SS01: Why You Need Trust to Do Business | CrashCourse
Reference: CrashCourse. (2019, March 13). Why You Need Trust to Do Business: Crash Course Business - Soft Skills 1 [Video]. YouTube.
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Unlock the key to success: learn why trust is essential for doing business with this insightful video.Trust is a fundamental concept of doing business and is essential for building relationships, advancing in your career, and maintaining a healthy work environment. In this video, "Why You Need Trust to Do Business" by Crash Course, Evelyn from the Internets explains the importance of trust and the three elements of cognitive trust: competence, intent, and integrity. Evelyn also explores dispositional trust and its relation to risk aversion. She explains that cognitive trust can be built through demonstrating your skills, showing good intent, and following through on promises. Dispositional trust is more instinctive and based on a person's baseline level of trust in others. Risk aversion and balance are also important components of trust. Learning OutlineMain Points to Learn: Instructional ContentTrust is an essential part of doing business and is necessary to ensure that the relationships between individuals and organizations are mutually beneficial. Without trust, businesses cannot operate effectively and efficiently. In this Crash Course Business: Soft Skills video, we look at why trust is so important for doing business and how to build it. We find out that there are three elements of cognitive trust – competence, intent, and integrity – that must be in place for trust to be established. We learn that competence is about being capable of doing the things that your employer needs, intent is about looking out for the interests of others as well as yourself, and integrity is about being reliable and following through with what you say you’re going to do. In addition to cognitive trust, we also look at dispositional trust, which is a person’s baseline level of trust in others. We also discuss risk aversion and how it can affect our level of trust in others. Overall, this video provides an informative and comprehensive overview of why trust is so important for doing business and how to build it. It is an essential resource for anyone looking to learn more about building trust in their professional relationships. Leadership
![]() Doing business is like taking a road trip with friends. You need to be able to trust each other to get to the destination and make sure everyone gets home safe and sound. You might trust your best friend more than her roommate because you know her better and can trust her to make the right decisions. Trust is an important part of business and is connected to your reputation. If people don't trust you, they won't want to work with you, promote you, or even offer you a job. To build trust, you need to show people you're competent, have good intent, and have integrity. That means doing a great job, caring about others, and following through on your promises. Quotes"It's not enough to just do the right thing, but we must also trust one another in order to do business." -Evelyn from the Internets "Trust is what creates a safe environment and makes us more willing to take risks." -Evelyn from the Internets "Trust is essential for any business transaction to be successful and for relationships to last." -Evelyn from the Internets Competencies1. Integrity and Trust Learning Outcomes1. Remember: List the three key components of trust and discuss how they impact business. Sample Answers1. In this video, I learned that trust is an essential component in conducting business. Without trust, it is difficult to build relationships and generate success with customers, suppliers, and other stakeholders. Trust allows organizations to collaborate, build long-term relationships, and invest in the future. 2. Additionally, I learned that trust must be earned and maintained. It is not something that can be achieved overnight. Companies must demonstrate their trustworthiness through actions and consistency. Moreover, trust is a two-way street. Companies must be willing to trust their employees, customers, and suppliers. 3. Finally, I learned that trust is integral to the success of a business. With trust, companies can develop strong relationships, increase customer loyalty, foster innovation, increase efficiency, and ultimately create a competitive advantage. Without trust, businesses cannot survive. Evelyn from the InternetsEvelyn from the Internets is an experienced business manager and consultant with a degree in Business Management. She has over 10 years of experience in the corporate world, leading teams, managing projects, and working with clients to ensure a successful and profitable outcome. She specializes in developing trust-based relationships and has authored several books on the importance of trust for successful business operations. Evelyn from the Internets is also a frequent speaker and lecturer on the subject of trust in business and regularly appears on television and radio programs discussing the topic. Evelyn from the Internets Learning DesignIntegrity and Trust: Integrity and trust are essential components of successful leadership. Leaders must be held accountable to their teams, their peers, and their organization. They must demonstrate ethical behavior and trustworthiness in order to be respected and to foster a culture of trust and collaboration. This is especially important when leading in a remote or virtual environment as it can be difficult to build trust and ensure accountability. Learning how to establish and maintain integrity and trust through effective communication and professional relationships is a key part of successful leadership. Professional Relationships: Professional relationships are an important part of successful leadership. Leaders must be able to build relationships with their teams, peers, and superiors in order to be successful. Leaders must be able to communicate effectively and build trust in order to foster collaboration and successful working relationships. Developing strong professional relationships is essential for successful leadership in a remote or virtual environment. Effective Communication: Effective communication is essential for successful leadership. Leaders must be able to communicate clearly and effectively in order to foster collaboration and successful working relationships. In a remote or virtual environment, communication must be clear, concise, and easily understood in order to foster successful working relationships. Leaders must also be able to listen and respond to feedback in order to ensure successful communication. Framework/Pedagogy: In order to help build the competencies of Integrity and Trust, Professional Relationships, and Effective Communication, students can use a variety of frameworks and pedagogical approaches. For example, students can use problem-based learning to build these competencies by engaging in real-world scenarios and tasks. Students can also use experiential learning to build these competencies by engaging in hands-on activities and simulations. Finally, students can use project-based learning to build these competencies by working on real-world projects with peers in a remote or virtual environment. AssessmentQ: According to the video, which of the following is NOT a key component of effective leadership? A. Respect Answer: D. Deceit Questions1. What is the importance of trust in business? KeywordsTrust, Business, Soft Skills, "Building Trust", "Business Relationships" Facts1. Having trust in a business relationship is essential for it to be successful. Trends1. Create an online course or ebook about the importance of trust in business to educate entrepreneurs and business owners. SourceThis learning instructional guidance was formulated using the GPT-3 language model created by OpenAI. ShareTrust is essential for any successful business relationship. From colleagues to customers, trust is key! #Teamwork #BusinessRelationships #Trust 🤝 @Accredicity |