Coaching Poor Performance | Media Partners
Reference: Media Partners. (2014, August 19). Coaching Poor Performance [Video]. YouTube.
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Discover how to coach poor performance with effective questions and positive feedback for successful results. Coaching Poor Performance by Media Partners is a video that helps coaches understand the importance of never letting poor work go unnoticed. However, it is important to make sure that any corrections are done in a private and positive way. The video explains how to be patient with team members and give them the opportunity to try and work out their own problems before offering help. Coaches should ask questions to get individuals to think about how they can improve and give them the chance to learn from their own mistakes. It also emphasizes the importance of acknowledging good work when you see it and never letting it go unnoticed. Learning Outline1. Make sure to correct poor work in private. Instructional ContentPoor performance may be inevitable in any work environment but it's up to the coach to make sure it's handled in the best way possible. Coaches are tasked with the difficult job of correcting mistakes and guiding their team to success, and it can be difficult to navigate when emotions are running high. The key is to make sure that any corrections are done in private, and in a positive way. Instead of pointing out what is wrong, coaches should focus on how to make it right. It's important to remember that an employee may not have all the answers right away, so coaches should provide tips and practical advice to help guide the employee in the right direction. Additionally, when a team member comes up with a great solution, it should never go unnoticed. Rewarding good work is just as important as correcting poor work. Overall, coaching poor performance is a difficult task, but with the right approach it can help employees grow and be successful. By making sure corrections are done in private and providing positive reinforcement, coaches can help their teams reach their goals. Leadership
![]() Coaching poor performance is like being a teacher. Just like a teacher needs to help their students learn, a coach needs to help their team members improve. When someone is doing something wrong, the coach needs to be kind and private about it. Instead of getting angry, they should take a deep breath, think positive thoughts, and ask questions to help the team member understand what they need to do differently. It's like giving someone a map: the coach will show them the right way to do things, but the team member has to figure out how to get there. With patience and practice, they'll learn to find their own solutions and become better at their job. Related Quotes"The only way to get the best out of someone is to provide them with clear expectations and feedback.” -John Baldoni, Leadership Expert “The best way to coach someone is to help them to discover their own solutions.” -John Baldoni, Leadership Expert “The key is to give them the autonomy to own their own development and the responsibility to take it forward.” -John Baldoni, Leadership Expert Competencies1. Coaching Learning Outcomes1. Analyze: Assess when and how to provide constructive criticism in order to effectively coach poor performance. Sample Answers1. From the video, I learned that it is important to make sure to address poor performance privately and positively, as opposed to publicly and negatively. It is also important to ask questions and listen to the answers, rather than jump into a solution. Additionally, I learned that it is important to recognize and praise good work. 2. The video taught me that it is important to be patient with employees when they are trying to improve performance and make mistakes. It is also important to not jump in with all the answers, but instead to offer tips, shortcuts, and practical advice when needed. Lastly, I learned that it is important to never let good work go unnoticed. 3. I learned from the video that a good coach should be willing to let the learner choose their own path and that it is important to remain in a positive frame of mind when coaching poor performance. Making sure to keep the coaching private and positive is key, as well as asking questions instead of providing solutions. It is also important to recognize and praise good work. Media PartnersMedia Partners is a professional training and development organization that specializes in providing targeted training solutions to organizations. With over 20 years of experience in the field, they have a deep understanding of the challenges and opportunities that organizations face in today's workplace. As experts in coaching and performance management, they have developed comprehensive solutions to help organizations identify and address issues that can affect job performance. Media Partners provides a variety of coaching and performance management solutions including executive coaching, individual and team coaching, and performance management systems. Their solutions are designed to help organizations identify issues, create solutions, and implement solutions for improved performance. Media Partners Learning DesignLeadership is a critical skill that is needed in the workplace and in various other settings. It is important for people to have a good understanding of the various competencies necessary to be an effective leader. Coaching, Training and Development, and Performance Optimization are all important competencies that are necessary for effective leadership. The framework or pedagogy students can use to help build these competencies includes a combination of lecture, hands-on activities, case studies, and simulations. Lectures can provide an overview of key concepts, while hands-on activities, case studies, and simulations can help students deepen their understanding and apply the concepts in real-world situations. Additionally, using feedback loops and self-reflection exercises can help students identify areas of strength and areas for improvement. AssessmentMultiple-Choice Exam Question: When coaching poor performance, a good leader should: A. Make it private and make it positive B. Jump in with all the answers C. Let the learner choose their own path D. Let the poor work go unnoticed Answer: A. Make it private and make it positive QuestionsCommon Hypothetical Questions Real-Life Application Questions Keywords"Coaching Poor Performance", "Poor Work Unnoticed", "Performance Downs Ups", "Correcting Things Success", "Good Work Unnoticed", "Choosing Own Path", "Make It Right", "Making Mistakes Trying", "True Failure Trying", "Team Members Problems", "Asking Right Questions". Facts1. Good coaches make sure to address poor performance in a private and positive way. Trends1. Develop a coaching toolkit for managers to use when addressing poor performance. This toolkit could include templates for providing feedback, questions to ask employees, and resources for managers to review to ensure they are using best practices. 2. Implement a rewards system to recognize employees who improve their performance. This system could involve giving employees gifts or vouchers, or it could involve public recognition through social media or newsletters. 3. Create a checklist for managers to use when addressing poor performance. This checklist should include steps such as assessing the issue, providing constructive feedback, and setting measurable goals. 4. Create a training program for managers on how to effectively address poor performance. This program should include topics such as how to provide feedback in a productive way, how to set measurable goals, and how to recognize good work. 5. Develop an online platform for managers to use when coaching employees on poor performance. This platform should include resources such as videos, e-books, and articles, as well as tools to help managers track progress. SourceThis learning instructional guidance was formulated using the GPT-3 language model created by OpenAI. ShareCoaching isn't just about celebrating successes but also addressing poor performance. When addressing poor performance, make sure to do it privately and be positive. Ask questions and provide support, not solutions. Let them make mistakes and learn from them. #Coaching #Leadership #Success #Teamwork 🤔 @Accredicity |