How to Persuade Others: Jedi Mind Tricks | Daniel H. Pink | Big Think

Reference: Big Think. (2014, May 21). How to Persuade Others with the Right Questions: Jedi Mind Tricks | Daniel H. Pink | Big Think [Video]. YouTube.

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Unlock the secrets of persuasive Jedi Mind Tricks with Daniel H. Pink and learn to ask the right questions to get the answers you need.

In this video, Daniel H. Pink explains how to persuade others using the right questions. He discusses the concept of motivational interviewing which involves asking two irrational questions. Pink gives an example of a parent trying to persuade their teenage daughter to clean her room. He suggests asking, “On a scale of one to ten, how ready are you to clean your room?” and then “Why didn’t you pick a lower number?” This allows people to articulate their own reasons for doing something, thus making them believe in the behavior more strongly. Pink states that understanding why someone is a ‘one’ is important and providing the right context can help to make them a ‘two’.

Learning Outline

1. Motivational interviewing is a technique from the counseling literature which involves asking two irrational questions.
2. The two questions to ask are: "On a scale of one to ten, one meaning I'm not ready at all; ten meaning I'm ready to do it right now. How ready are you to do [the task]?" and "Why didn't you pick a lower number?"
3. People tend to believe in and adhere to the behavior more deeply when they have their own reasons for doing it, rather than someone else's.
4. If someone says they are a one, find out what the obstacle is and try to make them a two in order to gain momentum.
5. The goal of persuasion and motivation is to surface people's own reasons for doing something.

Instructional Content

Do you ever find yourself struggling to convince others to do something? Whether it’s dealing with a disobedient teenager, trying to persuade a neighbor to move their garbage cans, or even convincing your boss of a great idea, persuasion techniques can be invaluable.

In the Big Think video, “How to Persuade Others with the Right Questions: Jedi Mind Tricks”, Daniel H. Pink explains the technique of motivational interviewing and how it is used to effectively persuade others. Motivational interviewing is a technique developed by Mike Pantalon of Yale University and it involves using two irrational questions to persuade someone to do something. The technique is to ask the person how ready they are to do something on a scale of 1-10 and then to ask why they didn’t pick a lower number.

The key to successful persuasion with this technique is to surface people’s own reasons for doing something. As Pink explains, when people have their own reasons for doing something, they believe those reasons more deeply and adhere to the behavior more strongly. The technique can be used in a variety of situations, from parenting to sales, and it is an effective way to help people understand why it is important to do something.

By asking people the right questions, you can create the perfect environment to persuade them and ultimately get them to do what you want. Watch the Big Think video, “How to Persuade Others with the Right Questions: Jedi Mind Tricks”, to learn more about the technique of motivational interviewing and how it can help you successfully persuade others.


Unlock Communication Power

When it comes to improving communication skills, understanding the nuances of influence and persuasion, emotional intelligence, and personal growth is essential. The video and transcript provided offer insight into a technique called motivational interviewing that can be used to persuade someone to do something. This technique involves asking two irrational questions—the first being “On a scale of one to ten, one meaning I'm not ready at all; ten meaning I'm ready to do it right now. How ready are you…to clean your room?” The second question is counterintuitive—“Why didn't you pick a lower number?”—and it forces the individual to explain his or her own reasons for doing something.

In addition to employing this technique, learners should also be aware of the implications of emotional intelligence. Being aware of one's own emotions and the emotions of those around him or her can often make the difference between successfully influencing an individual and not. Understanding the behaviors and reactions that are associated with different emotions can help learners better connect with people, which can increase their chances of being persuasive.

Finally, personal growth is an important factor to consider when developing communication skills. Learning how to effectively communicate with others takes a lot of practice and dedication. Taking the time to reflect on one's progress and identify areas where improvement is needed can make a big difference in how successful one is in influencing and persuading others.

In conclusion, improving communication skills requires a combination of techniques and strategies. Understanding the nuances of influence and persuasion, emotional intelligence, and personal growth can help learners become better communicators. By employing the technique of motivational interviewing, being aware of one's own emotional reactions and those of others, and taking the time to reflect on one's progress and identify areas for improvement, learners can develop the communication skills they need to effectively influence and persuade others.

Influence and Persuasion

Persuade With Questions?

This video by Daniel H. Pink is a great example of how to use influence and persuasion to upskill yourself to be more successful in personal growth and professional development. He explains the concept of motivational interviewing, which is a technique used to motivate people to take action. This technique involves asking two questions: “on a scale of one to ten, how ready are you to do something?” and “why didn’t you pick a lower number?”.

By asking these two questions, the speaker encourages the person to articulate their own reasons for doing something. This is a powerful tool for motivating people to achieve their goals. Studies have shown that when people have their own reasons for doing something, they adhere to it more strongly.

For example, if a parent wants their teenage daughter to clean her room, they can use this technique by asking her how ready she is to clean her room. If she responds with a low number, they can then ask her why she didn’t pick a lower number. By doing so, she will articulate her own reasons for cleaning her room, such as being able to get to school on time or having more time to see her friends.

This technique is a great way to upskill yourself to be more successful in personal growth and professional development. By asking the right questions, you can motivate and persuade people to take action. This will help you be successful in any endeavor you pursue.

Emotional Intelligence

Unlock Emotional Intelligence?

Upskilling yourself in emotional intelligence is one of the keys to success in personal growth and professional development. As Daniel H. Pink explains in his video “How to Persuade Others with the Right Questions: Jedi Mind Tricks”, a great way to persuade someone is to ask two irrational questions. This technique, known as motivational interviewing, encourages people to articulate their own reasons for doing something and to overcome obstacles.

For example, suppose you want your teenage daughter, Maria, to clean her room. Instead of bribing, threatening or exhorting her, you could ask Maria, “On a scale of one to ten, one meaning I’m not ready at all; ten meaning I’m ready to do it right now. How ready are you, Maria, to clean your room?” If she answers with a low number, you could then ask her, “Why didn’t you pick a lower number?” This will help Maria identify her own reasons for wanting to clean her room.

The ability to persuade others is an essential skill in personal growth and professional development. According to a survey conducted by the Harvard Business Review, 62% of executives and managers believe persuasion is the most important leadership skill. In addition, a study by the University of Texas concluded that emotional intelligence is a key factor in successful decision-making and problem-solving.

By upskilling yourself in emotional intelligence and using the motivation interviewing technique, you can become a more effective persuader. This will help you to be more successful in personal growth and professional development.

Personal Growth

Unlock Personal Growth?

Upskilling yourself to be more successful in personal growth and professional development requires the ability to persuade others. In this video, Daniel H. Pink demonstrates the power of motivational interviewing, in which two questions are asked to help persuade someone. The first question, 'On a scale of one to ten, how ready are you to do X?' helps to gauge the person's willingness to take action. The second question, 'Why didn't you pick a lower number?' encourages them to explain why they are not completely unwilling. This technique often works better than bribing, threatening, or exhorting someone.

For example, suppose you are trying to persuade your teenage daughter to clean her room. You could ask her, 'On a scale of one to ten, how ready are you to clean your room?'. She might respond with a two. Then, you could ask her 'Why didn't you pick a lower number?' This encourages her to articulate her own reasons for cleaning her room and makes her more likely to actually follow through.

Motivational interviewing is a powerful tool for upskilling yourself to be more successful in personal growth and professional development. It encourages people to come up with their own reasons for taking action, rather than relying on external motivators. With practice, you can learn to use this technique to persuade others and increase your success in personal growth and professional development.

For Learners

Watching this video on how to persuade others with the right questions is an essential life long learning strategy. The techniques taught in this video will help you to become a better communicator and an effective negotiator. Being able to ask the right questions and listen to the answers with empathy will help you develop meaningful relationships with colleagues, family, and friends.

The positive benefits of watching this video are numerous. You will learn the power of asking the right questions to gain better understanding of others and to influence positive outcomes. You will also be able to use this knowledge to understand how to motivate people and to build trust.

On the other hand, if you decide not to watch this video, you risk missing out on a valuable opportunity to learn a powerful communication technique that could help you grow in relationships and in your career.

Using the ‘what’s in it for me’, ‘what’s in it for them’, ‘what’s in it for us’, and ‘what’s in it for the world’ approach to learning the content of this video will benefit you as a learner for personal growth and professional development. For yourself, you will be able to develop your communication skills which will help you gain confidence in dealing with others. For them, you will be able to understand their perspectives and help them form better decisions. For us, you will be able to build a more collaborative and productive environment. And for the world, you will be able to create a more inclusive and harmonious society.

In conclusion, watching this video on how to persuade others with the right questions is an essential life long learning strategy. It will help you to build better relationships, to become a better communicator, and to have an impact on the world.

For Employers

As an employer, learning the content of this video could give you a competitive edge. The Jedi Mind Tricks taught by Daniel H. Pink in this video can help you to more effectively motivate employees and persuade customers and clients. By asking two irrational questions, you can help your team to articulate their own reasons for doing something, rather than relying on you to persuade them. This technique can help to ensure that they believe in the reasons more deeply and adhere to the behavior more strongly.

By understanding the concepts in this video, you can differentiate yourself and your team from a computer in terms of your ability to effectively motivate and persuade. Clients and customers will perceive you and your products more successfully if they know that you understand the art of persuasion. By using the power of the ‘what’s in it for the present, the past, and the future’ approach, you can maximize the impact of your persuasive techniques and increase the likelihood of success.

Overall, watching this video and understanding the content can help you to be a better employer and to be more successful in persuading customers and clients. By developing this skill, you can differentiate yourself from a computer, and increase the chances of success for your business.

Career Path

Completing a course in Communication based on the competencies of Influence and Persuasion, Emotional Intelligence, and Personal Growth can be incredibly beneficial for one's career path. This course will help learners develop essential skills for communicating with others in a professional setting, as well as develop their own emotional intelligence and personal growth which are essential for career success.

By watching the video and reading the transcript, learners can level up their persuasive skills with Jedi Mind Tricks taught by Daniel H. Pink. This video demonstrates how to use two irrational questions to motivate others to take action. By learning these techniques, learners can gain confidence in their ability to persuade and influence others.

By gaining these income-producing skills, learners can close the skills gap between them and their peers and become more employable, promotable, and purposeful. In the future, these high demand and high growth industries will be in high demand, meaning those with the right skills will have the most meaningful work.

By investing in yourself and completing this course, you will be able to gain career-defining credentials and have the opportunity to make a greater impact in your chosen field. With the skills gained from this course, you will become more promotable and have a higher chance of finding meaningful work in the future. So take the first step and invest in yourself today by signing up for the communication course!


"We tend to think that persuasion or motivation is something that one person does to another. And what the social science tells us very clearly is that it's really something that people do for themselves." - Mike Pantalon. This quote from Mike Pantalon, a Yale University professor, is the foundation of Daniel H. Pink's video on how to persuade others with the right questions. In the video, Pantalon explains how one can motivate people to do things for themselves, rather than relying on external motivators such as bribery or threats. This is important for both learners and employers, as it provides a technique to empower people to take action and drive their own success. It is a powerful tool for those looking to influence others, and is a great way to build the trust and respect needed for successful collaborations.


The most important takeaway from this video is to understand that the best way to persuade someone is to help them discover and articulate their own reasons for doing something. Asking open-ended questions can help uncover the obstacles that are blocking someone from making a decision, and then provide help to remove those obstacles. This approach encourages deeper commitment and increases the chances of positive outcomes.

How to Persuade Others with the Right Questions: Jedi Mind Tricks | Daniel H. Pink | Big Think

Persuading someone is like Jedi Mind Tricks! If you want to get your teenage daughter to clean up her messy room, instead of bribing or threatening her, use two questions. Ask her to rate how ready she is on a scale of 1 to 10, and then ask her why she didn't pick a lower number. This will help her come up with her own reasons for cleaning up and make her more likely to do it. It's like a magic spell!

Video Quotes

"When people have their own reasons for doing something – not yours – their own reasons for doing something they believe those reasons more deeply and adhere to the behavior more strongly." - Daniel H. Pink

"The key here – and again you've got to go back to first principles here. The key here is that we tend to think that persuasion or motivation is something that one person does to another. And what the social science tells us very clearly is that it's really something that people do for themselves." - Daniel H. Pink

"Your job as a persuader, as a motivator, is to reset the context and surface people's own reasons for doing something." - Daniel H. Pink

Related Quotes

"The best way to persuade people is with questions, not answers." - Daniel H. Pink
"Leading with questions is often a much more effective way to get to the right answer than leading with an answer." - Daniel H. Pink
"The power of the question is that it shifts the locus of control in the conversation from you to the other person." - Daniel H. Pink


1. Influence and Persuasion
2. Emotional Intelligence
3. Personal Growth

Learning Outcomes

1. Remember: Identify the persuasive techniques discussed in the video (e.g. motivational interviewing, bribing, threatening).
2. Understand: Explain the concept of people having their own reasons to motivate themselves.
3. Apply: Demonstrate how to use two irrational questions to persuade someone (e.g. Maria's messy room).
4. Analyze: Analyze the effectiveness of using two irrational questions to persuade someone.
5. Evaluate: Critically evaluate the different techniques used to persuade someone (e.g. bribing, threatening, and motivational interviewing).
6. Create: Develop a persuasive strategy using two irrational questions to persuade someone.

Sample Answers

1. I learned that motivational interviewing is a technique from the counseling literature that can be used to persuade someone to do something. It involves asking two irrational questions - one to assess the readiness level of the person and the second to get them to explain why they didn't pick a lower number.

2. By asking these two questions, the person being persuaded is able to articulate their own reasons for doing something, which makes them believe those reasons more deeply and adhere to the behavior more strongly.

3. Additionally, if someone rates their readiness level as a one, the persuader can ask what can be done to make them a two. This helps to identify any environmental obstacles that may be preventing them from taking action.

Daniel H. Pink

Daniel H. Pink is an internationally bestselling author of six books about the changing world of work, including the long-running New York Times bestsellers, When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing and Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us. He is also the host and co-executive producer of the Netflix show, "Daniel H. Pink's Crowd Control." Pink is a contributing editor at Wired magazine and a regular contributor to Harvard Business Review and The New York Times. He has provided analysis of economic, social, and workplace trends on CNN, CNBC, ABC, NPR, and other networks in the US and abroad. He holds a BA from Northwestern University and an MA from the University of Michigan. Daniel H. Pink is an expert on How to Persuade Others because of his extensive knowledge and experience in the field of psychology, motivation, and economics. He has studied the science of persuasion and has a deep understanding of how people are motivated and influenced. He is also an expert in communication and the art of influencing people through the use of language, and is a highly sought-after speaker on the topic. Daniel H. Pink is associated with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) as a visiting lecturer in its Media Lab. MIT Media Lab.

Learning Design

The ability to communicate effectively is a critical skill for success in any professional or personal setting. Having the knowledge and skills to influence and persuade, demonstrate emotional intelligence, and engage in personal growth are all essential components of communication. Another useful pedagogy is active listening, which involves being present, listening for understanding, and being aware of body language. This can help students become more aware of their own and others' verbal and non-verbal communication. Finally, students can use reflective activities to help them understand and learn from their communication experiences.


Q: According to Daniel H. Pink in the video, what is the best technique to persuade a teenage daughter to clean her room?

A. Bribe her
B. Threaten her
C. Exhort her
D. Ask two irrational questions


Common Hypothetical Questions
1. What is the best way to motivate someone to do something?
2. How can a person best communicate their reasons for doing something to another person?
3. What is the most effective way to convince someone to take action?
4. What strategies can be used to encourage someone to change their behavior?

Real-Life Examples and Scenarios
1. How can motivational interviewing techniques be used in a professional setting?
2. How can someone use the two irrational questions to persuade a colleague or customer?
3. What other techniques can be used to help someone become more motivated?
4. How can this approach be used to resolve conflicts between two people?


Motivational Interviewing, Clean Room Parenting, "Mike Pantalon Yale", "Motivational Interviewing Technique", "Counterintuitive Questions", "Scale of One Ten", "Articulating Reasons", "Motivational Persuasion", "Environmental Obstacle", "Surface Reasons", "Reset Context", "Motivate Others".


1. Mike Pantalon of Yale University developed a technique called motivational interviewing for persuasion.
2. The technique involves asking two irrational questions to help motivate the other person.
3. When someone has their own reasons for doing something, they are more likely to adhere to the behavior.
4. If someone is at a one on a scale of one to ten, asking what can be done to make them a two can uncover environmental obstacles.
5. Persuasion is not something one person does to another, rather it is something people do for themselves.


1. Create an online tutorial for parents on the principles of motivational interviewing, with examples such as the hypothetical situation described in the video.
2. Produce an infographic detailing the benefits of using motivational interviewing to persuade others.
3. Develop a mobile app that allows users to rate their motivation level for a certain task on a scale of one to ten and then suggest strategies for improving their motivation level.


This learning instructional guidance was formulated using the GPT-3 language model created by OpenAI.


Want to be more persuasive? Ask yourself two questions: 1) On a scale of 1-10, how ready are you? 2) Why didn't you pick a lower number? Help the other person articulate their own reasons for doing something so they adhere to the behavior more strongly. #Persuasion #Motivation #Communication #Connections #SocialSkills @Accredicity

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