How Great Leaders Inspire Action – Simon Sinek | TED

Reference: TED. (2010, May 4). How great leaders inspire action | Simon Sinek [Video]. YouTube.

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Discover how great leaders like Martin Luther King and the Wright Brothers inspired action and defied assumptions with one simple idea.

Simon Sinek explains how great leaders inspire action in this TED Talk. He begins by asking why Apple is so innovative and why Martin Luther King Jr. was so successful in leading the Civil Rights Movement. He then reveals that all these inspiring leaders and organizations think, act and communicate in the same way. This idea is known as the Golden Circle and involves going from the inside out, rather than outside in. Sinek explains this concept further, using Apple as an example, and how they communicate their purpose to inspire people to take action. He also notes how this communication is based on biology, as the human brain is split into three sections that correlate with the Golden Circle. Ultimately, Sinek reveals that success is achieved by not just selling to those who need a product, but to those who believe in it.

Learning Outline

1. The golden circle concept: why, how, what
2. The need to explain why some organizations and leaders are able to inspire while others are not
3. The idea that people don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it
4. Examples of Apple and the Wright brothers to explain the concept
5. How the human brain is broken into three parts that correspond with the golden circle
6. The need to communicate from the inside out, not the outside in
7. The example of Samuel Pierpont Langley to demonstrate how the formula for success does not always guarantee success
8. The goal is to do business with people who believe what you believe, not just those who need what you have
9. The importance of hiring people who believe what you believe, not just those who need a job

Instructional Content

Inspiring leaders and organizations, such as Apple and Martin Luther King Jr., have something that sets them apart from the rest. They think, act and communicate differently than the average person. Simon Sinek has discovered the pattern behind this phenomenon and has codified it in the form of the golden circle. This simple idea explains why some individuals and organizations are able to inspire where others aren’t.

The golden circle is comprised of the three questions: Why? How? and What? Every person or organization knows what they do, and some know how they do it. However, very few people or organizations know why they do what they do. By “why”, Sinek means the purpose, cause and belief behind why the organization exists, and why anyone should care.

Most people and organizations tend to communicate from the outside in, starting with the clearest thing and working towards the fuzziest thing. Inspired leaders and organizations, however, communicate from the inside out. Sinek gives the example of Apple to illustrate the difference. The average marketing message of Apple might sound something like “We make great computers. They’re beautifully designed, simple to use and user friendly. Want to buy one?” This is uninspiring to say the least. Apple, on the other hand, communicates in a totally different way. Their message is “Everything we do, we believe in challenging the status quo. We believe in thinking differently. The way we challenge the status quo is by making our products beautifully designed, simple to use and user friendly. We just happen to make great computers. Want to buy one?”

Sinek explains that people don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it. The goal is to do business with people who believe what you believe. This is all grounded in the tenets of biology. The human brain is broken into three major components, which correlate perfectly with the golden circle.

Inspiring leaders and organizations understand the importance of the golden circle, and use it to their advantage. By communicating from the inside out, they are able to tap into the part of the brain that controls behavior and decision-making. Understanding and utilizing the golden circle can be key to inspiring action among others.


Inspire Change through Leaders

When it comes to developing leadership skills in learners, it is important to take into account the specific details of each situation. In the video and transcript, Simon Sinek's golden circle of ‘Why, How, What’ provides a comprehensive guide to improving leadership in learners.

The golden circle of ‘Why, How, What’ provides an understanding of how the inspiring leaders and organizations in the world think, act, and communicate in the opposite way to everyone else. The ‘why’ in the golden circle, which is the purpose, cause, or belief, is what makes a leader or organization inspiring. This is because people don’t just buy what you do, but instead why you do it.

The golden circle can be used to help learners develop their leadership skills. By understanding the ‘why’, learners can better understand the purpose behind their actions, which will allow them to create an inspiring vision for the future. This will enable them to motivate and lead people in the right direction.

In addition to understanding the ‘why’, learners should also understand the ‘how’ and ‘what’. The ‘how’ is the differentiated value proposition or proprietary process and the ‘what’ is the result. By understanding the ‘how’ and ‘what’, learners can better understand the actions they need to take to reach their goal.

By understanding the golden circle, learners can develop their leadership skills by creating inspiring visions, understanding the purpose of their actions, and taking the right actions to reach their goal. With this comprehensive guide, learners can become more effective leaders and reach their goals.


How Does Great Leadership Inspire?

Upskilling yourself is an important part of personal growth and professional development, and this video from Simon Sinek offers some useful insight. He explains how great leaders and organizations are able to inspire action, even when their competition is equal or better qualified. He calls this ‘the golden circle,’ which is the reverse of how most people think, act and communicate. Instead of starting with the product or service (what), we need to start with the purpose or cause (why). This is why Apple has been so successful - they communicate their ‘why’ first, which resonates with consumers and drives their behavior.

The implications of this approach can be seen in upskilling ourselves to be more successful. Instead of just focusing on the skills we need to acquire (what), we should also ask ourselves why we are upskilling. What is our purpose? What is our goal? This will ensure that our upskilling is more effective and meaningful, and that any learning we do is aligned with our values and beliefs.

The key to successful upskilling is to take the time to ask ourselves why we are doing it and what we hope to achieve. This will make our efforts more purposeful and help us stay motivated even when things don’t go as planned. We can also use case studies and examples of successful people and organizations to gain inspiration and insight into how to best approach our personal growth and professional development.


How Does Vision Inspire?

Upskilling yourself to be more successful in personal growth and professional development requires vision and an understanding of how great leaders inspire action. As Simon Sinek explains in his video, great leaders, from Martin Luther King to the Wright Brothers to Apple, share a common pattern of thinking, acting, and communicating. They focus on understanding and communicating the “why” of their organizations and products, rather than the “what” and “how.” By focusing on the “why”, they create a connection with customers, employees, and supporters on an emotional level.

In order to upskill yourself, you need to make sure you have a clear vision and purpose. Think about why you’re doing what you’re doing and make sure your goals are aligned with your values. This will help create a strong foundation for success. It’s also important to remember that people don’t just buy what you’re doing, but why you’re doing it. This can help you create your messaging and marketing strategies in a way that resonates with your target audiences.

Upskilling yourself also requires a commitment to continuous learning and growth. Stay up to date on industry trends and best practices and look for ways to challenge yourself and take on new responsibilities. Research shows that employees who take the initiative to learn are more likely to be promoted. Additionally, make sure you’re taking the time to reflect and assess your own progress. This will help you stay focused and motivated and ensure that you’re taking actionable steps towards your goals.

By understanding the principles of great leadership and taking the time to upskill yourself, you can set yourself up for greater success in personal growth and professional development.

Purpose and Meaning

How Does Purpose Drive Meaning?

Upskilling yourself to achieve greater personal and professional growth can be daunting. However, the video How Great Leaders Inspire Action by Simon Sinek provides insight on how to do just that. Sinek explains that the way great leaders think, act, and communicate is different from the way most people and organizations do. They think from the inside out, using the ‘Golden Circle’ of Why, How, and What. By starting with the ‘why’ they are able to evoke an emotional response in the people they are leading.

Sinek supports this idea with examples such as Apple and Martin Luther King, who both led with a purpose and a cause. He explains that people don't just buy what we do, they buy why we do it.

This is an important lesson for anyone looking to upskill themselves. Moving beyond just the ‘what’ and ‘how’ of a goal and instead focusing on the ‘why’ can help you become more successful. It allows you to evoke an emotional response in yourself and those around you and it helps you to stay focused on the purpose of your goal.

Furthermore, understanding the ‘why’ helps you to make decisions and take action that is in line with your values and goals. This can help you to become more confident in your decisions and be more successful in reaching your goals.

Overall, the video How Great Leaders Inspire Action provides a valuable insight for anyone looking to upskill themselves and achieve greater personal and professional growth. By focusing on the ‘why’ and understanding the importance of purpose and meaning, you can become a more successful and inspiring leader.

For Learners

Watching this video provides an invaluable opportunity for anyone looking to learn about how to become a great leader and inspire action. The video explains why some leaders are able to inspire and succeed, while others are not. Simon Sinek explains the concept of the golden circle and how it applies to organizations and leaders. It is an innovative way of looking at why people do what they do, and how they can be inspired to achieve great things.

Not taking the time to learn the content of this video can have detrimental effects. Without understanding the concept of the golden circle, leaders and organizations may not be able to inspire and achieve success. This could lead to missed opportunities and a lack of growth and development.

Learning the content of this video can provide a great benefit to you as a learner. By understanding the golden circle, you will be able to better understand why people do what they do, and how to inspire them to action. This will help you in both your personal and professional life by giving you the knowledge and tools to lead and inspire others. It will also help you to better understand the world around you and how to navigate it.

The 'what’s in it for me’, ‘what’s in it for them’, ‘what’s in it for us’, and ‘what’s in it for the world’ approach to learning the content of this video will benefit you as a learner for personal growth and professional development. You can use this knowledge to better understand yourself and others, as well as to help inspire and lead those around you. By learning the content of this video, you will have a better understanding of how to inspire action and achieve success.

For Employers

This video provides employers with valuable insight into how great leaders inspire action and how to explain when things don't go as planned. It helps employers understand why and how some organizations and leaders are able to inspire where others aren't, and how to think, act and communicate from the inside out. Learning the content of this video would benefit employers by helping them to differentiate themselves from their competition, as well as helping them to communicate more effectively with customers and clients.

By taking the time to watch this video, employers can learn how to leverage the power of the 'what's in it for the present, the past, and the future' approach in copywriting. This will help them to better understand their customers, and create messaging that speaks to their needs and values. Employers who take the time to understand the concepts in this video will be able to more effectively reach their customers, and be more successful in their business.

Career Path

Completing a course in Leadership based on competencies such as Leadership, Vision, and Purpose and Meaning can help anyone on their career path in achieving career-defining credentials, becoming more employable, promotable, and purposeful. It can help bridge the gap between the skills you have now and the skills you need to progress in your career.

Watching the video How great leaders inspire action by Simon Sinek and reading the transcript, you can gain insight into the power of inspiration and learn how to use the golden circle to think, act and communicate from the inside out. This can help you become a better leader and inspire others to take action. It can help you build influence and be more effective in your job.

Leveling up by watching this video and reading the transcript can help you gain valuable income-producing skills and close the skills gap towards meaningful work in the future. It can help you become more employable in high-demand and high-growth industries. Furthermore, it can equip you with the knowledge and skills to become a more effective leader, build influence and gain career-defining credentials. With these skills, you can open up new opportunities for career growth and make an impact in your industry.


"The goal is not just to sell to people who need what you have; the goal is to sell to people who believe what you believe." - Martin Luther King Jr.

This quote from Martin Luther King Jr. applies directly to the video by Simon Sinek. In the video, Sinek explains that the most successful leaders and organizations think, act, and communicate differently than everyone else. They do not just focus on what they do, but also on why they do it. This why is their purpose, cause, and belief - what they are passionate about. Companies and leaders that communicate their why in addition to their what are more successful because they attract customers who believe in their purpose, rather than just those who need the product or service. This is the key to inspiring action and loyalty in customers. Employers and learners should take this concept to heart and strive to understand and communicate their own why in order to create a successful organization or career.


The most important takeaway I learned from this video is that people don't buy what you do, they buy why you do it. By understanding and communicating the "why" behind our actions, we can inspire and motivate others to achieve our goals. This is a powerful concept that can be applied to organizations and individuals alike.

How great leaders inspire action | Simon Sinek

Great leaders like Martin Luther King and the Wright brothers inspire action because they understand something that other people don't - that people don't buy what you do, they buy why you do it. To communicate this, they use the golden circle of "why, how, what". You start with why you do something, then explain how you do it, and end with what you actually do. This way, it reaches the part of the brain that controls decision-making, not language, and so people can relate. Companies like Apple use this method to inspire people to buy their products and it's easy to understand why - they believe in the same things!

Video Quotes

"People don't buy what you do; people buy why you do it" - Simon Sinek
"The goal is not just to sell to people who need what you have; the goal is to sell to people who believe what you believe" - Simon Sinek
"The goal is not just to hire people who need a job; it's to hire people who believe what you believe" - Simon Sinek


1. Leadership
2. Vision
3. Purpose and Meaning

Learning Outcomes

1. Remember: Understand the main message behind why people don't buy what one does and why they buy why one does it.
2. Understand: Discern the functions of the three major components of the human brain and how it correlates with the golden circle.
3. Analyze: Compare and contrast Apple's approach to marketing with the approach other organizations take.
4. Evaluate: Appraise the differences between the Wright brothers and Samuel Pierpont Langley's approach to powered man flight.
5. Create: Utilize the golden circle concept to design an effective communication strategy for an organization.
6. Evaluate: Assess the importance of understanding and communicating why something is done in order to inspire people to action.

Sample Answers

1. I learned that successful and inspiring leaders and organizations, such as Apple and Martin Luther King, think, act, and communicate differently than everyone else. They do this by starting with their "why" instead of their "what" in order to communicate directly with the part of the brain that controls behavior.

2. I also learned that people don't buy what you do, they buy why you do it. This is why Apple is so successful, as their marketing message is focused on their purpose and values, instead of just their products.

3. Lastly, I learned about the concept of the golden circle, which explains why some organizations and leaders are able to inspire where others aren't. This is because they think, act, and communicate from the inside out, beginning with their 'why'.

Simon Sinek

Simon Sinek is a best-selling author, motivational speaker and leadership consultant. He is the author of the acclaimed books, Start with Why, Leaders Eat Last and Together is Better, and is best known for his TED talk on ‘How great leaders inspire action’. Sinek is the founder and CEO of Start With Why, an organization that helps people and organizations find their why, and apply it to their business. He is also a strategic advisor to the United Nations Foundation, as well as a professor of strategic communication at Columbia University. Simon Sinek

Learning Design

Leadership, Vision, and Purpose and Meaning are important competencies to learn for a course on leadership because they are key aspects of effective leadership. Leadership requires the ability to set direction, motivate and inspire others, and create a culture of shared understanding and collaboration. Vision involves having a long-term focus, the ability to think strategically, and the ability to plan for and anticipate future needs. Purpose and Meaning is about connecting with the purpose of the organization, understanding the mission and values, and providing meaningful context for decisions and actions.

A framework or pedagogy that can be used to help build these competencies is the Experiential Learning Cycle. This framework focuses on the cycle of experience, reflection, conceptualization, and application. Through this cycle, students engage in experiences, reflect on them, make meaning and connections, and then apply their learning to the real world. This framework is especially useful for developing leadership skills because it allows students to practice and apply their learning in real-world contexts. It also allows them to develop their skills and abilities in a safe and controlled environment. Additionally, the Experiential Learning Cycle allows students to develop a deeper understanding of the competencies of leadership, vision, and purpose and meaning by providing them with opportunities to explore, reflect, and apply their learning.


Multiple-Choice Exam Question:
What is the main reason why Apple succeeds to innovate year after year?
A. They have the best access to the same talent, agencies, consultants, and media
B. They have the best product design and are simple to use and user friendly
C. They challenge the status quo and think differently
D. They have the best lawyers with the biggest clients

Answer: C. They challenge the status quo and think differently.


1. What is the golden circle and how does it explain why some organizations and leaders are able to inspire and others are not?
2. How does the order of information affect how people interpret and act on the information?
3. What can organizations do to ensure their employees are inspired to do their best work?
4. How does the power of belief help explain why some organizations succeed while others fail?
5. What is the difference between communicating from the outside in and from the inside out?
6. What can organizations do to ensure their communication is inspiring and motivating to their customers and employees?
7. What is the relationship between the human brain and the golden circle concept?
8. How can the golden circle concept be applied to real-life scenarios and examples in order to maximize its effectiveness?


Great Leaders Inspire Action, Martin Luther King, Wright Brothers, Apple Innovative, Challenging Status Quo, Differentiated Value Proposition, Proprietary Process, USP, Purpose Cause Belief, Buy Computer, Buy MP3 Player, Buy Phone, Buy DVR, Samuel Pierpont Langley, Powered Man Flight, Dot Com, Recipe Success, Fail Product.


1. Martin Luther King Jr. was not the only great orator of his day, yet he was the leader of the Civil Rights Movement.
2. Apple communicates from the inside out, focusing on why their products are great rather than what they are.
3. The Wright Brothers were not the best funded or qualified team in the pursuit of powered man flight, yet they beat out their competition.
4. All inspiring leaders and organizations think, act, and communicate the same manner.
5. The human brain is divided into three components that correspond with the Golden Circle.


1. Create a webinar series featuring inspiring leaders and entrepreneurs who have achieved success by thinking, acting, and communicating from the inside out.

2. Develop a workshop for team building and leadership development that focuses on the Golden Circle concept.

3. Design an interactive game where players work together to solve puzzles based on the Golden Circle concept.


This learning instructional guidance was formulated using the GPT-3 language model created by OpenAI.


The Wright brothers, Apple, and Martin Luther King Jr. all had something in common: they thought, acted, and communicated differently than everyone else. This is the #GoldenCircle and understanding it can help unlock success and inspire action! #motivation #inspiration #leadership @Accredicity

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