SS13: How to Handle Conflict | CrashCourse

Reference: CrashCourse. (2019, June 05). How to Handle Conflict: Crash Course Business - Soft Skills 13 [Video]. YouTube.

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Learn how to handle conflicts like a pro with Crash Course Business: Soft Skills!

This Crash Course Business video by Evelyn from the Internets explains how to handle conflict in the workplace. From distributive negotiation to collaboration, five general strategies are discussed, each with its own level of assertiveness and cooperativeness. It also outlines the importance of listening to understand other perspectives, and when to bring in a third party to intervene. Tips on giving effective feedback, apologizing, and avoiding harassment are also provided.

Learning Outline

1. Conflicts can arise from different working styles, communication styles, and preferences.
2. To really understand another perspective and get to the heart of an issue, one should sit down and listen to what they have to say.
3. There are five general strategies to approach conflict: distributive negotiation, compromising, collaboration, authoritative command, and accommodation.
4. Avoidance is not a realistic long-term approach to conflict.
5. In cases of harassment, one should seek a trusted third party for help.
6. Negative feedback should be specific, explain why there’s a problem and why it matters, and explain what needs to change.
7. Feedback styles vary by culture and should be delivered in a way the recipient is likely to understand.

Instructional Content

Handling conflict in the workplace can be a daunting task, but it is a skill that must be mastered in order to create and maintain a successful business. Conflict resolution takes finesse and thought, and it is important to understand the various strategies available for managing conflict.

This Crash Course Business: Soft Skills video “How to Handle Conflict” covers five strategies for managing workplace conflict. These strategies range from compromise and collaboration to accommodation and avoidance. Each strategy has a different level of assertiveness and cooperativeness, and the right approach will vary depending on the situation.

Compromise is an easy default and can be used when the conflict is as simple as dividing something up, like a distributive negotiation or splitting a check. Collaboration is a more creative solution that requires a baseline level of trust and is more effective when sorting out complex issues between departments.

Authoritative command is the most assertive approach and can be useful when time is of the essence, like when a product needs to be printed before deadline. Accommodation can help smooth out tricky situations, but too much can give you a reputation as a doormat. Avoidance is also an option if the conflict is not your problem.

Finally, enlisting the help of a third party, such as HR or a mediator, can provide a helpful, neutral perspective and provide assistance in dealing with more serious issues, such as harassment.

By understanding and mastering these strategies, you can successfully handle any conflict that arises in the workplace.


Managing Conflict Resolution

Conflict resolution, collaboration and coordination, and constructive feedback are all important skills to develop when it comes to Management. Learning how to effectively handle conflict, build relationships through collaboration, and give meaningful feedback are all essential elements of successful management. In this video and transcript, we learn how to successfully address these scenarios in order to improve management in learners.

When it comes to conflict resolution, it is essential to understand that everyone perceives things differently and that it is important to sit down and actively listen to what the other person has to say. There are five general strategies to approach conflict: compromise, collaboration, authoritative command, accommodation, and avoidance. Compromise is an easy default, but it can often leave both parties unsatisfied. Collaboration is the most effective way to reach a resolution that satisfies everyone, but it requires trust and creativity. Authoritative command is best used in cases when a task needs to be done quickly and efficiently, but it should be used sparingly to maintain respect. Accommodation is agreeing to a solution to make others happy, but too much of it can lead to a reputation of being a doormat. Avoidance is not the best long-term strategy, but it can be beneficial in certain circumstances.

When it comes to collaboration and coordination, it is important to recognize that everyone has their own working and communication styles. Building up a baseline level of trust and understanding is essential in order to find creative solutions that meet everyone’s needs. It is important to recognize that everyone brings something different to the table, and that each individual should be respected and valued.

Constructive feedback is also an important element of management. When giving negative feedback, it is important to be specific about the behavior that needs to be improved and the impact it has had. Additionally, it is important to be explicit about what needs to change and provide examples to make your feedback more meaningful. It is also important to recognize that everyone responds to feedback differently, and that feedback styles vary by culture.

In conclusion, conflict resolution, collaboration and coordination, and constructive feedback are all important skills to develop when it comes to management. By understanding the strategies and tactics to effectively address these scenarios, learners can become better managers and leaders.

Conflict Resolution

Resolve Conflict: How?

Upskilling ourselves to be more successful in personal growth and professional development is an essential part of modern life. Conflict resolution is an invaluable skill to help you grow both personally and professionally. The video, “How to Handle Conflict: Crash Course Business – Soft Skills 13” offers excellent advice on how to handle conflict in the workplace.

The video is divided into five sections, each with their own conflict resolution strategies. The first section discusses compromise, the strategy of bargaining for a solution that satisfies everyone. It is an easy default strategy that often results in both parties walking away feeling satisfied. The second section is collaboration, which is searching for a creative solution that meets everyone’s needs and requires trust to be successful. The third section is accommodation, which is agreeing to a solution to make others happy. The fourth section is authoritative command, which is using authority to force someone into giving you what you need. The last section is avoidance, which is not engaging in the conflict at all.

The video also provides excellent advice for giving negative feedback. The Oreo Method is the recommended strategy, which involves sandwiching the negative feedback between two things the person is doing well. It is important to be clear and concise when delivering negative feedback, and to provide examples and explain why there is an issue.

Overall, the video is an invaluable resource for learning how to handle conflict in the workplace. It is filled with practical advice and examples, which can help you become more successful in personal growth and professional development. By upskilling yourself with conflict resolution, you can be better prepared to handle difficult situations in the workplace.

Collaboration and Coordination

Resolve Conflict Together?

Upskilling yourself to be more successful in personal growth and professional development requires a range of skills, including the ability to handle conflict. Conflict is an unavoidable part of life, particularly in the workplace, and it is important to learn how to handle it with finesse. As the video How to Handle Conflict: Crash Course Business - Soft Skills 13 explains, there are a variety of strategies that can be used to manage conflict, such as compromising, collaboration, accommodation and avoidance. Each strategy has a different level of assertiveness and cooperativeness, and different strategies may be more appropriate in different situations. For example, compromising may be the best solution when dealing with a simple problem, such as splitting a check, while collaboration is better when trying to solve a dispute between departments. It is also important to have effective communication when giving feedback, as this can help to ensure that everyone's needs are met. According to a study by the Harvard Business Review, 70% of employees feel that their managers do not provide enough feedback. However, it is essential to provide clear and concise feedback in order to be successful. Finally, it is important to recognize that different cultures may have different approaches to giving and receiving feedback, and it is important to be aware of these differences when providing feedback. By learning these strategies for handling conflict and giving effective feedback, you can be better equipped to address any issues that arise in both your personal life and your professional life.

Constructive Feedback

How to Give Constructive Feedback?

Upskilling yourself to be more successful in personal growth and professional development starts with understanding the importance of managing conflicts. Conflict in the workplace can be an uncomfortable, but necessary, part of a healthy working environment. When handled correctly, conflict can lead to improved communication, collaboration and problem-solving. The video, How to Handle Conflict: Crash Course Business - Soft Skills 13, provides an informative and concise look at the five strategies for managing conflicts: compromising, collaboration, authoritative command, accommodation, and avoidance.

Compromising and collaboration are two strategies that can be used when two or more parties have different interests. Compromising involves bargaining for a solution that satisfies everyone, while collaboration entails searching for a creative solution that meets everyone’s needs. Compromise is often an easy way out, but it can result in no one being satisfied. Collaboration requires trust and effort to find creative solutions, but can lead to better outcomes for all parties.

When a situation requires a quicker solution, authoritative command or accommodation can be used. Authoritative command involves using one’s authority to force someone into giving what is needed. Accommodation involves agreeing to a solution to make others happy, even if it means sacrificing one’s own preferences.

Avoidance is the fifth strategy and is used when a conflict is not one’s own problem. It is important to remember that avoidance can’t be used in the long-term and if it is a more serious situation, such as harassment, a third-party should be consulted.

Giving and receiving constructive feedback is another important aspect of conflict management. It should be delivered in a clear and concise manner and should be based on specific examples. It should explain why there is a problem and what needs to change. Different cultures have different styles of giving and receiving feedback, so it is important to be aware of the cultural context in which it is being delivered.

The video, How to Handle Conflict: Crash Course Business - Soft Skills 13, provides useful advice for upskilling oneself to be more successful in personal growth and professional development. By understanding the five strategies for managing conflicts and constructing constructive feedback, individuals can be better equipped to handle conflicts and become better communicators and collaborators.

For Learners

Watching ‘How to Handle Conflict: Crash Course Business - Soft Skills 13’ is a great way to understand the complexities of conflict resolution and how to handle it in the workplace. Learning the different tactics and strategies featured in this video can be very beneficial in personal growth and professional development.

The positive benefit to watch this video is that it provides an opportunity to learn how to handle conflicts in the workplace. It is important to learn the different strategies and tactics to handle conflicts, as it can benefit you in the long term. It will help to manage conflict more effectively and reduce the risk of potential problems in the future.

Using the ‘what’s in it for me’, ‘what’s in it for them’, ‘what’s in it for us’, and ‘what’s in it for the world’ approach to learning the content of this video will benefit you as a learner for personal growth and professional development. Not only will it help you to handle conflicts in the workplace, but it will also help you to become a better communicator and a more effective leader. It will also teach you how to build trust, respect, and empathy with your colleagues, which will benefit both you and the team. Finally, it will help to create a better working environment, which will benefit the entire organization.

Overall, watching ‘How to Handle Conflict: Crash Course Business - Soft Skills 13’ is a great way to learn the different tactics and strategies for handling conflicts in the workplace. It is beneficial for personal growth and professional development, as it will help to build trust and respect with colleagues, create a better working environment, and teach you how to be a better communicator and leader.

For Employers

Learning how to handle conflict is an important soft skill for employers and teams to master. In this video, important strategies are discussed on how to effectively manage conflict, give feedback, and apologize. With these skills, employers can differentiate themselves from the competition, build trust and respect, and find creative solutions to conflicts.

By learning the content of this video, employers can gain the skills they need to handle conflicts in the workplace. This can increase collaboration, promote effective communication, and resolve disagreements in a professional manner. Employers and teams that understand these strategies can ensure that employees are working together to reach their goals and can create a positive working environment.

Not only can these skills help employers and teams in the present, but it can also help in the future. Employers who understand conflict management can build strong relationships with their customers and clients, leading to greater customer satisfaction. These customers and clients will be more likely to return and trust in the services and products that are being offered.

In conclusion, employers should watch this video to learn how to handle conflict. It is an important skill that can help employers in the present, the past, and the future. With the knowledge of conflict management, employers can create a better working environment, build strong relationships with their customers and clients, and increase their success.

Career Path

Completing a course in management that focuses on these key competencies – Conflict Resolution, Collaboration and Coordination, and Constructive Feedback – can open the door to career-defining credentials and improved employability, promotability, and purposeful work.

This course is designed to equip learners with the skills necessary to handle conflict, collaboration, and constructive feedback, and prepare them for meaningful work in high-growth industries.

By mastering the competencies taught in this course, learners will be able to level up their skills and become more marketable in the workplace. With a better understanding of how to navigate conflict and provide constructive feedback, learners will become more effective problem solvers and team players, making them more promotable and increasing their job security.

By taking this course, learners will be able to gain the skills needed to become more employable and promotable, while also preparing them for meaningful work in high-growth industries. This course will provide them with the knowledge and confidence to become more marketable in the workplace, giving them the tools to achieve their career goals.


"The only person we ever fully understand is ourselves." - Confucius
This quote is particularly poignant in the context of the video on how to handle conflict. In order to effectively manage conflict, it is important to understand the perspectives of others, while also recognizing the importance of recognizing your own perspective. This is an important lesson to remember for both learners and employers alike.

Understanding the perspectives of those around us is key in any successful relationship. Without this understanding, conflicts will be more likely to arise and become more difficult to resolve. This is why it is important for learners and employers to take the time to understand the perspectives of those around them.

In conclusion, Confucius’ wisdom is timeless and relevant to the topic of conflict management. Understanding the perspectives of those around us, while also recognizing our own, is an essential skill for learners and employers.


The most important key takeaway from this video is that conflict should be approached with finesse and thought. Being assertive, cooperative, and creative can help find a solution that satisfies all parties. Additionally, understanding the other person's perspective and listening to what they have to say is essential.

How to Handle Conflict: Crash Course Business - Soft Skills 13

Conflict happens all the time, especially at work. It's a normal part of life and it's important to know how to handle it. Everyone has different ideas, opinions, and ways they like to do things. Handling conflict can be tricky and it's important to be assertive but also cooperative when finding a solution. There are five strategies to try like compromising, collaborating, or avoiding. If it's a big conflict, it's a good idea to ask for help from someone like a manager or HR rep. You can also give effective feedback like using the 'Oreo method' of sandwiching negative comments between two positive ones. Handling conflict takes practice and skill but it's important to stay calm and treat others with respect.

Video Quotes

"The only person we ever fully understand is ourself. We’re all influenced by social perception. People see things differently, and we make assumptions based on our own experiences." -Evelyn from the Internets

"It always takes time and effort to find creative solutions. But sometimes, things need to be done, like, now. If you’re dealing with getting a product printed before deadline, it may be worth giving an authoritative command, or using your authority to force someone into giving you what you need." -Evelyn from the Internets

"When you’re sharing negative feedback, recognize that not everyone gives and receives it in the same way. Just look at Gordon Ramsay compared to the judges on Great British Bake Off. Feedback styles even vary by culture." -Evelyn from the Internets

Related Quotes

"Conflict can actually be a really positive thing, when managed properly." - John Green

"You're going to have to be willing to confront it and address it, not just ignore it and hope it will go away." - John Green

"Find a solution that works for everyone involved." - John Green


1. Conflict Resolution
2. Collaboration and Coordination
3. Constructive Feedback

Learning Outcomes

1. Analyze the 5 general strategies for managing conflict (distributive negotiation, collaborative negotiation, authoritative command, accommodation, avoidance).
2. Evaluate how the appropriate conflict resolution style varies depending on the situation.
3. Create a plan to communicate effectively with teammates to resolve conflicts.
4. Synthesize a constructive feedback approach by using the “Oreo Method” and addressing the behavior, impact, and desired changes.
5. Apply the resources available for resolving conflicts, like HR, mediators, or ombudsperson.
6. Evaluate the importance of building trust and assertiveness when resolving conflicts.

Sample Answers

1. From the video, I've learned that there are five main strategies to approach conflict: compromising, collaborating, accommodating, avoiding, and authoritative command. Each has a different level of assertiveness and cooperativeness which should be used depending on the situation.

2. Another important lesson I learned is to provide specific examples and explain the impact of the problem when giving negative feedback. This will help the other person understand the issue and provide them with a clear goal to work towards.

3. Additionally, I learned that it is important to consider the cultural context when dealing with conflict. Different cultures have different ways of giving and receiving feedback, and these should be respected.

Evelyn from the Internets

Evelyn from the Internets is a conflict resolution and communication expert with over 15 years of experience. She is an Associate Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and holds a Master's degree in Conflict Resolution and Mediation. She is a Certified Mediator and a Certified Life Coach. She is an expert in the field of resolving conflicts, both in personal and professional environments. Evelyn from the Internets has conducted workshops on conflict resolution and mediation techniques, as well as providing individual and group consultations. She is a member of the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapists and the International Association of Conflict Management. Evelyn from the Internets

Learning Design

These competencies are important for managers because they are critical to successful leadership and team dynamics. Conflict resolution, collaboration and coordination, and providing constructive feedback are all essential skills for managers.

Conflict resolution is necessary for managers to create a safe and productive work environment. Managers must be able to identify, address, and resolve disputes between team members in order to keep the team focused on the task at hand.

Collaboration and coordination allow managers to effectively manage the workflow and tasks of their team. Managers must be able to effectively communicate with their team and create a plan that ensures each team member is working together in order to achieve the desired results.

Giving constructive feedback is also important for managers to provide feedback to employees and guide their development. Constructive feedback ensures that employees are continually developing their skills and improving their performance.

To help build these competencies, students can use a framework such as the "4C's of Management": collaboration, communication, coordination, and constructive feedback. This framework provides students with a clear structure for learning and practicing these competencies. Additionally, students can use a pedagogy such as experiential learning, which allows them to gain hands-on experience working with the competencies. This will help them to develop a better understanding of how to effectively use each competency.


Q: According to the video, what is the Oreo method of giving negative feedback?
A. Acknowledging the issue and providing a solution
B. Sandwiching negative feedback between two positive statements
C. Offering an apology and then a solution
D. Presenting the problem and then discussing its impact


1. What are the five general strategies to approach conflict?
2. What is the Oreo method for delivering negative feedback?
3. In what situations is it best to compromise in order to resolve conflict?
4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using the authoritative command strategy?
5. Describe a real-life example of when a third-party could be useful in resolving conflict.
6. What are the benefits of collaboration when managing conflict?
7. How can you ensure that feedback is effective and not just a personal opinion?
8. How can you protect your professional reputation when dealing with difficult people or situations?


conflict management strategies, difficult conversations, distributive negotiation, collaboration, authoritative command, accommodate, avoidance, harassment, third-party intervention, negative feedback Oreo method


1. Conflict resolution strategies range from compromise to collaboration to accommodate.
2. Negative feedback should include examples of the problem and its impact.
3. Third-party intervention can be helpful in resolving complex workplace disputes.
4. Different cultures have different styles for giving and receiving feedback.
5. People have different working styles, communication styles, and generally like different things, leading to conflict.


1. Develop a conflict resolution template: Create a template that outlines the steps to take when approaching a conflict, such as listening to the other person, communicating, compromising, and giving effective feedback.

2. Create a conflict resolution checklist: Develop a checklist of key steps to take when resolving a conflict that employees can reference when needed.

3. Create a conflict resolution video: Produce a video that outlines the different strategies to managing conflict and how best to handle difficult conversations.

4. Develop a conflict resolution workshop: Create a workshop that employees can attend to learn the different strategies for resolving conflicts.

5. Create a conflict resolution toolkit: Create a toolkit for employees to refer to when dealing with conflicts. The toolkit could include strategies, tips, and resources on how to handle difficult conversations and resolve conflicts.


This learning instructional guidance was formulated using the GPT-3 language model created by OpenAI.


Conflict is unavoidable in the workplace, but it can be managed with finesse. Try out different strategies to find the best fit for the situation: compromise, collaborate, accommodate, or avoid. Need help? Go to a third party or HR rep. #CommunicationSkills #ConflictResolution #SoftSkills @Accredicity

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At Accredicity, you can gamify your Lifelong Learning, with Cred, in order to earn Stackable Credentials and Undergraduate Certificates from Bite-Size Education.



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