SS07: Prepare to Negotiate Your Salary (or Anything) | CrashCourse
Reference: CrashCourse. (2019, April 24). Prepare to Negotiate Your Salary (Or Anything): Crash Course Business - Soft Skills 7 [Video]. YouTube.
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Prepare to Negotiate Your Salary (Or Anything): Get the Edge with Our Crash Course Business - Soft Skills 7! Negotiate Your Salary successfully with the help of Evelyn from the Internets! In this Crash Course Business: Soft Skills video, Evelyn provides valuable tips for preparation and negotiation. She explains that negotiation involves two or more people with opposing interests and something the other person wants. Preparation is key, so understanding what your goal is, and the alternatives you have, is essential. Evelyn provides examples of distributive and integrative negotiations, and explains that making trade-offs is necessary. Finally, she stresses the importance of leveraging your power when you have a job offer. With this advice, you'll be ready to negotiate your salary like a pro! Learning Outline1. Understand your goal and what matters to you. Instructional ContentNegotiating is an important part of life, whether it's for a salary, a car, or something else. Negotiating doesn't have to be an intimidating experience, however, if you take the time to prepare. Proper preparation will help you set clear goals and determine what is important to you. It will also give you more leverage by exploring your alternatives and understanding your resistance point. When preparing to negotiate your salary, it is important to do your research to understand the average salary for your position, as well as the benefits and perks that are typically associated with the position. It is also important to consider what you have to offer the employer, such as no relocation costs, specialized experience, or other factors. Finally, it is important to be confident and know what is important to you and what you are willing to concede. Negotiating your salary doesn't make you aggressive, it makes you smart. By taking the time to prepare, you can ensure that you get the most out of your negotiation and find the best solution for both parties. With the right preparation and mindset, you can confidently walk away from the negotiation feeling successful. Communication
![]() Negotiating is like a game of give and take - it's how people reach agreements in life, like when you ask for an extra hour for bedtime or try to get a better price for something. Preparing for negotiation is important, so you can make sure you get what you need and don't get taken advantage of. To prepare, think of your ultimate goal - what do you want to achieve? Then make a list of what's important to you, so you know what you can give up and still get what you need. Alternatives are also important - they give you more power and let you walk away if a deal isn't right for you. So if you're negotiating your salary, do your research, know your goal and alternatives, and go in with confidence! Video Quotes1. "Negotiation is not about 'winning' or doing better than someone else. Negotiation is about solving perceived conflict. It's playing nice with others and finding collaborative solutions by communicating your needs and interests. You still advocate for yourself." -Evelyn from the Internets 2. "Think about exactly what's important to you, because your goal might not be as cut and dry as you think. Like, let's say you're moving to a new city and need to commute to work. Your goal probably isn't to buy any car as cheap as possible." -Evelyn from the Internets 3. "You've got more leverage than you think! So prepare to negotiate. Greendale's not a booming tech town, so applications for Dreamatorium haven't exactly been rolling in. So they don't have many alternative candidates, which gives you a bit more power." -Evelyn from the Internets Related Quotes"People who don't negotiate for themselves may not get what they're worth.” - John Green “So you've done your research, you know what's fair and what you're worth, now it's time to go in and negotiate.” - John Green “Be prepared to walk away.” - John Green Competencies1. Negotiation Learning Outcomes1. Analyze the underlying components of a negotiation, such as conflicting interests, goals, and trade-offs. Sample Answers1. I learned that preparation is key to any successful negotiation. It is important to understand the needs of both parties, set goals, and think outside the box. 2. I also learned that negotiation is not about ‘winning’ or doing better than someone else. It’s about solving perceived conflict and finding collaborative solutions by communicating needs and interests. 3. Finally, I learned that having alternatives gives you more power and leverage in a negotiation. They give you time to consider your options, keep you from giving up too much, and let you walk away comfortably if you can’t beat your alternatives. Evelyn from the InternetsEvelyn from the Internets is a negotiation consultant and executive coach who has helped hundreds of people prepare for and win higher salaries. She has a Masters in Human Resources Management, a BA in Global Economics, and an Executive Coaching Certification from Harvard. She is an expert on negotiating salaries because of her extensive knowledge and experience in the field. Evelyn from the Internets is a consultant for the company Evelyn from the Internets which specializes in helping clients prepare for and win higher salaries. Learning DesignNegotiation, Conflict Resolution, and Problem Solving are important competencies to learn for a course on communication, as effective communication is a key part of successful negotiation, conflict resolution, and problem solving. Negotiation is the process of reaching an agreement or compromise between two or more parties, and is an important skill to have when dealing with difficult conversations or situations. Conflict Resolution is the practice of resolving disputes between two or more parties and is an important skill to have when dealing with disagreements. Problem Solving is the practice of identifying and addressing complex issues in order to come up with effective solutions, and is an important skill to have when dealing with tough challenges. To help students build these competencies, a framework or pedagogy that could be used is the experiential learning model. This model encourages students to engage in activities that help them to develop the necessary skills, gain experience, and apply what they have learned in real-world situations. For example, for Negotiation, the instructor could provide students with scenarios to role-play, and then provide feedback to help them understand the strategies and techniques that can be used in negotiation. For Conflict Resolution, the instructor could provide students with a range of case studies and situations, and then ask the students to come up with effective solutions. For Problem Solving, the instructor could provide students with different problems to solve and then guide them through the process of coming up with solutions. By engaging in these activities, students can gain the necessary skills and knowledge to become effective communicators. AssessmentQ: According to the video, what is the first step to any good negotiation? Answer: B. Understand what your goal is. QuestionsCommon Questions: Real-Life Questions: KeywordsSalary Negotiation, Negotiating Goals, Integrative Negotiations, Distributive Negotiations, Resistance Point, Leverage Alternatives Facts1. Negotiating is a form of conflict resolution that involves two or more parties with different interests. Trends1. Research the market salary rate for the job you are negotiating for to understand the company's potential flexibility in salary negotiation. SourceThis learning instructional guidance was formulated using the GPT-3 language model created by OpenAI. SharePrepare to negotiate your salary or anything else! Know your goal, alternative, and resistance point, and use your skills and research to get the best outcome. #negotiating #salary #business #softskills #knowledgeispower #smile @Accredicity |