How to Motivate People – Simon Sinek | Impact Theory – Tom Bilyeu

Reference: Tom Bilyeu. (2019, October 15). How to Motivate People, Transform Business, and Be a True Leader | Simon Sinek on Impact Theory [Video]. YouTube.

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Unlock the Keys to Motivation, Transform Your Business, and Become a True Leader with Simon Sinek's New Book, The Infinite Game.

In this episode of Impact Theory, Tom Bilyeu interviews bestselling author and TED Talk sensation Simon Sinek about how to motivate people, transform business, and be a true leader. Sinek explains that the way to build great companies is with an infinite mindset, by prioritizing people before profit and by having will before resources. He introduces the concept of an infinite game, where the objective is to perpetuate the game as long as possible and explains how revenue is a mistake when prioritizing resources before will. Sinek encourages leaders to prioritize their people over growth and financial goals and explains how this balance of will and resources will allow companies to meet and exceed their financial goals.

Learning Outline

1. Finite games have known players, fixed rules, and agreed-upon objectives, while infinite games have known and unknown players, changeable rules, and the objective is to perpetuate the game.
2. Good leaders must lead with an infinite mindset, where they prioritize people before profit and will before resources.
3. Revenue is a mistake because it prioritizes resources over will.
4. People are social animals and are willing to give their blood, sweat and tears to leaders who understand the balance of resources and will.
5. Companies should prioritize their people first in order to meet and exceed their financial goals.
6. Leaders must learn to game the system and understand the infinite game in order to create a successful organization.

Instructional Content

Leadership is an essential part of running a successful business. Many of the world's most successful companies attribute their success to the leadership style of its top executives. Simon Sinek is a multiple time bestselling author and one of the most sought-after speakers on the planet. He has an unconventional view on how to motivate people, transform businesses, and be a true leader.

In an Impact Theory YouTube video, Sinek explains his concept of an “infinite game”. This concept is based on the idea that businesses should prioritize people before profit. According to Sinek, business should be seen as an infinite game, with known and unknown players, changeable rules, and the objective to stay in the game as long as possible. Sinek believes that if a business is built with a finite mindset, then trust, cooperation, and innovation all suffer, leading to the demise of the organization.

To effectively lead with an infinite mindset, Sinek explains that there are two essential currencies: will and resources. While resources, such as money, are necessary for a business to survive, the will of the people is equally, if not more, important. Sinek advises that the balance of these two currencies should always prioritize the people before the profits. He explains that if a company’s number one priority is growth, and their people come second, then it is less likely that employees will feel valued and motivated.

By understanding the concept of an infinite game, leaders can create a business that is built to last. By prioritizing people before profit, businesses can create an environment where employees are motivated and inspired to work, leading to greater success for the company.


Inspire, Transform, Lead

Leadership, motivation, and vision are essential skills for any successful learner. The video and transcript of Simon Sinek's talk on How to Motivate People, Transform Business, and Be a True Leader provides an excellent guide to developing these skills. According to Sinek, leadership is about recognizing that business is an infinite game, where the objective is to perpetuate the game and stay in it as long as possible. This means that leaders must prioritize people before profit, and create an environment where people feel like they are part of something bigger than themselves.

To become a successful leader, Sinek recommends focusing on the people first and creating an environment of trust and cooperation. Leaders should use their vision to inspire and motivate their team and make sure that everyone feels like their work is valued. Leaders should also create an environment of learning and development, where everyone can grow and develop their skills.

Leaders should also focus on creating an environment where everyone can take ownership of their work. This can be done by providing clear goals and objectives, empowering employees to make decisions, and recognizing and rewarding those who do their best work. Leaders should also be willing to take risks and be open to new ideas and approaches.

Finally, leaders need to have a clear vision of where they want to take the organization and how it can achieve success. It is important for leaders to be able to communicate their vision effectively to the team and ensure that everyone is on board with it. Leaders should also strive to create an environment of collaboration and innovation, where everyone can contribute their ideas and work together towards a common goal.

To conclude, the video and transcript of Simon Sinek's talk provide an excellent guide to improving leadership in learners. Leaders should focus on creating an environment of trust, collaboration, and motivation, while keeping their vision in the forefront. By doing so, they can help to foster an environment of growth and development, and ensure that everyone can take ownership of their work.


Inspire Effective Leadership?

Personal growth and professional development in leadership requires upskilling yourself in order to be successful. The video How to Motivate People, Transform Business, and Be a True Leader by Simon Sinek explains the importance of transitioning from a finite to an infinite mindset and how it can help facilitate personal growth. Sinek states that playing with a finite mindset in an infinite game causes a decline in trust, cooperation, and innovation. He suggests that leaders prioritize their people over profit in order to ensure success.

This powerful message is relevant for any individual looking to progress in their professional life. To begin the upskilling process, leaders must understand the concept of an infinite game and how to create an environment where people are committed to something bigger than themselves. By valuing your people and allowing them to feel their work is worth more than the money they make, you can create a culture of collaboration and trust. In addition, focusing on long-term goals rather than short-term wins can help to unlock innovation and creativity.

Statistics show that companies with a focus on people over profit outperformed their peers by up to 202%. These organizations have greater employee engagement, lower turnover rates, and higher customer satisfaction. A great example of this is American Airlines, who Sinek has worked with to develop a more people-centric culture. They have seen drastic improvements in employee engagement, customer experience, and financial performance.

In conclusion, upskilling yourself to become a successful leader requires transitioning from a finite to an infinite mindset. By prioritizing people over profit and focusing on long-term goals, you can create an environment of trust and collaboration that drives innovation and success.


Inspire Workplace Motivation?

In today's ever-changing world, it is essential to stay ahead of the curve and stay upskilled in order to stay competitive. Watching Simon Sinek's video 'How to Motivate People, Transform Business, and Be a True Leader' is a great step towards upskilling yourself and achieving personal growth and professional development. Sinek discusses the importance of viewing business as an infinite game, rather than a finite game, and how prioritizing people before profit can help build strong and successful organizations.

He emphasizes the need for a balance between “will” (motivation) and resources (money) in order to achieve success. This means that organizations should prioritize their people and their motivation, rather than just focusing on profit. By doing so, organizations can foster trust and cooperation among their employees, leading to increased innovation and productivity. Furthermore, this will result in higher employee satisfaction, which can ultimately lead to better financial performance.

Sinek's advice is backed up by data. Studies have shown that companies which prioritize their employee's well-being over financial gain have seen significantly higher profits. For example, a study conducted by the American Psychological Association found that companies that invest in their employee's well-being saw an average of $2,400 per employee in increased profits.

This data proves that upskilling yourself in personal growth and professional development is essential to success. By following Sinek's advice and prioritizing people before profit, organizations can ensure they stay competitive, while fostering a strong work environment and increased financial success.


"Lead with a Vision?"

Upskilling yourself to be more successful in personal growth and professional development is no easy task. It requires a commitment to self-improvement and a vision to direct your efforts. This is where the advice of Simon Sinek in the video “How to Motivate People, Transform Business, and Be a True Leader” can be immensely beneficial.

Sinek emphasizes the importance of an infinite mindset—prioritizing people before profit, and understanding that the objective of business is to perpetuate the game, not to win it. This means understanding the power of motivation, developing meaningful relationships with employees, and creating an environment of mutual trust and respect.

Sinek stresses the power of leading with an infinite mindset and the importance of being an unshakeable optimist. He acknowledges that it is easy to focus on short-term gains and overlook the long-term benefits of building a successful, sustainable business. To this end, he cites examples from his own experiences, such as the impact of his TED talk, which focused on “starting with why” and has been viewed over 45 million times.

By understanding the importance of an infinite mindset and striving for long-term success, you can upskill yourself to be more successful in personal growth and professional development. Sinek’s advice is invaluable, and shows that prioritizing people before profit and creating an environment of trust and respect is essential to creating a successful and sustainable business.

For Learners

Watching this video provides an invaluable opportunity to learn from Simon Sinek, a multiple time bestselling author with one of the most viewed TED talks of all time. His talk which popularized the notion of starting with 'why' has been viewed roughly 45 million times and translated into 48 languages. In this video, Sinek explains the difference between finite and infinite games and how leading with an infinite mindset can help to build great companies.

The negative detriment to not learning the content of this video is that individuals and organizations may be missing out on the opportunity to build trust with their teams and customers, reduce competition, and increase innovation. Without an infinite mindset, organizations are likely to suffer from a lack of trust, cooperation, and innovation, which can lead to the eventual demise of the organization.

Using the ‘what’s in it for me’, ‘what’s in it for them’, ‘what’s in it for us’, and ‘what’s in it for the world’ approach to learning the content of this video will benefit you as a learner for personal growth and professional development. For you, it will provide a greater understanding of the importance of leading with an infinite mindset and how to create an environment of trust, cooperation, and innovation. For them, it will provide a greater appreciation of their teams and customers, as well as a better understanding of the power of collaboration. For us, it will create a culture of respect and appreciation, making it easier to work together. For the world, it will provide a better understanding of how to create sustainable success through an infinite mindset.

For Employers

Watching Simon Sinek’s video “How to Motivate People, Transform Business, and Be a True Leader” provides employers the opportunity to learn how to play an infinite game and put people before profit. By differentiating yourself and your team from the competition, you are signaling to customers and clients that you understand the importance of prioritizing people and building trust in order to succeed in the long run.

The ‘what’s in it for the present, the past, and the future’ approach to copywriting applies here. In the present, you gain the skills to lead with an infinite mindset and prioritize people above any short-term gain. In the past, you are setting an example of how to create a more ethical and sustainable way of leading a business. And in the future, customers will recognize the effort you put into developing a successful and rewarding business for all.

By learning the content of this video, employers are increasing their chances of success by creating an environment where people feel valued and motivated. This will lead to a positive feedback loop that will result in increased trust, stronger customer relationships, and a higher rate of success.

Career Path

A course in Leadership can be an incredibly powerful way to level up your career and gain the income-producing skills you need to become more employable, promotable, and purposeful. Leadership courses can help you gain the skills you need to become the leader you want to be, and open up career opportunities in high-growth industries that are in high demand.

Leadership is a critical skill in any industry or organization. By taking a course in Leadership based on key competencies such as Leadership, Motivation, and Vision, you will gain the insight and skills necessary to become a successful leader. These skills can help you develop the confidence and knowledge to make informed decisions, communicate effectively, manage teams, and achieve success.

Completing a course in Leadership can help you become a more effective leader and help you stand out from the competition when seeking new opportunities or promotions. Learning how to motivate people and create an inspiring vision for your organization can help you drive results and make you a more attractive candidate for any position.

Watching this video, "How to Motivate People, Transform Business, and Be a True Leader" by Simon Sinek on Impact Theory, can help you gain a deeper understanding of how to motivate people, inspire them to do great work, and create a powerful vision for the future. By understanding the principles of motivation and vision, you can become a more successful leader and create a better future for yourself, your team, and your organization.

By taking a course in Leadership based on key competencies such as Leadership, Motivation, and Vision, you can gain valuable skills that will make you more employable, promotable, and purposeful. You will have the knowledge and confidence to lead effectively, create a powerful vision for the future, and make a meaningful impact in your organization. With these skills, you can become the leader you want to be and open up new opportunities for yourself and your team.


Inspirational speaker and bestselling author, Simon Sinek, emphasizes the importance of playing an infinite game when it comes to leadership. Rather than focusing on winning or profits, Sinek encourages business leaders to prioritize people before profit in order to create an environment of trust, cooperation, and innovation. This idea can be summed up in his powerful quote: “The way you build great companies is by prioritizing people before profit.” It is essential for learners and employers alike to understand the importance of this concept and to recognize the long-term benefits of creating a workplace environment that puts people first. Doing so can ensure that the business will remain successful and continue to grow.


The most important key takeaway from this video is that prioritizing people before profit is the key to building successful companies. An infinite mindset focused on fulfilling people is necessary to create a thriving business.

How to Motivate People, Transform Business, and Be a True Leader | Simon Sinek on Impact Theory

Simon Sinek talks about how leaders can motivate their people, transform their businesses, and be true leaders. He explains that business is an infinite game - no one ever really wins. Leaders need to prioritize people over profit and put the needs of their employees before their own. He uses an analogy of a car to explain that money is the fuel for a business, but it needs people to drive it too. He reminds us that if you want your business to be successful, you need to take care of your people first!

Video Quotes

"Leaders who are able to inspire trust, are the ones that are able to inspire loyalty. And loyalty is what creates a team." - Simon Sinek

"Leadership is not something you do to people, it is something you do for people." - Simon Sinek

"The goal of a great leader is to develop enough trust so that the people you lead, actually follow you because they want to, not because they have to." - Simon Sinek

Related Quotes

"Leaders who are able to inspire trust, are the ones that are able to inspire loyalty. And loyalty is what creates a team." - Simon Sinek

"Leadership is not something you do to people, it is something you do for people." - Simon Sinek

"The goal of a great leader is to develop enough trust so that the people you lead, actually follow you because they want to, not because they have to." - Simon Sinek


1. Leadership
2. Motivation
3. Vision

Learning Outcomes

1. Remember: Understand the concept of an "Infinite Game" and how it contrasts with the traditional "Finite Game" mindset.

2. Understand: Identify the two essential currencies in the Infinite Game, will and resources, and how they are related.

3. Apply: Explain how to prioritize will before resources in order to create a successful organization.

4. Analyze: Compare and contrast how two different CEOs prioritize growth and people.

5. Evaluate: Assess the implications of a finite mindset on an organization, including the decline of trust, cooperation, and innovation.

6. Create: Develop strategies to build an organization based on an Infinite Game mindset.

Sample Answers

1. Through this video, I have learned that business should be viewed as an infinite game, instead of a finite one. Leaders should prioritize people before profit and will before resources, instead of focusing solely on growth and shareholder value. This will ensure that employees feel motivated and inspired, leading to more successful companies.

2. Simon Sinek explains that there are two currencies in an infinite game - will and resources. He emphasizes the importance of prioritizing people over profit, which would create a more fulfilling work environment. This will also lead to increased trust, cooperation, and innovation, contributing to the success of the organization.

3. I have learned that when we lead with a finite mindset in an infinite game, it can lead to a decline of trust, cooperation, and innovation. However, if the leader prioritizes people before profit, they can create a more motivated and inspired work environment. This will lead to a successful organization in the long run.

Simon Sinek

Simon Sinek is an author and motivational speaker. He is best known for his 2009 TED Talk on how great leaders inspire action, which has been viewed more than 40 million times. He is the author of four books, including Start With Why and Leaders Eat Last. He has a degree in cultural anthropology from Brandeis University and an MBA from INSEAD Business School. He is also the founder and CEO of Sinek Partners, a team of marketing and branding professionals who help organizations and individuals find their “why”.Simon Sinek

Learning Design

Leadership, motivation, and vision are essential competencies for any leader to possess. Leadership is the ability to influence and guide a team to reach their goals. Motivation is the ability to inspire and encourage others to work towards a common goal. Vision is the ability to see the big picture and create a plan to reach it.

These competencies are important to learn for a leadership course because they are the foundational skills and qualities of a successful leader. Leaders must be able to inspire and motivate their team, while also having a clear vision of where they want to go and how they want to get there. Without these competencies, a leader will not be able to achieve their goals.

To help build these competencies, students can use a variety of frameworks and pedagogies. For example, they can use the Situational Leadership Model (SLM) to understand how to adapt their leadership style to different situations. They can also use the 4 C's Model to develop their communication and collaboration skills. Additionally, students can use the GROW coaching model to practice setting goals, creating action plans, and providing feedback to their team.

Overall, leadership, motivation, and vision are essential competencies for any leader to possess. By using different frameworks and pedagogies, students can learn how to develop and hone these skills in order to become more effective leaders.


Q. According to Simon Sinek, what is the balance of resources and will that should be prioritized in order to build great companies?

A. A slight leaning towards people
B. 90-10
C. An equal balance
D. Resources before will


1. In what ways does James Carr's notion of finite and infinite games apply to business?
2. What is the importance of prioritizing people before profit when leading a business?
3. How can a CEO ensure that their people are given the right amount of attention and resources?
4. What strategies or techniques can leaders use to motivate their employees to strive for success?

5. How can a business leader apply Simon Sinek's Infinite Mindset to their organization?
6. What are some of the benefits of leading with an infinite mindset?
7. What are some of the risks associated with leading with a finite mindset?
8. How can leaders use the notion of infinite games to create a more collaborative and supportive work environment?


"Motivate People, Transform Business, Leader Simon Sinek," "Infinite Game, Agreed-Upon Objectives," "Start With Why, Leaders Eat Last"


1. Simon Sinek's TED Talk on "Start with Why" has been viewed 45 million times and translated into 48 languages.
2. His speech on Millennials was YouTube's fifth most searched term in 2017 with over 300 million views.
3. James Carse's book, "Finite and Infinite Games" defines two kinds of games: finite and infinite.
4. Business is an infinite game, but many leaders approach it with a finite mindset.
5. Money is resources, but people must be prioritized before profit to build great companies.


1. Create a series of online workshops for business leaders to educate them on the importance of leading with an infinite mindset and prioritizing people before profit.
2. Offer businesses consulting services to help them restructure their organizations to prioritize people first.
3. Create a podcast series to discuss the impact of leading with an infinite mindset and how it can transform businesses.
4. Develop an app to help businesses track their progress in becoming more people-focused.
5. Launch a scholarship program to provide training and resources to aspiring leaders on the importance of leading with an infinite mindset.


This learning instructional guidance was formulated using the GPT-3 language model created by OpenAI.


Great discussion with Simon Sinek on Impact Theory about how to motivate people, transform business, and be a true leader. #Leadership #TransformBusiness #MotivatePeople 💪🧠 @Accredicity

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