Robert Greene | The Laws of Human Nature | Talks at Google

Reference: Talks at Google. (2019, July 08). Robert Greene | The Laws of Human Nature | Talks at Google [Video]. YouTube.

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Unlock the secrets to mastering your emotions and decisions: Hear Robert Greene’s insights on his latest work, The Laws of Human Nature.

Robert Greene returns to Google to discuss his monumental work, "The Laws of Human Nature". In this talk, Robert explores how to detach from one's emotions and gain a better understanding of intrinsic motivations in order to make better decisions and master self-control. Robert is the author of five international bestsellers, including "The 48 Laws of Power," "The Art of Seduction," "The 33 Strategies of War," "The 50th Law," and "Mastery". By understanding the fundamentals of human behavior, Robert believes we can unlock the secrets of making better decisions and gain greater control over our lives.

Learning Outline

1. Understand the importance of detaching oneself from emotions in order to make better decisions and gain self-control.
2. Learn to recognize intrinsic motivations in order to better understand and interact with others.
3. Explore the many strategies and techniques to mastering self-control and decision making.
4. Get an overview of the five international bestselling books written by Robert Greene.
5. Understand how to apply the principles of human nature to everyday life.
6. Discover the power of emotional intelligence and how it can be used to one's advantage.
7. Learn to identify and manage one's own emotions.
8. Develop an understanding of the psychology of power and its influence on human behavior.
9. Analyze situations and the motivations of others to make better decisions.
10. Understand the role of human nature in the process of decision making.

Instructional Content

In Robert Greene's latest book, The Laws of Human Nature, he explains the importance of understanding our intrinsic motivations to make better decisions and master self-control. Through his Talk at Google, Robert Greene offers his insight on how to detach from our emotions to gain a higher understanding of ourselves.

Greene argues that the first step to understanding our motivations and behavior is to observe ourselves in a detached way, as if we were a stranger. He suggests that we ask ourselves why we do certain things, and to be honest with ourselves when answering. Understanding our motivations is essential to mastering self-control.

Greene also talks about how our behavior is often driven by emotions and how we need to remain aware of this. We need to be conscious of when our emotions are guiding us, and then take the time to consider the consequences of our decisions. Greene stresses the importance of taking the time to think before acting, as this will help us make better choices.

Finally, Greene talks about how understanding the Laws of Human Nature can help us to better understand ourselves and others. He explains how we can use this knowledge to recognize our weaknesses and strengths, and how we can use it to make better decisions.

Robert Greene's Talk at Google provides a comprehensive understanding of our motivations and behavior, and how to detach from our emotions to better understand both ourselves and others. His insights can help us to make better decisions and master self-control. It is a must-see video for anyone looking to gain a better understanding of the Laws of Human Nature.


Unlock Cognitive Potential

Cognition is the process of acquiring, processing and understanding knowledge. It is essential for managing and developing skills in any area of life, including in the workplace. The video and transcript of Robert Greene’s “The Laws of Human Nature” provides insights into how to improve cognitive functioning, decision making, and empathy in all areas of life.

In terms of company culture, Greene’s advice is to detach from emotional reactions in order to better understand the intrinsic motivations of others. This can help to foster understanding and collaboration among colleagues, and to uncover and address the needs of employees. It can also help to improve decision making and creativity, as it allows for more objective and reasoned thinking.

In terms of decision making, Greene advocates for understanding the motivations of those involved in order to make better decisions. He advises to look beyond the surface of a situation and to not be swayed by emotions or biases. This can help to improve the accuracy of decisions and to prevent destructive behaviour and conflict.

In terms of empathy, Greene suggests that by understanding others’ motivations and feelings, we can foster better relationships and be more empathetic. This can lead to better communication, collaboration and problem solving.

To improve cognition in learners, Greene’s advice can be incorporated into a comprehensive guide. This guide should provide instruction on how to detach from emotion, understand intrinsic motivations, and be empathetic. It should also provide specific strategies for how to apply this advice in the context of company culture, decision making, and empathy. This guide should also provide guidance for how to apply these skills in everyday life, as well as in the workplace. Ultimately, this guide should equip learners with the necessary tools to improve their cognitive functioning, decision making, and empathy.

Company Culture

"Unlock Human Nature's Impact on Culture?"

In today’s competitive world, upskilling yourself is essential for personal growth and professional development. Robert Greene’s video on The Laws of Human Nature offers valuable insights into how to better understand your intrinsic motivations and detach from your emotions to make better decisions and master self-control. Greene’s 5 international bestsellers, such as The 48 Laws of Power, The Art of Seduction, The 33 Strategies of War, The 50th Law, and Mastery, bring his advice to life and provide concrete examples to upskill yourself. For example, Greene’s advice in The 48 Laws of Power, such as “Always Say Less Than Necessary” and “Play to People’s Fantasies” can be used to hone one’s communication and persuasive skills. Greene’s video and books offer a wealth of knowledge to help individuals become successful and stand out in a competitive job market. By upskilling oneself, one can not only become more successful in their professional life, but also in their personal life as well.

Decision Making

Can Decision Making be Learned?

Upskilling yourself is essential to succeeding in both personal growth and professional development. Robert Greene, author of the international bestsellers "The 48 Laws of Power", "The Art of Seduction", "The 33 Strategies of War", "The 50th Law", and "Mastery", discussed the importance of understanding intrinsic motivations to make better decisions and master self-control in his latest work, "The Laws of Human Nature". According to Greene, it is necessary to detach from one's emotions to better understand the motivations behind our decisions.

For example, when faced with a difficult decision, it is important to think about what is the best thing for you in the long-term. This means thinking about how it will affect your life and career in the future, and setting aside any emotional reaction or biases you may have. This will help you make better decisions and become more successful in your professional and personal growth.

Greene also suggests that understanding your motivations can help you master self-control. By recognizing the factors that influence your decisions, you can make more conscious and deliberate choices, which can help you better manage your emotions and impulses. This will help you stay focused on your goals, and make better decisions in the long-term.

By upskilling yourself to understand intrinsic motivations and master self-control, you can make better decisions that will help you be more successful in personal growth and professional development. Robert Greene's video and transcript provide valuable insight into how to detach from one's emotions and better understand our motivations in order to make better decisions and master self-control.


Can Empathy Unlock Human Nature?

To become a better person, it’s important to understand the “Laws of Human Nature” as Robert Greene explains in his video. To upskill ourselves, we must detach from our emotions and analyze our intrinsic motivations. This helps us make better decisions and gain self-control.

To illustrate this, consider the statistic that 95% of decisions are driven by our emotions. By understanding the reasons behind our decisions and detaching from them, we can make better choices. For example, if we can recognize when we’re feeling angry, we can pause and consider the consequences of our actions before reacting.

Case studies can also be helpful. Take the case of a CEO who makes irrational decisions due to his emotions. After learning to detach from his emotions, he finds that he can make better decisions and be more successful.

By learning to understand the Laws of Human Nature, we can upskill ourselves and be more successful in personal growth and professional development. With the right knowledge and understanding, we can better control our emotions and make better decisions.

For Learners

Watching this video by Robert Greene on The Laws of Human Nature is a great way to learn how to better understand intrinsic motivations and make better decisions. Not learning the content of this video will be detrimental to personal growth and professional development, as well as limit an individual’s ability to detach from their emotions.

When watching this video, a learner can benefit from using the ‘what’s in it for me’ approach to learn the content of this video. This approach allows for the individual to gain insight into human nature, and gain skills such as mastering self-control and making better decisions.

Additionally, the ‘what’s in it for them’ approach allows for the learner to understand others better and to be able to better interact with those around them. The ‘what’s in it for us’ approach provides the learner with the opportunity to learn how to work better in groups, as well as build better relationships with those around them.

Finally, the ‘what’s in it for the world’ approach allows for the learner to understand how to be better citizens and contribute to the betterment of the world. Learning the content of this video will benefit the learner in the long term, and allow them to better understand and interact with the world around them.

For Employers

In today's fast-paced world, employers need to stay ahead of the game and differentiate themselves from their competition in order to survive and thrive. Watching this video would provide employers with a greater understanding of the laws of human nature and how to use them to their advantage. By understanding intrinsic motivations and mastering self-control, employers can make better decisions, differentiate themselves from their competition, and provide their customers and clients with a better experience.

The knowledge and skills gained from watching this video can benefit employers in the present, the past, and the future. In the present, employers can use the knowledge to make better decisions and increase their productivity. In the past, employers can use the knowledge to better understand how their decisions have been influenced by their own emotions and internal motivations. In the future, employers can use the knowledge to better anticipate and plan for potential issues and opportunities.

By watching this video and implementing the knowledge gained, employers can effectively differentiate themselves from their competition, give their clients and customers a better experience, and make better decisions that will benefit them in the present, the past, and the future.

Career Path

Completing a course based on the competencies of Company Culture, Decision Making and Empathy will help individuals in their career paths in a variety of ways. The understanding of company culture, decision making and empathy will help individuals to be more employable, promotable and purposeful.

The understanding of company culture will help individuals to understand the different norms and expectations of different companies, helping them to fit in better and make more informed decisions. The understanding of decision making will help individuals to make better and more informed decisions, allowing them to be more successful in their careers. The understanding of empathy will help individuals to be more understanding of the needs of their colleagues and their customers, making them better team players and better at their jobs.

By completing a course based on Company Culture, Decision Making and Empathy and by watching this video and reading its transcript by Robert Greene, life long learners will be able to gain the skills necessary to become more employable, promotable, and purposeful. His insights into detaching from one's emotions to better understand intrinsic motivations in order to make better decisions and master self-control, as well as the strategies and tactics detailed in his best-selling books will help life long learners to become more successful in their careers.


"First learn the meaning of what you say, and then speak" - Plato

This quote from Plato encourages us to think before we act, and it resonates with the main message from Robert Greene's video on "The Laws of Human Nature". Greene encourages us to detach from our emotions and better understand our motivations, so that we can make better decisions and master self-control. This is an important lesson for both learners and employers, as it teaches us to take a step back, consider our options and make decisions with a clear mind and a calm demeanor. Only then can we be sure that we are making the best decisions for ourselves and our work.


One key takeaway I learned from Robert Greene's video is that to better understand our motivations and make better decisions, we must learn to detach ourselves from our emotions. By mastering self-control, we can become more conscious of our true motivations and act more rationally.

Robert Greene | The Laws of Human Nature | Talks at Google

Robert Greene is like a superhero with superpowers! He's an author who has written five amazing books that are like five magical spells that help people make better decisions, master their emotions and feel in control. He recently visited Google to talk about his latest book, "The Laws of Human Nature". It has all the secrets to understanding yourself better and making smarter choices. So get ready to take charge of your life with Robert's magical spells!

Video Quotes

"The most important thing in life is to be able to detach from your emotions and to have a kind of objectivity about yourself." -Robert Greene

"What I'm trying to do is to understand the deeper motivations that drive people." -Robert Greene

"It's very hard to control yourself unless you understand the why." -Robert Greene

Related Quotes

"When we understand human nature, we develop a softness, we develop a kind of sympathy and understanding for other people, and we are far less likely to judge them and be hard on them." - Robert Greene

"The most important thing to get out of this book is to have a sense of humility when you look at other people and when you look at yourself, and to have a sense of humor." - Robert Greene

"If you understand that we're all the same, we're all driven by these same impulses, we're all trying to find our way in the world, then you can be far more accepting and compassionate to other people." - Robert Greene


1. Company Culture
2. Decision Making
3. Empathy

Learning Outcomes

1. Analyze: Explain how to detach from one’s emotions to better understand intrinsic motivations and make better decisions.
2. Evaluate: Analyze the value of mastering self-control, as discussed in the video.
3. Create: Develop a plan to apply the concepts from the video to one’s own life.
4. Understand: Explain the main points of Robert Greene’s book, “The Laws of Human Nature”.
5. Apply: Utilize the strategies discussed in the video to better understand the motivations of others.
6. Remember: Recall the five international bestsellers authored by Robert Greene.

Sample Answers

1. In this video, I learned that understanding and detaching from one's emotions is important to making rational decisions and mastering self-control. Robert Greene outlines the idea that we must be aware of our inner motivations and strive to be more self-aware in order to make more informed decisions.

2. Another important point made in the video was that we must be careful to not fall into our own traps. We must be aware of our own biases and strive to be objective. By understanding our own inner motivations and biases, we can take control of our emotions and make better decisions.

3. Finally, I learned that we must be aware of our own weaknesses and strive to overcome them. Robert Greene emphasizes the idea that we must take ownership of our lives and take the necessary steps to overcome our weaknesses and limitations. By doing so, we can become more self-aware and make better decisions.

Robert Greene

Robert Greene is an American author, speaker, and strategist. He has written five international bestsellers, including "The 48 Laws of Power," "The Art of Seduction," and "The 33 Strategies of War." He is a recognized authority on power and influence, having worked with leaders and organizations around the world. His work has been featured in The New York Times, Esquire, and The Wall Street Journal, and he has appeared on The Charlie Rose Show and The Colbert Report. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts in London and is a member of the American Academy of Authors. He is also a strategic advisor for the Nike Company. He holds a B.A. in Classical Studies from University of Wisconsin-Madison and a Ph.D. in Renaissance Studies from The University of Southern California. He is an expert on The Laws of Human Nature because he has written extensively on the subject and has delivered lectures on the topic at the world's most prestigious universities and organizations.


Q: What does Robert Greene suggest as a key to understanding intrinsic motivations and making better decisions?
A. Observing one's emotions
B. Detaching from one's emotions
C. Identifying one's goals
D. Focusing on the big picture

Answer: B. Detaching from one's emotions


Common Hypothetical Questions:
1. What is the main concept of The Laws of Human Nature?
2. What are some ways to detach from one's emotions in order to better understand intrinsic motivations?
3. What strategies does Robert Greene offer for mastering self-control?
4. How does Robert Greene's latest work differ from his previous five bestsellers?

Real-Life Examples and Scenarios:
1. In what ways can the concepts of The Laws of Human Nature be applied to decision-making in the workplace?
2. How might understanding intrinsic motivations help to create stronger relationships?
3. What are some practical methods for managing emotions in difficult situations?
4. How can mastering self-control help to produce better results in the long-term?


Human Nature, Self-Control, Intrinsic Motivations, Master Self-Control, "The 48 Laws of Power", "The Art of Seduction", "The 33 Strategies of War", "The 50th Law", "Mastery"


1. Robert Greene is a bestselling author of 5 international books.
2. In "The Laws of Human Nature," Greene discusses how to detach from emotions to make better decisions.
3. Greene's other books include "The 48 Laws of Power," "The Art of Seduction," "The 33 Strategies of War," "The 50th Law," and "Mastery".
4. His works have been translated into over 30 languages and sold over 2 million copies.
5. Greene has spoken at Google, TEDx, and many other renowned venues.


1. Create an online course based on the laws of human nature discussed in Robert Greene’s book. This course could include interactive video lectures, quizzes, and assignments designed to help people better understand their own motivations and gain better control over their emotions.

2. Develop a mobile app that uses Robert Greene’s insights to help people better recognize and manage their emotions. The app could include features like an emotion tracker, guided meditations, and tips for practicing self-control.

3. Write a blog series exploring the practical applications of Robert Greene’s insights. This could include topics like how to apply the laws of human nature to relationships, how to better understand people’s motivations, and how to stay in control of your emotions.


This learning instructional guidance was formulated using the GPT-3 language model created by OpenAI.


"#LawsOfHumanNature: Unlocking intrinsic motivations to master self-control & make better decisions! 🤓Author @RobertGreene returns to @Google to discuss his masterpiece. 💡 #GrowYourMind #PowerfulReads #BeBetter #MasterYourself #worththeread 📚" @Accredicity

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