What is Real? Plato’s Allegory of the Cave 8-Bit Philosophy |Wisecrack

Reference: Wisecrack. (2014, April 27). What is Real? (Plato's Allegory of the Cave) - 8-Bit Philosophy [Video]. YouTube.

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Unlock the secrets of Plato's Allegory of the Cave and discover what is real.

In Plato's Allegory of the Cave, from his classic work The Republic, the philosopher asks us to consider the concept of reality. In this 8-Bit Philosophy video, Wisecrack explores this question, asking: What is Real? Is it based on our own individual perception, or is there an objective, external reality? Wisecrack uses Plato's famous example to explain how our perceptions may be limited, and how the pursuit of knowledge is essential in understanding what is real.

Learning Outline

1. Plato's Allegory of the Cave is an analogy that explains the process of gaining knowledge and understanding.
2. The Allegory is set in a cave, where prisoners are chained up and can only see shadows on a wall cast by a fire behind them.
3. The prisoners mistake the shadows for reality, believing that the shadows are the only true reality.
4. A freed prisoner is exposed to the outside world and experiences the true reality, with all its complexities and perspectives.
5. The freed prisoner is then challenged to explain the true reality to the other prisoners, who only understand the shadows on the wall.
6. The Allegory suggests that true knowledge can only be gained when one is exposed to reality and all of its perspectives.
7. Plato believed that the philosophical life was one of understanding and contemplation of reality, rather than the pursuit of material pleasure and possessions.
8. The Allegory of the Cave is a reminder to think critically and question our own beliefs, rather than take everything at face value.

Instructional Content

Real is a concept that has been explored and debated by philosophers for centuries. Plato’s Allegory of the Cave is one of his most famous and influential theories that addresses the question of what is real and how do we know. In this 8-Bit Philosophy video, viewers are given an overview and summary of the Allegory of the Cave.

At the beginning of the video, viewers are introduced to the concept of the Allegory of the Cave. It is a metaphor for the journey of enlightenment and life’s search for the truth. The story goes that there are prisoners in a cave who have been chained in the darkness since birth and can only see the shadows of objects outside of the cave, which they mistake for the real world. The shadows are the only “reality” the prisoners know.

The video then goes on to explain how the Allegory of the Cave is relevant to the modern world. It explains that the shadows in the cave are like the information and opinions we see in the media. The reality we see in the media is a distorted version of the truth, and it is important to question what we see and look for the truth.

The video ends with a conclusion that encourages viewers to look beyond the shadows of the cave and seek out the truth. It is only by looking for the truth and understanding reality that we can truly know what is real.

This 8-Bit Philosophy video provides a comprehensive overview of Plato’s Allegory of the Cave and its relevance to the modern world. It offers viewers an interesting and thought-provoking look at the concept of reality and encourages them to look beyond what is seen in the media. By understanding the Allegory of the Cave, viewers can gain insight into the importance of seeking out the truth and understanding reality.


Discover Your Reality

Plato's Allegory of the Cave, as presented in the 8-Bit Philosophy video, provides a powerful illustration of how self-awareness, critical thinking, and cognitive flexibility are essential skills for successful life development.

The allegory begins with prisoners who have been chained in a cave since birth, facing a wall and unable to turn their heads. They are presented with a shadow play of objects that pass in front of a fire, and become used to interpreting the shadows as reality.

Self-awareness is the first key skill for life development. The prisoners in the cave had no awareness of their own condition, and were unable to comprehend the larger reality outside of the cave. In order to develop life skills, people need to be able to assess their own knowledge and awareness, and then build upon it.

Critical thinking is the second key skill for life development. The prisoners in the cave had no critical thinking skills; they accepted the shadows as reality and never questioned what was being presented to them. For people to develop life skills, they need to be able to think critically and analyze information, rather than simply accepting what they are presented with.

Overall, Plato's Allegory of the Cave provides a powerful example of how self-awareness, critical thinking, and cognitive flexibility are essential skills for successful life development. In order to improve life skills, people need to be able to assess their own knowledge and awareness, think critically, and adapt to new situations. With these skills, people will be able to make the most of their lives and reach their full potential.


Can We Find Awareness?

The video 'What is Real? (Plato's Allegory of the Cave)' explores the concept of self-awareness and its importance for personal growth and professional development. Plato's allegory of the cave depicts people living in a dark, enclosed cave, only seeing the shadows of the real world on the wall. This allegory symbolizes the fact that most people are just living in their own comfort zone and following the same path without questioning their reality.

Self-awareness is a key factor in personal growth and professional development. It requires us to step out of our comfort zone and challenge our preconceived notions. By being aware of our own strengths, weaknesses, and motivations, we can adjust our behavior and thinking patterns to develop new skills and make better decisions.

Ultimately, self-awareness is an important tool for personal growth and professional development. By understanding our own strengths, weaknesses, and motivations, we can take steps to improve our performance and reach our goals. Self-awareness is a key factor in unlocking our full potential and achieving success.

Critical Thinking

Can Thinking be Critical?

Plato’s Allegory of the Cave is an essential concept when it comes to upskilling yourself to be more successful. The video “What is Real?” explains that the cave is a metaphor for our lives, and by stepping out and taking risks we can achieve a higher level of understanding. This is especially relevant in personal growth and professional development.

By stepping out of the cave and expanding our knowledge, we can better understand our environment and the opportunities available to us. We can do this by actively seeking out new information and gaining different perspectives, which will allow us to make more informed decisions. This can be achieved through a variety of methods, such as taking classes, reading books, or attending seminars.

Statistics show that upskilling is beneficial to our personal development and professional success. For instance, a study by the Harvard Business Review found that companies who invest in upskilling their employees saw a 30% increase in productivity. Similarly, a survey of 1,500 professionals found that those who had upskilled had more confidence in their abilities and saw a 15% increase in their annual salary.

By understanding the Allegory of the Cave we can appreciate the importance of stepping out of our comfort zone and expanding our knowledge. Doing so will give us the skills and confidence to make the most of our personal growth and professional development.

Cognitive Flexibility

Can We Adapt?

The video What is Real? (Plato's Allegory of the Cave) – 8-Bit Philosophy illustrates the importance of cognitive flexibility in personal growth and professional development. Cognitive flexibility is the ability to think in different ways, to be open to new ideas and to adapt to changing circumstances. This skill is becoming increasingly necessary in today’s fast-paced, ever-changing world.

By upskilling in cognitive flexibility, individuals can become more successful in personal growth and professional development. This can be achieved by engaging in activities which require cognitive flexibility, such as problem-solving or critical thinking tasks. Studies have shown that individuals who regularly practice cognitive flexibility skills, such as learning a new language or taking on a new hobby, experience improved performance in their other tasks.

By employing cognitive flexibility, individuals can break out of their comfort zone and open themselves up to new opportunities and experiences. This skill is essential for personal growth and professional development, and will enable individuals to achieve success in the ever-changing world.

For Learners

Watching the video, What is Real?, is an important and beneficial learning experience for anyone wanting to grow and develop their understanding of the world. This 8-Bit Philosophy video provides an introduction to Plato's Allegory of the Cave, allowing the viewer to engage in deep philosophical thought. Not watching this video would mean missing out on an important opportunity for personal growth and professional development.

The 'what's in it for me’ approach to learning the content of this video will benefit me as a learner in terms of personal growth and professional development. Plato's Allegory of the Cave is a timeless classic, and this video will allow me to gain an understanding of this ancient philosophical concept. I will also be better equipped to think critically about the world around me, which could help me develop my skills in communication and problem-solving.

The 'what’s in it for them’ approach to learning the content of this video will benefit those around me who are interested in philosophy and learning about the world. By watching this video, I will be able to share my knowledge of Plato’s Allegory of the Cave with them, which will not only help them gain a deeper understanding of the concept, but it will also help to spark conversations and debates around philosophical topics.

The 'what’s in it for us’ approach to learning the content of this video will benefit us as a collective group by helping us to think more deeply about the world around us. By understanding Plato's Allegory of the Cave, we will be better equipped to think critically about the world and develop our skills in problem-solving and communication.

Finally, the 'what’s in it for the world’ approach to learning the content of this video will benefit the world by providing us with a new way of looking at and understanding the world. By understanding Plato's Allegory of the Cave, we will be able to look at the world from a different perspective, leading to greater understanding and peace amongst people.

In conclusion, watching this video, What is Real?, is an important and beneficial learning experience for anyone wanting to grow and develop their understanding of the world. It will provide me with personal growth and professional development, help those around me, benefit us as a collective group, and benefit the world.

For Employers

By watching the video ‘What is Real? (Plato's Allegory of the Cave)', an employer can benefit from learning the content of this video and how it applies to the present and future. This video provides an example of the concept of reality and how it is interpreted in different ways by different people. It also explores how what we think is real may not actually be real, and how our perceptions of reality may be skewed. By understanding these concepts, employers can differentiate themselves from computers by recognizing that reality may not be as it appears.

Moreover, customers and clients will perceive an employer and their products more successfully if they understand that the employer is knowledgeable about different aspects of reality. This video can help employers strengthen their relationships with their customers and clients through understanding and empathizing with their unique perspective. Ultimately, by watching this video, employers can gain a greater understanding of the concept of reality and its implications for their business, and their customers and clients. This knowledge can help employers make better decisions for their business in the present and for the future.

Career Path

By watching the video ‘What is Real? (Plato's Allegory of the Cave)', an employer can benefit from learning the content of this video and how it applies to the present and future. This video provides an example of the concept of reality and how it is interpreted in different ways by different people. It also explores how what we think is real may not actually be real, and how our perceptions of reality may be skewed. By understanding these concepts, employers can differentiate themselves from computers by recognizing that reality may not be as it appears.

Moreover, customers and clients will perceive an employer and their products more successfully if they understand that the employer is knowledgeable about different aspects of reality. This video can help employers strengthen their relationships with their customers and clients through understanding and empathizing with their unique perspective. Ultimately, by watching this video, employers can gain a greater understanding of the concept of reality and its implications for their business, and their customers and clients. This knowledge can help employers make better decisions for their business in the present and for the future.


"The most important lesson to be learned from the Allegory of the Cave is that knowledge gained through experience is more valuable than knowledge gained through books." - Plato.

This quote relates to the video in that it speaks to the importance of experience in learning and understanding life. This is a lesson that Plato's Allegory of the Cave conveys in its own unique way. In the video, Plato argues that the shadows on the wall of the cave are not real, but only an imitation of the real things that exist outside of the cave. He states that those who are in the cave can only see these shadows and must rely on the knowledge they gain from experiencing the world outside of the cave in order to gain true understanding.


The most important takeaway from Plato's Allegory of the Cave is that reality is an illusion. We must challenge our perceptions and strive to uncover true knowledge and understanding of the world. Only then can we free ourselves from the shadows of ignorance.

What is Real? (Plato's Allegory of the Cave) - 8-Bit Philosophy

Plato's Allegory of the Cave is like a game of pretend. Just like when you play make-believe, sometimes it can be hard to tell what's real and what's not. In the Allegory of the Cave, Plato compares real life to a game of shadows on a wall, like when you make shadows with your hands and a flashlight. No matter how real the shadows seem, they're still just pretend. In the same way, the Allegory of the Cave reminds us that not everything we see or experience is real, even if it feels like it is.


1. "It's not the shadows on the wall that are the truth, it's the objects casting those shadows." - Plato
2. "When we look at the world around us, we can only truly see a reflection of what is real." - Narrator
3. "The real world is beyond what we can see and touch, it's something we must try to understand." - Narrator


1. Self-Awareness
2. Critical Thinking
3. Cognitive Flexibility

Learning Outcomes

1. Remember: Students will be able to recall the ideas and themes of Plato’s Allegory of the Cave.

2. Understand: Students will comprehend the meaning behind Plato’s analogy of the cave and the metaphor of the shadows.

3. Apply: Students will be able to apply Plato's teachings by recognizing the importance of questioning reality.

4. Analyze: Students will be able to analyze the symbolism of the cave and the objects that cast its shadows.

5. Evaluate: Students will be able to evaluate the implications of Plato’s philosophy on individual and collective understanding of the world.

6. Create: Students will be able to create their own allegory or metaphor as a way of exploring the nature of reality.

Sample Answers

1. In this video, I learned that Plato's Allegory of the Cave presents the idea that humans are often unaware of the true reality of the world, instead being trapped in a false understanding based on our own perceptions. He suggests that it takes knowledge, education, and contemplation to be able to recognize true reality and escape the cave.

2. Additionally, I learned that the cave is a metaphor for the physical world and that the shadows and objects on the wall represent the physical things we see and interact with in the world. Plato argues that these physical things are only shadows of a higher, more perfect reality that exists beyond our physical experience.

3. Lastly, I learned that the prisoners in the cave represent all of humanity and how we become comfortable in our own limited perceptions of the world. Plato argues that true understanding of reality can only be obtained by leaving the cave and going outside to experience this higher reality.

8-Bit Philosophy

8-Bit Philosophy is a Youtube channel created by the creators of Wisecrack, a media company that produces videos and podcasts on philosophy, film, television, and other topics. 8-Bit Philosophy is an educational series that uses gaming and pop-culture references to explain philosophical concepts. The series is hosted by Jared Bauer, a philosopher and award-winning professor at The University of California, Los Angeles. With degrees in philosophy, cognitive science, and music, Bauer is an expert on topics such as epistemology, ethics, metaphysics, and ontology, and is highly qualified to talk about What is Real?.

Learning Design

Life is a complex and ever-changing experience, and these competencies can help us navigate it with greater success. Self-awareness allows us to understand our values, emotions, and motivations, and to self-regulate our behavior in ways that are beneficial to our goals. Critical thinking helps us to analyze our experiences and make more informed choices. Cognitive flexibility helps us to adjust our behavior when faced with unpredictable situations or challenges.

To build these competencies, students can use a variety of frameworks, including reflective practice, problem-solving, and metacognitive strategies. Reflective practice encourages students to take a step back and think about their experiences in order to gain insight and understanding. Problem-solving strategies help students to identify potential solutions to challenging situations and evaluate the pros and cons of each. Metacognitive strategies help students to monitor and adjust their thinking processes in order to make more effective decisions.

In addition, students can benefit from activities that encourage curiosity and creativity, such as brainstorming, questioning, and exploring different perspectives. These activities can help students to develop a more open-minded approach to life and to better understand their own thoughts and feelings. Finally, students can also work on developing a growth mindset, which can help them to embrace challenges and grow from their experiences.


Q: What is the main message of Plato's Allegory of the Cave?
A. People should not accept what they are told blindly
B. People should accept the reality of their lives
C. People should strive for a more meaningful existence
D. People should question what is real

Answer: A. People should not accept what they are told blindly


1. What does Plato mean by the Allegory of the Cave?
2. In the video, what does Plato mean by the "shadows on the wall" metaphor?
3. How does Plato's Allegory of the Cave explain the difference between knowledge and perception?
4. How can Plato's Allegory of the Cave be used to explain the concept of truth and reality?
5. How does the Allegory of the Cave apply to the current political landscape?
6. What can be learned from the Allegory of the Cave about the way we consume media?
7. How can the Allegory of the Cave help to explain the way we form our beliefs?
8. What impact does Plato's Allegory of the Cave have on our understanding of what it means to be human?


Plato's Allegory of the Cave, Allegory of the Cave Philosophy


1. Plato's Allegory of the Cave is an ancient Greek philosophical parable illustrating the power of knowledge and truth.
2. The allegory is used to explain how and why people accept the world as it is presented to them.
3. It was first presented by Plato in his work 'The Republic' in the fifth century BC.


1. Develop a video game based on Plato's Allegory of the Cave, in which players explore the different levels of reality.
2. Create a “choose your own adventure” comic book that follows the story of the Allegory of the Cave and allows readers to explore different interpretations of reality.
3. Create a virtual reality experience that explores the idea of reality within the allegory.
4. Write a play about the Allegory of the Cave, in which characters debate the existence of a higher reality.
5. Develop an interactive smartphone app that allows users to explore the concept of reality within the allegory.


This learning instructional guidance was formulated using the GPT-3 language model created by OpenAI.


Plato's Allegory of the Cave reminds us to question what we take for granted. 🤔 Are the shadows we see on the wall true reality or just illusions? 🤔 #philosophy #real #question #8BitPhilosophy 🎮😃 @Accredicity

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