These Are Not Unprecedented Times | Simon Sinek

Reference: Simon Sinek. (2020, March 27). These Are Not Unprecedented Times | Simon Sinek [Video]. YouTube.

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Discover how to thrive in uncertain times with Simon Sinek's inspiring advice on reinventing yourself and the world around you.

In this video, Simon Sinek explains that times like these are not unprecedented. He explains that with the invention of the Internet, many companies went out of business and only those who could reinvent themselves for the Internet age stayed afloat. He cites Starbucks and Uber as examples of companies that have adapted and thrived. He also explains that companies with a finite mindset are in survival mode while companies with an infinite mindset are in reinvention mode. He encourages everyone to think about how they can change to get through this, rather than try to preserve what they already have. Lastly, he encourages everyone to lean on each other, as it will not be easy, but it will be magical.

Learning Outline

1. Change is difficult but not unprecedented in the business world
2. Companies with an 'infinite mindset' are better prepared for change
3. Companies with a 'finite mindset' are in survival mode
4. Companies must think about how to do what they do in a different world
5. The will of the people is high to figure out a way through the change
6. Reinventing oneself within a company is the opportunity
7. Don't wait on the old way of doing things, be creative and think of new ways
8. Work together and help each other to figure out the new ways
9. Think about the 'why' behind what you do, the 'what' will follow
10. Change can be a wake-up call to become a better, streamlined company.

Instructional Content

These are not unprecedented times. Change is something that businesses have had to adapt to ever since the invention of the internet and will continue to do so in the future. Simon Sinek explains that it is the companies with an infinite mindset who will come out of this stronger than ever. Those with a finite mindset have been stuck in survival mode rather than reinvention mode.

The key to success is to think not how do we do what we're doing, but how will we do what we're doing in a different world. Companies must reinvent themselves and the way they do things. They must invest in will and look for new ways to bring their message to their customers in different, lasting ways.

Simon Sinek encourages everyone to look for ways to reinvent themselves, whether it is within their current job or creating a new one. The opportunity is there and now is the time to take it. With the right attitude and mindset, companies will come out of this stronger than ever.

These are not unprecedented times and with the right mindset and attitude, businesses can use this as an opportunity to reinvent themselves and come out stronger than ever. This video by Simon Sinek provides great insight on how to use this time of change to your advantage and come out stronger in the end.


"Unprecedented Leadership Guidance"

The video and transcript provided by Simon Sinek, “These are not unprecedented times," is an excellent source of information for learners on how to develop their leadership skills in the context of creativity and innovation, adaptability and resilience, and positive mindset. The video and transcript provide a comprehensive overview of how companies and individuals can adapt to changing times and scenarios.

Creativity and innovation are essential leadership skills in today’s world, and the video and transcript demonstrate how companies and individuals can use these skills to stay ahead of the competition. As Simon Sinek points out, the invention of the internet put many companies out of business because they refused to change their business models. Companies that managed to reinvent themselves, such as Starbucks and Uber, managed to stay afloat and even thrive in the new digital economy. This demonstrates the importance of creativity and innovation in the business world, and how companies and individuals must be willing to think outside of the box and develop new ideas and solutions in order to stay competitive.

Adaptability and resilience are also key leadership skills that can be developed through the video and transcript. As Simon Sinek points out, those companies that have been investing in a “will” and had an “infinite mindset” for a long time will come out of this stronger. This is because they were prepared for change and had saved money as opposed to giving out huge bonuses. Those companies that had spent all their money and appeased Wall Street are now struggling because they are in survival mode, instead of reinvention mode. This demonstrates the importance of being able to quickly adapt to changing times, while also maintaining a resilient mindset.

Lastly, a positive mindset is essential when it comes to developing leadership skills. As Simon Sinek points out, “we’re in a dark tunnel but there’s a light over there.” This is a reminder that although times may be difficult, there is always a way forward. Learners should strive to maintain a positive outlook, and focus on finding new solutions rather than dwelling on the problems. This will help them to stay motivated and keep moving forward.

In conclusion, the video and transcript provided by Simon Sinek on “These Are Not Unprecedented Times” provides a comprehensive overview of how to improve leadership skills in learners. It demonstrates the importance of creativity and innovation, adaptability and resilience, and positive mindset in the context of skills

Creativity and Innovation

How Does It Inspire?

Up-skilling is essential to staying ahead in personal growth and professional development in today’s ever-changing world. The video featuring Simon Sinek brings this concept to life in his discussion of “the infinite mindset” and how adapting to change is key in order to survive. He points to the development of the internet and how it put many companies out of business unless they were able to reinvent themselves. Companies such as Starbucks and Uber were able to reinvent themselves and ultimately come out of the change stronger.

The importance of having an “infinite mindset” and the willingness to constantly evolve and adapt in order to stay ahead is highlighted in the video. Those companies that invest in their employees and have an “infinite mindset”, even in times of economic uncertainty, will come out of the crisis stronger. It is important, therefore, for individuals to up-skill themselves in order to stay ahead.

Studies have shown that those that regularly up-skill are more employable and have higher salaries. According to a 2019 study by the World Economic Forum, 74% of employers report that they are actively looking to hire employees with up-to-date skills. Additionally, the same study found that those that up-skill can increase their salaries by up to 16%.

It is essential, therefore, to stay ahead of the curve and up-skill yourself in order to be successful in personal growth and professional development. Investing in yourself and having an “infinite mindset” is key to staying ahead of the competition and ensuring success in the future.

Adaptability and Resilience

Can Adaptability Cope?

As the current pandemic has forced us to rapidly adapt to a changing world, upskilling ourselves to be more successful in personal growth and professional development has become more important than ever. In his video, Simon Sinek explains the importance of having an "infinite mindset" to weather this storm and come out stronger. This mindset is focused on reinventing ourselves and our companies to stay competitive, rather than trying to preserve our current state.

The truth is, times like these are not unprecedented. Many companies have had to change or reinvent themselves due to unexpected events in the past. For example, the invention of the internet put many companies out of business, while those that could adapt, such as Starbucks and Uber, thrived and gained market share.

One of the most important aspects of upskilling ourselves is having the right mindset. Companies that have been investing in will and have an infinite mindset are better prepared to handle changes, such as saving money instead of giving out bonuses. On the other hand, companies with a finite mindset, even if they have a lot of money, are more likely to be in survival mode.

Upskilling ourselves should be about looking for ways to change and reinvent ourselves and our companies for the future. We should focus on how we can contribute in a new way, and how we can bring our message to people in different ways that will last forever. We should not be afraid to try new things and take risks, as this can result in us learning new skills and gaining new experiences.

It is also important to remember that we should not try to take on upskilling ourselves alone. We should help each other, and support each other as we go through this process. By doing so, we can become more successful in personal growth and professional development.

Positive Mindset

Can We Keep a Positive Outlook?

The video “These Are Not Unprecedented Times” by Simon Sinek provides valuable insight into how you can upskill yourself to be more successful in personal growth and professional development. Through his example, Sinek clearly illustrates the importance of developing an infinite mindset - a mindset that is open to change, and one that is willing to take risks and adapt to new, unforeseen circumstances. This is especially important in the current climate, where many businesses have been forced to reinvent themselves due to the changes brought on by the pandemic.

Investing in yourself, both personally and professionally, is key to developing this infinite mindset. Taking the time to learn new skills, such as coding and digital marketing, can help you stay ahead of the curve and make yourself more valuable to employers. Additionally, developing soft skills like communication, problem-solving, and critical thinking can help you navigate complex situations and remain agile in a rapidly-changing environment.

Furthermore, Sinek emphasizes the importance of the “will of the people” in times of crisis. This is especially true when it comes to personal development; having a strong support network and an optimistic outlook can help you stay motivated and focused on your goals. The pandemic has presented many challenges, but it has also opened up opportunities for growth and personal development. By embracing an infinite mindset and investing in yourself, you can use this time to upskill and set yourself up for future success.

For Learners

Watching this video provides a positive benefit because it explains why these are not unprecedented times. Simon Sinek explains how the invention of the internet put many companies out of business and how companies who double down on the old way of doing business are now out of business. He also explains how companies who had an infinite mindset, saved money, and had the will of the people to figure out a way through the changes were the ones who came out stronger.

Not learning the content of this video has a negative detriment because it can leave the learner unprepared for changes in their industry. Companies who don't invest in their employees' will and don't have an infinite mindset are the ones who struggle the most. Companies who have invested in their employees' will and have an infinite mindset are the ones who come out stronger and are able to reinvent themselves for the new world.

Using the ‘what’s in it for me’, ‘what’s in it for them’, ‘what’s in it for us’, and ‘what’s in it for the world’ approach to learning the content of this video will benefit the learner for personal growth and professional development. It will help them understand the importance of investing in their employees' will and having an infinite mindset to be prepared for changes in their industry. It will also help the learner understand how to reinvent themselves for the new world and help their company come out stronger. The learner will also be able to use their newfound knowledge to help their company and industry as a whole be more prepared for changes and be able to come out stronger.

For Employers

This video by Simon Sinek is a must-watch for forward-thinking employers. It explains how the infinite mindset can help companies to succeed in times such as these. It also explains how some companies have failed because they refused to change and reinvent themselves. This video provides employers with an invaluable lesson in how to differentiate themselves from the competition by investing in their employees and having an infinite mindset.

By learning the concepts in this video, employers can understand the importance of preparing for the future, rather than trying to preserve what they have. They can also understand the importance of investing in the will of their employees and having an infinite mindset. This will enable them to develop new products and services, as well as reinvent themselves to stay relevant in a changing world.

Customers and clients will perceive employers and their products more positively if they understand that the company is focused on the future and is willing to invest in their people. This will create a positive impression, as customers and clients will be more likely to trust a company that is prepared for change.

By watching this video, employers can also understand how to make the most of their resources and invest in their employees. This can help them create a sustainable business model for the future, as well as build and maintain relationships with customers and clients. In conclusion, this video provides invaluable insight into how employers can prepare for the future and differentiate themselves from the competition.

Career Path

Completing a course based on the leadership competencies of creativity and innovation, adaptability and resilience, and positive mindset would help anyone on their career path by giving them the skills and knowledge to become more employable, promotable, and purposeful. Taking the time to level up and invest in yourself is the best way to gain income-producing skills and close the skills gap.

An example of leveling up is to watch the video These Are Not Unprecedented Times with Simon Sinek. This video will give life-long learners the tools and insight to thrive in their careers, even in the most challenging of times. Sinek discusses the importance of having an infinite mindset, which is essential for those wanting to stay ahead of the competition and remain relevant in high demand and high growth industries.

He explains that those with an infinite mindset are prepared for the unexpected and are constantly innovating and reinventing themselves, whereas those with a finite mindset are stuck in survival mode. Sinek argues that it is the companies with an infinite mindset that will come out of this pandemic stronger and more successful.

These are the companies that have been investing in the will of their people – those who have the determination and resilience to make it through the tough times. His words act as a reminder that it is important to stay focused and be prepared to adapt, so that you can come out of this even stronger and better prepared for the future.

By taking a course in leadership, life-long learners can gain the knowledge and skills to develop their own infinite mindset and become more employable, promotable, and purposeful. With the right mindset, combined with the knowledge acquired from the course, they will have the skills to stand out from the competition and make their mark in the ever-changing world of work.


"These are not unprecedented times" is a famous quote from the interview with Simon Sinek in the video, These Are Not Unprecedented Times. In this quote, Sinek is trying to explain how the infinite mindset can help people in times of difficulty. He explains that although the current situation is more shocking and sudden, it is not unprecedented. This is a reminder to people to not get too caught up in the present and instead focus on the future.

This quote is important for learners and employers because it encourages them to not become stagnant in their thinking. Instead, it encourages them to think about how their business or career can change to meet the new environment. It also encourages people to embrace change, which is an essential skill for success in any field. This quote is an important reminder for everyone to look to the future and embrace change, even in the most difficult times.


The most important key takeaway from this video is that times of difficulty present a unique opportunity for reinvention and growth. Companies that approach these times with an infinite mindset and the will of the people will come out stronger. It is essential to think about how we can contribute in new ways and how to bring our message to people in different, lasting ways.

These Are Not Unprecedented Times | Simon Sinek

These are not unprecedented times! It's like when the internet first came out and put some companies out of business, while others reinvented themselves and became stronger. It's like when Starbucks came to town, and some coffee shops couldn't keep up and went out of business, while others adapted and stayed. It's like when Uber came and put some taxi companies out of business because they refused to change. So, it's not all bad news. Companies that have had an infinite mindset and saved money, instead of giving out bonuses, will come out of this stronger. We just have to figure out how to change and do things differently so that we can keep going. We don't have to do it alone either - we've got each other's backs! So, wash your hands, don't worry, and let's get through this together!

Video Quotes

"It's the companies that have been investing in will and had it and having an infinite mindset for a long time that will come out of this stronger because they're prepared" - Simon Sinek
"It's the companies with the finite mindset that are in survival mode regardless of how much money they have it's the mindset" - Simon Sinek
"We have to be normal a normal company now we have to market ourselves and and develop product" - Simon Sinek

Related Quotes

1. "We don't know what the future holds, but we do know what it demands of us." - Simon Sinek
2. "It demands that we have each other's back. That we look out for one another." - Simon Sinek
3. "We have to get comfortable with the uncomfortable. We have to be resilient." - Simon Sinek


1. Creativity and Innovation
2. Adaptability and Resilience
3. Positive Mindset

Learning Outcomes

1. Understand how the finite mindset can put a business out of business, but the infinite mindset can help reinvent and come out stronger post-crisis (Knowledge)
2. Analyze how companies with an infinite mindset are able to transition and reinvent business models during times of crisis (Analysis)
3. Evaluate ways to engage in reinvention to better position oneself and their business within their industry (Evaluation)
4. Apply the concepts of will and an infinite mindset to the current business environment (Application)
5. Create new and innovative ways to bring a business message to the public (Creation)
6. Demonstrate the ability to adapt and innovate, rather than survive, in times of crisis (Synthesis)

Sample Answers

1. I learned that these times are not unprecedented - many companies have gone out of business because of sudden changes in the past, like the invention of the internet. I also learned that the companies that have been investing in an infinite mindset and have been saving money rather than giving out bonuses will come out of this stronger.

2. I learned that the companies that are struggling the most are the ones that had a finite mindset and spent all their money to appease Wall Street, and the people that are in survival mode rather than reinvention mode.

3. Finally, I learned that it is important to think about how we can change to get through this, rather than how we can preserve what we had. We need to reinvent ourselves and our companies, and it is important to have the will of the people to figure out a way through it.

Simon Sinek

Simon Sinek is an unshakable optimist, bestselling author, and motivational speaker. He is the author of five books, including Start With Why, Leaders Eat Last, and Together Is Better. He is a renowned public speaker, addressing audiences around the world on the topics of leadership, trust, and teamwork. Simon has been featured on the TEDx stage, and the TED main stage, and his TED talk, How Great Leaders Inspire Action, is the third most-viewed TED talk of all time. He is also a frequent guest lecturer at the United States Military Academy at West Point. Simon is an expert on These Are Not Unprecedented Times because of his extensive experience in public speaking and his insight into leadership, trust and teamwork. He is associated with the Start With Why organization, which can be found at

Learning Design

The three competencies of Creativity and Innovation, Adaptability and Resilience, and Positive Mindset are essential to learn for leadership courses. Creativity and Innovation equip leaders with the ability to think outside the box and develop creative solutions to problems; Adaptability and Resilience enable leaders to adjust to changing environments and persist in the face of adversity; Positive Mindset enables leaders to project a positive energy and motivate their coworkers.

Overall, these competencies are essential for leadership courses and can be effectively taught through experiential learning and reflective practices. By engaging in these activities, learners can gain a better understanding of the competencies, and develop the necessary skills to become effective leaders.


Q: What is the main concept that Simon Sinek is conveying in this video?

A. Companies that have been investing in will and had it and having an infinite mindset for a long time will come out of this stronger
B. Companies should save money and appease Wall Street
C. Companies should double down on the old way they did business
D. Companies should reinvent themselves and think about their jobs differently

Answer: A. Companies that have been investing in will and had it and having an infinite mindset for a long time will come out of this stronger


Questions for Students:
1. What is the difference between an infinite mindset and finite mindset?
2. How did the invention of the internet affect businesses?
3. What is Simon Sinek's main advice for businesses during this time?
4. How can businesses use the infinite mindset to their advantage?

Questions to Apply to Real-Life Examples and Scenarios:
1. What strategies can businesses use to reinvent themselves in the digital age?
2. How can businesses ensure their employees remain engaged and motivated during times of crisis?
3. What measures can businesses take to remain competitive in a rapidly changing market?
4. How can businesses use their resources to maximize their chances of success during an economic downturn?


"Unprecedented Times", "Infinite Mindset", "Reinvent Companies", "Reinvention Mode", "Different Jobs", "Different World", "Finite Mindset", "Living Example", "Public Speaker", "Hot Fine-Dining".


1. The invention of the internet put many companies out of business.
2. Companies who invested in will and had an infinite mindset will come out stronger.
3. Uber is putting taxi companies out of business due to inability to change.
4. Companies with finite mindset are in survival mode regardless of money.
5. People must reinvent themselves within companies to stay ahead.


1. Leverage the Internet to Reach a Wider Audience: Businesses can use the Internet to create a more diverse and global customer base and market themselves in ways not previously possible. Companies can take advantage of a variety of online marketing tools and platforms to expand their reach and increase their visibility.

2. Offer New Online Services: Businesses can provide new services and products to their customers that can be accessed online, such as virtual classes, online consultations, and e-commerce.

3. Reinvent Products and Services: Companies can use this time to focus on improving existing products and services and creating new ones that can meet customer needs in the changing digital environment.

4. Invest in Employee Well-Being: Companies can take this time to invest in their employees, providing job training and other resources to help them grow and succeed in the new digital landscape.


This learning instructional guidance was formulated using the GPT-3 language model created by OpenAI.


Times may seem unprecedented, but history shows us that humanity has faced challenges before. We must choose optimism and action over fear and complacency. #leadership #resilience 💪🌟 @Accredicity

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