How To Coach Clients – Transtheoretical Model | My Dietitian Journey

Reference: My Dietitian Journey. (2020, October 29). How To Coach Clients - Stages 1 and 2 of the Transtheoretical Model | My Dietitian Journey Podcast [Video]. YouTube.

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Learn the stages of the Trans-Theoretical Model and how to help clients make behavior changes: watch this video now!

This video explores how Felicia Porrazza, owner of Pera's Nutrition and My RD Journey, uses the Transtheoretical Model to coach her clients. The model explains how people change behaviors, and comprises five stages: pre-contemplation, contemplation, preparation, action and maintenance. Felicia explains how to recognize which stage a client is in and how to guide them through it at their own pace. The model can be used as a macro approach or to address specific behaviors. Felicia explains that the main goal is to move someone from one stage to the next and that people may recycle through the stages.

Learning Outline

1. The Trans-Theoretical Model is a way to explain how people change their behavior in regards to any given action.
2. It is composed of five stages: pre-contemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, and maintenance.
3. Termination is sometimes added as a sixth stage.
4. During the coaching process, the individual should be aware of which stage they are in and should be guided through the stages at their own pace.
5. People may recycle through the stages of change.
6. It is important to let go of being an expert and allow the individual to take the lead in the coaching process.
7. The Trans-Theoretical Model can be used to help individuals make macro changes to their lifestyle and diet, as well as make micro changes to individual goals.

Instructional Content

How To Coach Clients Using Stages 1 and 2 of the TransTheoretical Model

The TransTheoretical Model (TTM) has been used for decades to help people change their behavior and achieve their goals. It is a five-stage model that explains how people move through the process of making a change. This model is used by dietitians, health coaches, personal trainers, and other professionals to help their clients reach their goals. In this article, we will discuss the first two stages of the TTM – pre-contemplation and contemplation – and how to use them to coach clients to make meaningful changes in their lives.

The initial stage of the TTM is pre-contemplation. This stage is characterized by a lack of awareness or desire to change. People in this stage are not aware of the consequences of their behavior, and are often unwilling to entertain the idea of making a change. To help the client move toward contemplation – the next stage of the TTM – the coach should focus on creating awareness and providing information about the consequences of the behavior. This can be done through education, discussion, and other forms of communication.

Contemplation is the second stage of the TTM and is characterized by an awareness of the consequences of the behavior, but still an unwillingness to do anything about it. Clients in this stage are often hesitant to make a change because they are unsure of the potential outcome or the effort required to make the change. Coaches should focus on creating motivation and helping clients understand the benefits of making a change. This can be done through goal setting, creating a plan of action, and helping the client identify and address any barriers to change.

By understanding and applying the stages of the TransTheoretical Model, health professionals can help their clients make meaningful and lasting changes. By being aware of the stages, coaches can more effectively guide their clients through the process and help them reach their goals.


Coaching Clients to Lead

Leadership development is a key part of self-care and wellness. It requires an understanding of how to coach clients through the stages of change in order to make lasting change. The Transtheoretical Model (TTM) is a great way to break down the steps involved in behavior change. This model contains five stages: pre-contemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, and maintenance. It is important to understand the stages of this model in order to effectively help clients achieve their goals.

The video and transcript provided give an overview of the TTM and how to use it for coaching clients. The first two stages (pre-contemplation and contemplation) are discussed in detail, with a focus on how to help clients move through these stages. It is important to note that although it can be tempting to push clients through the stages quickly, it is more important to allow them to move at their own pace. It is also important to understand that clients may cycle through the different stages multiple times before they reach their goal.

When coaching clients through the stages of change, it is important to use motivational interviewing techniques. This means creating a safe and nonjudgmental space where clients can explore their feelings, beliefs, and motivations. It is also important to focus on the client’s strengths and resources, and to provide support and guidance to help them move through the stages.

Leadership development requires an understanding of the TTM and how to use it to coach clients. By following the steps outlined in the video and transcript, you can help clients make lasting changes in their behaviors and move towards a healthier, happier life.


How Can Coaching Help?

Upskilling to be successful in personal growth and professional development requires understanding how to use the Transtheoretical Model (TTM) of Behavior Change. This model is used in many fields, such as nutrition, health coaching, and personal training, to help people make changes in their behaviors. This video and transcript, “How to Coach Clients - Stages 1 and 2 of the Transtheoretical Model”, provides a great introduction to the TTM by breaking it down into the pre-contemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, and maintenance stages.

The pre-contemplation stage is when a person is not yet considering making a change. This stage requires patience and understanding as the person is not yet ready to commit to change. The contemplation stage is when a person starts to think about making a change, but has not yet taken any action. In this stage, it is important to help the person understand how making the change can benefit them, and to help them identify the necessary steps and resources needed to make the change.

The preparation stage is when the person has decided to make a change and has begun to take action. It is important to provide support and guidance to the person during this stage, as they are likely to face challenges while they learn and adjust to new behaviors. The action stage is when the person has fully adopted the new behavior and is actively practicing it. Finally, the maintenance stage is when the person has successfully managed to keep the behavior change over time.

Upskilling to be successful in personal growth and professional development means understanding and utilizing the TTM to help guide people through the stages of behavior change. By utilizing this model, you can better support your clients, helping them to make lasting changes and reach their goals.

Healthy Behaviors

How to Promote Healthy Habits?

The video and transcript discuss the Stages of Change, or Trans-Theoretical Model, which is a framework for how people can change their behaviors. This is an incredibly important skill for dietitians, health coaches and personal trainers to understand and master, as it provides a clear path for helping clients progress from pre-contemplation to maintenance and beyond. By upskilling yourself with this model, you can be more successful in personal growth and professional development.

The stages of change start with pre-contemplation, which is when a person has not yet decided to make a change. Then comes contemplation, where the person is thinking about making a change and weighing the pros and cons. Next is preparation, where the person is planning the steps they need to take to make the change. Action is when the person is actually implementing the change. Finally, maintenance is when the person is consistently engaging in the behavior they have changed.

The model is useful for health practitioners as it allows them to observe where a client is in the change process and provide tailored advice to help them progress. For example, if a client is in the contemplation stage, the practitioner can help them to explore the pros and cons of making a change, or facilitate a discussion about the barriers that may be holding them back. In the action stage, the practitioner can provide support and guidance to help the client maintain their changed behavior.

Upskilling yourself with the Trans-Theoretical Model is an invaluable tool for personal growth and professional development. You can use it to help your clients go from pre-contemplation to maintenance and beyond, and provide tailored advice and guidance to help them move through the change process.

Self-Care and Wellness

Transform Wellness with Self-Care?

Upskilling yourself in personal growth and professional development with the help of the video “How To Coach Clients - Stages 1 and 2 of the Transtheoretical Model | My Dietitian Journey Podcast” is essential for success. The Trans-Theoretical Model (TTM) is a well-researched model which explains the stages of behavior change, whether it be in terms of nutrition, exercise, smoking, or any other behavior. It consists of five stages: pre-contemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, and maintenance. TTM offers a great framework to help individuals and professionals alike understand the shifts in behavior and how to help people move through those stages.

For example, TTM can be used by a dietitian to help their clients understand how to make healthier lifestyle choices. Through an understanding of TTM, a dietitian can help clients move through the various stages of behavioral change. They can help a client in the pre-contemplation stage create a vision of what they would like to achieve in terms of health and wellness, and then move them through the stages of contemplation, preparation, action and maintenance. The dietitian can also help clients who have cycled through the stages and are having difficulty sticking to the behavior change by understanding the stage they are in and helping them to move through it.

By understanding the stages of behavior change and the TTM, dietitians and other health professionals can become more successful in their personal growth and professional development. Not only does it help them understand their own behavior, but it also helps them understand the behavior of their clients, making it easier for them to help them achieve successful behavior change.

For Learners

Watching this video is beneficial to anyone who is a life-long learner, as it will teach you the stages of change and how to help clients move through the stages of change. Learning the content of this video will provide you with knowledge on how to effectively coach and help clients who are seeking to make changes to their lifestyle and behavior. The positive benefit to watching this video is that it will equip you with the skills and knowledge about coaching clients and how to better help them reach their goals.

Alternatively, not learning the content of this video has a negative detriment. Without knowledge of the content, you will be unable to effectively coach and help clients reach their goals. Furthermore, without understanding the stages of change and how to help clients move through the stages, a client’s success will be limited.

Using the 'what's in it for me', 'what's in it for them', 'what's in it for us', and 'what's in it for the world' approach to learning the content of this video will benefit you as a learner for personal growth and professional development.

For you as a learner, understanding the Transtheoretical Model will create a foundation for knowledge and understanding of the stages of change which will allow you to become a more effective coach and help clients reach their goals. For them, learning the content of this video will provide them with a greater understanding of the stages of change and how to move through them, thus aiding them in their journey to make changes to their lifestyle and behavior. For us, learning the content of this video will provide a greater understanding of how to help and coach clients to make changes to their lifestyle and behavior, thus creating a better relationship between coach and client. Finally, for the world, learning the content of this video will provide more effective coaching and help clients reach their goals, resulting in more successful and healthy lifestyles.

For Employers

Learning the content of this video, How To Coach Clients – Stages 1 and 2 of the Transtheoretical Model, is a great way for employers to differentiate themselves in the marketplace. This video and the accompanying transcript discuss the Trans-Theoretical Model, which is a five-stage process for changing behavior. Understanding this process and learning how to apply it can help employers and their teams better understand how to coach clients and help them make positive, lasting changes.

By watching this video and studying the content, employers can benefit from being able to demonstrate their understanding of this process to customers and clients. This will help customers and clients have a better understanding of how their behavior is changing and the steps they need to take to get to the next level. Employers can use this knowledge to provide a more comprehensive and effective approach to coaching and their client's overall health and wellbeing.

By learning the content of this video, employers can position themselves to be seen as forward-thinking and innovative in the marketplace. Understanding the Trans-Theoretical Model and how to apply it to coaching will also differentiate them from their competitors who may not have the same level of understanding of the process. In addition, customers and clients will be more likely to trust and believe in the employer's products and services, knowing that they have a deeper understanding of the process and how to best coach their clients.

Learning the content of this video can provide a powerful boost to employers, their teams, and their customer and client relationships. Employers who understand the Trans-Theoretical Model and how to apply it can offer a more comprehensive and effective approach to coaching, leading to better results and more satisfied customers.

Career Path

Completing a course in Leadership based on the competencies of coaching, healthy behaviors, and self-care and wellness will give you the skills to become a more employable, promotable, and purposeful member of the workforce. By watching the video How To Coach Clients - Stages 1 and 2 of the Transtheoretical Model | My Dietitian Journey Podcast and using the transcript, you can level up your leading skills, close the skills gap between what you need to be successful in the workforce and what is required. Once you have leveled up your skills, it is important to stay ahead of the curve and continue to learn. This will help you stay on top of the latest trends and technology, as well as give you the ability to think critically and solve complex problems. Taking courses on leadership and assessing the competencies of coaching, healthy behaviors, and self-care and wellness will give you the skills to become a more employable, promotable, and purposeful member of the workforce. With these courses, you will be able to gain the knowledge and skills to become a successful coach, mentor, and leader. You will be able to confidently and effectively coach clients and learn to understand the different stages of change and how to help move clients through them. Additionally, you will learn how to recognize healthy behaviors and practice self-care and wellness, which are essential to success in the workplace. By completing a course in leadership, you will not just be able to gain extra income-producing skills, but also better equip yourself to be successful in the future in high demand and high growth industries. With these skills, you will be able to confidently apply for jobs, attract employers, and create meaningful work for yourself.


"The whole goal is to kind of separate this and just talk a little about what the stages are and and kind of how to help move clients through the stages and help them move through the stages." This quote from the video How To Coach Clients - Stages 1 and 2 of the Transtheoretical Model is a reminder of the importance of understanding the stages of change. It is essential for both learners and employers to understand how to help people move through the stages of change in order to effectively achieve results. By breaking down goals into smaller steps and understanding how to help people progress through the stages of change, leaders can create a more successful and efficient journey for their clients.


The most important key takeaway from this video is that the Trans-Theoretical Model can be used to explain how people change their behavior. It is important to recognize what stage of change someone is in, and to guide them through it at their own pace. It is also important to recognize that people can recycle through the stages.

How To Coach Clients - Stages 1 and 2 of the Transtheoretical Model | My Dietitian Journey Podcast

The Trans-Theoretical Model is a way to understand how people change their behavior, like eating more vegetables or exercising more. It has five stages: pre-contemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, and maintenance. As a dietitian, it's important to help your clients move through the stages at their own pace, like going up a staircase one step at a time. You need to be a coach, not an expert, and guide them through the steps. It's like a puzzle - when all the pieces fit together, you can see the bigger picture of making a healthy lifestyle change.

Video Quotes

"You can't really force people to move through the stages" - Felicia Porrazza
"Being able to recognize what the stage is" - Felicia Porrazza
"It's not about getting people all the way through all the stages" - Felicia Porrazza

Related Quotes

1. "We have to remember that change is a process and it doesn't happen overnight." - William Cheung, Registered Dietitian Nutritionist

2. "We all have a different journey, and it's important that we respect that journey." - William Cheung, Registered Dietitian Nutritionist

3. "So it's important to give people permission to be wherever they are, and to respect that they're at different stages in their journey." - William Cheung, Registered Dietitian Nutritionist


1. Coaching
2. Healthy Behaviors
3. Self-Care and Wellness

Learning Outcomes

1. Analyze the five stages of the Trans-Theoretical Model of behavior change and how to recognize them.

2. Evaluate the importance of letting go of being an expert as a dietician and how to approach coaching clients.

3. Synthesize techniques for guiding clients through the stages of change at their own pace.

4. Construct a wellness vision that is composed of long-term goals and smaller pieces.

5. Apply the Trans-Theoretical Model to various behaviors such as nutrition, exercise, and smoking cessation.

6. Create an understanding of how clients may recycle through the stages of change.

Sample Answers

1. After watching the video, I learned about the Transtheoretical Model, which is a way to explain how people change behaviors. It consists of five stages: pre-contemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, and maintenance. Additionally, there may be a sixth stage, termination.

2. As a dietitian, the Transtheoretical Model helps me guide clients through the stages of change at their own pace. It is important to understand that it is not possible to force someone to move through the stages, and even moving from one stage to the next is success.

3. The Transtheoretical Model can be used on a macro level for a client’s general health and wellness goals, or for specific goals. Additionally, it can be used by an individual to understand where they are in terms of changing their behavior.

Felicia Porrazza

Felicia Porrazza is a Licensed Professional Counselor, a Certified Nutrition and Wellness Consultant, and a Certified Health Education Specialist. She is also the founder of Counseling and Nutrition Services, LLC, a counseling and nutrition practice in San Antonio, Texas. She has a Master's degree in Counseling and a Bachelor's degree in Nutrition and Dietetics. She specializes in using the Transtheoretical Model to help her clients reach their health and wellness goals. She has been featured on various podcasts and television shows as an expert in nutrition and counseling. She is also an author of several books on nutrition and counseling. She is an active member of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and is a member of the Dietitians in Integrative and Functional Medicine Practice Group.Felicia Porrazza

Learning Design

These three competencies are key elements to leadership success. Coaching helps to develop people to perform to their potential and foster a culture of collaboration and learning. Healthy behaviors help to create an environment where people feel engaged and motivated. Self-care and wellness are important for leaders to stay physically, mentally, and emotionally healthy so they can be effective in their roles.

The best way to develop these competencies is through a combination of experiential learning and the use of the Situational Leadership Model. In experiential learning, students learn through practical application of the concepts. The Situational Leadership Model helps to identify the type of leadership style that is most appropriate for a given situation. This model allows students to practice the different types of leadership in various scenarios, so they can learn to identify the best leadership style for each situation. This model also helps students to develop their coaching and communication skills, as well as their self-care and wellness practices.


Q: According to the Trans-theoretical Model, which of the following is NOT one of the five stages of change?

A. Pre-Contemplation
B. Termination
C. Maintenance
D. Preparation

Answer: B. Termination


Common Hypothetical Questions:
1. What are the five stages of the trans-theoretical model?
2. What is the difference between pre-contemplation and contemplation?
3. What is the difference between the trans-theoretical model and motivational interviewing?
4. How can the trans-theoretical model be used to help people change their behavior?

Real-Life Questions:
1. How can dietitians use the trans-theoretical model to help guide their clients through stages of change?
2. How can the trans-theoretical model be used to help people reach their health and wellness goals?
3. What strategies can health professionals use to help their clients progress through the stages of the trans-theoretical model?
4. What are some potential challenges that health professionals may face when helping their clients make behavior changes through the trans-theoretical model?


"Health Coach Certification, "Trans Theoretical Model", "Motivational Interviewing", "Nutrition Coach", "Fitness Goals", "Wellness Vision", "Blood Sugar Control", "Smoking Behavior", "Health Coaching", "Dietitian Expertise".


1. The Transtheoretical Model consists of five stages for people to change their behavior: pre-contemplation, contemplation, preparation, action and maintenance.
2. The sixth stage, termination, is sometimes included.
3. The model should not be used to force people through the stages, but to guide them through at their own pace.
4. Recycling through the stages is common.
5. It is applicable to any behavior, not just nutrition or exercise.


1. Create an online course teaching the 5 stages of the Transtheoretical Model, including interactive quizzes and practical applications.
2. Develop a mobile app that helps users track their progress through the 5 stages of the Transtheoretical Model.
3. Create an eBook outlining the benefits of using the Transtheoretical Model in coaching and providing practical tips to help users apply it in their own lives.
4. Produce an animated video series that explains the 5 stages of the Transtheoretical Model and how to use it to help others.
5. Develop an assessment tool to help practitioners identify their clients’ stage of change in order to tailor coaching sessions accordingly.


This learning instructional guidance was formulated using the GPT-3 language model created by OpenAI.


Are you helping your clients change their behavior? Learn how to use the Trans-Theoretical Model to guide your clients through five stages of change with respect and success! #motivation #coaching #change #dietitian #nutrition #healthcoaching #fitness #therapy #wellness @Accredicity

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