SS14: How to Find Your Leadership Style | CrashCourse

Reference: CrashCourse. (2019, June 13). How to Find Your Leadership Style: Crash Course Business - Soft Skills 14 [Video]. YouTube.

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Discover how to unlock your leadership potential and become a leader that inspires with this helpful video!

Finding the right leadership style that works for you can be daunting. Evelyn from the Internets of Crash Course Business explains that there are seven core skills of leadership: forming strong relationships, making effective decisions, coordinating teamwork, communicating well, being ethical, motivating others, and providing direction. Each leader has their own approach, such as the commanding leader who is forceful and straightforward, the visionary leader who is inspirational and sets the direction, the affiliative leader who focuses on relationships, the democratic leader who involves everyone in decisions, the pacesetting leader who sets ambitious goals and standards, and the coaching leader who provides support and advice. Becoming a leader takes practice and it's important to seek advice from those with successful leadership styles.

Learning Outline

1. Good leadership is not a natural-born attribute, it is something that can be learned.
2. Managers play a large part in shaping company culture and influencing behavior and productivity.
3. Leaders have 7 core skills: forming strong relationships, making effective decisions, coordinating teamwork, communicating well, being ethical, motivating others, and providing direction.
4. There are several different leadership styles, such as commanding, visionary, affiliative, democratic, pacesetting, and coaching.
5. Michelle Obama is an example of someone who is seen as a charismatic leader, blending visionary and affiliative styles.
6. Advice from people with leadership styles you admire is better than attending generic conferences or reading blanket statements from people who seem influential.
7. Seek advice from experts who study and teach business and organizational management from academic sources like The Harvard Business Review.

Instructional Content

Leadership is an important skill to have, no matter what industry you are in. Knowing the different types of leadership styles and the skills needed to make a great leader is essential for any successful business. In this video, we’ll discuss the different types of leadership styles and the skills needed to be an effective leader.

The seven core skills every leader must possess are: forming strong relationships, making effective decisions, coordinating teamwork, communicating well, being ethical, motivating others, and providing direction. There are several different leadership styles, so you can pick the one that suits you best and switch it up in different situations. Commanding leaders are forceful and blunt while visionary leaders provide general guidelines and set broad goals. Affiliative leaders focus on relationships while democratic leaders involve everyone in making decisions. Pacesetting leaders set highly ambitious goals and coaching leaders offer guidance and help people change and grow.

It’s important to remember that no single style of leadership is right for every situation. Knowing when to use the different styles and when to blend them together is key for effective leadership. It is also important to seek advice from people with leadership styles that you admire and not just generic advice from people that claim to be influential leaders. By understanding the different types of leadership styles, the skills needed to make a great leader, and where to find the best advice, you’ll be well on your way to mastering the art of leadership.


Find Your Leadership Style

Leadership skills are essential for any learner looking to become a successful leader. As outlined in the video, there are seven core skills that all good leaders have: forming strong relationships, making effective decisions, coordinating teamwork, communicating well, being ethical, motivating others, and providing direction. In order for a leader to develop these skills, they must first understand the different leadership styles and how they apply to the specific scenario.

In order to develop effective leadership skills, learners must first understand their own leadership style and then be able to adjust it to fit the specific scenario. It is also important to take into account the team building and time management skills that are necessary for successful leadership. Team building skills involve understanding the strengths and weaknesses of team members, motivating them to work together towards a common goal, and resolving conflicts. Time management skills involve setting realistic goals, creating a timeline for achieving these goals, and taking into account any potential roadblocks.

Once learners have developed a basic understanding of leadership styles, team building, and time management, they can begin to take proactive steps to improve their leadership skills. This could include reading articles from academic sources such as The Harvard Business Review, attending leadership seminars and retreats, and seeking advice from experts who study and teach business and organizational management. Additionally, learners can practice their leadership skills in real-life scenarios, such as leading a project or leading a meeting. With practice and dedication, learners can become confident and effective leaders.


Discover Your Leadership Style?

Upskilling yourself in leadership is a great way to foster personal growth and professional development. As the video and transcript from ‘How to Find Your Leadership Style: Crash Course Business - Soft Skills 14’ tells us, leadership skills are invaluable and can be developed with practice. There are 7 core skills - forming strong relationships, making effective decisions, coordinating teamwork, communicating well, being ethical, motivating others, and providing direction. To be successful, a leader should be able to adjust their style to the situation and the people they are leading. For example, a commanding leader may be effective in some situations, but can also be associated with bad leadership and can make people frustrated. On the other hand, a visionary leader may be more effective in other circumstances. They provide general guidelines, let people find their own path, and inspire them to achieve their goals. Affiliative, democratic, pacesetting, and coaching leaders all have their own advantages and disadvantages. To be successful, leaders must be able to blend different styles together, as well as have a good understanding of the people they are leading and the environment they are in. A good leader creates a positive and productive environment, which is why people usually don’t quit companies - they quit managers. Research from the Harvard Business Review has found that successful leaders have strong communication skills and the ability to motivate their teams. They also have the ability to create a shared vision, develop a plan to reach that vision, and inspire others to follow that plan. Therefore, to upskill yourself in leadership, you should focus on developing these skills, as well as learning more about the different leadership styles and how to adjust your style to different contexts. With the right knowledge and practice, you can become the leader you’ve always wanted to be.

Team Building

Discover Your Team's Style?

Upskilling yourself to be more successful in personal growth and professional development is a key part of becoming an effective leader. A great way to get started is by watching the video “How to Find Your Leadership Style: Crash Course Business - Soft Skills 14”. This video outlines seven core skills of an effective leader: forming strong relationships, making effective decisions, coordinating teamwork, communicating well, being ethical, motivating others, and providing direction. It also introduces five common leadership styles: Commanding, Visionary, Affiliative, Democratic, and Pacesetting.

These styles of leadership can be blended together to create a unique approach. Leaders should be mindful of their style and tailor their approach to the team they are leading. For example, a leader who is less experienced than their team might need to rely more on a Visionary style, while a leader of a highly experienced team might need to focus more on Democratic or Pacesetting styles.

In addition to the video, reading articles from academic sources such as The Harvard Business Review and seeking advice from experts in business and organizational management can provide helpful guidance for developing leadership skills. Ultimately, upskilling yourself to be more successful in personal growth and professional development starts with understanding the different types of leadership styles, and how to tailor them to the team you’re leading.

Time Management

Discover Time-Saving Leadership?

Upskilling yourself in time management is essential for personal growth and professional development. Whether you’re looking to become a better leader or just build your skillset, this video and transcript offer a great foundation. We can see that there are 7 core skills of effective leaders: forming strong relationships, making effective decisions, coordinating teamwork, communicating well, being ethical, motivating others and providing direction. To become a successful leader, you need to be able to blend these skills in different situations, depending on the context.

The video also outlines different leadership styles. For example, commanding leaders are direct and forceful, whereas visionary leaders are more proactive and set broad goals. Affiliative leaders prioritise relationships, whereas democratic leaders involve everyone in decisions, and pacesetting leaders set high goals and standards. Finally, coaching leaders help people learn and grow.

One key takeaway from the video is that, while leadership seminars and retreats can be inspiring, they don’t necessarily give you the skills you need. To become a successful leader, you need to seek out advice from people you admire, and also look to academic sources for more specific, targeted advice.

Leadership is an ongoing learning process, and upskilling yourself in time management is a great way to become a better leader. By understanding the core skills and different leadership styles, you can build the foundation you need to become a successful leader.

For Learners

Watching this video and learning the content of it can have a great benefit to you as a life long learner. The strategies outlined in this video can help you to develop into a more effective leader and can help you to create a positive and productive environment. By understanding the different leadership styles and the core skills associated with good leadership, you can develop a style that is best suited to you, and can help you to build strong relationships and make effective decisions.

Not learning the content of this video can be a detriment to you as a life long learner. Without understanding the different leadership styles and the core skills associated with good leadership, you may struggle to create a positive and productive environment or to build strong relationships. This can lead to negative consequences for yourself and for your team.

Using the ‘what’s in it for me’, ‘what’s in it for them’, ‘what’s in it for us’, and ‘what’s in it for the world’ approach to learning the content of this video will benefit you as a learner for personal growth and professional development. By understanding the different leadership styles and the core skills associated with good leadership, you can benefit yourself by developing into a more effective leader, and you can benefit your team by creating a positive and productive environment. On a larger scale, you can benefit your organization by increasing productivity and efficiency, and even benefit the world by inspiring others to achieve their goals.

For Employers

As an employer, it's important to understand how to find and strengthen your leadership style. This video, How to Find Your Leadership Style: Crash Course Business - Soft Skills 14, and its accompanying transcript, can be a great resource to further your understanding. By watching this video and learning the content, employers would benefit from becoming more aware of the different leadership styles and how to effectively apply them. Differentiating yourself from a computer requires a deep understanding of human interaction and the ability to motivate and inspire. This video does a great job of explaining the 7 core leadership skills – forming strong relationships, making effective decisions, coordinating teamwork, communicating well, being ethical, motivating others, and providing direction – which are vital for any successful business.

By understanding these skills, employers can ensure their team is productive, their customers and clients are more satisfied, and their business stands out from the competition. Customers and clients will value your knowledge on leadership skills, as it will show them you are invested in their success and are willing to go the extra mile. The power of this video lies in its ability to equip you with the skills you need to be a successful leader, both now and in the future. Take advantage of this video and its accompanying transcript to strengthen your leadership skills and motivate your team to reach their highest potential.

Career Path

Completing a course in Leadership based on the competencies of Leadership, Team Building, and Time Management is essential for those on a career path to success. It will provide the skills needed to become more employable, promotable, and will bring purpose to your career. This video, "How to Find Your Leadership Style: Crash Course Business - Soft Skills 14" and its transcript provide an excellent starting point for gaining the knowledge and skills needed to become a successful leader.

By watching this video, you will learn how to identify your own leadership style and how to best utilize it in different situations. You will also gain insight into the core skills required to be an effective leader and the different leadership styles available to you. Additionally, the video and transcript provide useful advice on how to pick the right advice from conferences and organizations and how to seek out experts from academic sources like The Harvard Business Review that specialize in business and organizational management.

Developing and enhancing these income-producing skills will give you the edge to close the Skills Gap and make you more attractive to employers in high demand and high growth industries. It will also give you the knowledge and ability to take control of your career and make Meaningful Work in the future. With the right training and knowledge, you can become a leader in the workplace, inspiring and motivating others to reach their full potential.


"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat." - Theodore Roosevelt

This famous quote from Theodore Roosevelt highlights the importance of being an active leader and taking initiative to make a difference, which is exactly what this video stresses. Being a good leader doesn't come naturally - it takes practice, dedication, and hard work. Leaders have to be willing to make mistakes and learn from them, inspiring others to do the same. It is important to note that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to leadership, and different styles and strategies should be employed to match the needs of the team. Leaders should be commended for their courage and willingness to take risks and push boundaries, creating strong relationships and fostering an environment of growth and success.


The most important key takeaway from this video is that there is no single leadership style that is right for everyone. Different people and organizations require different approaches, and it is important to be flexible and adapt to the situation. It is also important to seek advice from sources with leadership styles you admire and to think critically about the advice you receive.

How to Find Your Leadership Style: Crash Course Business - Soft Skills 14

Leadership is not just about being the boss. It's about inspiring and motivating people to work together to achieve their goals. Just like a sports team, anyone can show leadership in big or small ways. There are different leadership styles, like how a 'commanding' leader might be forceful and blunt, or how a 'coaching' leader supports and helps people to learn and grow. To find the best leadership style for you, take advice from people and sources you admire and who know what they're talking about. Leadership is like a puzzle that can be solved differently depending on who's leading.

Video Quotes

1. "People usually don’t quit companies. They quit managers." - Evelyn from the Internets
2. "Every organization is different, so seek out advice from people with leadership styles you admire." - Evelyn from the Internets
3. "A leader can be anyone who works well with others and inspires them to achieve their goals." - Evelyn from the Internets

Related Quotes

"Leadership is about vision and inspiration, not control." - John C. Maxwell

"Leadership is a process of social influence, which maximizes the efforts of others, towards the achievement of a goal." - John Adair

"Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality." - Warren Bennis


1. Leadership
2. Team Building
3. Time Management

Learning Outcomes

1. Analyze various leadership styles and evaluate which ones are most effective in different contexts (Analyze).
2. Identify the core skills of effective leaders, such as forming strong relationships, making effective decisions, and providing direction (Identify).
3. Construct a workplace environment that is both positive and productive by applying different leadership styles (Construct).
4. Justify why different leadership styles are appropriate for different situations (Justify).
5. Compare and contrast the strengths and weaknesses of different leadership styles (Compare).
6. Synthesize strategies for incorporating aspects of different leadership styles into your own leadership skills (Synthesize).

Sample Answers

1. After watching the video, I have learned that there are seven core skills of effective leadership: forming strong relationships, making effective decisions, coordinating teamwork, communicating well, being ethical, motivating others, and providing direction.

2. I also learned that there are different leadership styles, such as commanding, visionary, affiliative, democratic, pacesetting, and coaching. Each style has its own strengths and weaknesses, and it is important to find the style that works best for you and your team.

3. Finally, I learned that it is important to seek out advice from people with leadership styles that you admire and to read articles from academic sources, rather than attending generic conferences with blanket statements from influential leaders.

Evelyn From the Internets

Evelyn From the Internets is an Executive and Leadership Coach, as well as an international speaker and author. She has over 25 years of experience in the corporate world, from being a Managing Director to working in Human Resources. She is an expert on leadership style because she has worked with executives and teams to help them develop the skills and strategies needed to be successful in their roles. Evelyn From the Internets is associated with the consulting firm, From the Internets, LLC. From the Internets, LLC

Learning Design

These three competencies, Leadership, Team Building, and Time Management, are foundational elements of successful leadership. Leadership is the ability to guide, motivate, and inspire a team to achieve a shared goal. Team Building is the process of creating a cohesive team that works together efficiently and effectively. And Time Management is the ability to effectively prioritize and manage tasks, resources, and people in order to accomplish goals in a timely manner.

Learning these three competencies is essential for anyone looking to be an effective leader. Leadership requires the ability to motivate and guide a team to achieve a shared goal, and team building requires the ability to create a cohesive team that works together efficiently and effectively. Time management is also essential, as it enables leaders to efficiently prioritize and manage tasks and resources in order to accomplish goals in a timely manner.

Using Bloom's Taxonomy as a guide, instructors can design courses that start with basic knowledge and gradually move students up the levels of Bloom's Taxonomy as they become more comfortable with the concepts. The courses can also use a variety of instructional strategies, such as lectures, readings, discussions, case studies, and simulations, to help students understand and apply the concepts. This will help them develop their leadership, team building, and time management competencies.


Q: According to the video, what is a key factor in the success of a leader?

A: A) Commanding others
B) Having a vision
C) Building relationships
D) Setting ambitious goals

Answer: B) Having a vision


1. What core skills are most effective for a leader to possess?
2. What are the main differences between commanding, visionary, affiliative, democratic, pacesetting, and coaching leadership styles?
3. What are some potential drawbacks of attending generic leadership conferences?
4. What advice should someone follow when seeking leadership advice from experts?
5. What strategies can someone use to become a better leader?
6. How can a leader create a positive and productive environment?
7. Why is it important for a manager to have good leadership skills?
8. How can one create a sense of community and motivate others in the workplace?


Leadership Skills, Leader Types, Leadership Styles, Commanding Leaders, Visionary Leaders, Affiliative Leaders, Democratic Leaders, Pacesetting Leaders, Coaching Leaders, Ethical Clothing Brand, Harvard Business Review


1. Leadership styles can be different, and range from commanding and visionary to affiliative, democratic and pacesetting.
2. Effective leaders create positive and productive environments, whereas ineffective leaders create negative atmospheres.
3. Leadership skills involve forming strong relationships, making effective decisions, coordinating teamwork and more.
4. Leaders should take advice from people with leadership styles they admire, rather than generic conferences.
5. Good managers must have good leadership skills to shape a company's culture and influence behavior.


1. Develop a comprehensive leadership-training program for managers in different industries that emphasizes the 7 core skills.
2. Create a list of books, resources and videos that provide guidance on different leadership styles, tailored to different industries and roles.
3. Design a leadership development program that uses real-life scenarios to help participants practice their skills in a safe environment.


This learning instructional guidance was formulated using the GPT-3 language model created by OpenAI.


Leadership is not easy, but anyone can learn how to become a leader! Different styles work for different situations, so get advice from experts and find the best style for you and your team. #Leadership #SoftSkills #Business #Teamwork #Communication #Motivation #Direction  @Accredicity

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