Understanding Group Coaching | Fielding Graduate University
Reference: Fielding Graduate University. (2021, January 08). Coaching in Context: Understanding Group Coaching [Video]. YouTube.
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Unlock the potential of Group Coaching by exploring three unique theoretical perspectives. Learn the nuances of Goal Focused, Analytic and Narrative Collaborative approaches. Understanding Group Coaching is the topic of Eric Ostrowski, PhD's presentation. He is a graduate of the Evidence-Based Coaching Program, and is the founder of Verve Coaching. In his presentation, Dr. Ostrowski explores distinctions between individual and group coaching, and provides three theoretical approaches to peer group coaching: goal focused, analytic, and narrative collaborative. He discusses how this type of coaching can help develop relationships, provide psychological benefits, and help organizations develop coaching skills. Learning Outline1. Definition of Peer Group Coaching Instructional ContentGroup coaching is an increasingly popular form of coaching that has grown in popularity in recent years. While not much is known about this type of coaching, Dr. Eric Ostrowski is here to discuss the nuances of individual coaching and group coaching, and why we should be paying attention to the differences between the two. Group coaching is the application of coaching principles to small groups of peers, with the focus on individual learning and goals. Group coaching has many benefits, such as providing peer learning, accountability, a common language and durable changes in behavior. There are three theoretical approaches to group coaching: goal-focused, analytic and narrative collaborative. Each approach focuses on different aspects of group coaching, such as the coaching levels, methods and foundational knowledge. The goal-focused approach focuses on the specific goals of the group, while the analytic approach focuses on understanding the dynamics of the group. The narrative collaborative approach focuses on the stories and experiences of the group. Dr. Eric Ostrowski's research has helped us to understand the nuances of group coaching and the importance of paying attention to the differences between individual coaching and group coaching. By understanding the different theoretical approaches to group coaching and the benefits that it offers, coaches can better serve their clients and create a successful coaching experience. Leadership
Group coaching is like having a group of friends helping you solve a difficult puzzle. It's a way for you to learn and grow with others in a safe and supportive environment. Dr. Eric Ostrowski has studied the differences between individual and group coaching and has found that there are unique nuances to consider when coaching a group of people. In his presentation he talks about three different approaches to group coaching: goal focused, analytic and narrative collaborative. Each of these approaches has its own set of techniques, methods and levels of coaching that help people learn and develop lasting change. Group coaching is a great way to share knowledge, build relationships and help people develop skills in a cost-effective manner. Video Quotes1. "I happen to really love theory and I love what we get to see when we look through the lenses of different theories at our coaching practice. I love to see how different theories can illuminate complex phenomenon you know and really help us understand uh what we're doing the experiences that are unfolding for us in our coaching work." (Erek Ostrowski, PhD) 2. "One thing that distinguishes this type of coaching is that the group members usually have no affiliation outside of the coaching group itself." (Erek Ostrowski, PhD) 3. "Inside of organizations these types of groups can be really helpful they can help support peer learning and you know sharing information throughout an organization they're often cost effective compared to one-on-one one-on-one coaching they can help develop relationships across the organization of breaking down silos and getting people talking to each other from different areas of the same company." (Erek Ostrowski, PhD) Related Quotes"Group coaching allows you to leverage the collective wisdom and experience of the group in a way that can really open up solutions that are not available to the individual." - Dr. Nancy Zentis "Group coaching provides the opportunity to learn from each other, to connect with each other, and to be able to explore ideas and opportunities that you may not have been able to do on your own." - Dr. Nancy Zentis "Group coaching gives you access to a greater range of expertise, a greater diversity of perspectives, and a depth of understanding that you may not have been able to access on your own." - Dr. Nancy Zentis Competencies1. Coaching Learning Outcomes1. Analyze the similarities and differences between individual coaching and group coaching. Sample Answers1. In this video, I learned that peer group coaching is the application of coaching principles to small groups of peer colleagues. It focuses on individual learning and goals and is usually facilitated by a skilled professional. 2. The three theoretical approaches to peer group coaching discussed in the video are goal focused, analytic, and narrative collaborative. Each approach has different levels, methods, and foundational knowledge that coaches should be aware of. 3. The benefits of peer group coaching include peer learning, cost effectiveness, developing relationships, developing a common language, and durable changes in behavior. Psychological benefits include the sense of belonging to a safe and dedicated group. Erek Ostrowski, PhDErek Ostrowski, PhD is a Professor of Organizational Development at Fielding Graduate University and a Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC). He is a leader in the field of organization development, with a focus on team dynamics, and has over 20 years of experience in the field. His expertise in Understanding Group Coaching comes from his extensive research into the dynamics of group coaching and the ways in which organizations can benefit from it. He has published numerous articles and books on the topic, and provides consulting services for organizations looking to implement group coaching. He is also the co-founder of the Organization Development Network, an organization dedicated to promoting the practice of OD. Erek Ostrowski, PhD Learning DesignThe competencies of coaching, team building, and professional relationships are important for leadership courses because they are the foundation in which effective leadership is built. Coaching involves providing guidance and direction to team members to help them reach their goals. Team building is important for developing strong relationships between team members, creating a sense of trust and collaboration. Professional relationships are important for developing strong connections with colleagues and understanding how to effectively communicate and collaborate with them. In order to build these competencies, students can use the Four C's Framework. This framework includes four elements: Connect, Clarify, Collaborate, and Coach. Connecting with colleagues and team members is essential for developing trust and open communication. Clarifying goals and expectations is essential for successful collaboration and understanding. Collaboration is essential for successful team building and effective decision making. And coaching is essential for providing guidance and direction to team members. The Four C's Framework is a pedagogical approach to learning and developing these competencies. It encourages students to think critically and apply their knowledge to real-world situations. This framework can be used to help students develop an understanding of the competencies and to practice them in order to become effective leaders. AssessmentQ: According to the video, which of the following is not a benefit of peer group coaching? A. Breaking down silos Answer: D. Increased shared goal orientation Questions1. What are the key differences between individual and group coaching? KeywordsGroup Coaching, Peer Group Coaching, Learning Group Coaching, Cohort Coaching, Analytic Coaching, Narrative Collaborative Coaching, Goal Focused Coaching, Evidence-Based Coaching Facts1. Peer Group Coaching involves the application of coaching principles to small groups of peers in multiple sessions. Trends1. Create a peer group coaching resource hub for coaches and professionals to access with articles, research, and tools to help them better understand group coaching. 2. Develop an online course for coaches to learn the fundamentals of group coaching and the different approaches. 3. Develop a webinar series featuring experts in the field of group coaching to discuss best practices and emerging trends. SourceThis learning instructional guidance was formulated using the GPT-3 language model created by OpenAI. SharePeer group coaching is a great way to support peer learning & share info across organizations! Learn more about 3 theoretical approaches to peer group coaching from @EricOstrowski, a #coaching specialist. #collaboration #teamwork #growth #learning #community #accomplishments @Accredicity |