Strengthen Your Emotional IQ | Daniel Goleman | Tom Bilyeu
Reference: Tom Bilyeu. (2021, January 07). Psychologist Daniel Goleman Reveals How to Strengthen Your Emotional IQ | Conversations with Tom [Video]. YouTube.
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Unlock your potential with emotional intelligence: Join Psychologist Daniel Goleman as he reveals Strengthen Your Emotional IQ!In this Conversations with Tom episode, Daniel Goleman, psychologist and author of the book Emotional Intelligence, reveals how to strengthen your emotional IQ. Goleman explains the four parts of emotional intelligence - self-awareness, self-management, empathy, and social skills - and how they are more important than IQ for success in life. Goleman details how emotional intelligence can be learned and how it can be taught to children in school. He also explains the neuroscience behind cognitive control and the amygdala hijack. With Goleman's insights, viewers can learn how to strengthen their emotional IQ. Learning Outline1. Emotional intelligence is a different way of being smart, with four parts: self-awareness, self-management, empathy, and social skill. Instructional ContentPsychologist Daniel Goleman's work on emotional intelligence (EI) has revolutionized how we understand success. In this episode of Conversations with Tom, Goleman explains how to strengthen our emotional IQ. He notes that EI is different from IQ, as it focuses on self-awareness, self-management, empathy, and social skills, which are essential for success in all aspects of life. Goleman explains that EI is learnable and malleable, and can be taught in schools. He emphasizes the importance of helping children learn how to identify and manage their emotions, as well as developing empathy and social skills. Goleman also shares a story of a five-year-old who has already learned to handle disruptive emotions, showing the importance of teaching EI from an early age. The key takeaway from this episode is that EI is essential for success in both our personal and professional lives, and it is something that can be developed and strengthened through practice. By understanding and working on our EI, we can build strong relationships and increase our chances of achieving success. Cognition
![]() Daniel Goleman is a psychologist who talks about emotional intelligence and why it might be more important than IQ. Emotional intelligence is a way to be smart about emotions, and it involves four parts: self-awareness (knowing what you're feeling and why), self-management (keeping your emotions in check), empathy (understanding how other people feel), and social skills (being able to work well with others). The good news is that emotional intelligence can be learned and improved, and Daniel works with schools to teach emotional intelligence to kids. For example, in a feeling circle, kids might sit in a circle and say how they feel and why. It's important to be able to recognize what emotions you're feeling and why, and to learn how to manage them, because if you don't, you might say or do something you regret later! Video Quotes1. "Emotional intelligence is just a different way of being smart as you pointed out it's being intelligent about emotions." - Daniel Goleman 2. "When we actually daniel um one thing really fast your mic is bumping on your shirt or something so if we can that would be very simple of a solution." - Tom Bilyeu 3. "Here's the good news it's learned and learnable but it doesn't matter where you are now you can get better and there's a methodology for that." - Daniel Goleman Related Quotes"The first thing is to recognize that emotions are a sign of intelligence. We have them for a reason. They're a way of helping us survive in the world." - Daniel Goleman "The second thing is to recognize that emotional skills can be learned just like any other skills." - Daniel Goleman "The third thing is to remember that emotions are contagious. You can spread joy, or you can spread despair, and it's up to you." - Daniel Goleman Competencies1. Emotional Intelligence Learning Outcomes1. Understand the concept of emotional intelligence and the four components (Knowledge) Sample Answers1. In this video, I learned that emotional intelligence is a way of being smart about emotions, and it is made up of four parts: self-awareness, self-management, empathy, and social skill. 2. I also learned that emotional intelligence can be learned and is malleable, even in adulthood. It is important to teach emotional intelligence to kids in school, since the brain's emotional and social circuits don't become anatomically mature until the mid-20s. 3. Lastly, I learned that emotional intelligence involves recognizing emotions and putting an interpretation to them. This can be done with something as simple as a feeling circle at the start of the day in school, where kids share their emotions and why they feel them. Daniel GolemanDaniel Goleman is a psychologist, science journalist, and author of the international best-seller Emotional Intelligence. He is a recipient of the Career Achievement Award from the American Psychological Association, and has served as a visiting faculty member at Harvard. He is an expert on How to Strengthen Your Emotional IQ due to his extensive research on the importance of emotional intelligence in personal and professional success. He is associated with the Emotional Intelligence Network, a nonprofit organization devoted to advancing the science and practice of emotional intelligence in education, business, healthcare, and other sectors. Emotional Intelligence Network AssessmentQ: According to Daniel Goleman, which of the following is an example of cognitive control? A. Recognizing your own emotions Answer: D. Understanding why you feel the way you do Questions1. What are the four main components of emotional intelligence? KeywordsEmotional Intelligence, Cognitive Control, Emotional Centers, Self Awareness, Self Management, Cognitive Abilities, Empathy Social Skill, Amygdala Hijack, Wise Owl, Guard Dog, Lisa Feldman Barrett Facts1. Daniel Goleman's book on emotional intelligence focuses on four key areas: self-awareness, self-management, empathy, and social skills. Trends1. Create an interactive online game for students to practice recognizing and managing their emotions. The game could involve selecting different questions or scenarios, and then having students identify the emotion they are feeling and how they would manage it. 2. Develop a school-wide competition to promote emotional intelligence in students. The competition could involve students submitting artwork, writing, or videos that demonstrate how they are developing their emotional intelligence. 3. Create a curriculum that teaches students the basics of emotional intelligence. This could include lessons on self-awareness, self-management, empathy, and social skills. 4. Develop an app that helps children practice social skills and empathy. The app could involve virtual scenarios in which kids have to identify how the other person is feeling and then respond appropriately. 5. Create a series of online courses for adults that focus on strengthening their emotional intelligence. The courses could include topics such as self-awareness, self-management, empathy, and social skills. SourceThis learning instructional guidance was formulated using the GPT-3 language model created by OpenAI. ShareEmotional Intelligence is an important tool for success. Self-awareness, self-management, empathy, and social skills are the 4 parts. IQ isn't all that matters - emotional intelligence is learnable and can be improved upon. #emotionalintelligence #success #socialskills 🧠@Accredicity |