Simon Sinek | LinkedIn Speaker Series

Reference: LinkedIn. (2019, October 18). LinkedIn Speaker Series: Simon Sinek [Video]. YouTube.

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Learn how to unlock your leadership potential with Simon Sinek's exclusive insights.

The LinkedIn Speaker Series is proud to present Simon Sinek, a motivational speaker, leadership expert, and best-selling author. His popular TED Talk on "Start With Why" has been viewed over 40 million times and is the third-most-viewed TED Talk of all time. In this episode, Simon discusses how to inspire people to do the things that inspire them in their work, and how to create an environment where they can be their best. He also shares his insights on leadership, communication, and developing a successful business. Watch now to learn how to bring out the best in your team and create an impactful mission for your company.

Learning Outline

1. Develop a sense of purpose: Everyone needs to have a sense of purpose in life, and businesses need to have a purpose that goes beyond making money.

2. Build trust: To be successful, businesses must build trust among their employees, customers, and the public.

3. Find the why: Companies should strive to find the “why” behind their mission so that they can inspire their employees and customers.

4. Lead with optimism: Leaders should lead with optimism and trust that their teams will accomplish the goals they set out to achieve.

5. Have courage: Companies should have the courage to take risks and make mistakes in order to be successful.

6. Take responsibility: Leaders should take responsibility for their decisions and actions, and be accountable to their teams.

7. Build relationships: Companies should focus on building relationships with their customers and employees in order to foster a sense of loyalty and trust.

8. Communicate clearly: Leaders should be clear and consistent in their communication so that everyone understands the goals of the company.

Instructional Content

The LinkedIn Speaker Series video featuring Simon Sinek is a must-watch for anyone looking to gain insight into the world of leadership and knowledge. In this video, Simon Sinek dives deep into why great leaders have the ability to inspire action and how they can develop and foster an environment of trust and loyalty.

At the core of Simon's discussion is the concept of leadership through purpose. He explains how having a purpose not only provides the leader with a sense of direction but also motivates those they lead to strive for something greater than just themselves. By tapping into the “why” of the organization, leaders can then craft a culture that can help the organization reach its goals.

Simon also discusses how having a clear understanding of your own vision and values allows you to better lead others. He believes that having an understanding of what is truly important to you, and being able to communicate that to those around you, is essential in creating a culture of trust and loyalty.

Ultimately, the video offers an insightful look into the world of leadership and how it can help an organization reach its goals. Simon Sinek’s wisdom can help you understand how to create an environment of trust and loyalty, and how to lead through purpose. He shows us that having a clear vision and values, and the ability to communicate them, is essential for any leader who wants to inspire action.


Inspire Greatness Now

In this LinkedIn Speaker Series video, Simon Sinek talks about the importance of vision, courage, perseverance, and strategic thinking when it comes to developing leadership skills. He emphasizes that it is not about what you do, but why you do it. He emphasizes that having a clear vision of what you want to achieve is essential to successful leadership.

Vision is essential to successful leadership because it provides a clear direction and purpose. Leaders must be able to communicate their vision to others, so they can understand and follow it. However, having a vision isn't enough; leaders must also have the courage to take risks and make difficult decisions. They must be willing to overcome obstacles and persevere in the face of adversity.

Strategic thinking is also essential for successful leadership. Leaders must be able to analyze situations and make decisions based on their analysis. They must be able to think critically and come up with innovative solutions to problems. Leaders must be able to identify opportunities and develop strategies to capitalize on them.

In order to improve leadership skills, learners must first develop a clear vision of what they want to achieve. They must have the courage to take risks and make difficult decisions. They must be willing to persevere and overcome obstacles. They must also develop their strategic thinking skills and identify opportunities to capitalize on. Finally, they must be able to communicate their vision to others in order to inspire and motivate them. By doing these things, learners will be able to develop the necessary skills to become successful leaders.


"How Can Simon Sinek Help Your Vision?"

Simon Sinek’s talk in the LinkedIn Speaker Series focuses on the importance of upskilling yourself to be successful in personal growth and professional development. He emphasizes the value of having a vision and understanding the bigger picture. Sinek explains that having a vision gives you direction and purpose. It allows you to set goals and have a plan of action to achieve them. He also notes that having a vision helps you stay focused, motivated, and confident in your decisions.

Upskilling yourself is key for personal growth and professional development. It can open up new opportunities, increase your employability, and help you stay up to date in your field. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, upskilling can lead to a median wage increase of 5-15%. Additionally, a recent survey found that 94% of employers believe that upskilling can increase job satisfaction and engagement.

Upskilling yourself also helps you stay competitive in the workplace by learning new skills and staying ahead of the curve. Sinek references the example of Apple, which was able to stay ahead of their competitors by staying innovative and embracing new technologies. This is a great example of how having a clear vision and upskilling can help you stay competitive in the market.

Overall, Simon Sinek’s talk emphasizes the importance of having a vision and upskilling yourself for personal growth and professional development. With the right vision and upskilling, you can open up new opportunities, increase your employability, and stay competitive in the workplace.

Courage and Perseverance

Can Simon Sinek Inspire?

The video featuring Simon Sinek is an excellent source of inspiration and advice for those looking to upskill themselves to be more successful in personal growth and professional development. In the video, Sinek encourages viewers to think differently and have courage to pursue their dreams. According to Sinek, courage is the ability to do something even when you are afraid. He stresses the importance of having the courage to take the initiative and persevere, even when faced with difficult challenges.

To illustrate his point, Sinek shares an example of a successful entrepreneur who had the courage to take risks and persevere despite encountering many obstacles. This entrepreneur had the courage to pursue his dreams and push forward, knowing that failure was a possibility. This example emphasizes the importance of courage and perseverance as essential tools for personal growth and professional development.

Statistics show that courage and perseverance are key components of success. According to the World Economic Forum, the top 3 skills employers look for in job applicants are problem solving, critical thinking, and resilience. All of these skills require courage and perseverance to master, making them essential in achieving success.

In conclusion, the video featuring Simon Sinek is an excellent source of inspiration and advice for those looking to upskill themselves to be more successful in personal growth and professional development. Courage and perseverance are essential tools for personal growth and professional development and are key components of success. By having the courage to take risks and persevere, even when faced with difficult challenges, individuals can achieve greater success in their personal and professional lives.

Strategic Thinking

"Unlock Strategic Thinking?"

In this video from the LinkedIn Speaker Series, Simon Sinek goes into detail about how upskilling yourself can help you achieve your personal and professional goals. He begins by emphasizing the importance of having a personal growth plan, which allows you to actively work towards achieving your goals. He then goes on to explain the importance of having the right mindset, a strong vision, and a willingness to take risks in order to be more successful.

One key point he makes is having the courage to be vulnerable in order to learn and grow. He also points out that it's important to have a good support system, as this can help you stay motivated and accountable. To illustrate this, he presents the example of a young woman who was able to take her career to the next level by leveraging the support of her family and friends.

Finally, Sinek emphasizes the importance of strategic thinking. He explains that having the ability to think strategically allows us to make better decisions, plan for the future, and create solutions to any problem. He also cites statistics which show that those who are able to think strategically are more successful than those who don't.

Overall, this video provides valuable insight into how upskilling yourself can help you achieve success both personally and professionally. By having a clear plan, the right mindset, and the ability to think strategically, you can create a foundation for growth and development that will help you reach your goals.

For Learners

Watching the LinkedIn Speaker Series video featuring Simon Sinek is a beneficial opportunity for life-long learners. The positive benefit of watching this video is that it provides insight into Sinek’s approach to understanding why businesses succeed, and how to achieve success in the workplace. Additionally, listeners can gain knowledge on how to develop their personal and professional leadership skills. On the other hand, the negative detriment of not learning the content of this video is that it will deprive the viewers of the opportunity to gain valuable insight on how to become a successful leader and how to create success in the workplace.

When viewing this video from the perspective of ‘what’s in it for me’, ‘what’s in it for them’, ‘what’s in it for us’, and ‘what’s in it for the world’, life-long learners will benefit from learning the content of this video. Viewers will gain valuable information that will help them become better leaders, both personally and professionally. Additionally, viewers will be able to develop the skills to create a successful business, which will benefit them, their colleagues and the world.

Overall, life-long learners should watch the LinkedIn Speaker Series video featuring Simon Sinek to gain valuable insight into understanding why businesses succeed and how to achieve success in the workplace. Additionally, viewers will be able to develop their personal and professional leadership skills, which will benefit them, their colleagues, and the world.

For Employers

In this video, Simon Sinek discusses the importance of starting with Why. He explains how your ‘Why’ is at the core of your company’s mission and how it can differentiate you from your competitors. By understanding why your company exists and what it stands for, you can create a powerful and sustainable message that resonates with your customers and clients. This understanding can also be used to create a narrative that speaks to people’s hearts and minds.

Watching this video and understanding the concepts presented by Simon Sinek will benefit you and your team. You will be able to create a unique and powerful message that resonates with your customers and clients, and differentiate yourself from your competitors. It will also help you create a narrative that speaks to people’s hearts and minds, making your products and services more attractive and successful.

By understanding the power of the ‘Why’ and the core of your mission, you can create a story that speaks to customers both now and in the future. This will allow you to build a successful and sustainable business that will benefit you and your team in the present, the past, and the future.

Career Path

Completing a course in Leadership based on these competencies: Vision, Courage and Perseverance, and Strategic Thinking can have a powerful impact on your career path. These core competencies can help you gain the skills and credentials you need to become more employable, promotable, and purposeful. Watching the LinkedIn Speaker Series: Simon Sinek can help you gain valuable insight into how to level up and close the Skills Gap toward Meaningful Work in the future. With enhanced income-producing skills, you will be able to be more competitive and sought after in high demand and high growth industries.

As a life long learner, it is important to focus on continuing your education. Learning is essential when it comes to achieving career-defining credentials and staying ahead of the curve. Look into courses in Leadership, like the one mentioned above, that are designed to help you increase your knowledge and understanding of the competencies you need to succeed. Also, consider taking courses in other areas that are related to your desired career path. With the right combination of education and experience, you will be able to make an impact and become highly sought after in your field.


"Leadership is not about being in charge. Leadership is about taking care of those in your charge." - Simon Sinek

This quote from Simon Sinek in the LinkedIn Speaker Series emphasizes the importance of leadership and the responsibility that comes with it. Leadership is not about being in charge, but about taking care of those in your charge. Leaders have to understand the needs of their team and be able to motivate and inspire them to achieve their goals. Leaders have to be able to guide their team and help them to become successful. They have to be able to empower their team to reach their potential and be the best versions of themselves. This is why leadership matters for learners and employers alike. It is essential for employers to have leaders who can guide their team and help them achieve their goals, while learners need to understand the importance of leadership and the responsibility that comes with it.


The most important takeaway from this video is that people don't buy what you do, they buy why you do it. By understanding and communicating the purpose of your business, you can create a powerful and meaningful connection with your customers.

LinkedIn Speaker Series: Simon Sinek

Simon Sinek is like a coach for businesses. He talks about how businesses should think about their work and how to be successful. He says businesses should think about why they do what they do and how that can make a difference to their customers. He also says it’s important to have a clear mission and vision that everyone can get behind. It’s like having a really awesome plan for a team sport and everyone knows what they need to do to win!


1. "People don't buy what you do, they buy why you do it." -Simon Sinek

2. "When you trust yourself, you are able to trust others." -Simon Sinek

3. "The cost of being wrong is less than the cost of doing nothing." -Simon Sinek


1. Vision
2. Courage and Perseverance
3. Strategic Thinking

Learning Outcomes

1. Remember: Students will be able to recall the importance of having a clear and concise mission statement for businesses and organizations.

2. Understand: Students will comprehend the impact of a powerful “why” when it comes to inspiring and motivating others.

3. Apply: Students will utilize the concept of the power of “why” in their own projects and initiatives.

4. Analyze: Students will break down the underlying messages of the video to better understand how to create a successful leadership strategy.

5. Evaluate: Students will assess the value of Simon Sinek’s theories and advice in the context of their own leadership style.

6. Create: Students will devise a plan to apply the principles of leadership discussed in the video to their own work.

Sample Answers

1. In this video, Simon Sinek explains the importance of having a strong sense of purpose in order to inspire others. He explains that it is important to have a clear and defined goal and to be able to articulate it to others. He also talks about the importance of having a good vision of the future and how it can help motivate people.

2. Simon Sinek explains in this video that having a strong sense of purpose isn't just about being passionate, but also having the ability to influence and inspire others. He also discusses the importance of creating a trusting and safe environment for people to take risks and try new things.

3. Simon Sinek emphasizes the importance of understanding why you do something in order to bring about a successful outcome. He emphasizes the importance of having a well-defined goal and being able to communicate it in a way that resonates with others. He also stresses the importance of having a good vision of the future and staying focused on that vision.

Simon Sinek

Simon Sinek is a British-American author and motivational speaker. He is widely known for his best-selling book “Start With Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone To Take Action”. Sinek is an expert on leadership and has given talks at the United Nations, Fortune 500 companies, and the US Military Academy at West Point. He is also a consultant and an adjunct staff member at the RAND Corporation. As an expert on LinkedIn Speaker Series, Simon Sinek has the knowledge and experience to provide valuable insight and advice on how to become a successful leader. He has also appeared on TED Talks, The Today Show, and Good Morning America. Simon Sinek is associated with the organization Simon Sinek Inc., and you can find more information about it here.

Learning Design

These competencies of Vision, Courage and Perseverance, and Strategic Thinking are essential for effective leadership. They provide a foundation for developing the skills and attitudes necessary to lead teams and organizations.

Vision provides leaders with the ability to see what is possible beyond the current environment. It allows them to develop a shared understanding of the desired future state and devise strategies to achieve it. Courage and perseverance are essential for leaders to stay the course and drive results, even in challenging circumstances. Strategic thinking enables leaders to identify opportunities, assess risks, and prioritize activities to maximize impact.

To help students build these competencies, a combination of experiential learning and reflective practice can be used. Experiential learning encourages students to actively engage with the content and apply their knowledge to real-world scenarios. This type of learning encourages students to explore the competencies in a safe and supportive environment. Reflective practice facilitates the student's ability to identify their strengths and weaknesses and develop action plans to improve.

By combining experiential learning and reflective practice, students can gain a deeper understanding of the leadership competencies and develop the skills necessary to become successful leaders.


Q: What does Simon Sinek believe is the most important aspect of leadership?
A. Being the smartest person in the room
B. Making difficult decisions
C. Creating a vision and inspiring others
D. Being a team player

Answer: C. Creating a vision and inspiring others


Questions for Students:
1. What inspired Simon Sinek to write his book, "Start With Why"?
2. How do the 3 key elements of trust (vulnerability, consistency, and generosity) relate to each other?
3. What points does Simon Sinek make about the importance of trust in leadership?
4. How can trust be built between leaders and their teams?

Questions for Real-Life Examples:
1. According to Simon Sinek, what strategies can businesses use to build trust among their employees?
2. What tips does Simon Sinek offer to help leaders communicate effectively?
3. What advice does Simon Sinek have for leaders who need to make difficult decisions?
4. What are some practical examples of how leaders can demonstrate vulnerability and consistency?


Purpose, Clarity, Leadership, Passion, Vision, Inspire, Trust, Understanding, Empathy, Mindset, Success, Motivation, Impact, Beliefs, Culture, Communication, Authenticity, Influence, Collaboration


1. Simon Sinek is the author of the best selling book "Start With Why".
2. His TED Talk on the topic of "How Great Leaders Inspire Action" is the third most viewed of all time.
3. He has advised some of the world's most influential leaders and organizations.


1. Create a social media challenge around the "Golden Circle" concept. Challenge people to post a short video explaining how their work or mission relates to the Golden Circle concept.

2. Host an online panel discussion featuring experts in different industries, discussing how they have used the Golden Circle concept in their work.

3. Put together a podcast series featuring interviews with people who have implemented the Golden Circle concept in their businesses.

4. Develop a mobile app that teaches people how to use the Golden Circle concept in their own businesses.

5. Develop a series of webinars or online workshops teaching people how to use the Golden Circle concept in their work.


This learning instructional guidance was formulated using the GPT-3 language model created by OpenAI.


Simon Sinek: #StartWithWhy. In this inspiring talk, he explains why it's essential to lead with purpose, and how to create an environment that puts people and values first. 🎤👏 #Leadership #Inspiration #Values @Accredicity

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