Dr Joe Dispenza How Thoughts Create Reality | Lewis Howes

Reference: Lewis Howes. (2021, February 28). "Use These 10 SECRETS For 7 Days & See INCREDIBLE RESULTS!" Joe Dispenza & Lewis Howes [Video]. YouTube.

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Unlock your mind and body: 10 Secrets to Unlock Incredible Results in Just 7 Days!

How Thoughts Create Reality - Dr. Joe Dispenza joins Lewis Howes to discuss the power of the mind to create reality. They discuss how guilt, shame, and insecurities can be replaced with bliss, and how unlocking the mind and body can lead to incredible results. Through practice, we can move out of survival emotions and into elevated emotions, and use an image and emotion to condition the body emotionally into the past. Joe and Lewis also discuss the importance of feeling love before it is made manifest in order to create a magnetic field to draw it to you, and how the present moment is the only place for the unknown to exist.

Learning Outline

1. Move out of survival emotions and practice trading them for elevated emotions.
2. Understand that one thought can produce the same chemicals in the brain and body as if the event was occurring at that moment.
3. Understand that the body is conditioned into the past, and that it is objective and believes it is in the same environmental experience.
4. You must practice opening your heart to unlock your mind and body.
5. Understand that feeling love now will be the magnet to draw to you.
6. Develop the skill of getting so present in the moment that you are not anticipating the next moment or trying to predict the future.
7. Find the sweet spot of the generous present moment.
8. Understand that the unknown exists in the present moment.
9. Understand that all you need is an image and an emotion, a thought and a feeling, a stimulus and a response to condition your body emotionally into the past.
10. Understand that the long-term effects of survival emotions can push the genetic buttons that create disease.

Instructional Content

Are you looking to improve your life, but feeling overwhelmed with where to begin? If so, you won't want to miss this video featuring Joe Dispenza and Lewis Howes. In their discussion, they cover 10 secrets to help you see incredible results in just 7 days. They share valuable lessons on how to unlock your mind and body to create the life you have always desired.

Joe Dispenza explains that in order to create a true relationship based on love, we must practice trading survival emotions for elevated emotions. He suggests that many of us are conditioned to react to external events, leading to an alarm system switch being turned on. This leads to narrowing our focus on the cause and producing the same chemistry in our brain and body as if the event was occurring at that moment.

Lewis Howes adds that we must open our hearts and make it a conscious process. He notes that the strong emotional events can become subconscious programs and the body has been conditioned into resentment, unhappiness, and fear. Joe Dispenza further explains that in order to bring love into our lives, we must teach our bodies to feel the emotion of our future before it is made manifest.

By using these 10 secrets and following Joe Dispenza and Lewis Howes' advice, you can start to unlock your mind and body, and become more connected to the energy of your future than the energy of your past. Watch the video for yourself to learn the complete set of secrets and start creating the life you have always dreamed of.


Unlock Cognitive Transformation

Cognition is an important part of skills development, and it is essential for success in the modern world. Cognitive Flexibility, Mindfulness, and Self-Awareness are all key elements of improving cognition in learners. This video and transcript provide a comprehensive guide to improving Cognition in learners, taking into account the specific details related in each scenario.

Cognitive Flexibility involves the learner's ability to shift between different perspectives and tasks. This can be improved by learning to recognize different perspectives and contexts, as well as being able to adjust to changing situations. Mindfulness helps learners focus on the present moment and pay attention to their thoughts and feelings. Self-awareness helps to identify one's own abilities and weaknesses, and allows for better goal setting and decision making.

To improve cognitive flexibility, learners should practice switching between tasks and perspectives, focus on the present moment, and practice accepting different perspectives. Mindfulness can be improved by being aware of one's thoughts and feelings, as well as developing a practice of meditation and relaxation. Self-awareness can be improved by recognizing one's weaknesses and strengths, and setting realistic goals.

The video and transcript also provide advice for improving self-esteem and self-confidence. This can be done by learning to recognize and accept one's strengths, and engaging in positive self-talk. Additionally, the video and transcript suggest that learners should practice expressing gratitude and kindness, as well as setting and achieving goals.

Overall, Cognitive Flexibility, Mindfulness, and Self-Awareness are essential for improving cognition in learners. By understanding and incorporating the specific details related in each scenario, learners can develop the skills necessary to improve their cognitive abilities. By taking the time to focus on these skills, learners can ensure that they are better prepared for the modern world.

Cognitive Flexibility

Transform with Cognitive Flexibility?

Cognitive Flexibility is an essential skill for any successful personal growth or professional development journey. It is the ability to recognize patterns, think critically, problem solve, and adapt to changing situations. Many of us struggle with this skill as we become entrenched in our comfort zone and are more likely to stay stuck in a cycle of repeating the same behaviors that lead to the same results.

This video is a powerful example of how Joe Dispenza and Lewis Howes use Cognitive Flexibility to unlock their potential and create incredible results in 7 days. They emphasise the importance of trading survival emotions, such as guilt and insecurity, for elevated emotions, such as love and joy. They also talk about how we can condition our bodies emotionally by choosing to focus on the future instead of the past, believing in our future more than our past, and using our imagination to create a new reality.

What is particularly noteworthy is the fact that our thoughts can have a direct effect on our physical health. Every thought creates a chemical, and if we are constantly thinking negative or judgmental thoughts, those chemicals can lead to serious health problems. Furthermore, once the body has been conditioned to a certain emotion (i.e. fear, anger, etc.) it can be difficult to escape that cycle and open our hearts to love.

The advice given in this video is invaluable and can be used to upskill oneself and become more successful in personal growth and professional development. By practicing Cognitive Flexibility, we can become more open-minded and open-hearted, allowing us to create a new reality and achieve our goals.


Transform with Mindfulness?

Mindfulness is a powerful tool for personal growth and professional development, and this video provides valuable advice on how to use it to upskill yourself and be more successful. Joe Dispenza and Lewis Howes emphasize the importance of trading survival emotions for elevated emotions, so that one can practice opening their heart and connecting to a feeling of love. This is essential for being able to unlock the potential that lies within us and experience true relationships.

The video also explains how each thought produces a chemical, and that our bodies are so objective that it doesn't know the difference between the real experience creating the emotion and the emotion that is fabricated by thought alone. This means that if we have a highly charged emotional event, our bodies are conditioned into past memories, and that we are then stuck in a survival state, unable to create and unable to feel joy or love.

To break out of this state, we must practice getting present in the moment, and focus on feeling love now, instead of waiting for it in the future. This way, we are able to access the unknown, the generous present moment, which can help us experience true relationships and unlock our potential. Mindfulness practices such as meditation, breathing exercises, and gratitude can help us to achieve this.

By following the advice in this video, we can upskill ourselves and be more successful in personal growth and professional development. It is essential to recognize the power of our thoughts and emotions, and to actively practice trading survival emotions for elevated ones, in order to unlock our potential and create the life we want.


Transform with Self-Awareness?

Self-awareness is a powerful personal development tool that can help us upskill ourselves and become more successful, both personally and professionally. To make the most of this video, we can use the 10 secrets Joe Dispenza and Lewis Howes shared to unlock our minds and bodies and bring us closer to our fullest potential.

One of the most important things to remember is that we must practice feeling and trading our survival emotions every day for elevated emotions. This means trading guilt, shame, and insecurities for bliss. We must become aware of our thoughts and the chemicals they produce, as they have a great influence on our bodies. This is because the body is so objective that it can’t tell the difference between the real experience creating the emotion and the emotion we fabricate by thought alone.

We can also use self-awareness to help us open our hearts and get into a true relationship with love. To do this, we must practice getting so present that we are no longer anticipating and predicting the future. This will help us move away from our familiar past and embrace the unknown in the generous present moment.

Self-awareness is an invaluable tool for upskilling ourselves. Once we understand our thoughts, emotions, and reactions, we can begin to make more meaningful changes to become more successful. By using the 10 secrets in this video, we can begin to unlock our minds and bodies and create a better future for ourselves.

For Learners

Watching this video by Joe Dispenza and Lewis Howes provides a unique opportunity to increase personal growth and professional development. The strategies shared in this video offer the potential to unlock the mind and body, move out of survival emotions, and create positive, long-term effects in the body. By watching this video, you can gain insight and knowledge on how to transfer guilt, shame, and insecurities into bliss, and learn how to open your heart and practice trading survival emotions for elevated emotions.

If you don’t watch this video, you won’t be able to learn the strategies being presented. You will be missing out on the opportunity to increase personal growth and professional development, and deepen your understanding of how to unlock the mind and body and move out of survival emotions.

The ‘what’s in it for me’ approach to learning the content of this video is that it provides a unique way to increase personal growth and professional development. You can learn how to transfer guilt, shame, and insecurities into bliss, and gain insight and knowledge on how to open your heart and practice trading survival emotions for elevated emotions.

The ‘what’s in it for them’ approach to learning the content of this video is that others can benefit from the knowledge and insight being shared. By learning these strategies, others can also increase their personal growth and professional development.

The ‘what’s in it for us’ approach to learning the content of this video is that by increasing personal growth and professional development, it can lead to a greater sense of connection, belonging, and understanding.

The ‘what’s in it for the world’ approach to learning the content of this video is that by learning these strategies, it can lead to a more positive, harmonious, and peaceful world. As more people learn and practice these strategies, it can lead to a more connected and mindful society.

For Employers

This video by Joe Dispenza and Lewis Howes is essential viewing for any forward-thinking employer who wants to differentiate themselves from their competition. The content of this video provides employers with the tools necessary to unlock their minds and bodies to achieve incredible results. By learning the skills taught in this video, employers can become more connected to the energy of their future than the energy of their past. This can lead to a new personality and a new personal reality, allowing employers to move from guilt, shame, and insecurities to bliss.

Employers can also benefit from the content of this video by learning how to practice trading survival emotions for elevated emotions every day. This will lead to better relationships with their teams, as well as create a better customer experience for their clients and customers. Additionally, employers can use the concept of ‘what’s in it for the present, the past, and the future’ to create a positive customer experience.

Overall, this video by Joe Dispenza and Lewis Howes is a must-watch for any forward-thinking employer looking to stand out from the competition and create a positive customer experience. Employers who watch this video and apply the concepts to their everyday lives will be able to unlock their minds and bodies to achieve incredible results.

Career Path

Completing a course in Cognition based on Cognitive Flexibility, Mindfulness, and Self-Awareness will help you become more employable, promotable, and purposeful. This course will provide you with the essential skills to close the Skills Gap so you can stay ahead of the curve and be ready for the future. With the help of this course, you will gain the necessary knowledge to stay competitive in the job market and to become more self-aware.

This course will also help you enhance your income-producing skills and be more successful in high demand and high growth industries. By learning and applying the techniques provided in this course, you will gain career-defining credentials that will make you more employable and promotable.

The power of this course lies in its ability to help you tap into the power of your mind and body. By watching the video “Use These 10 SECRETS For 7 Days & See INCREDIBLE RESULTS!” by Joe Dispenza and Lewis Howes, you will learn how to open your heart and practice trading survival emotions for elevated emotions. This will help you move out of survival and into the realm of possibility.

You will also learn how to condition your body emotionally into the past and create a new reality for yourself. By mastering the concept of bringing love into your life and feeling the emotion of your future before it is made manifest, you will unlock your mind and body and unlock the potential that is waiting for you.

By completing this course, you will gain the skills, knowledge, and credentials that will make you more employable, promotable, and purposeful. You will also be able to tap into the power of your mind and body, helping you become a life-long learner and stay ahead of the curve.


"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself" - Franklin D. Roosevelt.

In the video, Joe Dispenza and Lewis Howes discuss how important it is for people to break out of the fear-based emotions that are often associated with survival. People get so used to feeling these emotions, they don't even realize they're feeling guilt or insecurity. This is why it's so important to practice trading those survival emotions for elevated emotions. Doing this can help unlock the potential that is waiting for us and lead to incredible results.

This quote from Franklin D. Roosevelt emphasizes the idea that we shouldn't be afraid of fear itself. We must learn how to use it as a tool to move forward and break out of survival mode. Doing this can help us open our hearts, unlock potential, and create a better future. It is essential for learners and employers to understand this concept and practice it in their day-to-day lives.


The most important key takeaway from this video is that to create the reality we want, we must learn to practice trading survival emotions for elevated emotions and opening our hearts. This requires us to be present in the moment and to practice feeling the emotion of our future before it is made manifest.

Joe Dispenza and Lewis Howes want you to use 10 secrets for 7 days and see incredible results! It's like a magic trick: if you practice trading bad feelings for good feelings like love, your life will get better and better. Joe and Lewis say it's like a skill - you have to practice feeling love and opening your heart. Even if it's hard, if you do it, you'll be so happy! Every time you think about something bad, you're producing the same bad feelings like you're in that moment again - but if you think about something good, you can actually practice feeling it before it's even happened! That's the secret: practice feeling love and good things now, and your future will be even brighter.

Video Quotes

1. "I'm more connected to the energy of my future than I am to the energy of my past. I'm believing in my future more than I'm believing in my past and a new personality is connected to a new personal reality." - Dr. Joe Dispenza

2. "If you could truly begin to practice trading those survival emotions every day for elevated emotions and you practiced opening your heart it's it's a it's a skill that has to take place where you move out of survival." - Dr. Joe Dispenza

3. "If you can hold the vision of your future, a clear intention with a coherent brain, organize signals into the field and you could actually crack this thing open and practice getting so present in the moment that you're not anticipating the next moment or trying to predict the future and you're no longer romancing the emotions of your past you can find that sweet spot of the generous present moment." - Dr. Joe Dispenza

Related Quotes

"The power of the subconscious mind is much greater than the conscious mind." - Joe Dispenza

"The best way to create change is to create a new story." - Lewis Howes

"Your outer world is a reflection of your inner world." - Joe Dispenza


1. Cognitive Flexibility
2. Mindfulness
3. Self-Awareness

Learning Outcomes

1. Analyze the effects of thought-based emotions on the body and mind (Analysis)
2. Explain the concept of trading survival emotions for elevated feelings (Understanding)
3. Describe the process of opening one's heart and why it is difficult (Comprehension)
4. Compare and contrast the body's response to real and perceived emotions (Comparison)
5. Demonstrate the ability to reverse the flow of emotions and feel love before manifestation (Application)
6. Design a method to remain present in the moment and not anticipate the next (Creation)

Sample Answers

1. In this video, Joe Dispenza and Lewis Howes discuss how our thoughts, emotions, and environment can affect our physical and mental health. They explain that the highly charged emotions we experience can alter our chemistry, and if we don't address them, they can lead to illness. They explain that we can use our emotions to create a new reality and open our hearts to experience love and bliss.

2. Dispenza and Howes explain that if we can learn to live in the present moment and practice trading survival emotions for elevated emotions, then we can begin to create the life we desire. They note that if we can focus on the feelings of love, joy, and bliss, then we create a magnetic field that will draw the things we desire into our lives.

3. Lastly, Dispenza and Howes discuss how our thoughts and emotions can be stored in our bodies, creating a subconscious program. They explain that if we can take ownership of our feelings and practice feeling love and joy, then we can begin to release the negative emotions that are stored in our body, allowing us to experience true connection and fulfillment.

Dr. Joe Dispenza

Dr. Joe Dispenza is an international lecturer, researcher, corporate consultant, author, and educator who has been invited to speak in more than 32 countries on six continents. Dr. Dispenza’s postgraduate education and degrees include a Bachelor of Science degree with an emphasis in Neuroscience, a Doctor of Chiropractic degree, and a Bachelor of Science degree in Human Biology. He is a featured expert in the film, “What the Bleep Do We Know!?” and is the author of the best-seller, Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself. He is also the author of Evolve Your Brain, You Are the Placebo, and Becoming Supernatural. He is a faculty at Quantum University, a member of Dr. Joe Tafur’s Fellowship in Integrative Medicine and a board member of the International Quantum University for Integrative Medicine. Dr. Joe Dispenza is an expert on how thoughts create reality because through his extensive research and studies, he has been able to demonstrate that when we change our thinking, we change our lives. Dr. Joe Dispenza


Q. According to Joe Dispenza, when a person practices feeling a certain emotion, what will happen to their body?
A. A. They will produce the same chemistry in their brain and body as if the event was occurring at that moment
B. They will become polarized
C. They will condition their body emotionally into the past
D. They will produce the same chemistry in their brain and body as if the event was occurring in the future

Answer: A. They will produce the same chemistry in their brain and body as if the event was occurring at that moment


1. What is the connection between emotions and the body's response according to Joe Dispenza?
2. How does Joe Dispenza suggest that one can move out of negative emotions and into positive ones?
3. What is Joe Dispenza's opinion on how to create a relationship based on love?
4. How does Joe Dispenza suggest we can become more present in the moment?

5. How can someone use the concepts discussed in this video to manage their own emotions and create positive change in their life?
6. How could this video help someone identify and manage negative emotions such as guilt, shame, or insecurity?
7. Can Joe Dispenza's concepts be used to improve relationships, both personal and professional?
8. What practical steps can someone take to apply the ideas discussed in this video and experience the “incredible results” mentioned in the title?


"Joe Dispenza", "Energy Future", "Elevated Emotions", "Survival Emotions", "Chemistry Brain Body", "Altered States Consciousness", "Opening Your Heart", "Generous Present Moment", "Predictable Future", "Unconscious Programs"


1. Joe Dispenza suggests that by unlocking the mind and body, one can unlock potential and achieve incredible results.
2. Replaying a highly charged emotional event will produce the same chemistry in the mind and body.
3. Survival emotions such as guilt, shame, and insecurity can be transferred into bliss.
4. The body can be conditioned into the past by thoughts, producing the same chemical response as if the event was occurring in that moment.
5. Feeling love now is the magnet to attract what is desired in the future.


1. Create an online course which outlines a 7-day plan for people to practice trading survival emotions for elevated emotions and opening their hearts, using Joe Dispenza’s lessons as the framework.

2. Develop a line of meditation and mindfulness products which are designed to help people unlock their minds and bodies simultaneously, such as guided meditations, affirmations, and journal prompts.

3. Create a podcast series which interviews survivors of emotionally charged events who have used Joe Dispenza’s teachings to recover and move forward.

4. Launch a series of workshops which teach participants how to transform their negative emotions into bliss, using Joe Dispenza’s concepts.

5. Write a book which outlines Joe Dispenza’s teachings and how to use them to create a life of joy, love, and abundance.


This learning instructional guidance was formulated using the GPT-3 language model created by OpenAI.


Unlock your mind and body with Joe Dispenza's 10 secrets! Practice trading survival emotions for elevated emotions to create a new reality. Open your heart and practice feeling love to condition your body into the future. #love #transformation #believe #selfgrowth #selflove @Accredicity

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