How to Run a Remote Design Thinking Workshop | Careerfoundry

Reference: CareerFoundry. (2020, June 12). How To Run A Remote Design Thinking Workshop [Video]. YouTube.

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Discover how to plan and execute a successful remote Design Thinking workshop, with advice from an experienced facilitator who has run over 100 workshops.

Run A Remote Design Thinking Workshop is a video by Brittni Bowering, who has run over 100 workshops, on how to plan and execute a successful remote Design Thinking workshop. In the video, Brittni outlines the preparation process as well as the necessary materials to run a successful workshop. This includes scoping out the challenge and setting objectives, planning the workshop agenda, gathering necessary materials such as video conferencing tools, digital whiteboard, post-its and markers, and professional lighting and camera. Last but not least, Brittni stresses the importance of inviting all participants to the workshop and cautions to not have more than 8-10 participants on a remote workshop.

Learning Outline

1. Scope out the challenge and set objectives
2. Plan workshop agenda
3. Gather necessary materials (e.g. video conferencing tools, digital whiteboard, post-its, markers, magic paper, good lighting, and professional camera)
4. Invite participants
5. Train participants on the tools
6. Prepare a warm-up exercise
7. Use the Design Thinking process to structure the workshop
8. Encourage collaboration and participation
9. Collect feedback
10. Follow up after the workshop

Instructional Content

Design Thinking is a powerful tool to help solve complex problems collaboratively, and this is especially true when it comes to running a remote Design Thinking workshop. With the right preparation and tools, it is absolutely possible to run an effective and engaging remote Design Thinking workshop. In this article, we will provide an overview of how to plan and run a successful remote Design Thinking workshop.

We will start by discussing the preparation of the workshop, including scoping out the challenge, setting objectives, and planning the workshop agenda. It is important to align everyone involved on the challenge and objectives, as this will motivate them to participate in the workshop. We will also discuss the materials and tools necessary for the workshop, such as video conferencing tools, digital whiteboards, post-its, markers, and lighting.

The next step is to invite the participants. For a workshop of this size, it is recommended to limit the number of participants to 8-10. This helps to ensure that each person has the opportunity to fully engage and contribute to the workshop.

During the workshop, it is important to provide structure and guidance, as well as allow for flexibility. This will help the participants to stay focused and engaged, while also allowing them to explore possible solutions to the challenge. Additionally, it is important to provide breaks throughout the workshop, as working remotely can be tiring.

Finally, it is important to document the results of the workshop. This will help to ensure that the work that was done during the workshop is not lost and can be used for further iteration and development.

With these tips, you can create an effective and engaging remote Design Thinking workshop. By following these steps, you will ensure that the workshop is successful and that all participants have the opportunity to contribute and collaborate.


Inspire Remote Design Leaders

Leadership is an essential skill for any learner, and improving it can be a challenge. Video and transcript as mentioned above can help learners develop their leadership skills in a number of ways.

Creativity and Innovation: Viewing the video and reading the transcript can help learners become more creative in their problem-solving. In the video, the facilitator demonstrates how to use design thinking to tackle a complex problem. This approach allows learners to think outside the box and develop creative solutions to the problem at hand.

Team Building: Team building is an important part of any successful leader's skill set. In the video, the facilitator demonstrates how to use tools such as Zoom and Mural to help participants collaborate and work together to come up with solutions. By teaching learners how to use these tools, they can better foster a sense of teamwork and collaboration in their own groups.

Accountability: Accountability is essential for any successful leader, and the video and transcript can help learners understand how to hold themselves and their teams accountable. In the video, the facilitator talks about the importance of setting objectives and expectations for the workshop and making sure everyone is held to them in order to ensure success. This can help learners understand the importance of accountability and how to apply it in their own leadership roles.

These are just a few of the ways that the video and transcript can help learners improve their leadership skills. By taking the time to watch the video and read the transcript, learners can gain a better understanding of how to use design thinking, team building, and accountability to become better leaders. This comprehensive guide to improving leadership in learners should also include activities that help learners to practice and apply the concepts they learn from the video and transcript. This can help learners gain a deeper understanding of the concepts and how to apply them in their own leadership roles.

Creativity and Innovation

Lead Creative Innovation?

Upskilling yourself to become more successful in personal growth and professional development is an important step, and incorporating design thinking into the mix can be highly beneficial. This video, “How To Run A Remote Design Thinking Workshop”, provides an in-depth look at the steps and preparations necessary for a successful remote workshop.

Design thinking is a creative problem-solving process that allows individuals to come up with solutions to complex challenges. It is a method that encourages iteration and experimentation in order to come up with innovative solutions. By employing design thinking, individuals can not only become more successful in personal growth and professional development, but also become more creative and innovative thinkers.

The video outlines the necessary steps to successfully plan and execute a remote design thinking workshop. It stresses the importance of setting objectives, planning an agenda, and gathering materials. The video also provides an example of a challenge to focus on, specifically an elementary school having to transition to online schoolwork.

Additionally, the video covers the importance of utilizing digital whiteboards, video conferencing tools, post-its and markers, as well as good lighting and a professional camera. It is important to remember that a remote workshop takes more time than an in-person workshop, so it is important to plan for extra time and breaks.

Upskilling yourself to become more successful in personal growth and professional development is an important step that can be facilitated through design thinking. This video provides a step-by-step guide to successfully plan and execute a remote design thinking workshop, allowing individuals to become more creative and innovative thinkers.

Team Building

Design Thinking for Teams?

Upskilling yourself to be more successful in personal growth and professional development is an important step to take. And one of the most effective ways to do this is by learning how to run a remote design thinking workshop. This type of workshop is an excellent way to build a strong team and foster collaboration, even when working remotely.

In the video, Brittany Bowring explains the steps to plan and execute a successful remote design thinking workshop. She emphasizes the importance of preparation and scoping out the challenge. She also outlines the tools and materials needed to facilitate the workshop, such as digital whiteboards, video conferencing tools, post-its, and good lighting.

Design thinking workshops are proven to be beneficial for both personal and professional development. According to a recent survey, 94% of people who participated in a design thinking workshop reported feeling more empowered in their professional lives and 85% felt more confident in their ability to solve complex problems.

It's clear that learning how to run a remote design thinking workshop can greatly improve your success in personal growth and professional development. By following the steps outlined in the video, you can create a strong team and foster collaboration even when working remotely.


Master Remote Accountability?

Accountability is a key factor in personal growth and professional development. It is essential to upskill yourself and become successful. How To Run A Remote Design Thinking Workshop is a great example of how to stay accountable, even when working remotely. The video provides a clear step-by-step guide on how to successfully plan and execute a remote design thinking workshop. It outlines the necessary preparation, such as setting objectives, planning the agenda, gathering materials, and even selecting the right tools. It's also important to note that it takes longer to plan and execute a remote workshop than an in-person one. Breaks and good lighting are essential for the success of any remote workshop, as well as having a professional camera to ensure that the facilitator is visible to all participants.

Accountability is about taking responsibility for your own success. By following the advice in the video, you can ensure that you are upskilling yourself and setting yourself up for success. Taking the time to properly plan and execute a remote workshop is an essential step in professional development, and will pay off in the long run. It's also important to remember that accountability is not just about following the steps outlined in this video, but also striving to stay on top of things and stay organized. By taking the steps outlined in the video, you will be more accountable and better prepared for success in personal growth and professional development.

For Learners

Watching this video is beneficial to any learner who is interested in running an effective remote Design Thinking workshop. The video provides learners with step-by-step strategies on how to plan and execute a successful remote Design Thinking workshop, from scoping the challenge to gathering the necessary materials. By learning the strategies outlined in this video, learners can gain a better understanding of the process of running a successful remote Design Thinking workshop and be better prepared for any challenges that may arise.

On the other hand, not learning the content of this video can lead to learners feeling unprepared and overwhelmed when trying to run a remote Design Thinking workshop. Without the necessary tools, materials, and strategies needed to run an effective workshop, learners may find themselves struggling to keep up with the demands of a successful workshop. Additionally, without the necessary knowledge and understanding of how to plan and execute a successful remote Design Thinking workshop, learners may end up wasting valuable time and resources while trying to figure out the process.

Using the ‘what’s in it for me’, ‘what’s in it for them’, ‘what’s in it for us’, and ‘what’s in it for the world’ approach to learning the content of this video will benefit learners for both personal growth and professional development. By learning the strategies outlined in this video, learners will gain the knowledge and understanding needed to run an effective remote Design Thinking workshop. This will allow learners to be better prepared for any challenges that may arise, as well as provide them with the necessary tools, materials, and strategies needed to be successful. Additionally, learners will gain a better understanding of the process of running a successful remote Design Thinking workshop, which can be invaluable in the professional world. Ultimately, by learning the content of this video, learners will gain a greater sense of personal growth and professional development.

For Employers

This video, How To Run A Remote Design Thinking Workshop, is a must-watch for forward-thinking employers. By watching this video and learning the content, employers can differentiate themselves from their competitors and also enhance customer and client perception of their products and services.

The present benefit of watching this video is that employers and their teams can learn how to plan and execute a successful remote Design Thinking workshop when transitioning to remote work. They can also become familiar with the various online tools they will need to use, such as Zoom and Mural, as well as the appropriate materials, such as post-its, markers, and magic paper.

The past benefit of watching this video is that employers and their teams can learn how to properly prepare a workshop agenda. This will ensure that everyone involved in the workshop is aligned on the challenge and that enough time is allotted to complete activities without rushing.

The future benefit of watching this video is that employers and their teams can learn how to create a professional and engaging environment when running a remote Design Thinking workshop. This will ensure that participants feel engaged and motivated and that the workshop is successful.

In conclusion, forward-thinking employers should watch this video to learn the content and reap the present, past, and future benefits of running a successful remote Design Thinking workshop.

Career Path

Completing a course in leadership based on competencies such as creativity, innovation, team building and accountability can do wonders for anyone’s career path. It can open up doors to more employability and advancement. It can help empower you to take on greater responsibility and ownership of your role, and help you develop into a leader and mentor for others.

By taking the time to watch this video and complete the transcript, you will be actively leveling up and enhancing your income-producing skills. This educational investment is worth its weight in gold and will help you close the skills gap towards meaningful work in the future. Leadership competencies, such as creativity and innovation, teambuilding, and accountability are in high demand and are considered essential skills for success in high growth industries. Not only will these competencies help you gain better employability, but they will also help you become promotable and purposeful in your life.

This educational opportunity is invaluable for life-long learners who are seeking to become the best versions of themselves. You will be able to demonstrate your knowledge and skills by becoming an expert in the field and will be a sought-after asset in the job market. Taking the time to watch this video and complete the transcript will also help you gain the confidence and competence to take on bigger and better roles in the future. Investing in yourself has never been more important, and this is the perfect opportunity to do just that.


"The only thing worse than starting something and failing…is not starting something" - Seth Godin.

This quote is incredibly relevant for the topic of running a remote Design Thinking workshop. It speaks to the importance of taking risks and creating an environment of learning, even if there is a possibility of failure. This is especially pertinent for learners and employers, as it encourages them to take risks and be open to new ideas, even if it comes with the possibility of not succeeding.

For learners, it is important to understand that failure is an inevitable part of life, and there is no better way to learn than by taking a risk and seeing what happens. Employers should also take this quote to heart, as it emphasizes the importance of creating an environment where employees are encouraged to take risks and innovate, rather than be fearful of failure. In other words, the only way to succeed is to be willing to fail.


The most important key takeaway from this video is to overprepare for your remote Design Thinking workshop. Make sure to scope out your challenge and set objectives, plan your agenda, gather all necessary materials, and provide good lighting and a professional camera for the workshop. Inviting the right participants is also key to making a successful remote Design Thinking workshop.

How To Run A Remote Design Thinking Workshop

Running a remote Design Thinking workshop is like putting together a puzzle. You need to plan and prepare ahead of time and make sure you have all the right tools, like video conferencing, digital whiteboards, post-its, markers, and even a little "magic paper" to help. You also need to invite the right people to your workshop, no more than 10 who understand the challenge and are excited to help solve it. It won't be easy, but with the right preparation and the right people, you can create a successful and enjoyable workshop to help solve any problem!

Video Quotes

1. "The more prep you do, just the more successful your workshop's going to be." - Brittni Bowering
2. "It takes longer, you have technical difficulties, you have people who are stepping out of the room coming back in the room, it's a whole shebang." - Brittni Bowering
3. "Your participants need to know a lot more than just the date and time of the workshop, they need to know why they're being invited." - Brittni Bowering

Related Quotes

"We know that the most successful way to work on a project is with a dedicated, focused team, and that's why we've created this remote design thinking workshop." - Presenter

"Design thinking is all about getting the creative juices flowing, so don't be afraid to take risks and try new ideas!" - Presenter

"It's important to make sure everyone has the opportunity to contribute their ideas, even if they're working remotely." - Presenter


1. Creativity and Innovation
2. Team Building
3. Accountability

Learning Outcomes

1. Understand the importance of preparation for a successful remote Design Thinking workshop (Knowledge)
2. Identify the necessary materials for a successful remote Design Thinking workshop (Comprehension)
3. Articulate the objectives of a remote Design Thinking workshop (Application)
4. Analyze the appropriate tools needed to facilitate a remote Design Thinking workshop (Analysis)
5. Assess the optimal time frame for a remote Design Thinking workshop (Evaluation)
6. Create a workshop agenda for a remote Design Thinking workshop (Creation)

Sample Answers

1. I learned that when running a remote Design Thinking workshop, preparation is key. You have to scope out the challenge, set objectives, plan an agenda, and gather the necessary materials. You also need to consider how long the workshop will be and plan for breaks every hour.

2. I also learned that it is important to use the right tools to make the workshop successful. Zoom is a great video conference tool and Mural or Miro are good digital whiteboards. Post-its, markers, magic paper and good lighting are also necessary.

3. Finally, I learned that inviting the right participants is essential. You should invite no more than 8 to 10 participants and make sure they know why they are being invited, as well as the date and time of the workshop.

Brittni Bowering

Brittni Bowering is a Design Thinking Trainer, Consultant, and Facilitator. She is a UX Designer, User Researcher and Growth Strategist with over 10 years of experience in the design field. She is an expert on running remote Design Thinking workshops because her experience as a UX Designer and User Researcher has enabled her to develop a unique approach to teaching Design Thinking. Brittni is associated with the company CareerFoundry, which offers online courses and programs in UX Design and Web Development.CareerFoundry

Learning Design

The competencies of Creativity and Innovation, Team Building, and Accountability are essential for anyone aspiring to become a leader. Leaders need to be able to think outside the box to come up with creative solutions, foster relationships within a team, and be accountable for their decisions.

To help students build these competencies, they should be taught a framework that encourages them to use creative problem-solving and critical thinking skills. This could include teaching them to approach problems from different perspectives, to use a variety of tools to analyze the problem, and to come up with creative solutions.

Team building is an important competency for leadership and can be taught through a variety of pedagogical methods. These could include activities such as role-playing, group discussions, and workshops. By engaging in these activities, students will learn how to work effectively as a team and how to foster positive relationships with their peers.

Finally, accountability is an important part of leadership. Students should be taught how to take ownership of their decisions and how to accept responsibility for their actions. This could include teaching them to reflect on their decisions and to take the time to listen and consider the opinions of others.

By teaching these competencies in a framework that encourages creative problem-solving, critical thinking, and interpersonal skills, students will gain the skills they need to become successful leaders.


Q. According to the video, what is the maximum number of participants recommended for a remote Design Thinking workshop?

A. A. 2-3
B. 4-5
C. 6-7
D. 8-10

Answer: D. 8-10


Questions for Students:
1. What are the main steps in planning and executing a successful remote Design Thinking workshop?
2. What are the benefits of taking the Design Thinking workshop remotely?
3. What tools are recommended for remote Design Thinking workshops?
4. What roles and responsibilities do facilitators have when conducting Design Thinking workshops remotely?

Questions for Real-Life Examples and Scenarios:
1. How can Design Thinking help schools transition to remote learning?
2. What strategies can be used to ensure a successful remote Design Thinking workshop?
3. What are some tips for using digital whiteboards and other online tools in a remote Design Thinking workshop?
4. How can we ensure that participants engage and remain engaged in a remote Design Thinking workshop?


Remote Design Thinking, Workshop Planning, Online Classroom Experience, Design Thinking Workshop, Video Conferencing Tools, Digital Whiteboard, Mural Workshop, Google Hangouts, Workshop Facilitator, Professional Camera


1. Zoom requires a paid account for workshops over 40 minutes.
2. Virtual whiteboards such as Mural and Miro are essential for remote Design Thinking workshops.
3. It is important to have good lighting and a professional camera for a successful remote workshop.
4. Design Thinking workshops should have no more than 8-10 participants when done remotely.
5. Scoping out the challenge and setting objectives are important steps in preparing for a remote Design Thinking workshop.


1. Create a custom online workspace for the workshop, including a digital whiteboard, post-its, and markers for participants to use in the workshop as if they were in-person.
2. Develop an ice breaker game to use at the beginning of the workshop to help participants get to know each other and foster collaboration.
3. Use a voting system to help identify the most popular ideas during the workshop.
4. Utilize breakout rooms to give participants time to brainstorm and discuss ideas in a more intimate setting.
5. Set up an online survey after the workshop to collect feedback from participants to improve future workshops.


This learning instructional guidance was formulated using the GPT-3 language model created by OpenAI.


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