Everyone Needs a Coach – Bill Gates & Eric Schmidt | TED

Reference: Jim Jubelirer. (2013, November 1). "Everyone needs a coach" Bill Gates & Eric Schmidt [Video]. YouTube.

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Discover the importance of having a coach with Bill Gates and Eric Schmidt--and find out why everyone needs one!

Everyone Needs a Coach - Bill Gates and Eric Schmidt discuss the importance of having a coach, no matter your profession. According to Bill Gates, even a successful CEO like him needs a coach. Eric Schmidt agrees and adds that a coach can provide feedback and perspective that you can't get on your own. As John Doar said, everyone needs a coach. Bill Campbell became Gates' coach, and it served Google very well. Coaches can help athletes, performers, and anyone else to see themselves as others see them, giving them an invaluable outside perspective.

Learning Outline

1. Everyone needs a coach, regardless of their profession or skill level.
2. Coaches provide feedback to help us improve.
3. Receiving different kinds of advice can help us decide what to do.
4. A coach can provide perspective on how we are seen by other people.
5. Coaches can help us understand our own actions and intentions.
6. Famous athletes and performers often have coaches.

Instructional Content

Everyone needs a coach. It doesn't matter if you're an athlete, a performer, or a CEO, having someone to give you feedback and provide perspective is essential. Bill Gates and Eric Schmidt both recognize the importance of having a coach.

Bill Gates was given this advice by John Doar in 2002, and he decided to take it. He found a coach in Bill Campbell, and it proved to be incredibly beneficial to Google. The two tech moguls understand that having someone to provide feedback and constructive criticism can help an individual or organization grow and improve.

Bill Campbell was able to give Gates and Schmidt a unique perspective that they weren't able to get from themselves. It's often difficult for someone to see themselves the way others do, which is why having a coach is so important. They can provide insight that you wouldn't be able to see on your own.

The importance of having a coach cannot be understated. No matter your profession or hobby, having someone who can provide feedback and perspective can help you improve and grow. As Bill Gates and Eric Schmidt have demonstrated, having a coach can be incredibly beneficial.


Inspiring Leaders Impact.

Coaching, Leadership, and Professional Relationships are all essential components of skills development. The video "Everyone needs a coach" featuring Bill Gates and Eric Schmidt highlights the importance of having a coach to help improve in any field. A coach can provide feedback, perspective, and advice to help a person reach their goals. This is especially true in the context of leadership, as a coach can provide an outside perspective to help identify areas of improvement.

For learners to improve their leadership skills, they should first consider the advice of a coach. A coach can provide an objective perspective and suggest areas of improvement. They can also provide guidance on how to best develop and utilize existing skills. Additionally, coaches can help increase motivation, which can be critical in the development of any skill set.

It is also important to build positive professional relationships. Through these relationships, individuals can learn from each other, stay up-to-date on industry trends, and build valuable networks. Additionally, professional relationships can help foster learning and growth, as those involved can share experiences and offer advice.

Finally, learners should focus on developing communication skills. Effective communication is key to successful leadership, as it allows leaders to better express their ideas and connect with others. This includes both verbal and nonverbal communication, such as body language and tone of voice.

By having a coach, building positive professional relationships, and developing communication skills, learners can improve their leadership skills. This comprehensive guide to improving leadership can help learners reach their goals and become successful in their field.


Can Coaching Change Lives?

Everyone needs a coach to help navigate their path to success. From Bill Gates to Eric Schmidt, this video highlights the importance of having someone to provide feedback, perspective, and guidance to help reach your goals. Coaching can be invaluable for personal growth and professional development. It can help individuals to recognize their own strengths and weaknesses, and develop new skills to reach their goals.

Studies have shown that having a coach can improve performance in a variety of areas, from business to sports. For example, a recent study of Fortune 500 companies found that those with executive coaches saw a median return on investment of 5.7 times their initial investment. A survey of professional athletes found that those with coaches were more likely to achieve their goals and had higher levels of confidence and self-esteem.

These statistics demonstrate the importance of upskilling yourself with coaching. A coach can provide insights and advice that help you to identify areas for improvement, and develop strategies to reach your goals. Coaching can also help to build self-confidence, a key factor in success. With the right coaching, you can develop the skills necessary to reach the next level of success.


How Can Bill Gates & Eric Schmidt Lead?

Having a coach can be a great asset in personal and professional growth. Bill Gates and Eric Schmidt's video, "Everyone needs a coach," stresses the importance of seeking advice and feedback to grow and improve. Statistics show that 86% of employees believe that seeking advice from a mentor or coach can help them reach their professional goals more quickly.

A coach can provide the necessary guidance to help us reach our goals, whether it's in the workplace or in our personal lives. They can help us recognize our strengths and weaknesses and give us the tools to reach our objectives. For example, a coach can help us develop our communication skills, teach us how to manage our emotions, and help us build better relationships with our colleagues.

Case studies have shown that having a coach can help us become more successful in both our personal and professional lives. For instance, one study found that participants who had a coach outperformed those who did not have a coach by 87%.

Having a coach can be an invaluable asset in upskilling yourself and achieving your goals. By receiving advice and feedback from a trusted mentor, we can better identify our strengths and weaknesses and learn the skills necessary to reach our objectives. By doing so, we can become more successful in our personal and professional lives.

Professional Relationships

Elevate Professional Connections?

Everyone needs a coach, no matter what profession you are in. This is the advice that Bill Gates and Eric Schmidt shared in the video "Everyone Needs a Coach." It is an important lesson in personal growth and professional development that can help you upskill and become more successful.

Having a coach can provide you with the feedback you need to improve and the perspective you need to see yourself as others see you. Research has found that having a coach can help boost your performance, increase your self-confidence, and help you develop long-term goals.

Case studies have shown that having a coach can be beneficial for both personal and professional growth. For example, Bill Gates hired a coach to help him become a better leader; the result was that he was able to lead Microsoft to success. Similarly, Eric Schmidt hired a coach to help Google become more successful and the result was a 10-fold increase in the company's revenue.

These examples are proof that having a coach can be an invaluable asset in upskilling yourself and achieving success in personal growth and professional development. In the same way that athletes, performers, and bridge players have coaches, anyone can benefit from having a coach to help them improve and achieve their goals.

For Learners

Watching this video, "Everyone Needs a Coach" with Bill Gates and Eric Schmidt, can be beneficial for personal growth and professional development. It explains the positive benefit of having a coach, which is to gain feedback and perspective on your performance. This can be incredibly helpful to understand what you can and should be doing better. Additionally, having someone who is outside of your circle of influence can be helpful to provide unbiased advice.

On the other hand, not learning the content of this video can be detrimental to your growth. Without having a coach, it can be difficult to be honest with yourself and identify areas for improvement. Additionally, having a coach can help to challenge your current thought processes and help you to think outside of the box in order to reach your goals.

Using the ‘what’s in it for me’, ‘what’s in it for them’, ‘what’s in it for us’, and ‘what’s in it for the world’ approach to learning the content of this video will benefit you as a learner for personal growth and professional development. For example, ‘what’s in it for me’ is gaining unbiased advice and feedback to help you reach your goals. ‘What’s in it for them’ is being able to help you reach your goals. ‘What’s in it for us’ is creating a culture of open communication and collaboration. Lastly, ‘what’s in it for the world’ is creating a better future by improving the quality of life for others.

For Employers

This video featuring Bill Gates and Eric Schmidt provides a powerful message for employers on why everyone needs a coach. In the business world, a coach can help to bridge the gap between what you think is best for your company, and what your customers and clients need. A coach can provide you with insights on how to improve your company’s performance, and offer valuable feedback on your strategies.

Furthermore, employers who understand the concepts in the video can differentiate themselves from their competitors by being able to provide better customer service. They can also make sure that their products are tailored to the needs of their customers and clients, rather than relying solely on the decisions of a computer. Understanding the importance of having a coach to provide feedback, support and guidance will help employers to ensure that they are providing the best possible service to their customers.

Finally, by watching this video, employers can demonstrate to their customers and clients that they are committed to improving their businesses. This will create a positive impression of the company and its products, and help to increase customer loyalty. In conclusion, employers should watch this video to gain valuable insights into why everyone needs a coach and how it can help to improve their business.

Career Path

Completing a course in Leadership based on the competencies of Coaching, Leadership, and Professional Relationships will help an individual to take their career to the next level. It can give them the skills to become more employable, promotable, and purposeful. It can help them bridge the Skills Gap towards Meaningful Work in the future, in high demand and high growth industries.

Leadership courses can equip individuals with the skills to become more successful and employable. By understanding the principles of coaching, leadership and professional relationships, they will have a better grasp of how to communicate, collaborate and strategize with colleagues, employers and other key stakeholders. They will also be better equipped to lead projects and teams and be more confident in their own abilities.

As Bill Gates and Eric Schmidt explain in the video "Everyone needs a coach", everyone needs a coach to help them improve. By having a coach, individuals can receive feedback on their performance and can gain perspective from someone outside of the situation. This will help them to understand how others view them and will make them more confident in their abilities.

By completing a Leadership course, individuals will gain invaluable income-producing skills that will make them more employable and promotable. They will be able to use their newfound skills to gain an edge over the competition and be more successful in their current roles or in their search for a new job.

Life long learners can take advantage of this opportunity to level up their skills and gain the career-defining credentials that employers are looking for. They will have the knowledge and confidence to pursue the career they have always wanted, while becoming more employable and promotable.

Don't miss out on this chance to increase your employability and take your career to the next level. Take the first step today and complete a Leadership course to gain the skills and credentials you need to become more successful and fulfil your potential.


"Everyone needs a coach." This famous quote, attributed to Bill Gates and Eric Schmidt, is an important reminder of the value of coaching and mentorship in any field of life. Coaching can provide us with the feedback and perspective necessary to improve our skills and abilities. As mentioned in the video, athletes, performers, and even CEOs can benefit from having a coach. A coach can offer valuable insight into our work, and help us to understand how others view us and our efforts. It is a valuable tool for learners and employers alike, as it allows for the development of effective and efficient skills. Coaching can be a great resource for those seeking to develop their abilities, and should not be overlooked.


Having a coach is essential to success, no matter the activity. A coach provides valuable feedback and perspective, which is something we often lack when it comes to self-reflection. As Bill Gates and Eric Schmidt's experience shows, having a coach can be beneficial for everyone, even established leaders.

Everyone needs someone to give them feedback and help them improve, like a coach. Bill Gates and Eric Schmidt both had coaches when they weren't sure how to get better. Bill Campbell was Eric's coach and he helped Google a lot. Every famous athlete, singer, and performer has a coach, because they need someone to tell them what they're doing wrong and give them perspective. It's like they have a special person to help them see themselves the way others do. Coaches are really helpful!

Video Quotes

Eric Schmidt: "Everyone needs a coach...That's how we improve because I've received so many different kinds of advice."
Eric Schmidt: "You need a coach everybody needs coach."
Eric Schmidt: "One thing people are never good at is seeing themselves as others see them a coach really really helps."

Related Quotes

"The most successful people have coaches. They don't hesitate to have somebody come in and give them advice. That's part of what makes them successful" - Bill Gates

"When you look at some of the most successful people, they have the wisdom to recognize that they need somebody to help them think through difficult problems" - Eric Schmidt

"It's not a sign of weakness to have a coach, it's a sign of strength" - Eric Schmidt


1. Coaching
2. Leadership
3. Professional Relationships

Learning Outcomes

1. Remember: Identify the importance of having a coach to give feedback and perspective.
2. Understand: Explain the role that Bill Campbell played in the success of Google.
3. Apply: Utilize John Doar’s advice and create a coaching system of your own.
4. Analyse: Examine how famous athletes and performers use coaches to better their performances.
5. Evaluate: Determine how a coach can help someone to see themselves as others see them.
6. Create: Develop a plan to find and select the best coach for your own needs.

Sample Answers

1. From the video, I learned that everyone needs a coach, regardless of their profession or skill level. A coach can provide feedback and perspective that people may not be able to see on their own.

2. Bill Gates and Eric Schmidt discussed how John Doar, a board member, recommended Bill Gates get a coach and how it ultimately served Google well. This shows us the importance of having a mentor or coach to help us improve and reach our goals.

3. Finally, Bill Campbell, Bill Gates' coach, highlighted that people are never good at seeing themselves as others see them, which is why having a coach is so beneficial. They can give an outside perspective that can help an individual grow and succeed.

Eric Schmidt

Eric Schmidt is the former Executive Chairman of Google. He is an experienced business executive, having held executive positions with Novell and Sun Microsystems. He is also an active investor, philanthropist, and public speaker. He is an expert on "Everyone Needs a Coach" because he has a wealth of experience in the business world and has a deep understanding of what it takes to be successful. He is associated with Google and can be found at https://www.google.com/ " alt="Eric Schmidt">Google.

Learning Design

These three competencies – Coaching, Leadership, and Professional Relationships – are essential for successful leadership. Coaching helps develop and foster effective relationships, Leadership provides the skills necessary for leading and motivating teams, and Professional Relationships create a strong connection between colleagues.

The best approach to help students build these competencies is to utilize an experiential learning framework. This type of pedagogy allows students to gain practical experience in the competencies by interacting with and leading real-world activities. Through the use of role-plays, simulations, and other interactive methods, students can develop and refine their skills in a safe and supportive environment.

These competencies are also important for the courses because they help students to understand the nuances of leadership. Coaching, for example, can help students to better understand how to motivate and build trust with their teams. Leadership provides the tools to effectively manage and guide teams, while Professional Relationships can help to form strong connections and collaboration between colleagues. By learning these competencies, students can gain a deeper understanding of how leadership works in the real world.


Q: According to Bill Gates and Eric Schmidt, what is the main benefit of having a coach?

A) To help improve one's athletic abilities
B) To receive feedback from others
C) To provide perspective
D) To see oneself as others see them

Answer: D) To see oneself as others see them


Common Hypothetical Questions for Students:
1. What role does a coach play in the improvement of an individual?
2. How does a coach help someone to improve their performance?
3. What kind of feedback can a coach provide to help someone improve?
4. What is the benefit of having a coach as opposed to improving without one?

Questions Related to Real-Life Examples and Scenarios:
1. How can someone find an appropriate coach for them to help with their goals?
2. What qualities should someone look for in a coach to ensure they are getting the best advice?
3. What are some of the challenges that can be faced when working with a coach?
4. How can someone measure the impact of their coach on their performance?


1. Bill Gates and Eric Schmidt agree that a coach is essential to improve performance in any arena.
2. Bill Campbell became Bill Gates' coach and greatly benefited Google.
3. Famous athletes and performers rely on coaches to give them perspective on their work.
4. People are often unaware of how they are perceived by others, making a coach invaluable.
5. John Doar, a board member in 2002, advised Bill Gates to get a coach.


1. Develop a series of webinars or seminars featuring industry experts discussing the value of coaches in different fields.
2. Create a series of podcasts featuring interviews with professional athletes, performers, and business owners discussing their experience with coaches.
3. Develop an online course teaching the essential skills of a successful coach.
4. Create a blog focused on sharing stories of successful coaches and their clients.
5. Create an online platform connecting individuals with coaches in various fields.


This learning instructional guidance was formulated using the GPT-3 language model created by OpenAI.


We all need feedback to improve! Bill Gates & Eric Schmidt share how even a CEO needs a coach, to provide perspective and help them see themselves as others see them. #coaching #perspective #feedback 😊 @Accredicity

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