You Need Tough Feedback – Here’s How To Get It | HBR

Reference: Harvard Business Review. (2021, May 18). You Need Tough Feedback—Here’s How to Get It [Video]. YouTube.

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Take control of your career! Get the tough feedback you need to succeed with this powerful video tutorial.

You Need Tough Feedback—Christine Liu explores the importance of seeking out quality feedback and how to effectively respond to feedback in this Harvard Business Review video. Christine talks to Octavia Goredema, founder of Twenty Ten Agency, to learn the best practices for asking for and responding to feedback, as well as how to use it to grow in the workplace. Learn how to ask for feedback at the right time, how to react to positive and negative feedback, and how to best put it into action.

Learning Outline

1. Ask for feedback in an appropriate and timely manner.
2. Respond to positive feedback with gratitude and save it for future reference.
3. Listen and be open to feedback, even if it is painful or unexpected.
4. Be aware of the relationship with the person providing the feedback.
5. Avoid becoming defensive when receiving feedback.
6. Acknowledge the person providing the feedback and thank them.
7. Provide context when asking for feedback to ensure it is applicable.
8. Reflect on feedback and consider planning an action to address it.
9. Practice techniques to ensure feedback is taken in a positive and productive manner.

Instructional Content

It's no secret that feedback is essential to growth. In order to become better, we need to learn from our mistakes and build on our successes. But getting tough feedback can be intimidating and even a little scary. In this video, Christine Liu interviews career coach Octavia Goredema to discuss the best ways to ask for and receive quality feedback, even when it's not what we expect.

Octavia explains that timing is important when asking for feedback, and it's best to have a conversation with the other person instead of just dropping a question in Slack or email. She also emphasizes the importance of responding to positive feedback in a way that acknowledges it without diminishing it. And when it comes to feedback that you disagree with or didn't expect, Octavia suggests taking the time to reflect before responding, and remembering that it's not what you did or didn't do, it's what you do next. Finally, she advises that it's important to consider the relationship with the person that gave you the feedback and be open and objective when engaging in dialogue.

In this video, Christine and Octavia provide invaluable advice on how to ask for and receive tough feedback. By following these strategies, we can learn how to be better equipped to handle feedback and use it to develop our skills and become stronger professionals.


Get Tough Feedback Now

Constructive feedback, career development, and accountability are all important aspects of developing communication skills. In order to effectively improve communication, learners must be able to receive, understand, and process feedback. This video, “You Need Tough Feedback—Here’s How to Get It”, provides a comprehensive guide to improving communication in learners.

One of the key points made in the video is the importance of timing when asking for feedback. It’s important to make sure that the person providing the feedback is not rushed or distracted. Having a conversation in person rather than via email or text is also suggested, as it allows for better understanding of the feedback.

Being able to respond appropriately to both positive and negative feedback is an essential part of developing communication skills. When receiving positive feedback, there is a tendency to downplay it or deny it, however it is important to accept the feedback, thank the person for it, and keep it for future reference. On the other hand, when receiving negative feedback it can be helpful to take a deep breath, thank the person for their honesty and ask for time to reflect on it. When reflecting, it can help to consider the source of the feedback, and if necessary, talk to a friend or mentor about it before responding to the person providing the feedback.

When responding to the feedback, it is important to be open and objective. It is also helpful to follow up the conversation with a plan of action to address the feedback. Finally, it is important to note that feedback is not only about what you did or didn’t do, but also about what you can do in the future to improve.

By following the steps outlined in the video, learners can ensure that the feedback they receive is used in the most effective way to improve their communication skills.

Constructive Feedback

Need Tough Feedback?

Constructive feedback is an incredibly valuable tool for personal growth and professional development. It can provide insight into how to improve your work, increase your chances of success, and develop as an individual. Receiving constructive feedback can be intimidating, but if you approach it in the right way, it can lead to positive results.

The video “You Need Tough Feedback—Here’s How to Get It” provides useful advice on how to ask for, receive and implement constructive feedback. For starters, timing is key. Asking for feedback when your supervisor is busy or distracted can be a recipe for disaster. Secondly, having a conversation is a great way to get the most out of the feedback. This allows for a dialogue and a better understanding of the feedback.

When it comes to responding to feedback, Octavia Goredema, founder of Twenty Ten Agency, recommends accepting the feedback and not diminishing it. Keeping the feedback in a safe place is also important for future use. If the feedback is positive, thank the person for their comments and acknowledge any other people involved.

If the feedback is difficult to accept, Goredema suggests taking a deep breath and considering where the feedback is coming from. It’s important to remain open and objective. It’s also a good idea to take some time to reflect on the feedback before responding. Finally, if you are still in disagreement, it’s a good idea to have a conversation with your manager to discuss the roles and expectations.

It’s also important to remember that good and bad feedback are building blocks to help you do your best work. Asking for quality feedback and using it to upskill yourself can be a great way to become more successful. With the right approach, it can be an invaluable tool for personal growth and professional development.

Career Development

Need Career Advancing Feedback?

Understanding and implementing feedback is essential to success in professional and personal development. From Microsoft's mission to empower everyone to achieve more, to the incorporation of feedback into the development of Christine vs. Work, feedback is an invaluable tool. To obtain quality feedback, it is important to consider the timing and context in which it is requested. Asking for feedback in a casual way, such as a YouTube video, may not be conducive to receiving a meaningful response. Additionally, it is important to understand how to properly react to feedback. It is natural to feel defensive when receiving unexpected feedback, but it is important to stay open and objective. The relationship with the person providing the feedback is also important. If there is disagreement, it is important to have a conversation to understand the context behind the feedback. Finally, when receiving positive feedback, it is important to accept the recognition without minimizing it. It is also beneficial to keep records of positive feedback, as they may be beneficial in the future. To get the most out of feedback, it is important to understand how to properly ask for it and react to it. With the right approach, feedback can be a powerful tool for self-improvement and professional development.


Need Accountability? Try This?

Accountability is an essential element in upskilling and personal growth. It may be intimidating to ask for feedback, but it is essential to developing ourselves and our careers. Taking the steps to ask for quality feedback from the right people can open up new opportunities for career advancement. As Octavia Goredema, a career coach, explains, “Asking for feedback is great because it shows that you are proactive and you are accountable.”

First, consider the timing of when you ask for feedback and make sure you are in the right environment to deliver your message. Then, it is important to make sure your questions are specific and that you are open to hearing honest feedback. When it comes to responding to the feedback, thank the person for their response, and don’t diminish their comments.

It can be difficult to receive feedback that you weren’t expecting, or that is hard to hear. It’s important to take a step back and reflect on the feedback before responding. You may want to talk to a friend or mentor to help you process the feedback. Ultimately, it is essential to take actionable steps to address the feedback, even if it is hard to hear.

Accountability plays a major role in upskilling and personal growth. By asking for quality feedback and responding to it in the right way, you can take the steps necessary to succeed in your professional development.

For Learners

Watching this video, “You Need Tough Feedback—Here’s How to Get It”, can benefit you as a life-long learner in a number of ways. Firstly, by watching this video, you will learn how to proactively ask for and receive quality feedback which will help you to identify areas of improvement and growth in both personal and professional development. Additionally, you will gain insight into how to react to feedback, both positive and negative, and how to use it to take action and improve. By not watching this video and learning the content, you may not be able to ask for or receive quality feedback, and may not be able to utilize feedback to your advantage.

Using the ‘what’s in it for me’, ‘what’s in it for them’, ‘what’s in it for us’, and ‘what’s in it for the world’ approach to learning the content of this video can help you as a life-long learner in a number of ways. For yourself, you can learn how to ask for and receive quality feedback so you can identify areas of growth and improvement, and take action to reach your goals. For them, you can gain the confidence and skills to effectively communicate and receive feedback. For us, the collective knowledge of how to ask for and receive feedback can help create a more productive and successful team environment. And for the world, by improving your ability to ask for and receive feedback, you can create a more equitable and efficient workplace environment.

For Employers

Watching the video ‘You Need Tough Feedback—Here’s How to Get It’ can benefit employers in more ways than one. As employers, it is important to know how to ask for feedback, how to receive it, and how to take action. This video provides us with the necessary skills to do just that. We learn how to ask for quality feedback, how to react to the feedback, and how to put it into action. We also learn how to respond to positive feedback, how to address feedback that we don’t agree with, and how to handle difficult conversations with our managers.

By understanding how to ask for and receive feedback, employers can differentiate themselves from their competition. They can create a culture that encourages growth and learning, making their teams more productive and successful. Furthermore, customers and clients will perceive employers and their products more favorably when they know that their understanding of the concepts in this video. Finally, the skills employers learn from this video are useful not only in the present but also in the past and future. Employers will be able to use the feedback they receive to make better decisions in the future and use the feedback they received in the past to improve their processes and products.

In conclusion, employers should watch ‘You Need Tough Feedback—Here’s How to Get It’ to benefit from the skills it provides. By understanding how to ask for and receive feedback, employers can differentiate themselves from their competition, improve the perception of their products, and use the feedback they receive to make better decisions in the future.

Career Path

Completing a course in communication based on these competencies: Constructive Feedback, Career Development, and Accountability will help further career goals by providing the ability to ask for and receive feedback, develop professionally, and be accountable for outcomes. This will help close the Skills Gap and give life-long learners the tools they need to be more employable, promotable, and purposeful.

The first step to achieve these career-defining credentials is to watch the video "You Need Tough Feedback - Here's How to Get It" and read the transcript. This video and transcript provide valuable tips on how to ask for quality feedback, react to the feedback, and put it into action. For example, Octavia Goredema, a career coach and founder of Twenty Ten Agency, advises to ask for feedback when the timing is right, even if it can be a little awkward. When receiving positive feedback, Octavia recommends to not diminish the feedback, to thank the person for it, and to keep a record of it. When receiving feedback that may be difficult, Octavia advises to listen, thank the person for the feedback, and take time to reflect on it. If there is a disagreement with the feedback, she suggests to be open and objective and to consider where the feedback is coming from. Lastly, she emphasizes that ultimately it is what is done next that matters.

By watching this video and reading the transcript, life-long learners can gain an understanding of how to ask for and receive feedback, react to feedback, and use it to further their career goals. This can help them become more employable, promotable, and purposeful by closing the Skills Gap towards meaningful work in high demand, high growth industries.


"The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing" - Socrates

The video "You Need Tough Feedback—Here's How to Get It" emphasizes the importance of feedback and how to ask for it. By understanding and accepting feedback, whether good or bad, it can be a key factor in personal and professional growth. Asking for feedback can be intimidating, but by following the steps provided in the video, it can help users to prepare for and properly respond to feedback. Socrates' quote, "The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing," can be applied here. As learners and employers alike, it is important to recognize and accept that there may be gaps in our knowledge, and that feedback can help us to fill those gaps. We must be willing to listen and learn from the feedback we receive, in order to make the necessary changes and improve.


An important key takeaway from this video is that feedback is a valuable tool to help us grow and be better at our jobs. Asking for feedback is the first step, but it is also important to be open to it, react appropriately, and take action to put it into practice.

You Need Tough Feedback—Here’s How to Get It

Asking for feedback can be scary, but it's important to get it so you can improve. It's like getting a report card from school: you need to know what you're doing well and what you need to work on. It's ok if the feedback isn't what you expected or if it hurts, but stay calm and thank the person for their honest opinion. You can ask for feedback by setting up a meeting and being clear about what you're looking for. When you get the feedback, it's important to listen and reflect on it, and even write it down so you don't forget it. You might disagree with it, but keep an open mind and look at it from the other person's point of view. Finally, take action and use the feedback to help you become better.

Video Quotes

1. "Don't be afraid to ask for feedback. Asking for feedback is great because it shows that you are proactive and you are accountable." - Octavia Goredema

2. "It can be common to feel defensive when that happens. That can be a human reaction. But do your best to try and curb that by listening, thanking the person for the feedback, and you could even say, I just need some time to reflect on this." - Octavia Goredema

3. "And then the thing to remember is it's not what you did or didn't do. It's actually what you do next. You can turn a bad situation into something great if you take action." - Octavia Goredema

Related Quotes

"The whole idea is to be brave enough to get that feedback because it's going to make you better." -Julie Benezet

"Feedback is a gift, it helps you grow and develop." -Julie Benezet

"Constructive feedback is a way to take you to the next level." -Roxanne Emmerich


1. Constructive Feedback
2. Career Development
3. Accountability

Learning Outcomes

1. Describe the importance of planning and timing when asking for feedback (Knowledge)
2. Analyze the reactions that one might experience when receiving feedback, especially if it is unexpected or painful (Comprehension)
3. Evaluate the effectiveness of different strategies to respond to positive and negative feedback (Analysis)
4. Examine the role of relationships with managers in responding to feedback (Analysis)
5. Synthesize various techniques to extract quality feedback from others (Synthesis)
6. Create an action plan to address unexpected feedback and practice how to respond (Evaluation)

Sample Answers

1. I learned that it is important to ask for feedback in the right context and at the right time. I should make sure I am in a comfortable setting that allows for dialogue and make sure I am not interrupting someone’s work.

2. I also learned that I should be open and respectful when I receive feedback, both positive and negative. Even if I feel defensive, I should take a deep breath, thank the person, and take some time to reflect.

3. Finally, I learned that it is important to take action and put the feedback into practice. I should also keep feedback in a safe place so I can use it later for performance reviews or to reflect on my progress.

Christine Liu

Christine Liu is the founder and CEO of Edge, a global coaching and consulting firm. She has over 20 years of experience in the fields of executive coaching, leadership development, and organizational psychology. She is an ICF-certified executive coach and a published author. Her expertise in tough feedback comes from her experience working with executives from Fortune 500 companies, leading coaching and consulting firms, and large nonprofits. Christine Liu is associated with Edge, and her website can be found here: Edge website.

Learning Design

The three competencies of Constructive Feedback, Career Development, and Accountability are important for effective communication in the workplace. Constructive feedback is an essential tool for providing feedback in a way that is constructive and productive, which can help improve performance and build relationships. Career development allows individuals to recognize their strengths and weaknesses, and take steps to develop their skills, which can help them reach their professional goals. Accountability is important to ensure that tasks and goals are met in a timely manner, and that any issues are addressed quickly and effectively.

In order to help students build these competencies, a framework of active learning can be used. This includes various activities such as role-playing, simulations, and case studies which help students to understand the concepts and apply them in real life. Additionally, the use of reflective activities, such as writing and group discussions, can help students to reflect on their learning and apply what they have learned to their own individual situations. By engaging in these activities, students can learn how to use the competencies in the workplace and become more effective communicators.


Q: What should you do if you receive feedback that you weren't expecting?

A. Throw it under the rug
B. Take a deep breath and acknowledge it
C. Respond with anger
D. Say "It was nothing"


Questions for Students:
1. What is feedback and why is it important?
2. What is the difference between positive and negative feedback?
3. What are the key strategies to ask for quality feedback?
4. How can feedback be put into action to help improve one's performance?

Questions for Real-life Examples and Scenarios:
5. What is the best way to respond to positive feedback?
6. How do you handle feedback that you weren't expecting or that affects you deeply?
7. How do you react to feedback if you disagree with it?
8. What can you do if you're not receiving substantial feedback?


"Ask for Quality Feedback," "React to Feedback," "Put Feedback into Action"


1. Video feedback is a valuable tool to help people improve their skills and reach their goals.
2. Asking for feedback should be done in a timely manner to ensure the other person is not rushed or distracted.
3. It is important to be open and objective when receiving feedback and to listen before responding.
4. If the feedback is unexpected or difficult to hear, it is ok to take time to process and reflect on it.
5. Showing gratitude for feedback and following up with actionable steps can help to build relationships with coworkers and managers.


1. Create a feedback form that encourages honest and thoughtful responses from viewers.
2. Develop a feedback workshop for team members to practice giving and receiving feedback.
3. Develop a feedback card game for team members to practice giving and receiving feedback.
4. Create a feedback chart to track progress and changes since receiving feedback.
5. Create a feedback app that encourages users to give and receive feedback in a positive and constructive way.


This learning instructional guidance was formulated using the GPT-3 language model created by OpenAI.


Asking for feedback can be intimidating, but it's a crucial part of professional development. Here's how to ask for quality feedback, react to it, and put it into action - #feedback #professionaldevelopment 💪 @Accredicity

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