Grit by Angela Duckworth | Productivity Game

Reference: Productivity Game. (2016, June 10). GRIT by Angela Duckworth | Animated CORE Message [Video]. YouTube.

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Discover how effort is the key to success: Uncover the science of success with Angela Duckworth's book Grit.

GRIT, by Angela Duckworth, is a psychological exploration of success and the factors that contribute to it. Her studies conclude that effort is the most determining factor in success, not natural talent. She explains this using the formula of talent x effort = skill and skill x effort = achievement. She encourages us to develop our persistence, adopt a fascination with our goals, strive to improve every day, and focus on our ultimate goal to increase our stamina and reach success. With effort, anyone can achieve great things and transcend the limitations of natural talent.

Learning Outline

1. Talent counts once, effort counts twice: applying effort to any basic talent leads to skill and applying effort to a skill leads to achievement.
2. Persistence, or the constant application of effort towards a long-term goal, is the greatest cause of success.
3. Develop a fascination with what you want to do and try to improve every day.
4. Remind yourself of your ultimate goal and adopt a winning mind.
5. Our brains are plastic and we have the ability to learn new skills through effort and experience.
6. Learning to be persistent is a skill that we can all develop.

Instructional Content

GRIT by Angela Duckworth is a powerful message about the importance of effort and hard work in achieving success. In her book, Angela Duckworth, a psychologist at the University of Pennsylvania, studies the lives of successful people from national spelling bee champions to elite military graduates and top corporate sellers to determine the most determining factor in their successes. Her research reveals that talent counts once, but effort counts twice.

This formula of “talent times effort equals skill, and skill times effort equals achievement” is the core message of GRIT. The idea that we can achieve success through hard work and dedication is liberating for many as it counters the popular belief that success results only from natural talent. Through her research, Angela finds that the greatest cause of success is persistence - the constant application of effort towards a long-term goal.

To help us develop this persistence, Angela suggests four ways to increase our stamina. First, find a fascination with what you want to do. Second, try to improve every day. Third, remind yourself of your ultimate goal. And fourth, adopt a winning mindset. As Charles Darwin proved, the power of curiosity, effort and dedication can lead to great discoveries.

GRIT is an inspiring and thought-provoking book that encourages us to push ourselves beyond our perceived limits and to never give up on our dreams. There is no limit to what we can achieve when we put in the effort, and that is the main takeaway from Angela's message.


"Unlock Leadership Potential: Grit"

Leadership is a skill that can be developed over time through courage, perseverance, vision, performance optimization, and skills development. By understanding and applying the concepts from the video and transcript of GRIT by Angela Duckworth, learners can gain a greater understanding of how to lead with excellence.

In the video and transcript of GRIT by Angela Duckworth, it is made clear that effort is more important than talent when it comes to achieving success. This is an important lesson for those looking to develop their leadership skills. Leaders must recognize that they cannot rely solely on their natural talents and must put in the effort to achieve their goals. This means that they must stay focused on the goal, practice and hone their skills, continuously strive to improve, and be persistent in their efforts.

When it comes to developing courage and perseverance, leaders should focus on developing an internal drive to succeed. This means working to overcome any doubts or fears that may be holding them back. Leaders must also embrace failure as part of the learning process and use failures as an opportunity to grow and learn.

Leaders must also develop vision. This means having the ability to imagine the future and set goals that will take them there. Leaders need to be able to think strategically and be able to recognize and take advantage of opportunities.

Performance optimization is also important for leaders. Leaders must be able to recognize their strengths and weaknesses and develop strategies to optimize their performance. This may mean delegating tasks or developing effective processes, systems, and structures.

Finally, leaders must focus on developing their skills. This means focusing on areas such as communication, problem-solving, decision-making, and emotional intelligence. Leaders must be willing to learn and develop their skills in order to become more effective leaders.

By taking the concepts from the video and transcript of GRIT by Angela Duckworth into consideration, leaders can develop the skills needed to lead with excellence. Courage and perseverance, vision, performance optimization, and skills development are all important components of effective leadership. By focusing on these components, leaders can develop the qualities needed to lead with success.

Courage and Perseverance

Can Grit Inspire Courage?

Upskilling yourself for success in personal growth and professional development requires both talent and effort. As Angela Duckworth explains in her book Grit, effort is twice as important as talent when it comes to achieving success. Successful people have a single-minded focus and a deep-seeded purpose that drives their success. Through her studies of Spelling Bee champions, elite military graduates, and top corporate salespeople, Duckworth found that effort and perseverance are the greatest causes of success.

As Duckworth explains, talent only counts once, while effort counts twice. We can use this simple formula: Talent x effort = skill, and skill x effort = achievement. This means that we can achieve more than we think, even if we don’t win the talent lottery. We can increase our stamina for success by focusing on four key areas: developing a fascination with what you want to do, trying to improve every day, reminding yourself of your ultimate goal, and adopting a winning mindset.

The ability to commit to long-term goals and persist despite setbacks is essential for success. It’s not always easy to resist the temptation to give up, but it’s possible if you focus on developing your skills and increasing your stamina. With the right mindset and dedication to upskilling, you can be successful regardless of your natural talent. As Darwin famously said, “If I had more time, I could achieve more.”


How Does Grit Impact Vision?

Upskilling yourself to be more successful in personal growth and professional development requires grit and determination. Grit is the combination of passion, persistence, and resilience in pursuit of a long-term goal. Angela Duckworth, a psychologist at the University of Pennsylvania, studied the most successful people in a variety of fields and found that effort was more important than talent. Her formula: Talent times effort equals skill. And skill times effort equals achievement.

This means that with consistent effort and dedication, anyone can improve their skills and achieve their goals. Grit is not just about working hard, it is about having a deep passion for the work and a desire to keep going, even when things get difficult. It is about knowing that failure is not the end, but rather a learning and growth opportunity.

One way to develop grit is to focus on developing and honing your skills. This means finding the questions that fascinate you and committing to a daily practice of improvement. Olympic medalist swimmer Rowdy Gaines said, “In each practice I tried to improve myself.” This mindset is essential to success. It is also important to remember your ultimate goal and to have a winning mindset. Charles Darwin was not a genius, but he was passionate and curious, and he kept questions alive in his mind. This habit of curiosity led him to make his greatest discovery.

Grit is not something that just happens, it is something that is developed over time. It takes discipline, focus, and patience but it is possible. With consistent effort and dedication, anyone can achieve their goals and become more successful.

Performance Optimization

Maximize Performance: How?

Upskilling is a key component to achieving personal and professional success. This is demonstrated in the video ‘Grit by Angela Duckworth’ which suggests that effort is more important than talent when it comes to success. The video shows how psychologist Angela Duckworth conducted studies to determine which was the most determining factor in people’s successes - talent or effort. She concluded that talent is the starting point but effort is what propels success. This is illustrated through her formula ‘Talent x Effort = Skill’, and ‘Skill x Effort = Achievement’.

The video also advises us to develop a fascination with what we want to do, improve every day, and to adopt a winning mindset. This is a key part of upskilling as it helps us to stay motivated and on track to achieve our goals. For example, Charles Darwin was not very quick to understand but he developed an obsessive fascination with the natural sciences and kept questions alive in his mind which led him to his famous discovery.

In order to succeed, we must also have the mental and emotional resilience to stay persistent and resist the temptation to quit or experience failure. This can be difficult but by developing an awareness of our ultimate goal, we can increase our endurance and capacity for learning. This is demonstrated by Olympic medalist swimmer Rowdy Gaines who said ‘In each practice I tried to improve myself’.

These tips can help us to upskill and become successful. We must remember that effort counts twice and we can achieve great things, even if we don’t win the talent lottery. Ultimately, upskilling requires dedication, dedication, and the right mindset. By following these tips, we can develop the necessary skills and abilities to fulfill our potential.

For Learners

Watching this video on the power of grit and effort is beneficial for both personal and professional growth. The positive benefit of watching this video is that it offers an inspiring message of hope to those who may have felt limited by their talents. The video explains that while talent may count once, effort counts twice, which can be liberating for those who feel they may be limited by a lack of talent. Furthermore, the video explains that persistence and constant application of effort is the greatest cause of success and that anyone has the capacity to become more than they initially think.

On the other hand, not learning the content of this video could be detrimental to one’s personal and professional growth. For instance, those who may not watch this video may be unaware of the power of effort and persistence. This lack of understanding could lead to a lack of motivation and discouragement, leading to missed opportunities.

Using the ‘what’s in it for me’, ‘what’s in it for them’, ‘what’s in it for us’, and ‘what’s in it for the world’ approach to learning the content of this video, the personal benefits include increased motivation and confidence, and improved understanding of the power of effort and persistence. For them, it could mean the difference between feeling limited by their talents and feeling empowered to pursue their goals. For us, it could mean increased collaboration and support, and improved team morale. For the world, it could mean a greater understanding of one another and a greater commitment to achieving our goals.

For Employers

In order to differentiate yourself from your competitors, employers should watch and learn from the content of the video GRIT by Angela Duckworth. This video is about the importance of effort and perseverance over talent, and how everyone has the potential to achieve success if they put in the effort and dedication. Employers should learn from this video how to foster a work environment that encourages employees to strive for excellence, rather than relying on talent alone. This video also offers insight into how customers and clients perceive businesses that are committed to learning and growth, and how they will view businesses more positively if they know the business has a deep understanding of these concepts.

By watching and learning from this video, employers will be able to provide a more positive work environment, gain a competitive edge in their industry, and create a more positive perception of their business among customers and clients. Moreover, they will be able to differentiate themselves from their competitors and demonstrate to their employees, customers and clients that they are forward-thinking employers who are committed to learning and growth. The power of the ‘what’s in it for the present, the past, and the future’ approach in copywriting can be used to draw attention to the benefits of learning from this video. It is important to remember that effort matters more than talent and that everyone has the potential to achieve success if they are willing to put in the effort.

Career Path

Completing a course in Leadership based on the core competencies of Courage and Perseverance, Vision, and Performance Optimization can help set you up for a successful career. Every employer looks for competencies and qualities in potential employees and having a certification in Leadership will set you apart from the competition. It will prove to employers that you have the skills and knowledge to take on leadership roles and have a better understanding of how to lead yourself and others.

Leveling up by watching the video GRIT by Angela Duckworth and reading the transcript will give you insights into the power of perseverance and effort. It is a powerful reminder that effort is more important than talent. It will help you to realize that you don't have to be naturally talented to achieve great things. With effort, dedication, and a winning mindset you can reach your goals.

Gaining income-producing skills for better employability and closing the Skills Gap towards Meaningful Work in the future and high growth industries is essential for a successful career. By taking courses that are in high demand and high growth industries, you will be able to acquire the skills needed to make you more employable, promotable, and purposeful. You will be able to enter a competitive job market with the knowledge and skills needed to get ahead and stand out from the competition.

By taking the steps to gain the knowledge and skills necessary to become more employable, promotable, and purposeful, you will be able to have a successful career. With the help of courses in Leadership based on Courage and Perseverance, Vision, and Performance Optimization, you will be able to stand out from the competition and have the credentials necessary to get ahead in your career. Leveling up by watching the video GRIT by Angela Duckworth and reading the transcript will give you the knowledge of the power of effort and perseverance. Gaining income-producing skills for better employability and closing the Skills Gap towards Meaningful Work in the future and high growth industries will make you more employable, promotable, and purposeful. Taking these steps will ensure that you are equipped with the skills and knowledge necessary to have a successful career.


"It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change." - Charles Darwin

This quote is particularly relevant to the video by Angela Duckworth. She explains that success is not a result of talent alone, but of effort and persistence. In order to be successful, we must be responsive to change and willing to put in the work to become better. This is an important lesson for both learners and employers. Encouraging employees to develop their skills and be adaptable to change can lead to greater collective success. For learners, it is important to remember that hard work and dedication can be just as valuable as natural talent when it comes to achieving success.


Grit is the key to success: effort counts twice as much as talent. With dedication and focus, we can all develop the skills needed to achieve our goals and unlock our full potential.

GRIT by Angela Duckworth | Animated CORE Message

GRIT by Angela Duckworth is a book about success. Angela is a psychologist and she wanted to find out why some people are so successful. Her research found that it's not just talent that makes people successful, but hard work too. It's like a combination of both talent and effort that helps someone achieve their goals. She says that if you have talent, but don't put in the effort, you won't get very far. But if you put in the effort, it can make up for any lack of natural talent. So, if you want to be successful, you need to work hard and keep going even when it gets tough. You need to keep trying and never give up!

Video Quotes

"Where talent counts once, effort counts twice." - Angela Duckworth
"The most persistent people see their big goals connected to a world beyond them." - Angela Duckworth
"Learning to be consistent is a skill that we can all develop." - Angela Duckworth

Related Quotes

"Grit is sticking with your future, day-in, day-out, not just for the week, not just for the month, but for years. And working really hard to make that future a reality." -Angela Duckworth

"Grit is living life like it's a marathon, not a sprint." -Angela Duckworth

"Grit is about having the resilience to keep going even when it feels like you've hit a wall." -Angela Duckworth


1. Courage and Perseverance
2. Vision
3. Performance Optimization

Learning Outcomes

1. Remember: Explain the science that effort counts twice as much as talent.

2. Understand: Describe the four steps to increase persistence using the formula “talent times effort equals skill”.

3. Apply: Analyze the survey conducted by Angela Duckworth to determine which was the most determining factor in successes.

4. Analyze: Examine the connection between natural talent and effort to determine the cause of success in life.

5. Evaluate: Assess the limits of talent and effort to understand their impact on success.

6. Create: Develop a winning mindset to draw on memories and experiences to increase self-confidence.

Sample Answers

1. From Angela Duckworth's book Grit, I learned that effort is more important than talent when it comes to success. She explains that if you apply effort to any basic talent, you get a skill, and when you apply effort to that skill, you get an achievement.

2. I also learned that persistence, or the constant application of effort towards a long-term goal, is the greatest cause of success. People can achieve great things if they put in the effort, even if they don't feel like they have a lot of natural talent.

3. Finally, I learned that we can all increase our endurance by developing a fascination with what we want to do, trying to improve every day, reminding ourselves of our ultimate goal, and adopting a winning mindset.

Angela Duckworth

Angela Duckworth is a Professor of Psychology at the University of Pennsylvania and the Founder and CEO of Character Lab, a non-profit that advances the science and practice of character development. She is an expert on Grit, which she defines as "passion and perseverance for long-term goals". She is the author of the New York Times bestseller Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance, and is the co-host of the podcast Element of Grit. She is a 2013 MacArthur Fellow and has been awarded the 2018 Humanities Medal from the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. She is also a co-founder of Character Lab Character Lab.

Learning Design

Leadership is an essential skill to have in any organization and these three competencies – Courage and Perseverance, Vision, and Performance Optimization – are essential for effective leadership.

Courage and Perseverance are important for leaders because they are needed to make difficult decisions, take risks, and take action. Courage and perseverance also enable leaders to lead with conviction, even in the face of adversity.

Vision is important for leaders because it helps them create a shared understanding of the organization’s purpose and how to get there. Vision also helps leaders stay focused on the end goal and keep their team motivated to achieve it.

Performance Optimization is essential for leaders because it helps them ensure that their team is productive and efficient. Performance optimization also helps leaders identify areas where improvements can be made and create processes that maximize success.

The best way to build these competencies is through a combination of theoretical knowledge and experiential learning. Theoretical knowledge can be acquired through lectures, readings, and group discussions. Experiential learning can be done through simulations and team-building activities, as well as real-world applications and situations.


Multiple Choice Exam Question:
According to Angela Duckworth, what is the greatest cause of success?
A. Talent
B. Pleasure
C. Effort
D. Winning Mind

Answer: C. Effort


Common Questions:
1. What is the main thesis of Angela Duckworth's book Grit?
2. What is the formula Angela uses to explain how talent and effort relate to success?
3. What are the four ways Angela suggests to increase our persistence and stamina?
4. What did Bill McNabb find to be the determining factor in long-term success?

Real-Life Questions:
1. How could understanding the importance of effort and persistence help someone succeed in a competitive job market?
2. How can someone apply the concept of “talent times effort equals skill” to their own lives?
3. How can someone use the four ways Angela suggests to increase their persistence and stamina to achieve a long-term goal?
4. What strategies can someone use to develop a winning mindset and discard the idea that their abilities are fixed?


Grit, Angela Duckworth, Effort Counts, Natural Talent, Persistence, Winning Mind, Successful Achievement, Develop Fascination, Improve Everyday, Ultimate Goal, Ability to Change


1. Angela Duckworth's research shows that effort counts twice as much as talent in achieving success.
2. Neuroscience has proven that the brain is plastic and can be shaped through effort and experience.
3. Bill McNabb found that long-term success depends on having a core belief that abilities can be learned.
4. A survey of 16,000 Americans revealed that feeling a sense of purpose is key to achieving success.
5. Olympic medalist swimmer Rowdy Gaines practiced improving himself daily to reach his goals.


1. Create a webinar series on grit and success that focuses on Angela Duckworth's research and findings.
2. Develop a mobile app that helps users apply the four steps for increasing stamina and achieving success outlined in the video.
3. Develop a motivational video series that uses stories of famous successful people who used effort over talent to achieve success.
4. Create a mentorship program that pairs students with professionals who have achieved success through effort and hard work.
5. Design a series of educational workshops that teach the concept of grit and how to apply it to everyday life.


This learning instructional guidance was formulated using the GPT-3 language model created by OpenAI.


Want to reach success? The answer may not be in talent, but effort. #Grit #EffortMatters #PersistencePays #Achievement #Success #Motivation 💪🏼 @Accredicity

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