String Theory Explained | Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell

Reference: Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell. (2018, March 01). String Theory Explained – What is The True Nature of Reality? [Video]. YouTube.

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Unlock the secrets of the universe and discover its true nature with this must-watch video about string theory!

String Theory Explained by Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell is a video that explores the true nature of reality. It discusses the concept of stories humans create to try and describe the world, and how these stories become increasingly complex and strange. It also looks at String Theory, a famous and controversial idea about the nature of everything, and examines why and if it is correct. It delves into quantum physics, such as the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, and explains how the idea of a point particle was invented to describe the universe. It also looks at Gravity, and how this force is not represented in quantum physics, and how String Theory can unify all fundamental forces of the universe. The video ends by questioning the usefulness of String Theory, and how it could be used to answer questions about quantum gravity.

Learning Outline

1. The Heisenberg uncertainty principle states that particles can't be measured precisely due to their small size.
2. Quantum Field Theory is the mathematical fiction of a point particle, used to define and calculate interactions between particles.
3. String Theory is a mathematical story that describes different elementary particles as different modes of vibration of the string.
4. String Theory is used to attempt to solve problems in quantum gravity, such as black hole behavior and the information paradox.
5. String Theory is a valuable tool for theoretical physicists, helping them discover new aspects of the quantum world and beautiful mathematics.

Instructional Content

The true nature of reality is an age-old question that has been pondered by humans for centuries. To answer this question, we have created stories to describe the world around us and have continued to test these stories to learn which ones to keep and which ones to throw away. One particularly complex and often misunderstood story is that of string theory, which proposes that the universe is made up of tiny strings that vibrate in different ways to create different particles.

String theory has garnered a great deal of attention due to its potential to unify all of the fundamental forces of the universe, but it has come with a lot of strings attached. To make string theory work, it requires a total of ten dimensions, which is more than the three spatial and one temporal dimensions of our own universe. Nonetheless, string theory is still useful because it can help us answer questions about quantum gravity and black holes that have puzzled physicists for many years.

By treating particles as mathematical points and string theory as a mathematical fiction, we can gain a better understanding of the universe and its hidden mysteries. String theory may not be the theory of everything, but it can still provide us with valuable insight into the true nature of reality. With further research and experimentation, we will continue to come up with stories to try and unlock the secrets of the universe, until one day we finally do.


Unlock the Mind's Reality

Improving Cognition in learners requires an understanding of the importance of Information Literacy, Critical Thinking and Analytical Literacy. With the help of the video, String Theory Explained – What is The True Nature of Reality, and the transcript, we can better understand and apply these three areas of literacy to improve the learner’s cognition.

Information Literacy is the ability to identify, access, evaluate, and effectively use information. It requires the ability to recognize the need for information, search for and access it, understand it, and use it to make decisions. Information literacy is a key part of successful learning. Through the video, we can understand the importance of being able to access reliable and accurate information to better understand the nature of reality.

Critical Thinking is the ability to think clearly and rationally, understanding the logical connections between ideas. It involves the evaluation of information, arguments and evidence to make decisions. By watching the video, learners can understand the importance of questioning assumptions, developing arguments and making sound judgments.

Analytical Literacy is the ability to analyze, synthesize and evaluate information. An important aspect of analytical literacy is the ability to identify patterns, make connections, and draw conclusions from pieces of information. With the help of the transcript, learners can understand how the concepts of quantum mechanics and string theory can be used to explain the nature of reality, and how these theories can be used to make predictions and develop new technologies.

By understanding the importance of Information Literacy, Critical Thinking and Analytical Literacy, learners can better equip themselves to improve their cognition. Through the video and transcript, we can understand how these three areas of literacy can be used to better understand and apply the concepts of quantum mechanics and string theory to explain the nature of reality.

Information Literacy

Is Reality Information Literate?

The video "String Theory Explained – What is The True Nature of Reality?" is an excellent guide to upskilling yourself to be more successful in personal growth and professional development. Through the video, viewers can learn the importance of understanding the true nature of reality and how it relates to their success. The video explains that our stories and beliefs about the universe are constantly being tested and updated, and that our understanding of the world is constantly evolving. It also explains how quantum mechanics and the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle work, and how this has led to the development of string theory.

String theory is a mathematical fiction which is used to describe the behavior of particles, and it has been instrumental in developing the Standard Model of particle physics. By understanding the implications of string theory, viewers can gain an appreciation for the complexities of quantum physics and its importance in our understanding of the universe. Additionally, viewers can gain insight into the importance of precision when measuring and understanding the world around us.

The video also explains the practical applications of string theory and its usefulness in developing technology. It has been used to help us understand black holes and the information paradox, and it is being used to develop medical technologies, such as nanobots. Viewers can gain insight into the potential of string theory and its many applications, and how this can be used to their advantage in personal growth and professional development.

Overall, the video "String Theory Explained – What is The True Nature of Reality?" is an excellent resource for viewers to learn about the implications of string theory and how it can be used to upskill themselves in personal growth and professional development. By understanding the complexities of quantum physics and the importance of precision, viewers can gain insight into the potential of string theory and apply this knowledge to their own success.

Critical Thinking

Can String Theory Unlock Critical Thinking?

Critical thinking is the key to success in personal growth and professional development. As this video on string theory explains, it's all about looking at the world from different perspectives and testing our assumptions. By upskilling ourselves in critical thinking, we can take a more creative and analytical approach to finding solutions to our problems.

Critical thinking involves questioning our beliefs, assumptions, and existing knowledge. We need to be open to new ideas and be willing to take risks in order to expand our understanding of the world. This kind of thinking is essential for coming up with innovative solutions, as well as being able to adapt to changing environments.

Critical thinking can also help us to better understand difficult concepts. For example, string theory is a complex and often misunderstood story about the nature of everything. Through critical thinking, we can break down this concept and explore the implications of the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. This kind of reasoning can help us to make sense of the world in more meaningful and insightful ways.

Critical thinking is also key in our professional development. Leaders who are able to analyze and assess data, think strategically, and look for creative solutions are invaluable to organizations. According to a 2018 survey by the American Management Association, 78% of organizations said that critical thinking was the most important skill for success. Additionally, 94% of executives reported that critical thinking is essential for making decisions in their organizations.

Upskilling ourselves in critical thinking can help us to achieve success in both our personal and professional lives. By honing these skills, we can look at the world from different perspectives and come up with creative solutions to our problems. Ultimately, critical thinking can help us to reach our goals and unlock our full potential.

Analytical Literacy

Can Analytical Literacy Uncover Reality?

Upskilling yourself to be more successful in personal growth and professional development can be a daunting task. But understanding the true nature of reality can help. The video “String Theory Explained – What is The True Nature of Reality?” uses the theories of physics to explain the nature of the universe and how it relates to upskilling.

The video explains that humans have come up with stories to describe the world, and that these stories have become increasingly complicated and weird. One such story is string theory, which is a mathematical fiction that describes the universe as made up of point particles. This theory is used to calculate interactions between particles, which has led to the development of real-world technology like the standard model of particle physics.

However, there is still a problem: gravity. According to Einstein's general relativity, gravity is not a force like the other forces in the universe. To solve this problem, string theory was created. It treats particles as strings, and these strings can vibrate in different ways to create different particles, including gravity. This theory of everything has yet to be proven in an experiment, but by studying it we can still learn something about the quantum world.

Understanding the true nature of reality can help us upskill ourselves to be more successful in personal growth and professional development. By studying string theory, we can gain insight into the workings of the universe, which can help us to think more critically about our decisions and be better prepared for the future. This knowledge can be applied to our work, as well as our personal lives, and is essential for anyone looking to become more successful in their endeavors.

For Learners

Watching the video "String Theory Explained – What is The True Nature of Reality?" is an invaluable learning opportunity for anyone interested in gaining an understanding of the complexities of the universe. The video explains the theory of string theory and its implications for understanding the nature of reality. It provides a comprehensive overview of the concept, providing insight into the application and implications of the theory. By watching this video, viewers are exposed to a wealth of knowledge that can be used to inform their further research and studies.

Not watching the video and not learning the content of this video can have a major detriment to personal growth and professional development. String theory is an incredibly complex and vast topic, and by not understanding the concept, viewers may miss out on important information and knowledge that can be used to further their education. Furthermore, without an understanding of string theory, viewers may not be able to make informed decisions about the implications of the theory for the world around them.

Using the ‘what’s in it for me’, ‘what’s in it for them’, ‘what’s in it for us’, and ‘what’s in it for the world’ approach to learning the content of this video, viewers can gain invaluable knowledge and understanding of string theory and its implications. For the individual, they can gain personal growth and professional development in their understanding of the universe, as well as the ability to make informed decisions about the implications of the theory. For society, viewers can gain a better understanding of the complexities of the universe, which can lead to more informed decisions about the implications of the theory for the world.

Overall, watching the video "String Theory Explained – What is The True Nature of Reality?" is a valuable learning opportunity for viewers, providing them with a comprehensive overview of the concept and its implications for understanding the nature of reality. By using the ‘what’s in it for me’, ‘what’s in it for them’, ‘what’s in it for us’, and ‘what’s in it for the world’ approach to learning the content of this video, viewers can gain invaluable knowledge and understanding of string theory and its implications, leading to personal growth and professional development.

For Employers

As an employer, watching this video on String Theory Explained and understanding its content can benefit you in a number of ways. Firstly, it can help you to differentiate yourself from your computer by demonstrating your understanding of complex concepts and showing that you are capable of learning and applying new skills. This can help you to stay ahead of the competition and to stand out in a crowded marketplace. Secondly, understanding the concepts in this video may help your team to identify and solve problems more effectively, leading to improved performance and higher customer satisfaction. Finally, knowing the content of this video can be beneficial in terms of how your customers and clients perceive you and your products. By demonstrating your knowledge of string theory, you can show that you have an understanding of the latest technology and its implications, which can help to give customers and clients confidence in your products and services. In conclusion, watching this video and understanding the concepts of string theory can be hugely beneficial for employers in terms of differentiating themselves from computers, improving team performance, and gaining the confidence of customers and clients.

Career Path

Completing a course in Cognition based on the competencies of Information Literacy, Critical Thinking, and Analytical Literacy will equip learners with the necessary skills to become more employable, promotable, and purposeful. Mastering these competencies will allow individuals to take their career to the next level and close the skills gap that is preventing them from finding meaningful work.

By watching the video “String Theory Explained – What is The True Nature of Reality?”, individuals will gain a deeper understanding of the subject matter and be able to apply their knowledge to the real world. By doing so, they will be able to increase their chances of finding meaningful work in high growth industries. The video will help learners to acquire a detailed knowledge of the fundamental physics of the universe, which will enable them to develop an understanding of the importance of mathematics, physics, and science in the workplace.

In addition, the accompanying transcript will provide learners with a deeper understanding of the material. By reading through the transcript, learners can gain a more comprehensive understanding of the material and be able to apply their knowledge to the real world.

By combining the knowledge from the video and the transcript, individuals can gain the necessary skills to become more employable, promotable, and purposeful. They will be able to increase their chances of finding meaningful work in high growth industries and close the skills gap that is preventing them from finding meaningful work in the future. With these enhanced income-producing skills, learners will be able to level up their career and make a difference in their industry.


"We don't yet know what the true nature of reality is but we'll keep coming up with stories to try and find out." This famous quote from the video, "String Theory Explained - What is the True Nature of Reality?", serves as a reminder of the importance of learning and exploration in our understanding of the universe. We may never fully understand the true nature of reality, but that does not stop us from seeking knowledge and learning from the stories we come up with. This is especially true for learners and employers, who need to stay up to date with the latest discoveries in the world of science. By exploring, researching, and testing new theories, they can gain valuable insight into the world around them and stay ahead of the curve.


The most important key takeaway from this video is that the true nature of reality is hard to ascertain and that science often relies on mathematical fictions to build an understanding of the universe. String theory, while not yet proven, provides a possible framework to unlock the secrets of the quantum world and explain the mysteries of gravity.

String Theory Explained – What is The True Nature of Reality?

String theory is like a story humans try to figure out to explain the true nature of reality. It's a complicated and weird story that's hard to understand. It's all about the way things are put together, like a puzzle. Atoms are like tiny building blocks that make up molecules and other complex things. But when we looked really close, we found even tinier things called elementary particles. We can't exactly see them, but we can tell when they exist. To study them, we pretended they were tiny points so we could calculate how they interact. String theory is like a more advanced story. It's like a violin string that can vibrate in different ways to create different things, like particles, and even gravity. We're still trying to figure out if it's the real story, but it's useful for studying quantum physics and understanding the universe.

Video Quotes

1. "So, what does a particle look like then? What is its nature? We don't know. If we look really hard, we can see a blurry sphere of influence, but not the particles themselves. We just know they exist." - Narrator

2. "But since there is no way to precisely measure things in the quantum world, our story of gravity doesn't work with our story of quantum physics." - Narrator

3. "String theory may point us in the right direction. When used in this spirit, string theory becomes a precious tool for theoretical physicists and help them discover new aspects of the quantum world and some beautiful mathematics." - Narrator

Related Quotes

1. "If we can't measure it, does that mean it's not real?" - Dr. Michio Kaku
2. "String theory is a very mathematical way of looking at the universe and making sense of why the universe works the way it does." - Dr. Michio Kaku
3. "String theory is a revolutionary way of looking at the universe, which could potentially be the ultimate theory of reality." - Dr. Brian Greene


1. Information Literacy
2. Critical Thinking
3. Analytical Literacy

Learning Outcomes

1. Remember: Identify the concept of the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle and its implications.
2. Understand: Explain how quantum field theory is used to describe elementary particles.
3. Apply: Demonstrate the mathematical process for creating a point particle in quantum physics.
4. Analyze: Compare and contrast the differences between quantum mechanics and general relativity.
5. Evaluate: Assess the evidence for and against string theory as a potential “theory of everything.”
6. Create: Design an experiment to test a prediction of string theory.

Sample Answers

1. In this video, I learned that quantum physics is based on the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, which states that we can't precisely measure elementary particles. To get around this, physicists invented the story of the point particle, which is a mathematical fiction, and quantum field theory was born.

2. Additionally, I learned that string theory was born when physicists tried to add gravity to the story of quantum physics and found that their mathematics broke down. String theory describes many different elementary particles as different modes of vibration of the string, and promises to unify all fundamental forces of the universe.

3. Lastly, I learned that while string theory has not yet revealed the true nature of our universe, it is still a useful tool for theoretical physicists as it may point them in the right direction when trying to answer some questions about quantum gravity. String theory may help us discover new aspects of the quantum world and some beautiful mathematics.


Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell is an independently run Youtube channel with over 12 million subscribers that produces videos explaining complex scientific and philosophical topics in an entertaining and easy-to-understand manner. The channel is run by a team of designers, animators, and scientists who strive to make science look beautiful and explain it in an accessible way. The expert featured in the video is a theoretical physicist with a background in string theory. He is not associated with any particular organization or business, but has published several papers on the subject.Kurzgesagt

Learning Design

These competencies are important to learn because they provide the foundation for successful cognitive functioning. Information Literacy is the ability to find, access, evaluate, and synthesize information to form meaningful knowledge. Critical Thinking entails the ability to evaluate arguments and make well-reasoned decisions. Analytical Literacy requires the ability to identify patterns, analyze data, and draw conclusions.

The framework or pedagogy that students can use to help build these competencies is known as the Cognitive Information Processing Model (CIPM). This model has three stages: acquisition, organization, and utilization. In the acquisition stage, students learn information literacy skills such as locating, accessing, and evaluating sources of information. In the organization stage, students practice critical thinking and analytical literacy skills such as evaluating arguments, making well-reasoned decisions, and identifying patterns. Finally, in the utilization stage, students synthesize the information they have learned and apply it to real-world contexts.

The CIPM can be used to scaffold students’ learning and ensure that they have a comprehensive understanding of the course material. By guiding students through the three stages of the CIPM, they can develop information literacy, critical thinking, and analytical literacy skills that will enable them to become successful cognitive thinkers.


Q: What is the Heisenberg uncertainty principle?
A. A tool to measure elementary particles precisely
B. A mathematical fiction used to describe particles
C. A concept that states that particles cannot be seen directly
D. A theory to unify all fundamental forces of the universe

Answer: C. A concept that states that particles cannot be seen directly


Common Hypothetical Questions:
1. What is the Heisenberg uncertainty principle?
2. How does string theory attempt to unify all fundamental forces in the universe?
3. How is gravity different from the other forces in the universe?
4. How do physicists use quantum field theory to measure elementary particles?

Real-Life Application Questions:
1. How can the principles of quantum physics be applied to everyday life?
2. How could string theory be used to explain phenomena like black holes and the information paradox?
3. What are some potential applications of Quantum Field Theory in our world?
4. How could knowledge of the true nature of reality be used to improve technology and scientific understanding?


String Theory, Quantum Physics, "Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle", "Quantum Field Theory", "Standard Model", "Theory of Everything", "Elementary Particles", "Point Particle", "General Relativity", "Geometry of Spacetime", "Visible Light"


1. String Theory is a mathematical fiction which proposes that particles are vibrating strings.
2. The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle states that particles can't be measured precisely.
3. To unify all fundamental forces, string theory requires ten dimensions to work out.
4. String theory has yet to make any predictions that are experimentally proven.
5. String theory can still be used to answer questions about quantum gravity.


1. Create a virtual reality experience that takes the user through the different dimensions of String Theory.
2. Design a board game that simulates the various aspects of String Theory and allows players to explore the concepts in an engaging way.
3. Develop an interactive app that educates users on the various theories of quantum gravity and how they apply to the real world.
4. Create a documentary series that follows scientists as they explore the complexities of String Theory and its implications for the universe.
5. Develop a series of educational videos that explain the basics of String Theory in a simple and easy-to-understand way.


This learning instructional guidance was formulated using the GPT-3 language model created by OpenAI.


Explore the true nature of the universe with this intriguing video on String Theory! 🤔 #stringtheory #science #physics Discover why this controversial story is so misunderstood and learn if it's correct or just an idea to throw away. 🤓 #quantumphysics #reality @Accredicity

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At Accredicity, you can gamify your Lifelong Learning, with Cred, in order to earn Stackable Credentials and Undergraduate Certificates from Bite-Size Education.



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