Emotional Intelligence Superpowers | Marc Brackett | Talks at Google

Reference: Talks at Google. (2017, July 31). Emotional Intelligence Superpowers | Marc Brackett | Talks at Google [Video]. YouTube.

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Unlock the power of Emotional Intelligence and discover its impact on your life with Marc Brackett's Talks at Google.

In this Talks at Google video, Marc Brackett, a psychologist and professor, explains the power of Emotional Intelligence Superpowers. He starts off with a quote, "No one cares how much you know until they know how much you care," and asks the audience to reflect on how this resonates with them. Marc teaches about the Mood Meter, a tool to help people become aware of their feelings, and encourages the audience to be honest and authentic about how they are feeling. He further discusses how the current educational system rewards divorcing intelligence and strategy from emotions, and the difficulties of expressing complex internal states through words and colors. Marc ultimately sets a goal of "joyful effort" and encourages the audience to stay focused with strategies relevant to their lives.

Learning Outline

1. Emotional intelligence is an important part of education, from how leaders lead, to how teachers teach, to how students learn, to how parents parent.
2. The Mood Meter is a tool to help people become aware of feelings, with pleasantness on the x-axis and energy on the y-axis.
3. Emotional literacy is needed, as evidenced by the difficulty of finding a word to describe one's current feeling.
4. The spot of joyful effort is a goal to strive for, with strategies such as relaxation, challenging the speaker and making it relevant to one's life.

Instructional Content

We all know the value of intelligence and knowledge, but what about emotional intelligence? Does it really matter? Marc Brackett, a professor of psychology and Director of the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence, believes that it is one of the most important superpowers of all.

In his Talks at Google video, Brackett explores the concept of emotional intelligence and the integral role it plays in our lives. He begins with a quote by Theodore Roosevelt: “No one cares how much you know until they know how much you care.” He says this quote perfectly sums up the importance of emotional intelligence in education.

Brackett then introduces the Mood Meter, a tool developed to help people become aware of their feelings. He uses the Mood Meter to illustrate the four quadrants of emotional intelligence: yellow (high energy, pleasant); green (pleasant, low energy); blue (unpleasant, low energy); and red (unpleasant, high energy). He then challenges the audience to find a word that best describes their current feelings.

The result? 85-90% of the audience couldn’t. This, Brackett argues, is due to our collective emotional illiteracy, our society’s tendency to “divorce intelligence and strategy from our emotions,” and our inability to collapse the complexities of our internal states into words and colors. To combat this, Brackett encourages the audience to find a “spot of joyful effort”—a place of pleasantness and energy—and to stay there for the rest of the presentation.

By highlighting the importance of emotional intelligence and providing practical tools to become more aware of our feelings, Marc Brackett’s Talks at Google video is an invaluable resource for anyone looking to better understand the power of emotional intelligence and how to use it to improve their lives.


Unlock Cognitive Potential

Emotional Intelligence, Effective Communication, and Self-Awareness are essential skills to develop in order to improve Cognition. Emotional Intelligence refers to the ability to recognize, understand, and manage one's own emotions and the emotions of others. Effective Communication is the ability to effectively communicate thoughts, feelings, and ideas in both written and verbal forms. Self-Awareness is the ability to be aware of one's own thoughts, feelings, and emotions as they occur.

In order to effectively develop these skills, it is important to take into account the specific details related in the scenario. For example, when viewing the video “Emotional Intelligence Superpowers | Marc Brackett | Talks at Google,” Marc Brackett provides a powerful example of how to develop emotional intelligence and self-awareness in learners. He proposes the use of the Mood Meter, which consists of two axes—pleasantness and energy—in order to help learners become more aware of their emotions. He also encourages learners to find the words that best expresses their current feeling, which can be helpful in developing effective communication skills.

In addition to the video, the transcript of Marc Bracket’s presentation can provide further insight into how to effectively develop these skills. The transcript offers an example of how to encourage learners to become more aware of their emotions and how to effectively communicate them. It also provides an example of how to provide a safe and comfortable environment for learners to practice and develop their skills.

Overall, in order to effectively develop Emotional Intelligence, Effective Communication, and Self-Awareness, it is important to consider the specific details related in each scenario. The video and transcript of Marc Brackett’s presentation offer an excellent example of how to develop these skills. By taking the time to analyze the details related in the scenario, learners can gain insight into how to effectively develop their cognitive skills.

Emotional Intelligence

"Unlock Emotional Powers?"

Emotional intelligence is a key element of personal growth and professional development. It is the ability to recognize and manage one's own emotions, as well as the emotions of others. As Marc Brackett states in his video Emotional Intelligence Superpowers, "No one cares how much you know until they know how much you care."

Upskilling yourself in emotional intelligence can help you be more successful in both your personal and professional life. Research shows that people with higher emotional intelligence are more likely to be successful in their careers and to have better relationships.

Brackett's Mood Meter is an effective tool to help people become more aware of their feelings. It helps people categorize their feelings into one of four quadrants: yellow, red, blue, and green. Yellow represents high energy and pleasant feelings, while red is characterized by low energy and unpleasant feelings. Blue is pleasant but low in energy, and green represents low energy and pleasant feelings.

Brackett also emphasizes that it can be difficult to describe one's feelings accurately. People may have trouble finding the precise word to describe their feeling because of their emotional illiteracy or because multiple emotions can be experienced at once. He offers strategies to help stay focused, such as being relaxed, challenging what the speaker says, and making it relevant to your life.

Upskilling in emotional intelligence can help you be more successful in both your personal and professional life. Utilizing Brackett's Mood Meter and other strategies can help you become more aware of your feelings, and ultimately better manage them.

Effective Communication

Can Emotional Intelligence Enhance Communication?

Upskilling yourself in effective communication is crucial for personal growth and professional development. Emotional intelligence is a key factor in the development of effective communication skills. Marc Brackett's video on Emotional Intelligence Superpowers is a great resource to learn more about emotional intelligence and how to use it to better communicate with others.

In his video, Brackett emphasizes the importance of understanding how to interact with others and how “No one cares how much you know until they know how much you care.” He talks about the Mood Meter tool which helps people become aware of their feelings and how to best express them.

The key takeaways from Brackett’s video are that emotional intelligence is essential in effective communication, and it is important to be aware of how you are feeling and how others are feeling. Knowing how to express your feelings in a way that is respectful and appropriate is also important.

According to a poll from the Harvard Business Review, 72% of respondents said that emotional intelligence is important for success in the workplace. This indicates that it is essential to upskill yourself in emotional intelligence and effective communication if you want to be successful in personal growth and professional development.

In order to upskill yourself in emotional intelligence and effective communication, it is important to be aware of your emotions and those of the people around you. It is also important to practice active listening, self-regulation, and empathy. Through practice and dedication, you can become an expert in effective communication and achieve success in both your personal and professional life.


Can Self-Awareness Help?

Upskilling yourself in self-awareness can be incredibly beneficial for personal growth and professional development. Emotional intelligence (EI) is an essential component of self-awareness and is crucial for effective communication, problem solving, and decision-making. Marc Brackett, in his talk “Emotional Intelligence Superpowers”, stresses the importance of attending to our feelings and understanding our emotional states. He encourages us to be mindful of our current emotional state and to use the mood meter to identify our feelings.

Studies have shown that those with higher levels of self-awareness and emotional intelligence are more successful in life. They are more likely to achieve their goals, maintain better relationships, and are better equipped to handle stress. They are also better leaders, as they are able to understand their teams better and provide more effective guidance.

To upskill yourself in self-awareness, start by identifying your feelings. Ask yourself questions such as “how am I feeling right now?” and “what is my current level of pleasantness?”. Use the mood meter to assign a number to your feelings and then convert them into a word. This will help you become more aware of your emotions and understand your emotional state.

To further upskill yourself, practice mindfulness. Mindfulness is the practice of being present in the moment and paying attention to your thoughts, feelings, and bodily sensations. This will help you recognize your emotions more quickly and make better decisions.

Finally, practice self-compassion. Self-compassion is the practice of being kind and understanding to yourself. It involves recognizing your own humanity, being understanding of your mistakes, and treating yourself with kindness and respect. This will help you better manage stress and stay motivated.

In conclusion, self-awareness and emotional intelligence are key components for personal and professional success. To upskill yourself in self-awareness and emotional intelligence, start by identifying your feelings, practice mindfulness, and practice self-compassion. Doing so will help you better understand yourself and become a more successful and happier person.

For Learners

Watching this video will provide a wealth of knowledge and understanding about emotional intelligence, which is an important skill to have. Emotional intelligence can help individuals better understand their emotions and the emotions of others, and better navigate personal and professional relationships. By learning about emotional intelligence, individuals can better manage their emotions and relationships, leading to improved mental health and well-being. On a professional level, understanding emotional intelligence can lead to improved leadership skills, better communication, and increased productivity.

Not learning the content of this video will prevent individuals from gaining the knowledge and understanding of emotional intelligence, which can have a negative impact on their personal and professional life. Without the proper understanding of emotional intelligence, individuals may not be able to effectively manage their emotions, or understand how to effectively interact with other people. This can lead to a lack of emotional regulation, poor communication and decision making, and difficulty in managing relationships.

The ‘what’s in it for me’, ‘what’s in it for them’, ‘what’s in it for us’, and ‘what’s in it for the world’ approach to learning the content of this video will benefit you as a learner for personal growth and professional development. For the individual, learning the content of this video will give them the skills to better understand and manage their emotions, leading to improved mental health and well-being. For others, understanding emotional intelligence will help them to better understand and interact with other people, leading to improved relationships. On a professional level, better understanding of emotional intelligence can lead to improved leadership skills, increased productivity, and better communication. Finally, for the world, understanding emotional intelligence can lead to a better understanding of how to interact with people from different cultures and backgrounds, leading to improved global relationships.

For Employers

From the perspective of employers, learning the content of this video can help them differentiate themselves from their computer counterparts by demonstrating their understanding of the concepts of emotional intelligence. This can help them create a more human connection with their customers and make them more attractive to potential customers. Furthermore, by understanding the principles of emotional intelligence, employers can create better relationships with their teams and customers, leading to improved customer service, better team morale, and ultimately, higher customer satisfaction.

In conclusion, watching this video can be beneficial for employers in many ways. It provides an understanding of emotional intelligence that is invaluable for creating strong and successful relationships with customers and team members. Additionally, it helps employers differentiate themselves from their competitors by demonstrating their understanding of the concepts of emotional intelligence, ultimately leading to improved customer service and satisfaction.

Career Path

A course in Cognition based on the competencies of Emotional Intelligence, Effective Communication, and Self-Awareness can be a game-changer for anyone looking to boost their career potential. Leveling up skills in these areas will give you the confidence and knowledge you need to become a more employable, promotable, and purposeful candidate in the job market.

By completing a course in Cognition, you'll be able to demonstrate to potential employers that you possess the emotional intelligence, effective communication, and self-awareness skills required to excel in your field. These three competencies are essential for success in any job, and mastering them will open up doors for career-defining credentials that can help you stand out in the competitive job market.

By gaining these skills through a course in Cognition, you'll be able to close the skills gap and secure meaningful work in high-growth industries. You'll be able to demonstrate to potential employers that you are prepared for the future, and be the most employable and promotable candidate possible. With these competencies, you'll be able to confidently pursue your professional goals and make a lasting impact in your field.


"No one cares how much you know until they know how much you care." This famous quote expresses the importance of emotional intelligence in any learning or working environment. Marc Brackett, an educational psychologist, explains the importance of emotional intelligence in his presentation at Google. He emphasizes the idea that people need to be aware of their feelings, emotions and those of others in order to be successful.

Brackett argues that the education system often fails to address the importance of emotional intelligence, which can lead to negative outcomes such as bullying or lack of engagement. The idea that 'no one cares how much you know until they know how much you care' is essential in order to create a productive learning or working environment. It is essential for employers to foster a culture of emotional intelligence and to assure that employees are aware of their emotions and those of their colleagues. In this way, employees are able to work more effectively and efficiently.


The most important key takeaway from this video is that, in order to be successful, it is essential to understand and attend to our feelings. We need to develop an emotional vocabulary, and create strategies to achieve an emotion goal of "joyful effort" in order to stay focused and engaged.

Emotional Intelligence Superpowers | Marc Brackett | Talks at Google

Marc Brackett is talking about how important it is to be aware of your feelings. He uses an example of his own experience to explain why it's so important. He calls it the 'Mood Meter', which is a tool to help people become aware of their feelings. He asks the audience to choose a number from -5 to +5 to rate their feelings and energy levels. Most people say they are feeling -5 to +5, which Marc jokes is impossible since life on the east coast isn't always so great. He suggests that maybe people don't know how to express their feelings because of how society is set up. He then challenges the audience to stay focused and set their emotion goal to +1 (the spot of joyful effort), using their own strategies to stay there.

Video Quotes

"No one cares how much you know until they know how much you care." - Marc Brackett
"Maybe you're a plus three. You're thinking to yourself, my goodness, I get to sit in a room with a guy from Connecticut who's going to talk about feelings. Or maybe you're a plus five, like there are no words in the English language dictionary right to describe the feeling you're having right now." - Marc Brackett
"Here we are, a room filled with highly educated people who are emotionally illiterate." - Marc Brackett

Related Quotes

"We all need to create a world that is emotionally safe and supportive. We have the power to do that." - Marc Brackett

"When we bring our emotions into the conversation, we bring our entire selves into the conversation." - Marc Brackett

"Emotional intelligence is not a nice-to-have; it's a must-have." - Marc Brackett


1. Emotional Intelligence
2. Effective Communication
3. Self-Awareness

Learning Outcomes

1. Analyze how the principles of emotional intelligence can be applied to school systems (Leadership, Teaching, Learning, and Parenting).
2. Evaluate the effectiveness of the Mood Meter tool in helping people become more aware of their feelings.
3. Synthesize strategies to maintain focus while attending a presentation.
4. Create a plan to identify and label one’s feelings using a word.
5. Apply the concept of emotional literacy to everyday life.
6. Compare and contrast the idea that emotional intelligence is more important than academic intelligence.

Sample Answers

I learned that it is important to recognize and attend to our feelings, rather than disregarding them. It is also important to find strategies to stay focused on our emotions, such as setting an emotion goal. Additionally, it is important to make our emotions relevant to our own life, so that we can become interested and stay engaged.

Marc Brackett

Marc Brackett is the founding director of the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence and Professor in the Child Study Center at Yale University. He is an internationally recognized expert in the field of emotional intelligence, having developed the RULER approach which integrates EI into education, healthcare, workplaces and beyond. He is the author of the best-selling book "Permission to Feel" and serves as an advisor to corporations and governments around the world. He has been featured on TED, NPR, and in The New York Times, and is a regular guest on the Oprah Winfrey Show. He is the recipient of numerous awards, including the American Psychological Association Presidential Citation Award, the American Educational Research Association Division K Excellence in Practice Award, the American Psychological Association Award for Distinguished Contributions to Practice in Applied Psychology, and the American Association of Applied and Preventative Psychology Award for Outstanding Contributions to Practice in Prevention. He is also a Fellow of the American Psychological Association and a Fellow of the Association for Psychological Science.

Marc Brackett is an expert on Emotional Intelligence Superpowers due to his extensive research and work in the field. He is the founding director of the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence and Professor in the Child Study Center at Yale University, and has developed the RULER approach which integrates Emotional Intelligence into education, healthcare, workplaces and beyond. He has been featured on TED, NPR, and in The New York Times, and is a regular guest on the Oprah Winfrey Show. Marc Brackett is associated with Yale University.

Learning Design

These three competencies (Emotional Intelligence, Effective Communication and Self-Awareness) are essential for personal and professional development. Emotional Intelligence is important because it helps people to recognize their own emotions and those of others and to use this information to guide their thinking and behavior. Effective Communication is important for the successful exchange of ideas, information, and feelings. Self-Awareness is important for understanding oneself and developing the ability to recognize how our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are impacted by our environment.

To help build these competencies, we can use a framework such as the experiential learning model. Through this model, students will engage in activities that allow them to explore, interact with, and reflect on their experiences in order to develop their skills. The activities could focus on developing an understanding of emotion, developing effective communication strategies, and reflecting on personal experiences. This model encourages students to take ownership of their learning and to actively participate in their own development. Additionally, this model allows students to practice and apply the skills they are learning. By engaging in these activities, they will be able to build the competencies necessary for cognitive development.


Q: According to Marc Bracket, why is it difficult for highly educated people to describe their emotions?

A. Because they lack the vocabulary
B. Because they have not attended to their feelings
C. Because they have too many emotions
D. Because they are too dynamic to put themselves into one feeling word

Answer: B


Common Questions:
1. What is the main purpose of this presentation?
2. How does emotional intelligence relate to the school system?
3. What is the mood meter?
4. What is the spot of joyful effort?

Real-Life Examples and Scenarios:
5. How can emotional intelligence be applied to create a positive learning environment in schools?
6. How can parents use emotional intelligence to help their children succeed?
7. What strategies can educators use to help students understand their emotional states?
8. How can individuals apply emotional intelligence in their own lives to help them become more successful?


Emotional Intelligence, Joyful Effort, Mood Meter, "Caring How Much You Know", "Attending to Feelings", "Leading Teachers", "Understanding Students", "Parenting Skills", "Highly Educated People", "Emotionally Illiterate".


1. Emotional intelligence can help improve the way schools operate, from leadership to teaching and learning.
2. Marc Brackett created the Mood Meter tool to help people become aware of their feelings.
3. People often struggle to find words to accurately describe how they are feeling.
4. Success is often tied to divorcing intelligence and strategy from emotions.
5. The "spot of joyful effort" is a goal of staying at a plus one on the mood meter.


1. Create an interactive online quiz for teachers to assess their emotional intelligence and create personalized strategies for improving it in the classroom.
2. Create a series of short videos demonstrating different scenarios where emotional intelligence can be helpful and how to respond.
3. Develop a mobile app that provides daily reminders to practice emotional intelligence skills.
4. Create an online group coaching program to help teachers learn how to incorporate emotional intelligence into their teaching.
5. Develop a toolkit for parents to help them understand the importance of emotional intelligence and how to foster it in their children.


This learning instructional guidance was formulated using the GPT-3 language model created by OpenAI.


Unlock the power of emotional intelligence! Join Marc Brackett, a Yale psychologist professor, to learn how to become emotionally literate and find the "spot of joyful effort". #emotionalintelligence #yaleprofessor #joyfuleffort 😊 @Accredicity

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