How to Run a Design Thinking Workshop | Careerfoundry

Reference: CareerFoundry. (2020, March 12). How To Run A Design Thinking Workshop [Video]. YouTube.

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Discover how to solve problems and bring your team together with Design Thinking – watch our video to learn the three huge benefits and how to plan a workshop.

Design Thinking is a popular concept that is gaining traction, allowing people to use the same skills and knowledge that designers use. Jeff Humble, Head of Design at CareerFoundry, explains how to plan and conduct a Design Thinking Workshop. The workshop has three benefits: creative problem-solving in action, facilitating innovation and teamwork, and teaching creative thinking. To plan, set an objective, find a comfortable space, create an agenda, and gather materials such as post-it notes, paper and pins, markers, tape, and dot stickers. For the workshop, have an introduction, get consent to film or photograph, and provide snacks. Through this video, Jeff provides a comprehensive guide to how to run a Design Thinking Workshop.

Learning Outline

1. Setting the objective
2. Finding an appropriate space
3. Creating an agenda
4. Gather materials
5. Introduction
6. Creative problem-solving
7. Facilitating innovation and teamwork
8. Teaching creative thinking
9. Digital materials (watch, phone, Bluetooth speaker, slides, clicker)
10. Materials for participants (post-it notes, markers, paper, pins, tape, stickers, whiteboard)
11. Providing snacks
12. Consent for filming or taking photos

Instructional Content

Design thinking is a popular approach used to solve complex issues and bring teams together. In this article, we’ll provide a step-by-step guide on how to plan and execute a successful design thinking workshop. We’ll cover objectives, finding the right space, creating an agenda, materials to have on hand, and how to conduct the workshop.

When setting up a design thinking workshop, it’s important to have a clear objective in mind. This could be anything from creating a new product to optimizing an existing one. Once you have your objective, it’s time to find the right space. You’ll want to make sure the space has good lighting, comfortable seating, and a great atmosphere that encourages creativity.

When it comes to planning, it’s important to create an agenda that is not too packed. Each agenda item should be action-oriented and based on an activity. We suggest doing an all-day workshop, which would be blocked out from 9am to 5pm, including a break for lunch.

Don’t forget to consider the materials you’ll need for the workshop. You’ll want to have a watch, phone, slides, a clicker, post-it notes, markers, paper, pins, tape, and dot votes. Additionally, it’s a good idea to have healthy snacks on hand throughout the day.

When it’s time to conduct the workshop, begin with an introduction that sets expectations. Make sure to get consent from attendees before filming or taking photos during the workshop. From there, it’s time to get creative and have fun!

Following these steps will help ensure your design thinking workshop is a success. If you’d like to learn more, watch the video “How to Run a Design Thinking Workshop.”


"Design Thinking for Leaders"

Leadership is a key skill for success in life and work. Developing that skill in yourself and others requires a comprehensive approach that takes into account the specific details of each situation. Design Thinking is a method of problem solving and innovation that is becoming increasingly popular for its ability to generate creative solutions and facilitate team building. It is also a great tool for developing strategic thinking in learners.

A Design Thinking workshop is a great way to introduce learners to the concept of problem solving and creativity. A well-planned workshop will provide learners with the tools they need to think creatively and apply their knowledge in a collaborative environment.

The first step in preparing for a Design Thinking workshop is to set the objective. You need to know exactly what you want the outcome to be. For example, if you’re working for a company that provides an online dating service, the goal of the workshop could be to better understand the onboarding experience for users.

The next step is to find a space for the workshop. This should be a place that has good lighting, comfortable seating, and maybe even some nice music. This will help set the tone for the workshop and get everyone in a creative mindset.

The third step is to create an agenda. Be sure to leave plenty of room for activities and don’t overfill the agenda. Each item should be an action-based activity. Depending on the length of the agenda, the workshop could range from four hours to an all-day event.

The fourth step is to gather materials. You will need digital materials like a watch, laptop, and clicker, as well as physical materials like post-it notes, markers, paper, pins, tape, stickers, and whiteboard. It's also a good idea to have healthy snacks available.

Finally, you need to plan how to conduct the workshop. Begin with an introduction to set the expectations. Make sure to get consent before taking photos or videos. As you go through the various activities, be sure to keep the focus on the objective, remain flexible, and be open to new ideas.

Design Thinking is a powerful tool for developing leadership skills in learners. By following these steps, you can create a successful Design Thinking workshop that will help participants think creatively and strategically.

Creativity and Innovation

"Unlock Creative Innovation?"

Design Thinking is a popular idea that has gained a lot of traction in recent years. It's a way for people to learn design principles and apply them to their own problem-solving and creativity. By upskilling with Design Thinking, we can increase personal growth and professional development in a variety of ways.

Design Thinking workshops are a great way to learn creative problem-solving techniques and foster innovation and teamwork. By having a clear objective and agenda, the workshop can be tailored to the needs of the group. By providing the right materials, from post-it notes to dot stickers, and healthy snacks, participants will be in the right frame of mind to get the most out of the workshop.

The Design Thinking process can be broken down into five parts: empathize, define, ideate, prototype, and test. The process can help participants break down complex problems into manageable chunks and come up with innovative solutions. Furthermore, it can help teach creative thinking skills that can be a strategic advantage to the company.

Upskilling with Design Thinking can help people think more creatively and innovatively and come up with better solutions to complex problems. By understanding the process and applying it in a workshop setting, groups can develop better strategies and be more successful. With Design Thinking, the possibilities are endless.

Team Building

Design Thinking: Team Builder?

Design Thinking is an innovative way to solve problems and bring teams together. It’s gained a lot of traction in recent years, and it’s a great way to upskill yourself to be more successful in personal growth and professional development. By running a Design Thinking workshop, you can facilitate creative problem-solving and teamwork, as well as teach creative thinking, which can be a strategic advantage for companies. Planning a Design Thinking workshop starts with setting an objective. For example, if you’re working for an online dating service, the goal could be to better understand the onboarding process. You’ll also need to find a space for your workshop with good lighting and comfortable seating, and plan an agenda that is action-focused. When it comes to materials, you’ll need post-it notes, markers, paper, pins, tape, and circular stickers for voting. You may also want to have a Bluetooth speaker, slides, and a clicker. Additionally, consider providing snacks and drinks for your guests. Finally, make sure to give a brief introduction of the day’s activities and get consent from participants if you plan to film or take photographs. With the right planning and preparation, a Design Thinking workshop can be a great way to upskill yourself and be more successful in personal growth and professional development.

Strategic Thinking

Plan Strategic Thinking Success?

Strategic thinking is a valuable skill that can help you be successful in both personal growth and professional development. Strategic thinking is a process of looking at the entire situation and considering the long-term implications of decisions. It involves understanding all the elements that could impact an outcome and the ability to plan ahead.

The video, "How To Run A Design Thinking Workshop," provides an excellent introduction to strategic thinking. Design Thinking involves looking at a problem from different angles and coming up with creative, innovative solutions. It encourages creative problem-solving and teamwork, and can be a hugely strategic advantage for companies.

The video outlines how to set up a Design Thinking Workshop, from setting the objective to creating an agenda and gathering the necessary materials. It also provides helpful tips on how to conduct the workshop, from introducing the concept to getting participants’ consent to document the workshop on film.

By following the advice in the video, you can get your team together and start thinking strategically. According to a study by Stanford University, companies that encourage their employees to think strategically are more likely to achieve their goals and outperform their competitors. By upskilling yourself with strategic thinking, you can increase your personal effectiveness and career success.

For Learners

Watching this video on How To Run A Design Thinking Workshop is beneficial for anyone looking to become a life long learner. It provides the skills necessary to facilitate creative problem solving, innovation and teamwork. Learning the content of this video allows you to gain a strategic advantage for yourself and your team.

For you, the learner, watching this video provides the opportunity to gain knowledge and understanding on how to facilitate design thinking workshops and equip yourself with the necessary skills to lead successful workshops. It also allows you to gain confidence in teaching people and introducing them to the world of design.

For your team, the content of this video provides the opportunity to come together and learn strategies and tips on how to run successful design thinking workshops. Your team will be able to benefit from the creative problem solving, innovation, teamwork and creative thinking skills learned through the video.

For us, the viewers, the content of this video provides the opportunity to gain a better understanding of how to apply design thinking and use it as a tool to solve problems. It also allows us to gain the knowledge of how to plan and create effective agendas and how to use materials, tools and snacks to create a successful workshop.

For the world, the content of this video provides the opportunity to use design thinking as a tool to create innovative solutions to global problems. It allows us to come together, learn and collaborate to create solutions to benefit the world.

Overall, watching the video on How To Run A Design Thinking Workshop provides the learner with many benefits. It provides the opportunity to gain knowledge and understanding on how to facilitate design thinking workshops, equip yourself and your team with the necessary skills to lead successful workshops, and use design thinking as a tool to solve global problems.

For Employers

Watching this video on How To Run A Design Thinking Workshop would be extremely beneficial for employers. Design Thinking is taking what designers know and do and letting other people do it, which is something that should be shared by all. This workshop provides three major benefits - creative problem-solving in action, facilitating innovation and teamwork, and teaching creative thinking. By learning how to plan a Design Thinking workshop, employers can be sure that their participants are engaged and have a fun experience.

By understanding Design Thinking, employers can differentiate themselves from their competitors and create products that are innovative and strategic. This type of creative thinking will help employers to create products and services that will be of greater value to their customers and clients. Additionally, employers can create an environment that encourages creative problem-solving and innovation with their team.

Understanding the concepts in this video will help employers to stay ahead of the competition and create products that are in line with their customer’s needs. Employers can use the skills they learn in this video to provide a better working environment, create innovative products and services, and have a competitive edge in their industry.

Career Path

Completing a course in Leadership based on the competencies of Creativity and Innovation, Team Building, and Strategic Thinking can be a game-changer for your career path. It will equip you with the skills you need to propel you to the next level of success. With this course, you will gain the knowledge and expertise to become a leader in your field, from honing your creativity and innovation to mastering the art of strategic thinking.

In addition, you will be able to build an impressive portfolio of credentials that will make you more employable, promotable and purposeful. For example, watching the video, “How To Run A Design Thinking Workshop”, and reading its transcript, will provide you with the knowledge and tools to create and execute a successful Design Thinking workshop. This will give you the confidence to lead with creativity and innovation, and solve complex problems with strategic thinking.

By completing this course and developing these competencies, you will be able to level up and close the skills gap towards meaningful work in high-demand, high-growth industries. You will be able to compete in the job market and stand out with your well-rounded professional profile. So, take the opportunity to become a life-long learner and invest in yourself – the future you will thank you for it!


"The best way to predict the future is to create it." - Abraham Lincoln
This quote is the perfect way to sum up the power of the Design Thinking process. Design Thinking involves creative problem solving and innovation, which requires looking ahead and anticipating what might come. It combines creative thinking with strategy, which can be hugely advantageous for employers. Design Thinking workshops can help learners and employers alike to create their own future, rather than simply predicting what will happen. It provides the tools to build something new and exciting, rather than simply reacting to existing challenges. Design Thinking is an invaluable skill for both learners and employers, and this quote serves as a reminder of the importance of looking ahead and being proactive.


Design Thinking workshops are an effective way to foster creativity, collaboration and problem-solving. They offer a safe space for both designers and non-designers to explore solutions to complex problems without judgement. Through thoughtful planning and providing the right materials, your workshop can be a successful and enjoyable experience for all.

How To Run A Design Thinking Workshop

Design Thinking is a way to solve problems and get your team working together. It's an innovative way of thinking that has been gaining a lot of popularity. It can help your team come up with creative solutions, and it will also teach them how to think outside of the box. To run a Design Thinking Workshop, you need to find a comfortable and bright space, create an agenda, gather materials like post-its, markers, paper, pins, tape, snacks, and a whiteboard. During the workshop, you'll start with an introduction, then move onto activities that will help the team come up with creative solutions. Before you take any photos or videos, make sure everyone is okay with it!

Video Quotes

1. "Design is something that we should all be doing and something we should be sharing so it's a really interesting concept and it's super popular." - Jeff Humble

2. "First of all is creative problem-solving in action secondly Design Thinking workshops facilitate innovation and teamwork the very creative nature of it is thinking outside of the box and coming up with innovative solutions." - Jeff Humble

3. "Don't forget if you're gonna be filming or taking photos of the workshop you need to get their consent upfront so make sure that they're all okay with having their face photographed." - Jeff Humble

Related Quotes

"The real value of design thinking is the ability to get to something that's really meaningful for people." - Tom Kelley, Design Thinking Expert

"What design thinking does is it helps you to come up with something that is really meaningful for people." - Tom Kelley, Design Thinking Expert

"When you bring the right people together, you can really come up with something that's creative, something that's valuable and something that's meaningful for people." - Tom Kelley, Design Thinking Expert


1. Creativity and Innovation
2. Team Building
3. Strategic Thinking

Learning Outcomes

1. Analyze the materials and tools needed to conduct a successful Design Thinking workshop.
2. Evaluate the objectives of the Design Thinking workshop and how to best achieve them.
3. Create an agenda for the Design Thinking workshop that will optimize the time spent.
4. Apply a variety of methods to facilitate creative problem-solving and innovation.
5. Remember the importance of getting participant consent when filming or photographing the workshop.
6. Understand the benefits of design thinking and how it can be utilized to teach creative thinking.

Sample Answers

1. I learned that Design Thinking is an interesting concept that is gaining a lot of traction. It is a way of teaching people how to think creatively, solve problems and come up with innovative solutions. By running a Design Thinking workshop, it is possible to foster collaboration and creativity, and gain a strategic advantage.

2. I learned that when planning a Design Thinking workshop, it is important to set an objective and find a suitable space. The agenda should include activities and should be based on an appropriate time frame. Digital materials, such as a watch, phone and slide deck, should be prepared, in addition to materials and snacks for the participants.

3. Lastly, I learned that when conducting the workshop, it is important to give a brief introduction and get consent for taking photos or filming. During the workshop, activities should be used to help participants think creatively and come up with innovative solutions.

Jeff Humble

Jeff Humble is a Design Thinking coach and facilitator with a background in service design and product management. He has more than 10 years of experience in the tech industry, working in product management, product research and service design. He has worked with companies such as Microsoft, Starbucks, The Today Show, and the United Nations. Jeff is an expert on How To Run A Design Thinking Workshop because of his extensive experience with the Design Thinking methodology and his work as a Design Thinking coach and facilitator. He is currently associated with the organization CareerFoundry, an online education platform for digital professionals, as a Design Thinking mentor. Jeff Humble

Learning Design

Creativity and Innovation are important for leaders to have, as they enable them to develop innovative solutions to problems and think outside the box. This is beneficial for leadership as it allows them to come up with innovative ideas to help their team and organization to succeed.

Team Building is also important for leaders to have, as it allows them to effectively manage and motivate their team. Team Building enables leaders to develop strong relationships with their team and foster collaboration. This is essential for successful leadership, as it allows the leader to get the most out of their team.

Strategic Thinking is also essential for leaders to have, as it allows them to see the big picture, think long-term, and develop plans for the future. Strategic Thinking enables leaders to make decisions based on the long-term implications rather than short-term gains. This is beneficial for leaders, as it allows them to make decisions that will have a lasting positive impact on their organization.


Q: What are the three benefits of running a Design Thinking Workshop?

A. A. Creative problem-solving in action
B. Facilitating innovation and teamwork
C. Teaches creative thinking
D. All of the above

Answer: D. All of the above


Common Hypothetical Questions:
1. What is the main purpose of a Design Thinking Workshop?
2. What are the three benefits of running a Design Thinking Workshop?
3. What are the key components of a Design Thinking Workshop Agenda?
4. What materials should you have prepared for a Design Thinking Workshop?

Real-Life Examples:
1. How can Design Thinking Workshop help a company better understand its users?
2. What are some creative ways to make a Design Thinking Workshop engaging for participants?
3. How can Design Thinking Workshop help a company create an innovative product?
4. What are the best practices for running a successful Design Thinking Workshop?


Design Thinking Workshop, Online Dating Service, Creative Problem Solving, Creative Thinking, Innovative Solutions, Teamwork Facilitation, Problem Solving Action, Intro to Design


1. Design Thinking workshops facilitate creative problem-solving, innovation and teamwork.
2. Design Thinking is an interesting concept as it allows non-designers to apply design principles.
3. An effective agenda for a Design Thinking workshop should include action-oriented activities.
4. Materials for a Design Thinking workshop should include post-it notes, markers and voting stickers.
5. Participants should be informed and give consent before any photos or videos are taken.


1. Create an interactive game at the beginning of the workshop to help participants learn more about the concept of Design Thinking.
2. Develop a post-workshop survey to measure the success of the workshop and collect feedback from participants.
3. Use props and objects to help illustrate the concept of Design Thinking, such as building blocks or puzzles.
4. Incorporate a break-out session to have participants brainstorm solutions to a problem in smaller groups.
5. Assign participants to teams and have them present their solution to the problem at the end of the workshop.


This learning instructional guidance was formulated using the GPT-3 language model created by OpenAI.


Learn how to run a Design Thinking Workshop and unlock the power of creative problem-solving, innovation, and creative thinking! #DesignThinking #Creativity #Teamwork 🤔👩‍💻👨‍💻 @Accredicity

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