Where Do Great Startup Ideas Come From? | Y Combinator

Reference: Y Combinator. (2022, January 19). Where Do Great Startup Ideas Come From? – Dalton Caldwell and Michael Seibel [Video]. YouTube.

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Uncover the secrets behind great startup ideas with Dalton Caldwell and Michael Seibel: the timing, the naysayers and the unexpected success, all in one video.

Where Do Great Startup Ideas Come From? Dalton Caldwell and Michael Seibel of Y Combinator discuss the common themes in three successful startups: Airbnb, Coinbase and Stripe. Timing was important, as all three companies identified opportunities to make something 10x better than what already existed. Despite this, most people (including founders and investors) thought these ideas were horrible, either due to difficulty of execution or simply being bad ideas. What was most interesting was that the opportunities ended up being bigger than the founders imagined when they started. Each of these companies solved their own problems, identified 10x improvements to existing products, and used their own product to identify further improvements.

Learning Outline

1. Timing was important - there was an opportunity to make something 10x better than what existed.
2. Most people, founders and investors, thought the ideas were horrible either because they were too hard to execute or because they were bad ideas.
3. The opportunities turned out to be bigger than the founders even knew when they started.
4. Airbnb was solving their own problem - Joe and Nate needed to make rent money and rented out space on their own floor.
5. Existing products (Vrbo and Craigslist) did not facilitate payments, and charged hosts to list.
6. Coinbase saw that it was hard to buy Bitcoin, and found a way to make it easier.
7. The idea of charging money for services was seen as 'uncool and impure' by many.

Instructional Content

Startups require lots of hard work and a good idea. But where do great startup ideas come from? According to Dalton Caldwell and Michael Seibel, successful startup companies like Airbnb, Coinbase and Stripe all have three things in common. The first is timing. The founders of these companies saw an existing product or competitor that was dominant, but there was an opportunity to make something ten times better. The second is that most people, including founders and investors, thought these ideas were bad because they were either too hard to execute or just bad ideas. Finally, each of these opportunities turned out to be bigger than the founders originally thought.

What Airbnb saw was that existing products like Vrbo and Craigslist did not facilitate payments, creating a lot of friction. People also realized they could use their property to make extra money, which happened around the same time as the GFC crash. Airbnb solved their own problem of needing to make rent money by renting out a room on their floor. Coinbase saw that it was tough to buy Bitcoin and so created an easier way to do so.

These ideas were seen as ‘uncool’ and ‘impure’ at the time as it was seen as wrong to make money from them. But the founders saw the potential and had the courage to go against the grain. It’s a reminder that great startup ideas can come from the most unexpected of places and to never underestimate the power of an idea.


Uncovering Startup Success

Management plays a major role in the success of startups and entrepreneurs. It is important for learners to develop the necessary skills to be successful in the startup and entrepreneurship context. Creativity and innovation are essential for a successful business venture. Learners should learn how to think critically and be able to come up with novel solutions to problems.

The video and transcript provided by Dalton Caldwell and Michael Seibel provide an insightful look into how great startup ideas come to fruition. Timing plays an important role in the success of a business venture. The founders of the three companies discussed in the video, Airbnb, Coinbase, and Stripe, were able to capitalize on existing products and services that were lacking in certain areas. This allowed them to create a product or service that was 10x better than what was available.

In addition, it is important to note that most people thought these ideas were horrible. Airbnb was seen as the third-rate entrant in a crowded space and Coinbase was seen as a scam. However, these founders were able to overcome these doubts and create a successful business venture.

These scenarios demonstrate the importance of creativity, innovation, and critical thinking in the context of startup and entrepreneurship. Learners should be encouraged to think critically and come up with creative solutions to problems. They should be able to identify opportunities, take risks, and be willing to challenge the status quo.

Learners should also be exposed to different ways of managing startups and entrepreneurs, such as budgeting, marketing, and customer relations. They should also be taught how to create a business plan and how to develop a strategy to succeed.

Management skills are essential for entrepreneurs, and these skills can be developed through a comprehensive guide. Learners should be exposed to the specific details related in each scenario discussed in the video and transcript. This will give them a better understanding of how each company was able to succeed and provide them with the necessary skills and knowledge needed to create a successful business venture.

Startup and Entrepreneurship

Where Do Startups Start?

Upskilling yourself is essential to personal growth and professional development. The video, 'Where Do Great Startup Ideas Come From?', featuring Dalton Caldwell and Michael Seibel provides an insightful look into the world of entrepreneurship. Through the examples of AirBnB, Coinbase, and Stripe, the video illustrates the importance of timing, the need to be contrarian and solve your own problem, and the potential of an idea being bigger than the founder initially knew.

Timing is key in the world of startups. The founders of AirBnB, Coinbase, and Stripe, saw an opportunity to make something 10x better than what existed, while most people thought they were crazy. Despite this, they continued to be contrarian and pursue their ideas. Solving your own problem is also essential for success. The founders of AirBnB needed a way to make rent money, so they rented out a room in their apartment to a conference attendee. This idea led to the success of AirBnB. Lastly, each of these companies turned out to be bigger than the founders initially knew. Coinbase was founded in 2012, when buying Bitcoin was extremely difficult. The idea of creating a safe and easy platform to buy Bitcoin was revolutionary and is now a multi-billion dollar company.

Upskilling yourself is an important part of personal and professional growth. The video, 'Where Do Great Startup Ideas Come From?', provides valuable insight into the world of entrepreneurship and how to be successful. Timing, being contrarian, and solving your own problem are all important elements that can be applied to any field. With the right skills and knowledge, you can create something 10x better than what exists.

Creativity and Innovation

Where Does Innovation Start?

Upskilling yourself is important for personal growth and professional development. This video by Dalton Caldwell and Michael Seibel on where great startup ideas come from is a great example of how upskilling yourself can help you be more successful. The three successful YC companies discussed in the video, Airbnb, Coinbase, and Stripe, illustrate the importance of timing, not letting other people's opinions stop you, and thinking big.

Timing is crucial in business. Airbnb, Coinbase, and Stripe all had the right timing when they entered the market. Despite pre-existing competitors, they saw potential to create something 10x better and seized the opportunity. Similarly, in your own upskilling, timing can be the difference between success and failure. Keep an eye on the trends in your industry and make sure you have the skills to ride the wave.

It is also important to be contrarian and not let other people's opinions stop you. Airbnb, Coinbase, and Stripe all faced criticism. Most people thought their ideas were horrible and that they were “idiots”. But they stayed true to their vision and persevered. It’s important to remember that we all have our own unique perspectives and no one else knows what is best for our own lives and career trajectories.

Finally, the video teaches us to think big. None of these companies knew how big the opportunities were when they started. All three companies are now huge successes. Take this advice and think big. Develop skills that will be beneficial in the long-term, not just the short-term. With the right timing, resilience, and ambition, success is within reach.

Critical Thinking

Where Do Ideas Meet Thinking?

Upskilling and personal growth are essential components of professional success. This video, featuring Dalton Caldwell and Michael Seibel, demonstrates how successful startups, such as Airbnb, Coinbase and Stripe, employ critical thinking to generate ideas and turn them into successful businesses.

Timing is a crucial factor. Airbnb, Coinbase and Stripe all had an opportunity to make something that was 10x better than the existing products on the market. However, most people thought these ideas were crazy and too difficult to execute. The founders had to be contrarian and believe in their ideas despite the criticism.

The founders also had to solve their own problem. Airbnb started because Joe and Nate needed to make rent money, Coinbase was born out of the difficulty of buying Bitcoin, and Stripe was created to facilitate payments. By identifying a personal challenge and responding to it, each of these companies managed to grow and become more successful than the founders even anticipated.

Upskilling and critical thinking are key skills for successful personal growth, as demonstrated by the success of these companies. It is important to think outside the box and be open to new ideas, even if they seem crazy at first. Taking risks and believing in yourself and your ideas can lead to great opportunities and success.

For Learners

Watching this video, Where Do Great Startup Ideas Come From? – Dalton Caldwell and Michael Seibel, is beneficial to learners because it provides a great insight into the thought process of successful business leaders. By understanding the strategies used by entrepreneurs for success, we can apply them to our own ideas and endeavors. Additionally, the video illustrates the importance of timing, the need to be contrarian, and the potential for ideas to be bigger than originally thought.

This video provides a great learning opportunity for those looking to understand the thought process of successful entrepreneurs. By understanding the importance of timing, how to be contrarian, and the potential for ideas to be bigger than originally thought, we can apply these strategies to our own ideas and endeavors.

The 'What's in it for me?' approach to learning the content of this video is that it provides us with a great insight into the thought process of successful entrepreneurs. By understanding the strategies used by entrepreneurs for success, we can apply them to our own ideas and endeavors. Additionally, this video illustrates the importance of timing, the need to be contrarian, and the potential for ideas to be bigger than originally thought.

The 'What's in it for them?' approach to learning the content of this video is that it will give learners the opportunity to gain insights into the strategies used by successful entrepreneurs for success. By understanding the importance of timing, the need to be contrarian, and the potential for ideas to be bigger than originally thought, we can apply these strategies to our own ideas and endeavors.

The 'What's in it for us?' approach to learning the content of this video is that it will provide us with an opportunity to gain insights into the thought process of successful entrepreneurs. By understanding the strategies used by entrepreneurs for success, we can apply them to our own ideas and endeavors. Additionally, this video illustrates the importance of timing, the need to be contrarian, and the potential for ideas to be bigger than originally thought.

The 'What's in it for the world?' approach to learning the content of this video is that it will help to create a more knowledgeable and innovative generation of entrepreneurs. By understanding the strategies used by entrepreneurs for success, we can apply them to our own ideas and endeavors. Additionally, this video illustrates the importance of timing, the need to be contrarian, and the potential for ideas to be bigger than originally thought.

Overall, watching this video, Where Do Great

For Employers

This video, “Where Do Great Startup Ideas Come From?” provides valuable knowledge for employers and their teams. The three common themes of timing, being contrarian, and the idea being bigger than the founders initially perceive are important lessons for employers. By watching this video, employers can understand how to differentiate themselves from the competition and how to create successful startup ideas.

Timing is incredibly important when it comes to launching a product. Employers need to be aware of the pre-existing products, competitors, and opportunities to make something 10x better. Being contrarian and going against the grain, even if most people think it's a bad idea, is incredibly important. Finally, the idea needs to be bigger than the founders initially perceive.

By understanding these concepts, employers can create more successful products and differentiate themselves from their competitors. Customers and clients will also perceive them and their products more successfully, as they will understand that the employer is up to date with the latest trends and ideas.

In conclusion, this video is an important resource for employers, as it provides valuable insight into the world of startups and how to create successful products. Employers can use the knowledge from this video to differentiate themselves from their competitors, create successful products, and be perceived more positively by their customers and clients.

Career Path

Completing a Management course that is based on competencies such as Startup and Entrepreneurship, Creativity and Innovation, and Critical Thinking is a great way to gain the skills necessary to become more employable and promotable. By understanding the basics of startup and entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation, and critical thinking, you will be able to take your career to the next level. Additionally, by watching videos such as Where Do Great Startup Ideas Come From? – Dalton Caldwell and Michael Seibel, you can learn about the basics of startup and entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation, and critical thinking. This video provides an overview of the topics, as well as the three common themes seen in successful companies. By understanding these topics, you can gain the skills necessary to become more employable and promotable.

By improving your skills in the areas of startup and entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation, and critical thinking, you can gain the credentials to become more employable, promotable, and purposeful. Through the completion of this Management course, you will be able to make yourself stand out from the competition and gain the skills needed to become more marketable to employers. Additionally, you will be able to gain a better understanding of how to make decisions, as well as how to develop and implement strategies that can help you achieve your career goals.

By taking the steps to level up your skills, you can gain the credentials to become more employable, promotable, and purposeful. The skills you will learn in this Management course will help you become more marketable to employers, as well as give you the confidence to move forward in your career. Additionally, you will gain the knowledge to make better decisions, and to understand how to develop and implement strategies to help you achieve your goals.

By watching videos such as Where Do Great Startup Ideas Come From? – Dalton Caldwell and Michael Seibel, and by reading transcripts such as the one provided in this answer, you can gain the knowledge to become more employable, promotable, and purposeful. By understanding the common themes seen in successful companies, you will be able to gain a better understanding of how to make decisions and how to develop and implement strategies to help you achieve your career goals. Additionally, by completing this Management course, you will be able to gain the credentials needed to become more employable and promotable.


"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing" - Edmund Burke. This quote encapsulates the importance of taking action and having the courage to do what is right, even if it is unpopular. This is a key theme in the video, where the successes of Airbnb, Coinbase, and Stripe show that the founders had to go against the grain and challenge the status quo of existing products. They had to have the courage to make something 10x better and make it a reality.

The lesson for learners and employers is to never be afraid of challenging the status quo, and to always be open to taking risks and innovating. In a rapidly changing world, having courage to take action and make something new can give you a competitive edge. Great ideas come from having the courage to take risks and pursue them.


The most important takeaway from this video is that great startup ideas often come from solving a problem that the founders have experienced and observed. This can involve being contrarian and counter-intuitive to what most people think, and having the courage to push forward despite the naysayers. It also highlights the importance of timing and being able to identify 10x improvements to existing products and services. Finally, it's key to understand that the opportunity may be bigger then the founders originally anticipated.

Where Do Great Startup Ideas Come From? – Dalton Caldwell and Michael Seibel

Great startup ideas usually don't come out of thin air and involve a bit of luck and a lot of hard work! In the case of Airbnb, Coinbase, and Stripe, all three companies took advantage of existing products that weren't quite meeting the needs of customers, like not allowing payments online. Most people thought the ideas were bad and the founders were crazy, but they still pursued the ideas and worked hard to make them 10x better than before. With hard work and a bit of luck, the ideas turned out to be way bigger than the founders even imagined, and now these three companies are some of the most successful startups today!

Video Quotes

Quote 1: “Most people, founders and investors thought these ideas were horrible either because they were too hard to execute or because they just were bad ideas.” - Michael Seibel
Quote 2: “It was seen as uncool and impure when you're building the community at this time in history to charge money for it... and to be commercial was extremely in poor taste.” - Dalton Caldwell
Quote 3: “If you ever sending money orders to foreign countries something is going wrong in your life.” - Michael Seibel

Related Quotes

"The way I think about it is that it's not a question of where do great ideas come from, but how do you recognize them." - Dalton Caldwell

"If you're not talking to customers, you're not gonna have great ideas." - Michael Seibel

"Most people have ideas, but most ideas suck." - Dalton Caldwell


1. Startup and Entrepreneurship
2. Creativity and Innovation
3. Critical Thinking

Learning Outcomes

1. Analyze the importance of timing in successful startups such as Airbnb, Coinbase, and Stripe.
2. Evaluate how personal problems can be converted into business opportunities.
3. Synthesize the differences between existing products such as Vrbo and Airbnb to identify the 10x improvements needed.
4. Evaluate why charging hosts to list on a site can lead to a lack of successful features.
5. Evaluate the common misconceptions of charging money for a product in the social collective action era.
6. Create a plan to execute the idea of facilitating payments to create a successful product.

Sample Answers

1. From the video, I learned that timing and being contrarian is important for a successful startup. Airbnb, Coinbase, and Stripe all introduced new ideas that disrupted existing competitors, and each of them ended up being much bigger than the founders expected.

2. I also learned that most people thought the ideas behind Airbnb, Coinbase, and Stripe were bad because they were either too hard to execute or because they were just bad ideas. However, the founders were able to capitalize on the opportunity to make something 10x better than what existed.

3. Lastly, I learned that Airbnb, Coinbase, and Stripe all solved their own problems. For example, Airbnb was created because the founders needed to make money to pay rent. Coinbase was created because it was difficult to buy Bitcoin at the time. Stripe was created because there was a lot of friction with exchanging money between two people who didn't know each other.

Dalton Caldwell and Michael Seibel

Dalton Caldwell is a computer programmer, entrepreneur, and venture capitalist. He was the founder and CEO of the music sharing service, Imeem, and is the founder and CEO of the software development tool App.net. Michael Seibel is the CEO of Y Combinator, the world's largest start-up accelerator, and a partner at the venture capital firm Y Combinator. He is a mentor at Y Combinator and helps to advise start-ups in the program. Dalton Caldwell and Michael Seibel are experts on Where Do Great Startup Ideas Come From? because of their experience in founding and investing in start-ups. They have both been involved in the start-up industry for many years and have a deep understanding of what it takes to start and build a successful business. Dalton Caldwell and Michael Seibel are associated with their respective companies and have a long history in the start-up industry.

Learning Design

Startup and Entrepreneurship, Creativity and Innovation, and Critical Thinking are important competencies for a Management course as they are key skills needed to lead effectively and help organizations grow and succeed.

Startup and Entrepreneurship competency helps students to understand the fundamentals of setting up a business, identify and evaluate potential opportunities, develop a business model, and understand the importance of marketing and financial management. Students will also gain knowledge about the legal and ethical aspects of launching a business.

Creativity and Innovation competency helps students to become problem-solvers, develop innovative solutions, and think out of the box. Students will learn to use their creative thinking skills to develop solutions to real-world business problems.

Critical Thinking competency will help students to evaluate arguments, analyze data, and make decisions. This competency will also help them to be more open-minded, and to question assumptions.

The framework for these competencies can be based on experiential learning, where students are exposed to real-world business scenarios and have to apply their knowledge to solve the problem. This will help them to gain a better understanding of the concepts and enable them to develop their skills. Additionally, students can use case studies to further explore different business scenarios and gain insights. Finally, group activities and simulations can be used to help students to practice their skills and develop their understanding of the topics.


Q: What was the main insight that helped coinbase become successful?
A. Facilitating payments between two people who do not know each other
B. Charging hosts to list their property
C. Accepting payments from users in addition to ads
D. Paying it forward in a communal, collective action

Answer: A. Facilitating payments between two people who do not know each other


Common Hypothetical Questions:
1. What are the key characteristics of a great startup idea?
2. What are the potential risks involved in launching a startup?
3. How can someone determine the potential success of a startup?
4. What advice would you give to someone who is looking to start a successful startup?

Real-Life Application Questions:
1. What lessons could be learned from the success of companies like Airbnb, Coinbase, and Stripe?
2. How can founders anticipate the needs of their potential customers when launching a startup?
3. What strategies can be used to overcome the skepticism of potential investors when launching a startup?
4. In what ways can entrepreneurs use their own experiences to inspire a successful startup idea?


Coinbase, Bitcoin Buying, Western Union Money Order, Pre-Existing Competitor, AirBnB Room Sharing, Vrbo Vacation Rentals, Making Extra Money, 10x Improvements, Contrarian Founders, YC Companies, Facilitating Payments, Couchsurfing Painful


1. Airbnb was inspired by the founders' need to make rent money during an SF conference.
2. Coinbase was created to make it easier to buy Bitcoin in 2011-12.
3. Most people thought the ideas behind Airbnb, Coinbase, and Stripe were bad.
4. Airbnb facilitated payment between guests and hosts to reduce friction.
5. Stripe turned out to be bigger than the founders initially thought.


1. Create a cryptocurrency payment and transfer platform that is tailored to the needs of small businesses and start-ups, and which is more convenient than the existing platforms.
2. Develop a mobile app that makes it easy for people to access and purchase cryptocurrency, and which removes the need for money orders and foreign transfers.
3. Develop a platform for peer-to-peer cryptocurrency trading, which allows users to trade securely and quickly without the need for a middleman.
4. Create a digital wallet that is tailored specifically to the needs of cryptocurrency users, with an easy to use interface and secure storage of their coins.
5. Develop a platform that simplifies the process of investing in cryptocurrency, allowing users to easily compare and purchase coins from different exchanges.


This learning instructional guidance was formulated using the GPT-3 language model created by OpenAI.


Are you familiar with the success stories of #Airbnb, #Coinbase, and #Stripe? These three companies provide insights into where great #startup ideas come from: timing, being contrarian, and having a 10x better solution than existing products. #entrepreneur #business #success #inspiration #ideas @Accredicity

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