Welcome to Results Coaching | Tony Robbins

Reference: Tony Robbins. (2014, December 10). Tony Robbins - Welcome to Results Coaching [Video]. YouTube.

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Discover the secrets of lasting change with Tony Robbins and results coaching!

Welcome to Results Coaching with Tony Robbins! Tony Robbins shares his insights on how to achieve lasting change, real results that stick around. He believes that the process of training ourselves, the process of conditioning ourselves, can be incredibly rewarding once you get that initial momentum. To make permanent changes, Tony suggests committing to mastery and measuring your progress more often. He also recommends immersing yourself in a coaching program to gain the skills of a master and the perspective of someone who is not in the situation. Tony's coaching system, which is based on 33 years of experience, has helped millions of people from over 100 countries to make changes in their lives and feel passionate, alive, and in control.

Learning Outline

1. To achieve lasting change, one must commit to mastery and become immersed in the process of mastering a skill.
2. Measurement is essential to monitor progress.
3. Coaching is a valuable tool that can provide a different perspective and be used to improve any area of life.
4. Training and personal coaching can increase productivity by 88%.
5. Tony Robbins has developed a proprietary system based on his 33 years of experience coaching people from all over the world.
6. Identifying patterns of success and failure can help to identify the best course of action.

Instructional Content

Welcome to Results Coaching with Tony Robbins - a powerful system designed to help you achieve the lasting change and real results you desire. Through the years, Tony has worked with millions of people and has learned the patterns of success, as well as the patterns of failure. He has used this knowledge to develop an effective, immersive coaching system that has been proven to increase productivity by 88%.

Tony's system combines his proven strategies with personalized one-on-one coaching to help you make lasting change. He encourages you to measure your progress and to commit to mastery in whatever area you are trying to improve. From learning a new skill, to improving relationships, or getting in shape, Tony's system can help you succeed.

The key to Tony's system is consistency. It's not about trying something for a few days or weeks and then giving up. It's about making small decisions and taking small actions every day that will add up to long-term success. This could be as simple as saying "I love you" more often, or taking time to invest in yourself and your growth. These are the actions that will ultimately make a difference in your life.

Through Tony's system, you have the opportunity to benefit from the expertise of a coach. A coach can provide a different perspective and help you identify and overcome obstacles. Coaches have been around for centuries, and even the greatest athletes in the world have coaches.

Tony Robbins' Results Coaching system has helped countless people achieve the change they desire. If you're looking to make a lasting change and get real results, Tony's system can help you get there. Take the time to invest in yourself and commit to mastery, and you will be well on your way to success.


Unlock Your Leadership Potential

Tony Robbins is a master of leadership and this video showcases his expertise. He shows that having a vision and a plan is essential for lasting change. Robbins emphasizes the importance of having a mentor or coach who can provide guidance and support through the process of change. He also emphasizes the need for consistency and the importance of measuring progress towards goals. Robbins explains the value of immersion coaching, which is a process of learning from a mentor or coach through spending time with them day and night. This allows a learner to gain an understanding of the nuances of the topic they are studying, and how to apply it to their own life.

Leadership is a set of skills, and developing these skills requires a vision, a plan and the commitment to mastery. It is important to have a plan and to measure progress so that the learner can evaluate their progress, and make adjustments if necessary. Having a mentor or coach is invaluable because they can provide support and guidance, as well as provide insight and feedback to help the learner develop their skills. Immersion coaching is also extremely valuable and allows the learner to learn from a mentor or coach by spending significant amounts of time with them.

Having a vision and a plan helps to create focus and direction, and setting achievable goals is key to success. It is important to break down goals into small, achievable tasks, and track progress over time. Consistency is essential in order to make lasting change, and tracking progress helps to keep the learner motivated and on track. Having a mentor or coach can provide insight and feedback, as well as motivation and support, and immersion coaching can be even more powerful in terms of learning and skill development.

Leadership is a skill that can be developed through the use of a vision, a plan and a commitment to mastery. It is important to have a plan and to measure progress to ensure that the learner is on track and is making progress. Having a mentor or coach is invaluable, and immersion coaching can be an extremely powerful tool in terms of learning and skill development. In order to make lasting change and be successful, it is essential to have a vision, a plan and a commitment to mastery.


Ready to Transform with Coaching?

The importance of upskilling yourself to be successful in personal growth and professional development cannot be understated. The key to lasting change, according to Tony Robbins, lies in committing to mastery and finding a coach or mentor to help you reach your goals. Immersion coaching, or learning from a mentor, is an ancient tradition that has been used to pass on knowledge from one generation to the next. Robbins himself has seen great success from coaching, having worked with celebrities, athletes, and politicians.

Studies have also shown that coaching is a highly effective way to improve productivity. Regular training can increase productivity by 22%, but including a personal coach increases productivity by 88%. Coaching is about more than just learning, it's about making the right decisions and measuring your progress. It's about taking the time for your body, mind, and spirit, and investing in yourself to keep growing.

Many people think that they can achieve success without coaching, but this is rarely the case. The best athletes and businesses still have coaches, as they can provide an outside perspective and help you make the best decisions. Robbins encourages people to look for a coach or mentor who is truly dedicated to their well-being, and can help them move forward. Ultimately, coaching is a powerful tool for upskilling yourself and achieving your goals.


Ready to Lead?

In the video, Tony Robbins discusses how to make lasting change that sticks around, and how coaching is one of the most valuable tools in the world for achieving success. He emphasizes the importance of making the right decisions and taking the right actions every day, rather than trying something and giving up when it doesn't work. Robbins emphasizes that success and failure come from little decisions and moments, and that failure is not an overnight event. To achieve lasting change, Robbins recommends committing to mastery, measuring progress, and seeking out a mentor or coach.

Robbins’ advice is supported by research, which shows that ordinary training increases productivity by 22%, while training with personal coaching increases productivity by 88%. Robbins has worked with over four million people from 100 different countries, and has identified patterns that make people successful, as well as patterns that make people fail. He has compiled these patterns and trained his team in them to create a proprietary system.

Robbins’ video is a great resource for anyone looking to upskill themselves to be more successful in personal growth and professional development. By committing to mastery, measuring progress, and seeking out a mentor or coach, people can make lasting change that leads to real results. With his system and proven track record, Robbins is a great source of advice and guidance on how to achieve success.


Ready to Achieve Your Vision?

Tony Robbins' video on results coaching is an inspiring look at how upskilling yourself to be more successful in personal growth and professional development can be accomplished. The key takeaway is that success and failure both come from small, consistent decisions and actions. We must commit to mastery, measure our progress, and immerse ourselves in the process of learning and growth.

One of the most powerful tools in achieving lasting change is coaching. Coaching is an invaluable resource for those wanting to make a change in their life, whether it be in physical health, relationships, or career. Robbins points out that the best athletes, such as Michael Jordan and Wayne Gretsky, have always had coaches, as a coach is able to provide a different perspective and help guide someone in the right direction.

Studies have proven that coaching is an effective way to increase productivity. Research shows that ordinary training increases productivity by 22%, whereas when combined with personal coaching, it increases productivity by 88%. Robbins' immersion coaching system is even more effective, as it is based on the strategies he has developed and tested over the last 33 years, having worked with four million people from 100 different countries.

In conclusion, Tony Robbins' video presents a valuable message on how we can upskill ourselves to be more successful in personal growth and professional development. We must commit to mastery, measure our progress, and immerse ourselves in the process of learning and growth. Coaching is a powerful tool that can help us make lasting changes in our lives, and Robbins' immersion coaching system is an even more effective way to reach our goals.

For Learners

Watching this video and learning from Tony Robbins is beneficial for personal and professional growth. Watching this video will provide you with an opportunity to gain insight from Tony Robbins' 33 years of experience and knowledge in the field of coaching. The strategies he provides are proprietary and can be used to help you make consistent progress in any area of life you want to improve. He explains that if you want lasting change, you have to commit to mastery and track your progress for more accurate results. The content of the video is invaluable for anyone who wants to make a lasting change in their life.

Not learning the content of this video can lead to a lack of progress in achieving personal and professional goals. Without the strategies provided by Tony Robbins, you may find yourself spinning your wheels trying different techniques without any real progress. You may also find yourself making the same mistakes over and over again without understanding why. Not learning the content of this video can also lead to a lack of motivation to make changes, as well as a lack of understanding of how to measure your progress for more accurate results.

Learning the content of this video can benefit you, those you work with, and even the world. For you, it can provide you with a path of consistent growth and progress. For those you work with, it can provide them with the tools and techniques to make a lasting change in their life. For the world, it can provide individuals with the opportunity to reach their fullest potential and make a positive impact.

In conclusion, watching this video and learning from Tony Robbins is beneficial for personal and professional growth. The content of the video provides you with valuable strategies and tools to make consistent progress in any area of life you want to improve. Not learning the content of this video can lead to a lack of progress in achieving personal and professional goals. Learning the content of this video can benefit you, those you work with, and even the world.

For Employers

In this video, Tony Robbins explains why it is so important for employers to commit to mastery and to become involved in what he calls ‘immersion coaching’. By doing so, employers can gain a better understanding of the skills and strategies necessary to be successful in their businesses. This video also highlights the importance of measuring progress, setting goals and taking consistent action.

In today’s competitive world, employers need to differentiate themselves from their competitors and understand the power of coaching. By learning the content of this video, employers can not only improve their own performance and productivity, but they can also provide their customers and clients with a better understanding of their products and services. Furthermore, employers can create a better customer experience by showing that they understand the concepts discussed in this video and are committed to mastery.

By watching this video and understanding the principles of immersion coaching and commitment to mastery, employers can benefit from improved customer satisfaction, better customer perception and higher levels of productivity. This will result in a positive impact on the future success of the business and will help employers stay competitive in the long-term.

Career Path

Completing a course in Leadership based on these competencies: Coaching, Leadership, and Vision will help your career path in several ways. First, learning how to become a coach yourself, or even enhancing your existing coaching skills, is a great way to become more employable and promotable in any industry. Not only will you increase your own leadership ability, but you will be more likely to be recognized and rewarded for the skills you have developed. Secondly, understanding the fundamentals of leadership, including vision and goal setting, will help you to become more purposeful in your work and more likely to achieve the results you are aiming for.

Finally, and most importantly, learning to become a leader, coach, and visionary will help you to close the skills gap, allowing you to become more employable and promotable in high-demand, high-growth industries. This means more opportunity and more income-producing skills that will help you to achieve meaningful work in the future.

Leveling up your skills and knowledge can be done quickly and easily by watching Tony Robbins' video, 'Welcome to Results Coaching'. In this video, Tony explains how committing to mastery and getting involved in immersion coaching can help you to make lasting changes in your life. He also explains how important it is to measure your progress and commit to little actions that will bring about big changes in the long run.

With Tony's video and transcript as your guide, you can gain greater insight into how to become a better leader, coach, and visionary. You can develop the skills and knowledge you need to become more employable and promotable, and ultimately achieve meaningful work in the future. So don't wait; start leveling up today and close the skills gap towards meaningful work in the future!


"Success comes from doing the right things, also, little things, saying 'I love you,' taking the time for what matters most, your body, your mind, your spirit, your emotion." --Tony Robbins

This quote by Tony Robbins highlights the importance of taking small actions consistently in order to achieve lasting change. Robbins emphasizes that it is not just about doing something for a few days and then giving up, but instead, making a commitment to mastery. He emphasizes that we should take the time to take care of our body, mind, spirit, and emotions. This can be done through having a plan and measuring our progress. This video explains that having a coach can be one of the most valuable tools in the world, as they can provide helpful perspectives and guidance. This is why it is important for learners and employers alike to consider investing in a coach or mentor to help them reach their goals. With the right guidance, learners and employers can make better decisions and achieve bigger results.


Committing to mastery and consistency through immersion coaching is the key to lasting change and real results. Measurement, coaching and a plan are all essential elements to achieving success. It is the small, consistent decisions that make a big difference in the long run.

Tony Robbins - Welcome to Results Coaching

Tony Robbins is talking about how to make lasting change and get real results. He says it's not enough to just want something, you've got to commit to mastery, which means taking the time to learn and practice. He also suggests getting a coach or mentor to help you learn the skills you need and to measure your progress. He compares making changes to an athlete training and says that success or failure in life is not just about what you do some of the time but what you do consistently. He concludes that coaching is one of the best tools to make a big jump in the quality of your life.

Video Quotes

"The way we think determines the quality of our life." - Tony Robbins
"The secret of success is learning how to use pain and pleasure instead of having pain and pleasure use you." - Tony Robbins
"The path to success is to take massive, determined action." - Tony Robbins

Related Quotes

"The way we think determines the quality of our life." - Tony Robbins
"The secret of success is learning how to use pain and pleasure instead of having pain and pleasure use you." - Tony Robbins
"The path to success is to take massive, determined action." - Tony Robbins


1. Coaching
2. Leadership
3. Vision

Learning Outcomes

"The way we think determines the quality of our life." - Tony Robbins
"The secret of success is learning how to use pain and pleasure instead of having pain and pleasure use you." - Tony Robbins
"The path to success is to take massive, determined action." - Tony Robbins

Sample Answers

1. I have learned that lasting change requires more than just wanting it, we have to be willing to commit to mastery and be consistent with our efforts. We must also measure our progress often.

2. Having an immersion coach is essential to achieving lasting change and success. They provide an outside perspective and help us stay on track with our goals.

3. Immersion coaching is the oldest form of learning and can be incredibly effective if done correctly. It requires commitment and consistency, but the results can be life-changing.

Tony Robbins

Tony Robbins is a world-renowned life and business strategist, best-selling author, philanthropist and the nation’s #1 life and business strategist. He has empowered more than 50 million people from 100 countries through his audio, video and life training programs. He has been featured on several television shows such as Oprah, Larry King Live, The View and Good Morning America. He has also written several best-selling books, including Unlimited Power and Awaken the Giant Within. He is the founder of several companies, including the Robbins-Madanes Center for Strategic Intervention and the Anthony Robbins Foundation. Tony Robbins is an expert on Welcome to Results Coaching because he has a long history of helping people transform their lives, businesses, and relationships through his world-renowned coaching strategies. He is associated with the Anthony Robbins Foundation, a non-profit organization that provides support and resources to people in need. Anthony Robbins Foundation

Learning Design

These three competencies are essential for effective leadership. Coaching, leadership, and vision all enable leaders to develop and maintain an effective team. Coaching is important because it allows leaders to use positive reinforcement to help their team members grow and develop their skills. Leadership is important because it provides direction and guidance to the team and sets a positive example. Vision is important because it provides a roadmap for the team to follow and helps to keep the team focused on achieving goals.

A framework or pedagogy students can use to help build these competencies is the GROW model. The GROW model stands for Goal, Reality, Options, and Will. This model helps students to set goals, assess the current reality, explore options, and determine what actions they will take to reach their goals. This model can help to develop coaching, leadership, and vision competencies by providing a structured approach to problem solving and goal setting. Additionally, students can use this model to practice active listening and build relationships with their team members.

The course can also utilize creative activities to help students build these competencies. For example, students can participate in role play or simulation activities to practice their coaching and leadership skills. Additionally, group brainstorming and creative problem solving activities can help students to develop their vision. These activities can help to provide a hands-on learning experience and allow students to practice and build their competencies in a safe and supportive environment.


Q: According to Tony Robbins, why is it important to measure your progress in order to make lasting change?

A. To count the days so you can tell people how long you lasted
B. To make sure you don't forget to do something
C. To identify patterns that lead to success and failure
D. To know when to give up and try something else

Answer: C. To identify patterns that lead to success and failure


Questions for Students:
1. What is the difference between trying something and committing to mastery?
2. How can measuring progress help you achieve lasting change?
3. What is the difference between ordinary training and personal coaching?
4. How does having a coach help you to reach your goals?

Questions for Real-Life Examples:
1. How can you use the principles discussed in this video to make lasting changes in your life?
2. How can having a coach help you to overcome barriers and reach your goals?
3. What strategies can you use to measure your progress and stay motivated?
4. How can you use immersion coaching to make sure you follow through with your goals and commitments?


lasting change, emotional psychology, commit to mastery, immersion coaching, measurable results, success coaching system, personal coaching, extraordinary jump, real mentor coach, extraordinary jump life, President Clinton Andre Agassi, measurable results productivity, extraordinary jump quality


1. Tony Robbins has worked with over 4 million people from 100+ countries.
2. He has developed a proprietary coaching system based on 33 years of experience.
3. Coaching increases productivity by 88%, as compared to 22% with regular training.
4. Tony Robbins is the most successful coach in his field in the world.
5. Coaches are not simply better than the person they are coaching, they are a friend, equal, and care deeply about their well-being.


1. Create an online course teaching the strategies and tactics used in Tony Robbins' success coaching system.
2. Develop a mobile app that helps users develop personalized goals and track their progress towards achieving them.
3. Create an online forum where people can discuss their successes and challenges while using the success coaching system.
4. Develop a weekly podcast featuring interviews with people who have used the success coaching system and achieved results.
5. Offer group coaching sessions where people can learn from each other's successes and challenges while using the success coaching system.


This learning instructional guidance was formulated using the GPT-3 language model created by OpenAI.


Do you want lasting change & real results that stick? Get consistent & commit to mastery. Immersion coaching can help you make a jump in the quality of your life. Train yourself & measure your progress to succeed. #commitment #coaching #immersioncoaching 🤩 @Accredicity

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