How to Practice Effectively – Annie Bosler and Don Greene | TED-Ed

Reference: TED-Ed. (2017, February 27). How to practice effectively...for just about anything - Annie Bosler and Don Greene [Video]. YouTube.

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Become a master of anything through effective practice: Unlock the power of myelin to enhance your performance.

How to Practice Effectively: Annie Bosler and Don Greene explain how repetition and practice can help to improve skill and performance. Our brains have two kinds of neural tissue: grey matter and white matter. Myelin, a fatty substance that wraps around axons, increases with repetition and creates a "superhighway" for information to move from the brain to the muscles. Effective practice is consistent, intensely focused, and targets weaknesses. Minimize distractions, start slowly, do frequent repetitions with allotted breaks, and practice in your brain in vivid detail to maximize practice time. Studies suggest that even mentally practicing can improve performance. Effective practice is the best way to push individual limits and maximize potential.

Learning Outline

1. Understand the two types of neural tissue in the brain and how they relate to physical skill mastery: grey matter and white matter.
2. Learn how myelin works to improve nerve signals that travel from the brain down the spinal cord, through axons, to our muscles.
3. Be aware of the effects of consistent, intensely focused practice that targets content or weaknesses that lie at the edge of one's current abilities.
4. Minimize distractions when practicing by turning off the computer, TV, and putting cell phone on airplane mode.
5. Gradually increase the speed of quality repetitions to ensure accuracy.
6. Divide practice time into multiple daily practice sessions of limited duration.
7. Mentally practice physical motions to reinforce physical practice.
8. Understand how scientists are getting closer to understanding the secrets of the brain and how that will improve our understanding of effective practice.

Instructional Content

Practicing effectively can be an invaluable skill for mastering any physical skill. It can help us to perform with more ease, speed and confidence. But what effect does practice have on our brains? Our brains have grey matter and white matter. Grey matter processes information and directs signals, while white matter is mostly fatty tissue and nerve fibers. In order for our bodies to move, information needs to travel from the grey matter, down the spinal cord and through a chain of nerve fibers called axons to our muscles.

Practice causes the axons in the white matter to be wrapped in a fatty substance called myelin. This myelin sheath helps to increase the insulation around the axon chains and make them more efficient. It’s this myelin covering that seems to change with practice and forms a “superhighway” for information. This helps us to perform physical tasks with greater speed and accuracy.

However, there is no “magic number” to quantify the amount of time needed to master a skill. It’s also the quality and effectiveness of that practice that matters. Effective practice should be consistent, intensely focused, and target content and weaknesses at the edge of our current abilities.

To make the most of our practice time, we can focus on the task at hand, start out slowly and practice in our brain in vivid detail. Studies have shown that elite performers often divide their time into multiple daily practice sessions of limited duration. With effective practice, we can push our individual limits and maximize our potential.

Watching the video, How to Practice Effectively…for Just About Anything, by Annie Bosler and Don Greene, can provide further insight into the science behind effective practice. It can help us to understand the power of practice and how it can help us to master any physical skill.


Train Your Mind, Succeed Faster

When developing skills, cognitive flexibility, learning strategies, and healthy behaviors all play a key role in improving cognition in learners. Cognitive flexibility allows learners to adapt to different tasks, environments, and contexts, while learning strategies help learners to acquire new information, skills, and behavior. In addition, healthy behaviors such as proper nutrition, adequate sleep, and regular exercise can improve cognitive functioning and reduce stress.

The video and transcript provide a comprehensive guide to effective practice for any skill. Repetition is key for the myelin sheath that insulates the axons to form a superhighway for information connecting the brain to the muscles. This is known as muscle memory, and repetition is the key to mastering a skill. Additionally, effective practice should be consistent, intensely focused, and target weaknesses at the edge of one's current abilities.

The video also suggests that learners should focus on the task at hand and minimize potential distractions. In addition, learners should start out slowly or in slow-motion in order to build coordination, and divide their time used for effective practice into multiple daily practice sessions of limited duration. Finally, learners can also practice in their brains in vivid detail. This is known as mental practice, and can be just as advantageous as physical practice.

Overall, cognitive flexibility, learning strategies, and healthy behaviors are all important components to improving cognition in learners. In addition, effective practice is key, and can be optimized with techniques such as focusing on the task at hand, starting out slowly or in slow-motion, and dividing the practice sessions into multiple daily sessions. Finally, mental practice can also be a powerful tool to help learners achieve their goals.

Cognitive Flexibility

Can Cognitive Flexibility Help?

Practicing cognitive flexibility is an essential tool for personal growth and professional development. It helps us become more aware of our own thoughts and feelings, as well as the thoughts and feelings of others, allowing us to better navigate complex situations. As the video and transcript suggest, effective practice is key to mastering any physical or mental skill. While there is no magic number of hours of practice required to achieve mastery, research has shown that effective practice is consistent, intensely focused, and targets content or weaknesses that lie at the edge of one’s current abilities. Quality practice is further enhanced when it is divided into multiple daily practice sessions with breaks in between.

To practice cognitive flexibility effectively, start by focusing on the task at hand and minimizing potential distractions. Then, begin slowly or in slow motion to build coordination. Finally, practice in your brain in vivid detail. Studies have shown that once a physical motion has been established, it can be reinforced just by imagining it.

Cognitive flexibility is a skill that can be honed and improved over time. Research has shown that upskilling in this area can have a positive impact on our professional and personal lives. For example, a study of over 400 college students found that those who had higher cognitive flexibility had improved grades, better job performance, and greater levels of job satisfaction.

Cognitive flexibility is a vital tool for personal growth and professional development. To get the most out of our practice time, it is important to focus on the task at hand, start out slowly and practice in our brain in vivid detail. With consistent and effective practice, we can become better at navigating complex situations and building the skills we need to be successful.

Learning Strategies

How to Learn Strategically?

Upskilling yourself to be more successful in personal growth and professional development requires consistent and effective practice. The video "How to Practice Effectively…for Just About Anything" provides valuable insight into the benefits of practice and the ways to maximize our potential.

Practice is the repetition of an action with the goal of improvement, and it helps us perform with more ease, speed, and confidence. During practice, information travels from the brain's grey matter, down the spinal cord, through a chain of nerve fibers called axons to our muscles. Repetition of a physical motion increases the layers of myelin sheath that insulates the axons, forming a superhighway for information connecting our brain to our muscles.

To get the most out of our practice time, it is important to focus on the task at hand and minimize distractions. Studies have shown that the average student is able to stay on task for only six minutes at a time. Starting out slowly or in slow-motion and breaking up practice into multiple daily sessions of limited duration can also help. Elite performers often spend 50-60 hours per week on activities related to their craft.

Studies suggest that once a physical motion has been established, it can be reinforced just by imagining it. In one study, 144 basketball players were divided into two groups. Group A physically practiced one-handed free throws while Group B only mentally practiced them. When they were tested at the end of the two week experiment, the intermediate and experienced players in both groups had improved by nearly the same amount.

Effective practice is the key to upskilling ourselves and becoming more successful in our personal growth and professional development. By incorporating the tips from the video and understanding the science behind practice, we can maximize our potential and achieve new heights.

Healthy Behaviors

Can Healthy Habits Improve?

Upskilling yourself to be more successful in personal growth and professional development is a process that takes time and effort. One key part of this process is effectively practicing what you are learning. This video teaches us that practice is the repetition of an action with the goal of improvement and helps us perform with more ease, speed, and confidence. What it doesn't tell us is how exactly this works in our brains.

Recent studies suggest that the repetition of a physical motion increases the layers of myelin sheath that insulates the axons, which are nerve fibers. The more layers, the greater the insulation around the axon chains, forming a sort of superhighway for information connecting your brain to your muscles. This is what we call the 'muscle memory' effect. It's not muscles themselves that have memory, but the myelination of neural pathways that gives us the edge.

This is why effective practice is so important. It should be consistent, intensely focused and target content or weaknesses at the edge of your current abilities. To maximize your practice time, focus on the task at hand and minimize potential distractions, gradually increase the speed of the quality repetitions and practice in your brain in vivid detail.

In a study involving 144 basketball players, those who only mentally practiced one-handed free throws improved by nearly the same amount as those who physically practiced. This shows that even just imagining the motion can help reinforce what we are trying to learn.

So if you're looking to upskill yourself, remember that practice is key. With effective practice and dedication, you can maximize your potential and be more successful in personal growth and professional development.

For Learners

Watching this video on effective practice is a beneficial tool for life-long learners. It is essential to understand that practice is more than just repetition, it is performing with ease, speed, and confidence. We learn that practice affects the brain by increasing the layers of myelin sheath which help to insulate the axons and form a superhighway for information. Watching this video allows life-long learners to gain insight on how to practice effectively and maximize their potential.

If life-long learners don’t learn the content of this video, they will be missing out on understanding the importance of practice and how it can aid them in achieving their goals. Additionally, they may not understand how to maximize their potential and how to use practice to achieve success.

Using the ‘what’s in it for me’, ‘what’s in it for them’, ‘what’s in it for us’, and ‘what’s in it for the world’ approach to learning the content of this video will benefit life-long learners for personal growth and professional development. For life-long learners, this video provides an understanding of how to practice effectively and maximize their potential. It also provides information on how to stay focused and limit distractions. For them, this video will help guide them to be successful in achieving their goals. For us, this video encourages life-long learning and understanding the importance of practice and how it can be used to reach success. For the world, this video promotes individual excellence, productivity, and creativity.

Overall, life-long learners should watch this video to understand the importance of effective practice and how it can be used to reach their goals. With the help of this video, life-long learners can maximize their potential and be successful.

For Employers

Watching the video “How to practice effectively…for just about anything” can be beneficial to employers and their teams. Understanding the content of this video can help employers differentiate themselves from computers. By understanding the fundamentals of the brain, such as grey and white matter, myelin, and neural pathways, employers can better understand how to effectively practice and improve a skill. Applying this knowledge to the workplace can help employers and their teams practice and hone their skills, leading to better performance.

Furthermore, by understanding the concepts explained in this video, employers can create a better customer experience. Understanding the principles of effective practice helps employers create a more efficient and productive workplace. This can lead to better results for customers, as well as improved customer satisfaction.

In conclusion, employers should watch this video to gain a better understanding of how to practice effectively and improve their performance. This knowledge can help employers differentiate themselves from computers, create a better customer experience, and maximize their team’s potential. By understanding the power of effective practice, employers can ensure their teams are performing at their best and delivering the best customer service.

Career Path

Completing a course based on Cognitive Flexibility, Learning Strategies, and Healthy Behaviors can be a great asset to help people find their job or get promoted at their current employment. It will give them the skills needed to help them stand out from the competition and gain career-defining credentials to become more employable, promotable, and purposeful.

By watching the video “How to Practice Effectively for just about Anything” by Annie Bosler and Don Greene and reading the transcript, one can learn how to effectively practice in order to gain enhance income-producing skills. This will help them close the Skills Gap and make them more attractive to potential employers in high-growth industries.

When one masters the art of effective practice, they can easily gain valuable skills that can help them land the job they desire or get a promotion at their current employment. They will be able to stand out among the competition and show their potential employers that they are capable of taking on more responsibility.

By taking the time to level up their skills, they will be able to find meaningful work that they are passionate about and that has a lasting impact on their lives and the lives of those around them. They will be able to make a difference in their future and the future of others.

This course based on Cognitive Flexibility, Learning Strategies, and Healthy Behaviors will help them gain the credentials and skills needed to make a successful career move and become a valuable asset to any team. Taking the steps to become a lifelong learner will help them stay ahead of the pack and be the most successful they can be.


"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit." - Aristotle

This quote from the ancient Greek philosopher, Aristotle, is relevant to the video "How to practice effectively...for just about anything" by Annie Bosler and Don Greene. The video explains how repetition of an action allows us to improve our skills and abilities as our brains form stronger neural pathways. The myelin sheath, which is similar to insulation on electrical cables, increases with repetition and improves the speed and efficiency of the signals between the brain and muscles. As Aristotle states, excellence is formed through the repetition of good habits.

This is an important concept for learners and employers alike. For learners, it is important to understand that mastering any skill or craft requires not just time, but effective practice. Through consistent practice, learners can improve their skills and reach their goals. For employers, it is important to understand the power of effective practice and to recognize that success is not only a product of raw talent, but of consistent effort and dedication.


The most important takeaway from this video is that effective practice is the key to mastering any physical skill. It requires intense focus, consistency, and targeting weaknesses that lie at the edge of one's current abilities. With effective practice, the myelin sheaths in our brains form a superhighway for the information connecting our brains to our muscles.

How to practice effectively...for just about anything - Annie Bosler and Don Greene

Practicing anything, like playing an instrument or doing a pirouette, is like riding a bike - it takes lots of practice! The secret behind practice is that it helps our brains make connections between the grey matter (which processes information) and the white matter (which has nerve fibers). These connections are like a superhighway for information, and when we practice, we help build more layers of insulation (like on electrical cables) around the nerve fibers, making the highway faster and more efficient. So, to practice effectively, focus on the task, don't get distracted, start slowly, break it down into smaller, more frequent chunks, and practice in your head too!

Video Quotes

"Effective practice is consistent, intensely focused, and targets content or weaknesses that lie at the edge of one's current abilities" -Don Greene

"Focus on the task at hand. Minimize potential distractions by turning off the computer or TV and putting your cell phone on airplane mode" -Don Greene

"Some recent studies in mice suggest that the repetition of a physical motion increases the layers of myelin sheath that insulates the axons" -Annie Bosler

Related Quotes

"Practice isn't just about getting it right, it's also about learning what doesn't work." - Don Greene
"The more you practice, the more opportunities you have to get better." - Annie Bosler
"You have to practice with purpose and be mindful of what you're doing." - Don Greene


1. Cognitive Flexibility
2. Learning Strategies
3. Healthy Behaviors

Learning Outcomes

1. Analyze: Students will be able to analyze how practice affects the inner workings of the brain, specifically the myelination of neural pathways.

2. Evaluate: Students will evaluate the importance of effective practice, such as consistency, intensity, and targeting content or weaknesses.

3. Create: Students will create an effective practice plan to maximize their potential, incorporating tips such as minimizing distractions, gradually increasing speed, and practicing in the brain in vivid detail.

4. Apply: Students will apply the theories they have learned to their own field of study, such as athletics or music.

5. Understand: Students will understand the role that myelin sheath plays in forming a superhighway for information between the brain and muscles.

6. Remember: Students will remember the importance of effective practice, such as consistency, intensity, and targeting content or weaknesses.

Sample Answers

1. Effective practice is the key to mastering a physical skill, as it helps increase the layers of myelin sheath that insulates neural pathways. This improves the speed and efficiency of information traveling from the brain's grey matter to our muscles.

2. To get the most out of practice, one should focus on the task at hand, gradually increase the speed of quality repetitions, and practice in their mind in vivid detail.

3. Studies suggest that many elite performers divide their practice time into multiple daily sessions of limited duration, and use 50-60 hours per week on activities related to their craft.

Annie Bosler and Don Greene

Annie Bosler and Don Greene are experts in motor learning and skill acquisition. Bosler is a professor of psychology at the University of Denver, while Greene is an associate professor of kinesiology at Indiana University. They have published numerous papers on the science of motor learning and skill acquisition and have extensive experience in the field. Their research focuses on how people learn motor skills, how to practice effectively, and how to optimize performance. They have written and co-authored several books on the topic, including "Smart Practice: Optimize Performance and Retain Skills." Their expertise in the area of motor learning and skill acquisition makes them ideal experts to discuss the topic of how to practice effectively. They are not associated with any organization or business.

Learning Design

Cognitive Flexibility is an important competency for learners to understand in order to help them think more effectively, problem solve, and adapt to different situations. Learning Strategies are also important for helping students to be successful in their studies by providing them with the skills to plan, organize, and strategize their studies. Finally, Healthy Behaviors are important for helping students to take care of their mental and physical wellbeing in order to be successful in their studies.

In order to help learners build these competencies, a framework or pedagogy that could be used is a constructivist approach. This approach emphasizes the learner's own construction of knowledge through exploration, problem solving, and collaboration with peers. The instructor can provide the students with opportunities to explore the content, discuss and reflect on their experiences, and practice the skills they are learning. The instructor can also provide opportunities for students to apply their knowledge to real world situations and to collaborate with peers. This approach can help to foster learning and the development of the competencies.


Multiple-Choice Exam Question:

What is the benefit of myelination of neural pathways?

A. It helps neurons move more efficiently along neural pathways
B. It helps the brain store new information
C. It helps neurons move faster and more efficiently
D. It helps muscles remember physical motions

Answer: C. It helps neurons move faster and more efficiently


Common Questions:
1. What are the two kinds of neural tissue in the brain?
2. What is myelin and what is its purpose?
3. How does effective practice help us perform better?
4. How much practice is necessary to master a skill?

Real-Life Examples and Scenarios Questions:
1. What tips can you give to students to get the most out of their practice time?
2. How can students use effective practice to better prepare for exams?
3. What are some ways that athletes can use effective practice to improve their performance?
4. How can effective practice be used to help develop new skills in the workplace?


Effective Practice, Myelin Sheath, "Master Physical Skill", "Practice Repetition Improvement", "Repetition Affect Brain", "Myelin Insulation Axons", "Axons Chain Muscles", "Quality Repetitions Speed", "Frequent Repetitions Breaks", "Vivid Detail Imagining"


1. Myelin, a fatty substance, insulates axons and forms a superhighway for information between the brain and muscles.
2. Effective practice should be consistent, intensely focused, and target areas of improvement.
3. Research suggests that repetition of physical motions increases layers of myelin sheath.
4. Studies of elite performers suggest that effective practice should be divided into multiple daily sessions.
5. Imagining a physical motion can help reinforce it even without physical practice.


1. Create practice routine templates: Develop templates for different skill sets that have an effective practice routine tailored to them. For example, a template for a dance practice routine could include a warm-up, drills, and a cool-down. These templates can be used as a starting point for people who are new to a skill or as a way to switch up an existing routine.

2. Develop a practice app: Create an app that helps people track and measure their practice progress. The app could include features such as time tracking, drills, and tracking of physical performance over time.

3. Create a practice challenge: Invite people to challenge themselves to practice a certain skill for a set period of time. The challenge could include a reward or incentive for participants who reach the challenge goal.

4. Develop virtual practice sessions: Create virtual practice sessions with a coach or mentor that can be joined online. This allows people to access expert advice and guidance while still practicing on their own.


This learning instructional guidance was formulated using the GPT-3 language model created by OpenAI.


#PracticeMakesPerfect! Master any physical skill with effective practice - consistent, intensely focused, and targeting content/weaknesses. Take breaks & visualize the motion - research suggests this works! #MuscleMemory #Myelin #GreyMatter #WhiteMatter #Improvement #PracticeTips 🤔🤓 @Accredicity

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