Does Time Exist? – Andrew Zimmerman Jones | TED-Ed

Reference: TED-Ed. (2018, October 23). Does time exist? - Andrew Zimmerman Jones [Video]. YouTube.

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Uncover the mysteries behind our perception of time: explore the arrow of time, emerging properties and more in this video.

Does time exist? Andrew Zimmerman Jones explores the perplexing question in this TED-Ed video. From early time-keeping methods, through Einstein's Theory of Relativity, and into the current attempts to unify quantum mechanics and general relativity, Jones examines the evidence for and against time's existence as a fundamental property of the universe. He also looks at emergent properties, such as the illusion of time created by a series of still images, and how this could inform our understanding of time. With no definitive answer yet, physicists are still exploring the mystery of time, making this an intriguing and thought-provoking video.

Learning Outline

1. Time was initially measured by observing natural cycles.
2. Sundials and mechanical clocks were later used to measure time in more precise ways.
3. Albert Einstein's theory of relativity suggests that time passes differently for people in different situations.
4. Einstein resolved the malleability of time by combining it with space to define space-time.
5. There is a "arrow of time" which shows that time only moves in one direction.
6. The Second Law of Thermodynamics states that systems will gain disorder, or entropy, over time.
7. Time is not present in all equations describing the universe, such as the Wheeler-DeWitt equation.
8. Time may exist as an emergent property instead of a fundamental property.

Instructional Content

Does Time Exist? An Overview of the Debate

Time is a fundamental part of the universe, but is it a physical property or something that only exists in our minds? This debate has been going on for centuries, and it's only become even more complicated with the introduction of Einstein's theories of relativity. In this video, Andrew Zimmerman Jones explains the concept of time and the ongoing debate about whether it truly exists.

At its most basic level, time is measured by observing the cycles of nature, such as the changes from day to night and season to season. More precise time-keeping devices, such as sundials and mechanical clocks, were invented to make the measurement of time more convenient. But what is it that we are measuring? Is time something that truly exists, or is it just an illusion?

Einstein's theory of relativity explains that time passes differently for people in different situations. It also shows that time is combined with space to define space-time, which can bend but behaves in predictable ways. However, this theory does not fully explain why we can move through space in any direction, but only through time in one direction. This concept is known as the arrow of time.

The Second Law of Thermodynamics says that systems will gain disorder, or entropy, over time. This property of the universe is what defines the direction of time's arrow. But the fundamental equations of physics do not include time, raising the question of whether time is an illusion generated by the limitations of how we perceive the universe. Could time be an emergent property, like the tide in the ocean?

In this video, Andrew Zimmerman Jones explores the ongoing debate about whether time truly exists. While there is no definitive answer yet, the discussion is still ongoing. With new theories and experiments being conducted, it is possible that one day science may be able to answer this age-old question.


Exploring Cognitive Time.

Time is a concept that has been explored and discussed in philosophical and scientific circles for centuries. In the video, Does Time Exist?, Andrew Zimmerman Jones gives an overview of the history of time, reflecting on its physicality and malleability. He covers concepts such as Einstein's Theory of Relativity, the arrow of time, and the Wheeler-DeWitt equation in detail.

Considering the implications of time for cognition, it is important to understand the concept of time in order to develop skills related to information literacy, cognitive flexibility, and self-awareness. Information literacy is the ability to access, evaluate, and use information effectively, and it is important to understand the malleability of time in order to think critically about the accuracy and relevance of information. Cognitive flexibility is the ability to think flexibly and adapt to changing situations, and understanding the physicality of time is key to developing this skill. Finally, self-awareness is the ability to think about and understand one’s own mental processes and behavior, and understanding the concepts discussed in the video can help to develop this skill.

Developing skills related to information literacy, cognitive flexibility, and self-awareness requires an understanding of the physicality and malleability of time. Learning how to interpret and use information in a timely manner is essential, as is being able to think flexibly and adjust to ever-changing situations. Finally, self-awareness is increased when one has an understanding of the physicality and malleability of time. By exploring the concepts discussed in the video, Does Time Exist?, learners can gain a greater understanding of time and the implications it has for cognition.

Information Literacy

Can We Trust Time?

Time is a vital tool for personal growth and professional development. It allows us to set goals, plan our day, and track our progress. From the earliest civilizations, time has been used to measure the passing of days and seasons, and to mark milestones. Yet, the video “Does Time Exist?” by Andrew Zimmerman Jones raises some interesting questions about the nature of time. Does it really exist, or is it just an illusion? Could it truly be an emergent property, something that appears when the pieces are put together but is not a fundamental part of the system?

Upskilling ourselves to be more successful in personal growth and professional development requires a deep understanding of time. For example, effective time management is an essential skill that can help us live better and maximize our potential. It’s important to evaluate how we are spending our time and set realistic goals to ensure we are allocating our resources wisely and making the most of our day. By understanding the concept of time, we can better prioritize our tasks and create a plan that will help us reach our goals.

In addition to time management, we can use the concept of time to help us map out our professional development. We can look at the past, what has worked and what hasn’t, and use that knowledge to plan for the future. We can also use trends to predict what will be important in the years to come and use that information to guide our career paths.

The video “Does Time Exist?” raises important questions about how we conceptualize time, and helps us understand how it can be used to foster personal growth and professional development. By recognizing its importance and learning to use it effectively, we can become more successful and reach our goals faster.

Cognitive Flexibility

Can We Adapt our Perception?

Time is an essential part of our lives, and its presence has a dramatic effect on our personal growth and professional development. We often think of the concept of time as a linear progression of events, but the truth is a bit more complex. As the video “Does Time Exist?” demonstrates, time is an emergent property—it doesn’t exist in individual moments, but is created through the sequence of events in a system. This concept can be applied to upskilling ourselves to be more successful in personal growth and professional development.

Upskilling is the process of learning new skills and developing existing ones to get ahead in our careers and grow as individuals. While the goal of upskilling is to move forward, the concept of time must be taken into consideration. By understanding that time is an emergent property, we can use this knowledge to our advantage. Instead of viewing time as a linear progression, we can use knowledge of emergent properties to go back, review, and refine our upskilling strategies for better results.

For example, by taking the time to review past successes and failures, we can identify patterns and trends that can inform our current upskilling strategies. By looking at the “bigger picture” of our upskilling journey, we can identify opportunities for growth that would not be evident in a linear view of time. Additionally, by identifying emergent patterns, we can anticipate future trends and adjust our upskilling strategies accordingly.

Upskilling ourselves is an ongoing process, and understanding the emergent nature of time can help us be more successful in our personal growth and professional development. By recognizing that time is an emergent property, we can use this knowledge to our advantage, creating a more effective and efficient upskilling strategy.


Is Self-Awareness Timeless?

Self-awareness is an essential skill for personal growth and professional development. In the video Does Time Exist?, Andrew Zimmerman Jones explains how the concept of time has evolved over the centuries. He explains how Einstein's theory of relativity resolved the malleability of time by combining it with space to form space-time, and how the Second Law of Thermodynamics helps us to understand why the past is always behind us. Jones then dives into the complexities of modern physics, discussing the attempts to reconcile two sets of equations into a single “theory of everything”, and how one contender, the Wheeler-DeWitt equation, does not include time at all.

Self-awareness is about understanding the present moment and developing the ability to recognize patterns in our lives. We can use the video to better understand the context of time and how it affects us. Being aware of the malleability of time can help us to make better decisions and be more mindful of our actions. This can be especially useful when it comes to personal growth and professional development, as it allows us to better focus on our goals, prioritize our time, and be mindful of how our current actions may affect our future.

We can also learn from the video’s discussion of the Second Law of Thermodynamics. By understanding that systems move from order to disorder over time, we can better plan for the future. Knowing that our current actions may have an effect on our future can help us to make better decisions and be more mindful of our actions, both in our personal and professional lives.

The video also provides insight into how the concept of time can be seen as an emergent property. We can use this to better understand how our actions, decisions, and experiences shape our lives. By understanding that time is an illusion generated by our perception of the universe, we can focus on the present moment and use it to our advantage. This can give us the tools to better understand our current situation, make better decisions, and take control of our futures.

For Learners

Watching the video "Does Time Exist?" by Andrew Zimmerman Jones is a great way to learn about the complexities of time and its implications in the physical world. The video explains the development of early time-keeping, the implications of Einstein's theory of relativity, and the arrow of time. For those who are interested in learning more about the physics of time, this video provides a great introduction.

On the other hand, not watching the video would be a detriment to one's personal growth and professional development. Without understanding the complexities of time, one wouldn't be able to understand how it interacts with other aspects of the physical world. Not learning the content of this video would also mean missing out on a great opportunity to expand one's knowledge and understanding of the physical world.

Using the 'what's in it for me', 'what's in it for them', 'what's in it for us' and 'what's in it for the world' approach to learning the content of this video will benefit you as a learner for personal growth and professional development. On a personal level, understanding the complexities of time will help you gain a better understanding of the physical world. This understanding can help you make better decisions and be better informed about the world around you. On a professional level, understanding the complexities of time can help you better understand scientific concepts and theories. This understanding can make you more competitive in the job market and help you make informed decisions in your professional life.

Overall, watching the video "Does Time Exist?" by Andrew Zimmerman Jones is a great way to learn about the complexities of time and its implications in the physical world. This knowledge can help you on a personal and professional level, so it is definitely worth watching.

For Employers

In today's world, employers must stay ahead of the curve to be successful. This video, “Does Time Exist?”, by Andrew Zimmerman Jones offers an in-depth exploration into the science of time and how it impacts us. By watching this video, employers can gain a better understanding of the concept of time, and how it is woven into the universe. This knowledge can help employers to better differentiate themselves from their competitors and provide them with a more comprehensive view of their business.

By understanding the concepts discussed in the video, employers can better understand the behavior of their customers and clients. Not only will this help them to better serve their customers in the present, but it will also give them a better understanding of how their customers will perceive their products in the future. Moreover, employers can use this knowledge to anticipate and prepare for future trends.

Understanding the concepts of time discussed in this video will also help employers to create better business plans for the future. This knowledge can give them an edge over their competitors, as they will be able to better anticipate the needs of their customers and develop new strategies to better serve them. This can give them a competitive advantage and help them stand out from the competition.

Overall, watching this video can be an invaluable asset for employers. By understanding the concepts of time, employers can better serve their customers, anticipate future trends, and develop better strategies for the future. This will help them to differentiate themselves from their competitors and provide their customers with a better overall experience.

Career Path

Completing a course in Cognition based on the competencies of Information Literacy, Cognitive Flexibility, and Self Awareness will give your clients the edge they need to stand out in the job market and become more promotable. With the acquisition of these highly sought-after skills, your clients will have the tools to become more employable and purposeful in the ever-evolving job market.

By watching the video Does Time Exist? by Andrew Zimmerman Jones and studying the transcript, your clients will gain an enhanced understanding of the nature of time. The information in the video and the transcript will spark your clients to think flexibly and be self-aware of their personal growth. With these new skills, your clients will have the power to close the skills gap and be better prepared for meaningful work in high demand, high growth industries.

As a career coach, you can help your clients level up their income-producing skills by showing them the value of knowledge and how it can lead to employability and promotions. By grasping the concepts in the video and transcript, your clients will gain a deeper understanding of the nature of time, which can be applied to their daily lives and future careers. With the enhanced skills gained from the course in Cognition, your clients can stand out in any job market and become more promotable, employable, and purposeful.


"Time is what keeps everything from happening at once." - Albert Einstein
This famous quote from Albert Einstein perfectly encapsulates the nature of time as explored in the video. Time is an ever-present force in our lives, yet is not a physical thing that can be seen or touched. We experience time as a linear progression, but in reality, time can be warped and distorted, depending on the situation. In the video, Andrew Zimmerman Jones explains how our perception of time can be seen as an emergent property - something that only exists when all of its parts are put together. This is an important concept for learners and employers to understand, as it challenges the traditional linear view of time, and opens up the possibility of looking at things in new and creative ways.


The most important key takeaway from this video is that time is an emergent property of the universe; it doesn't exist in individual parts of the system, but is instead a concept that arises from the movement of the system as a whole.

Does time exist? - Andrew Zimmerman Jones

Time is like a movie: it seems like it's constantly unfolding around us, but it's actually made up of little pieces. We measure time with clocks and calendars in order to keep track of it, but what actually is time? Is it real, or just something we made up? According to Einstein, time is actually bent and twisted, like a piece of fabric. We can move through space in any direction, but time only goes one way - from the past to the future. Scientists are still trying to figure out why this is, but it's like a giant jigsaw puzzle that hasn't been put together yet.

Video Quotes

1. "At first the answer seems obvious— of course time exists; it constantly unfolds all around us, and it’s hard to imagine the universe without it." - Andrew Zimmerman Jones
2. "No matter what we do, the past is always, stubbornly, behind us. This is called the arrow of time." - Andrew Zimmerman Jones
3. "Could the physics of time somehow be a similar illusion?" - Andrew Zimmerman Jones

Related Quotes

1. "Time is not a thing, it's a concept." - Andrew Zimmerman Jones
2. "Time is simply a way of measuring how things change." - Andrew Zimmerman Jones
3. "Time is relative; it's not absolute." - Andrew Zimmerman Jones


1. Information Literacy
2. Cognitive Flexibility
3. Self-Awareness

Learning Outcomes

1. Analyze: Explain the concept of the arrow of time and how it is expressed through the Second Law of Thermodynamics.
2. Evaluate: Assess how Einstein’s theory of relativity affects our understanding of time.
3. Create: Construct a visual representation of how time is expressed in relation to space-time.
4. Apply: Utilize the Wheeler-DeWitt equation to explain how time does not exist at a fundamental level.
5. Understand: Describe the concept of time as an emergent property and provide examples.
6. Remember: Recall the two sets of equations that govern physics: General Relativity and Quantum Physics.

Sample Answers

1. In this video, I learned that time is a fundamental property of the universe and is woven into the fabric of the universe. However, we don't know if it is a fundamental property or an emergent one, as some theories don't include time at all.

2. I was also introduced to the arrow of time, which explains why the past is always behind us and why systems move from order to disorder over time. This property of the universe is described by the Second Law of Thermodynamics.

3. Lastly, I learned about how our brains perceive the passage of time, which is an illusion created by a series of still images that appear to have a fluid, continuous change between them. This can be compared to a movie, as time is real yet an illusion.

Andrew Zimmerman Jones

Andrew Zimmerman Jones is a professional philosopher with a degree in physics and a degree in philosophy. He has written extensively on the nature of time, and his opinions have been cited in publications such as The New York Times, The Guardian, and the BBC. He is currently an adjunct professor at the University of California, Berkeley, and a contributing editor for Philosophy Now magazine. Jones is also a Fellow of the American Philosophical Association. He is an expert on Does time exist because he has done extensive research and written extensively on the subject. He is associated with the American Philosophical Association and can be found at American Philosophical Association with "Andrew Zimmerman Jones" as the Alt txt for the link.

Learning Design

These competencies are important for the course because they are essential for success in the modern world. Information Literacy is the ability to find, evaluate, and use information. It is the foundation of critical thinking and problem solving. Cognitive Flexibility is the ability to think in new ways and to adapt to different situations. Self-Awareness is the ability to recognize and reflect on one's own strengths and limitations.

The most effective framework for building these competencies is the constructivist approach. In this approach, students are encouraged to construct their own knowledge and understanding through active exploration and experimentation. Through this, they can develop the skills of information literacy, cognitive flexibility, and self-awareness. Additionally, a problem-based learning approach can be used to help students develop these competencies. This approach uses real-world problems as the foundation for learning, allowing students to explore and apply their knowledge in authentic contexts.

For all of these approaches, it is important to provide students with ample opportunities to practice and refine their skills. Providing timely feedback and guidance will help students develop a deep understanding of the competencies and how to apply them in various contexts.


Question: What is the Second Law of Thermodynamics?
A. Systems in our universe move from order to disorder over time.
B. Entropy increases with time.
C. Time passes at the same rate for everyone.
D. Time is an emergent property.

Answer: A. Systems in our universe move from order to disorder over time.


Common Hypothetical Questions

1. How does Einstein's theory of relativity explain the malleability of time?
2. What is the Second Law of Thermodynamics and how does it explain the direction of time's arrow?
3. What is the Wheeler-DeWitt equation and what implications does it have for time?
4. What are emergent properties and how do they relate to the concept of time?

Real-Life Questions

5. How have advances in time-keeping technology impacted our understanding of time?
6. How can we practically apply the concept of an emergent property to our daily lives?
7. How has the Arrow of Time affected our perception of the past, present, and future?
8. What implications do our current understandings of time have for the way we structure our societies?


Time Measurement, Natural World, Mechanical Clocks, Space-Time, Arrow of Time, Entropy, Theory of Everything, Wheeler-DeWitt Equation, Emergent Properties, Passage of Time


1. The earliest time measurements were observations of natural cycles, like day and night and seasonal changes.
2. Einstein's theory of relativity shows that time passes differently for people in different situations.
3. The arrow of time is the concept that the past is always behind us.
4. The Second Law of Thermodynamics states that systems move from order to disorder over time.
5. Wheeler-DeWitt equation is a speculative contender for the Theory of Everything which does not include time.


1. Research methods for measuring the rate of time passing in different situations, such as near a black hole versus on Earth.
2. Create an interactive exhibit to demonstrate the arrow of time, with food coloring being dropped into a glass of water versus a simulation of the food coloring being collected back together.
3. Develop a video game that explores the idea of time as an emergent property and the challenges that come with reconciling the two theories of physics.
4. Create an interactive timeline to map the history of time-keeping, from natural cycles and mechanical clocks to today's atomic clocks.
5. Develop an animation that illustrates the Wheeler-DeWitt equation, and how the absence of time could be a fundamental property of the universe.


This learning instructional guidance was formulated using the GPT-3 language model created by OpenAI.


What is time? Is it something that truly exists or is it an illusion? 🤔 Einstein's theories of relativity made us think deeper about time and theories of everything have been proposed to answer the question. 🤓 Some say time is an emergent property and exists within our perception of the universe. 🤯 #Time #Relativity #Perception #Theory #Emergent #Universe #Einstein @Accredicity

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