
10 Videos - 83 Creds
Does Time Exist? – Andrew Zimmerman Jones | TED-Ed
11 Creds - Cognition
How the Food You Eat Affects Your Gut | Shilpa Ravella | TED-Ed
10 Creds - Health
How to Practice Effectively – Annie Bosler and Don Greene | TED-Ed
10 Creds - Cognition
Rethinking Thinking – Trevor Maber | TED-Ed
11 Creds - Cognition
Schrödinger’s Cat and Quantum Mechanics? – Josh Samani | TED-Ed
11 Creds - Cognition
What Is Consciousness? – Michael S. A. Graziano | TED-Ed
10 Creds - Cognition
What is Epigenetics? – Carlos Guerrero-Bosagna | TED-Ed
10 Creds - Health
Why Incompetent People Think They’re Amazing – David Dunning | TED-Ed
10 Creds - Cognition