Power of Thought | Dr. Joe Dispenza on Impact Theory – Tom Bilyeu
Reference: Tom Bilyeu. (2018, June 12). How to Unlock the Full Potential of Your Mind | Dr. Joe Dispenza on Impact Theory [Video]. YouTube.
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Unlock the full power of thought and transform your life with Dr. Joe Dispenza's revolutionary teachings on meditation and the power of thought. In this Impact Theory video, Tom Bilyeu interviews Dr. Joe Dispenza, a New York Times bestselling author, sought-after speaker, and expert in neuroscience, epigenetics, and quantum physics. Dr. Dispenza explains how our thoughts can make us sick, and how we can use mindfulness and other practices to unlock the full potential of our minds. He explains how our thoughts and emotions create our state of being, how we become habitual, and how we can break through the cycle to create the life we want. Dr. Dispenza also shares his research on the effects of meditation, and offers insights on how to shorten our emotional reactions and create lasting change. Learning Outline1. It is possible for thoughts to make us sick and also make us well. Instructional ContentDr. Joe Dispenza is one of the most sought-after speakers in the world when it comes to understanding and unlocking the power of the mind. In his groundbreaking book, You are the Placebo, Dispenza details how the brain can be used to create health and wellbeing. In this Impact Theory interview, Dispenza dives into the habit of self, how memories are formed, and how to break free from the cycle of negative thinking and emotions. Dispenza explains how thoughts and emotions create a person's "state of being" and how the familiar past will eventually become the predictable future. He emphasizes the importance of taking control of our thoughts and emotions, rather than letting them lead us. Dispenza also discusses how to shorten the refractory period of emotional reactions and the long-term effects of stress hormones on genes. By understanding the underlying scientific processes at work in our brains, we can unlock the full potential of our minds and create a healthier and more meaningful life. Through Dispenza's teachings, we can learn to take control of our thoughts and emotions and break free from the cycle of negative thinking. With the right mindset and knowledge, we can create a future in which we are healthier, happier, and more fulfilled. Life
![]() When we experience emotions like sadness, pain, or anger, our body releases certain hormones that can make us sick. It's like a computer program that is hardwired into our brain and it can be hard to get out of this cycle. But Dr. Joe Dispenza believes that we can use the power of our minds to unlock our full potential. He teaches us how to use meditation to slow down our brainwaves and gain access to our subconscious mind. This way, we can learn to control our emotions and shorten the time we are affected by them. This helps us to create a better future for ourselves and to be healthier and happier. Video QuotesQuote 1: “It's a scientific fact that the hormones of stress downregulate genes and create disease. Long-term effects. Human beings because of the size of the neocortex, we can turn on the stress response just by thought alone as I think about our problems and turn on those chemicals” - Dr. Joe Dispenza Quote 2: “So if it's possible, that our thoughts could make us sick then it is possible then our thoughts could make us well, the answer is absolutely yes” - Dr. Joe Dispenza Quote 3: “So Most people then wait for crisis or trauma or disease or diagnosis, you know, they wait for loss some tragedy to make up their mind to change and my message is why wait and and You can learn and change in a state of pain and suffering or you can learn and change in a state of joy and inspiration” - Dr. Joe Dispenza Related Quotes"The problem with our lives is not the lack of knowledge, but the lack of awareness." - Dr. Joe Dispenza "You have the ability to rewire your brain and choose another way of thinking, feeling, and acting." - Dr. Joe Dispenza "You become what you think about." - Dr. Joe Dispenza Competencies1. Positive Mindset Learning Outcomes1. Understand: How the hormones of stress can downregulate genes and create disease in the long-term. Sample Answers1. Through this video, I learned that our thoughts have the ability to make us both sick and well. Stress hormones can downregulate certain genes and create diseases, but our thoughts can also positively affect our wellness. 2. I also learned that our thoughts are connected to memories and emotions. When we think about our problems, our emotions become the end product of our past experiences. This can create a state of being rooted in the past, and can lead to a predictable future. 3. Finally, I learned about the habit of us, which is the set of automatic, unconscious thoughts, behaviors, and emotions that we acquire through repetition. This can create a subconscious program that can limit our free will. To change this, we need to learn how to slow down our brainwaves through meditation. Dr. Joe DispenzaDr. Joe Dispenza is a New York Times best-selling author, international lecturer, researcher, and educator. He has a Bachelor of Science degree with an emphasis in neuroscience, and a Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Life University in Atlanta, Georgia. He has lectured in over 33 countries on six continents educating people about the role and function of the human brain. Dr. Dispenza is an expert in the science of changing the human brain and has been featured in the award-winning movie “What the Bleep Do We Know!?” and the award-winning film “Evolve Your Brain.” He is a professor at Seattle Pacific University, and he is the founder of the Dispenza Neuroscience Institute. Dr. Joe Dispenza is an expert on unlocking the full potential of the mind because of his extensive study of the science of the brain, meditation, and personal transformation. He has developed a system for creating lasting, positive changes in the brain that can lead to better physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing. Dr. Joe Dispenza Learning DesignThe competencies of Positive Mindset, Mindfulness, and Personal Growth are essential for living a life of balance and fulfillment. Each of these competencies has distinct benefits that help people achieve greater success in their personal and professional lives. Positive Mindset is an important skill to learn as it helps individuals stay focused on the present and think in a more optimistic way. It also helps to increase self-esteem and confidence, making it possible to take on challenging tasks with enthusiasm. Mindfulness helps to increase concentration and focus, allowing people to stay on task and tackle difficult tasks without getting distracted. Finally, Personal Growth is an important skill that enables people to constantly learn and develop new skills, increasing their potential for success and satisfaction in life. AssessmentQ: What is the refractory period of emotional reactions? Answer: B. Days Questions1. How can one reduce the length of the refractory period of emotional reactions? Keywords"Stress Hormones," "Emotional Reactions," "Neuroscience Epigenetics," "Quantum Physics," "Brain Mapping EEGs," "Gas-Discharge Visualization," "Mindfulness Well-Being," "Brain-Related Topics," "Mind Derived Health," "Unlock Power Mind," "Unleashing Creativity," "Becoming Supernatural." Facts1. The hormones of stress downregulate genes and can create disease with long-term effects. Trends1. Create a guided meditation program that helps those who have experienced trauma to better process their emotions and make peace with their past. SourceThis learning instructional guidance was formulated using the GPT-3 language model created by OpenAI. ShareUnlock the full potential of your mind with Dr. Joe Dispenza! Learn how to use meditation to make real changes in your life & break free from the cycle of your past. #meditation #mindfulness #selfimprovement 🧠 @Accredicity |