotiation with their needs met, it’s important to understand alternatives. Alternatives give you leverage in a negotiation, and can help you set your resistance point - the worst possible deal you’ll accept. This can be especially important for women and people of color who may experience salary discrepancies.

For example, in the video, a person is preparing to negotiate salary between two offers. By researching the industry and understanding their alternatives, they were able to leverage their knowledge and ask for a salary that was more in line with the industry average. By understanding their alternatives and the importance of preparation, they were able to negotiate a salary that was better than their initial offer.

Overall, upskilling yourself is an important part of personal growth and professional development, and understanding the importance of preparation and leveraging alternatives can help you be successful in any negotiation. Understanding your goals, understanding what is important to you, and researching alternatives are all important components to successful negotiation.

Problem Solving

Ready to Solve Problems?

Upskilling yourself for success in personal growth and professional development should always include preparation. As the Reverend H.K. Williams said, “By failing to prepare, you’re preparing to fail.” One of the most important types of preparation is understanding the fundamentals of negotiation and how to use them to your advantage.

The video “Prepare to Negotiate Your Salary (Or Anything): Crash Course Business - Soft Skills 7” provides valuable insight into the basics of negotiation. It explains how to set goals, ask the right questions, and think outside the box to come to a mutually beneficial outcome. It also emphasizes the importance of understanding the trade-offs involved in any negotiation and the power of alternatives. Knowing what you are willing to concede and having alternatives can help you make the most of any negotiation.

Statistics show that women and people of color have historically been less likely to negotiate their salary. But understanding the fundamentals of negotiation can help give you the confidence to advocate for yourself and make sure you walk away from a negotiation with your needs met.

In addition to upskilling yourself to become more successful in personal growth and professional development, don’t forget to prepare yourself for negotiation. Knowing the basics of negotiation can help you make the most of any situation and ensure you walk away with the best possible outcome.

For Learners

Watching the video Prepare to Negotiate Your Salary (Or Anything): Crash Course Business - Soft Skills 7 is a must for anyone looking to advance their life-long learning journey. Not only does this video provide a comprehensive overview of negotiation strategies, it also offers guidance on how to effectively prepare for a negotiation.

The positive benefit of watching this video is that you will gain the knowledge and skills needed to properly negotiate a salary or any other agreement. You will learn how to set goals, ask the right questions, and think outside the box to come up with creative solutions. Additionally, you will gain insight into the importance of understanding the opposing interests and needs of the other party.

On the other hand, the negative detriment to not learning the content of this video is that you may not be equipped with the proper tools to negotiate an agreement. Without the proper knowledge and skills, you may end up with an agreement that does not meet your needs.

Using the “what’s in it for me”, “what’s in it for them”, “what’s in it for us”, and “what’s in it for the world” approach to learning the content of this video will benefit you as a learner for personal growth and professional development. Learning the content of this video will give you the confidence to negotiate a salary or any other agreement. It will also help you understand the needs of the other party and come up with creative solutions that meet both parties’ needs.

In conclusion, watching the video Prepare to Negotiate Your Salary (Or Anything): Crash Course Business - Soft Skills 7 is essential for anyone interested in advancing their life-long learning journey. Not only will you gain the knowledge and skills needed to properly negotiate a salary or any other agreement, but you will also gain insight into the importance of understanding the opposing interests and needs of the other party. By utilizing the “what’s in it for me”, “what’s in it for them”, “what’s in it for us”, and “what’s in it for the world” approach to learning the content of this video, you are sure to gain the confidence and skills necessary to succeed in any negotiation.

For Employers

Learning the content of this video, ‘Prepare to Negotiate Your Salary (Or Anything): Crash Course Business - Soft Skills 7’, would benefit employers in countless ways. By understanding the concepts of goal-setting, questions to ask, and creative solutions to consider when negotiating, employers can differentiate themselves from the competition, increase customer and client satisfaction, and guarantee success in the present, past, and future.

Having the skills to effectively prepare and negotiate with others gives employers the confidence to confidently advocate for themselves and their team. This knowledge can help employers get the best deal and the most out of any negotiation, while still meeting the needs of the other party. It also allows employers to plan ahead and consider all options, so that they are always prepared and can make the most informed decisions.

Equally important, employers who understand the skills taught in this video will also be able to effectively communicate and collaborate with their customers and clients. They will be able to develop trust, build relationships, and ensure satisfaction with their products and services. In turn, this will help employers create a loyal customer base and maintain a positive reputation in the market.

Overall, the content of this video is invaluable for employers. It gives employers the tools to effectively negotiate, build relationships, and make informed decisions. With the knowledge from this video, employers can confidently differentiate themselves from the competition, provide excellent customer service, and guarantee success in the present, past, and future.

Career Path

Completing a course in Communication based on the competencies of Negotiation, Conflict Resolution, and Problem Solving would be a great way to level up your career path and become more employable, promotable, and purposeful. In today's competitive job market, having a portfolio of relevant skills sets you apart from the competition and makes you a more attractive candidate for employers. For example, by watching the video and reading the transcript of "Prepare to Negotiate Your Salary (Or Anything): Crash Course Business - Soft Skills 7," the learner can gain insight on the importance of understanding the needs and interests of both parties in a negotiation. They can learn how to set goals and ask the right questions, as well as think outside the box to craft creative solutions. Furthermore, learners can gain an understanding of the importance of considering alternatives and understanding one's own resistance point in order to be able to make effective trade-offs. By learning these skills, the learner can gain the confidence and knowledge to negotiate better salaries and better deals, allowing them to level up their career and be more competitive in the job market. In addition, these skills can also be applied to other areas of life, such as in personal relationships or business dealings. This can lead to increased success and satisfaction in life. Ultimately, by completing this course, the learner can gain the skills to be better prepared to negotiate, which can lead to more meaningful work in high demand and high growth industries.


"By failing to prepare, you’re preparing to fail." This quote by Reverend H.K. Williams is a timeless reminder of the importance of proper preparation. As the video explained, negotiation is not just about 'winning' or doing better than someone else. It's about finding a solution that meets the needs of both parties. By taking the time to understand what our goals are, know what matters to us, and recognize our alternatives, we can maximize our chances of achieving a successful negotiation outcome. Learners and employers both need to understand the importance of preparing for negotiations. For learners, it's critical to have a clear idea of what they want and what they are willing to give up in order to reach their goal. For employers, preparation helps them understand their alternatives and leverage so they can make decisions that are beneficial for both parties.


The most important key takeaway from this video is to always prepare for a negotiation. Preparation is essential to ensure both parties walk away with their needs met. Knowing your goal, understanding trade-offs, considering alternatives and ranking what is important are all key steps to successful negotiation.

Prepare to Negotiate Your Salary (Or Anything): Crash Course Business - Soft Skills 7

Negotiating is like a game of give and take - it's how people reach agreements in life, like when you ask for an extra hour for bedtime or try to get a better price for something. Preparing for negotiation is important, so you can make sure you get what you need and don't get taken advantage of. To prepare, think of your ultimate goal - what do you want to achieve? Then make a list of what's important to you, so you know what you can give up and still get what you need. Alternatives are also important - they give you more power and let you walk away if a deal isn't right for you. So if you're negotiating your salary, do your research, know your goal and alternatives, and go in with confidence!

Video Quotes

1. "Negotiation is not about 'winning' or doing better than someone else. Negotiation is about solving perceived conflict. It's playing nice with others and finding collaborative solutions by communicating your needs and interests. You still advocate for yourself." -Evelyn from the Internets

2. "Think about exactly what's important to you, because your goal might not be as cut and dry as you think. Like, let's say you're moving to a new city and need to commute to work. Your goal probably isn't to buy any car as cheap as possible." -Evelyn from the Internets

3. "You've got more leverage than you think! So prepare to negotiate. Greendale's not a booming tech town, so applications for Dreamatorium haven't exactly been rolling in. So they don't have many alternative candidates, which gives you a bit more power." -Evelyn from the Internets

Related Quotes

"People who don't negotiate for themselves may not get what they're worth.” - John Green

“So you've done your research, you know what's fair and what you're worth, now it's time to go in and negotiate.” - John Green

“Be prepared to walk away.” - John Green


1. Negotiation
2. Conflict Resolution
3. Problem Solving

Learning Outcomes

1. Analyze the underlying components of a negotiation, such as conflicting interests, goals, and trade-offs.
2. Evaluate alternatives to a negotiation in order to set a resistance point.
3. Create a list of priorities to rank what is important in a negotiation.
4. Comprehend the importance of preparation when negotiating.
5. Apply strategic tactics to negotiate a salary or other deals.
6. Synthesize the elements of integrative negotiations to achieve a mutually beneficial outcome.

Sample Answers

1. I learned that preparation is key to any successful negotiation. It is important to understand the needs of both parties, set goals, and think outside the box.

2. I also learned that negotiation is not about ‘winning’ or doing better than someone else. It’s about solving perceived conflict and finding collaborative solutions by communicating needs and interests.

3. Finally, I learned that having alternatives gives you more power and leverage in a negotiation. They give you time to consider your options, keep you from giving up too much, and let you walk away comfortably if you can’t beat your alternatives.

Evelyn from the Internets

Evelyn from the Internets is a negotiation consultant and executive coach who has helped hundreds of people prepare for and win higher salaries. She has a Masters in Human Resources Management, a BA in Global Economics, and an Executive Coaching Certification from Harvard. She is an expert on negotiating salaries because of her extensive knowledge and experience in the field. Evelyn from the Internets is a consultant for the company Evelyn from the Internets which specializes in helping clients prepare for and win higher salaries.

Learning Design

Negotiation, Conflict Resolution, and Problem Solving are important competencies to learn for a course on communication, as effective communication is a key part of successful negotiation, conflict resolution, and problem solving. Negotiation is the process of reaching an agreement or compromise between two or more parties, and is an important skill to have when dealing with difficult conversations or situations. Conflict Resolution is the practice of resolving disputes between two or more parties and is an important skill to have when dealing with disagreements. Problem Solving is the practice of identifying and addressing complex issues in order to come up with effective solutions, and is an important skill to have when dealing with tough challenges.

To help students build these competencies, a framework or pedagogy that could be used is the experiential learning model. This model encourages students to engage in activities that help them to develop the necessary skills, gain experience, and apply what they have learned in real-world situations. For example, for Negotiation, the instructor could provide students with scenarios to role-play, and then provide feedback to help them understand the strategies and techniques that can be used in negotiation. For Conflict Resolution, the instructor could provide students with a range of case studies and situations, and then ask the students to come up with effective solutions. For Problem Solving, the instructor could provide students with different problems to solve and then guide them through the process of coming up with solutions. By engaging in these activities, students can gain the necessary skills and knowledge to become effective communicators.


Q: According to the video, what is the first step to any good negotiation?
A. Know the other person's wants
B. Understand what your goal is
C. Think outside the box
D. Ask the right questions

Answer: B. Understand what your goal is.


Common Questions:
1. What is an example of a distributive negotiation?
2. What is an integrative negotiation?
3. What is the difference between an ultimate goal and a target goal?
4. What is the purpose of having alternatives in a negotiation?

Real-Life Questions:
1. How can I use integrative negotiation when negotiating my salary?
2. What factors should I take into account when deciding my resistance point?
3. How can I use my research and skills to my advantage in negotiations?
4. What are some tips for approaching a salary negotiation?


Salary Negotiation, Negotiating Goals, Integrative Negotiations, Distributive Negotiations, Resistance Point, Leverage Alternatives


1. Negotiating is a form of conflict resolution that involves two or more parties with different interests.
2. Goals should be clear and specific when negotiating to ensure the best possible outcome.
3. Alternatives to negotiation can increase leverage, such as using public transport or other forms of transportation.
4. The target goal is the most one party is willing to get from a negotiation.
5. Trade-offs can be made to reach an agreement, such as sacrificing a feature for a lower price.


1. Research the market salary rate for the job you are negotiating for to understand the company's potential flexibility in salary negotiation.
2. Make a list of your most important criteria in a negotiation, such as salary, benefits, job flexibility, etc., and rank them in order of importance.
3. Consider your alternatives and leverage to understand your resistance point.
4. Brainstorm creative solutions that can work for both parties in the negotiation, such as bundling perks or services together.
5. Practice negotiation techniques and scenarios with a friend or colleague before engaging in a real-life negotiation.


This learning instructional guidance was formulated using the GPT-3 language model created by OpenAI.


Prepare to negotiate your salary or anything else! Know your goal, alternative, and resistance point, and use your skills and research to get the best outcome. #negotiating #salary #business #softskills #knowledgeispower #smile @Accredicity

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