4 Emotional Intelligence Skills for Success | Daniel Goleman | Mindvalley

Reference: Mindvalley Talks. (2020, June 25). 4 Emotional Intelligence Skills For Success | Daniel Goleman [Video]. YouTube.

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Discover the secrets to success with Daniel Goleman's 4 Emotional Intelligence Skills and unlock the potential of your team!

Daniel Goleman, author of the de-facto book Emotional Intelligence Skills For Success, was an early trendsetter in understanding the importance of emotional intelligence in the workplace. His 1995 book has sold over five million copies and is still highly regarded today. Goleman's research showed that the best leaders and teams manage their emotions artfully, and that a leader's mood can affect the performance of those around them. He proposed four key domains for emotional intelligence: self-awareness, self-management, empathy, and skillful relationships. Emotional intelligence is not static, and can be developed and improved upon. Its ripple effect in organizations can result in better performance metrics, and it is important to be conscious of how our emotions can impact those around us.

Learning Outline

1. Emotional intelligence is a critical factor for success in the workplace.
2. Emotional intelligence is more than just IQ and can be learned and improved upon.
3. Self-awareness is the first pillar of emotional intelligence, which involves recognizing and managing one's own emotions.
4. Emotions are contagious, and leaders set the tone for the workplace.
5. Emotional intelligence can have a positive ripple effect on performance metrics.
6. Emotional transactions should always be helpful, not awful.

Instructional Content

Are you looking to develop better emotional intelligence skills for success? In 1995, Daniel Goleman, author of the de-facto book 'Emotional Intelligence', put forth the idea that emotional intelligence is a critical factor in success. For over 25 years, Goleman has been studying how emotions affect performance in the workplace and how understanding and managing emotions can help us become more productive.

Emotional intelligence begins with self-awareness, or the ability to recognize and understand one's own emotions. Goleman's model of emotional intelligence includes four domains: self-awareness, self-management, empathy, and skillful relationships. Self-awareness allows us to monitor our moods and understand how they impact our performance. Self-management helps us keep our emotions in check and ensure that they are not disruptive. Empathy helps us understand the emotions of others and recognize how our own emotions can affect them. Skillful relationships involve managing our interactions with others in a positive way.

In organizations, Goleman has seen a positive ripple effect when leaders improve their emotional intelligence. When leaders are in a good mood, their team's performance increases. On the other hand, when a leader is in a bad mood, their team often catches the mood and performance suffers.

Emotional intelligence is a skill that can be learned and improved upon. It is important for everyone to be aware of the impact their emotions can have on others and to learn to manage their emotions in a productive way. By developing better emotional intelligence skills, we can increase our chances of success both in the workplace and in our personal lives.


Empower Your Cognition

Cognition involves the skills necessary to understand and interact with the world around us. Emotional intelligence, leadership and professional relationships are all essential components of developing these skills.

Emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize, understand, and regulate one’s own emotions and the emotions of others. Emotional intelligence is important for leaders as it helps them to understand their team’s needs and how to best motivate them.

Leadership is the ability to lead and inspire a team. Leaders should have a strong understanding of the goals and objectives of their team, and how to get them there. They should also be able to motivate and encourage their team, as well as provide them with feedback and recognition.

Professional relationships involve the interactions between colleagues, superiors, and subordinates. Professional relationships should be respectful and collaborative, and involve communication and effective problem-solving. They should also consider the needs of all parties involved, and strive to build trust and support.

Developing cognition in learners should take into account all aspects of emotional intelligence, leadership, and professional relationships. A comprehensive guide to improving cognition in learners should include activities to help build awareness of one’s own emotions, an understanding of the emotions of others, and strategies to effectively manage these emotions. It should also include activities to help build leadership skills, such as communication, problem-solving, and decision-making. Additionally, it should include activities to help build professional relationships, such as focusing on respect, collaboration, and trust.

In conclusion, emotional intelligence, leadership and professional relationships are all essential components of developing cognitive skills. A comprehensive guide to improving cognition in learners should consider the specific details related in each scenario, and provide activities to help build awareness of one’s own emotions, an understanding of the emotions of others, leadership skills, and professional relationships.

Emotional Intelligence

Achieve Emotional Success?

Emotional intelligence (EI) is an essential skill for success in both personal and professional growth. Daniel Goleman was ahead of his time when he wrote his book on emotional intelligence in 1995, and today, it is an important topic that is discussed in a variety of contexts. EI is all about understanding and managing one’s own emotions, as well as being able to read and interpret the emotions of others. Studies have shown that those with higher EI are more successful in the workplace, with a study conducted by the Yale School of Management showing that a leader’s mood affects the performance of the team. Additionally, research conducted by the Harvard Business Review found that those with higher EI have better relationships with their co-workers and customers, making them better overall leaders.

EI is a learnable skill and one that can be improved with practice. According to Goleman, the four main domains of EI are self-awareness, self-management, empathy, and skillful relationships. Self-awareness is the first step in improving one’s EI and involves being aware of one’s emotions and being able to manage them. Additionally, empathy is important for understanding the emotions of others, and building relationships with co-workers and customers requires skillful communication.

By taking the time to hone one’s emotional intelligence, individuals can become better leaders, better team players, and ultimately, more successful. A growing number of companies and organizations are now incorporating EI into their training and development, and individuals can take advantage of this by upskilling themselves in this area. Doing so can lead to better relationships, better performance, and greater overall success.


Achieving Leadership Success?

Upskilling yourself with emotional intelligence (EI) is a key factor in personal growth and professional development. According to Daniel Goleman, author of the book Emotional Intelligence, EI is a critical component to running successful organizations, leading teams, and understanding our emotions in the workplace. Goleman noticed the importance of EI back in 1995 and since then, its use has rapidly spread. Studies at the Yale School of Management have shown that a leader’s mood influences the performance of the team. When leaders are in a good mood, team morale is higher and performance is improved.

The key to managing emotions is self-awareness and emotional balance. Self-awareness involves recognizing and understanding one’s emotions and how they affect our performance. Emotional balance is using those emotions to our advantage. It’s important to remember that emotions are not static and can be improved with practice.

Organizations that focus on developing their employees’ EI have seen a significant improvement in performance. Companies such as Google and Microsoft have implemented EI training in their organizations and have seen an increase in employee engagement and customer satisfaction. In addition, a recent study by the Harvard Business Review found that among a group of successful executives, the ones with higher EI were the most successful.

Developing your EI is an important part of personal growth and professional development. By focusing on self-awareness and emotional balance, you can improve your performance and become a successful leader.

Professional Relationships

Transform Professional Relationships?

Upskilling yourself in emotional intelligence is a key component of personal growth and professional development. This is especially true when it comes to success in professional relationships. In 1995, author Daniel Goleman noticed the importance of emotional intelligence and wrote the groundbreaking book, which has since sold more than five million copies. Emotional intelligence is the ability to monitor one’s own emotions and those of others, and to use that information to guide one’s thinking and behavior.

Recent studies at the Yale School of Management have revealed that the mood of a leader directly affects the performance of the team. If a leader is in a good mood, the team’s performance will improve and vice versa. This has shown that emotional intelligence is an essential component in the workplace, one that should not be overlooked.

The key to improving emotional intelligence is self-awareness. It is important to tune in to your own emotions, understand why you’re feeling them, and how they’re affecting your performance. It is also important to recognize when emotions are not helpful and to be able to manage them.

Emotional intelligence can be developed through practice and self-reflection. This can be done through activities like journaling, mindfulness, and self-assessment. Companies can also provide development courses and activities to help their employees improve their emotional intelligence.

By improving your emotional intelligence, you can become more self-aware, better at managing your emotions, and more adept at forming and maintaining successful professional relationships. This will help you to become more successful in both your personal and professional life.

For Learners

Watching this video on the 4 Emotional Intelligence Skills for Success can give you a positive benefit in terms of personal growth and professional development. For you, the viewer, this video can help you understand the importance of emotional intelligence, as well as how to apply it to your interactions with others. For them, the people you interact with, it can help you increase understanding and empathy, improving communication and relationships. For us, the collective, it can help create a culture of understanding and respect, leading to better collaboration and more productive work environments. Finally, for the world, it can create a more equitable and just society, where everyone is given the opportunity to reach their full potential.

Using the ‘what’s in it for me’, ‘what’s in it for them’, ‘what’s in it for us’, and ‘what’s in it for the world’ approach to learning the content of this video will give you the opportunity to gain greater self-awareness and learn the skills to be a better leader and communicator. It will also provide you with the tools to be a better listener and build better relationships with the people you interact with. Additionally, it can help create a workplace culture where everyone can feel understood and respected, leading to better collaboration and productivity. Finally, it can help create a more equitable and just society, where everyone is given the opportunity to reach their full potential.

By not learning the content of this video, you are missing out on the opportunity to grow as a leader and communicator, as well as the opportunity to build relationships with the people you interact with. Without this knowledge, your workplace environment may be less productive and equitable, leading to a less just society overall. Therefore, it is important to take the time to watch this video and learn the valuable content it provides.

For Employers

This video provides a great insight into the importance of emotional intelligence (EI) in the workplace. EI involves the ability to recognize, understand, and manage emotions in ourselves and others, as well as to use this knowledge to effectively navigate social interactions. It is a skill set that is essential for any successful business, and one that employers should be aware of and foster.

Watching this video provides employers with a valuable opportunity to learn the four key skills of EI: self-awareness, self-management, empathy, and social awareness. It also demonstrates how these skills can help differentiate people from computers, and how understanding them can lead to greater success in the workplace.

Furthermore, it demonstrates how the skills of EI can help employers build trusting relationships with their customers and clients, and how this can positively affect their perception of the business, its products and services. By learning the content of this video, employers can take advantage of the benefits that come with having a team that understands and uses EI in the workplace.

The information in this video is invaluable for anyone looking to stay ahead of the competition and to foster a successful business. It is an opportunity to equip yourself and your team with the skills needed to succeed in today’s business world, and to set yourself apart from other employers and companies. By taking the time to watch and learn from this video, employers can benefit from the power of EI, now and in the future.

Career Path

Completing a course in Cognition based on these competencies: Emotional Intelligence, Leadership, and Professional Relationships can help you get career-defining credentials to become more employable, promotable, and purposeful. It will help you close the skills gap and level up your income-producing skills for a better future.

One great way to level up your skills in emotional intelligence, leadership, and professional relationships is to watch the video “4 Emotional Intelligence Skills for Success” by Daniel Goleman. This video provides an excellent overview of the skills necessary for success, as well as strategies for mastering them. Additionally, by understanding the importance of emotional intelligence, leadership, and professional relationships, you can work to develop the skills necessary to become more employable, promotable, and purposeful.

By completing a course in Cognition based on the competencies of emotional intelligence, leadership, and professional relationships, you can gain the skills necessary to become an expert in your field and to close the skills gap. This will help you stay ahead of the competition and position you for career-defining credentials and increased income. With these credentials, you will be able to confidently and effectively showcase your abilities and skills to employers, making you more employable, promotable, and purposeful.


"The best leaders the best teams manage their emotions artfully" - Daniel Goleman. This quote is demonstrated in the video 4 Emotional Intelligence Skills For Success | Daniel Goleman. Goleman explains that in the workplace, it is critical to understand and manage emotions, as it can have a direct effect on performance. He also explains that emotional intelligence is learnable, and can be improved through practice. This is important for learners, as it gives them the opportunity to develop their emotional intelligence, and gives them the skills to manage their emotions in a productive way. For employers, it is important to recognize the importance of emotional intelligence, and to provide resources and support to their employees to help them further develop their skills. In conclusion, emotional intelligence is an important skill to have, both for learners and employers.


Emotional intelligence is an important skill for success in the workplace, and one of the key takeaways from Daniel Goleman's video is that emotional intelligence is not fixed, but can be learned and improved. Everyone has the ability to manage their emotions, and understanding this can lead to better performance and improved relationships.

4 Emotional Intelligence Skills For Success | Daniel Goleman

Daniel Goleman noticed something important 25 years ago - that emotions are really important in the workplace, more important than intelligence, and that people need to learn how to manage their emotions. He wrote a book about it and now everyone knows the term "emotional intelligence". It is something that can be learned at any age, and it helps people work better, be more productive and get along with each other. To do this, we need to become aware of our own emotions and how they affect our performance and the people around us. We can then learn to manage our emotions and create a better work environment for everyone.

Video Quotes

1. "It turns out the best leaders, the best teams manage their emotions artfully." - Daniel Goleman
2. "Emotions have always been at play when it comes to actual in the workplace we just never thought about it we didn't look at it." - Daniel Goleman
3. "Apart from what you're supposedly doing the extensible interaction there's always an emotional transaction and it can be one that's very helpful or it can be one that's awful." - Daniel Goleman

Related Quotes

"People with high emotional intelligence are more successful in life, because they have the skills to handle the challenges life throws at them more effectively." - Daniel Goleman

"In order to be successful, it is important to be able to understand, manage and use your emotions in a positive way." - Daniel Goleman

"Emotional intelligence is key to success in all areas of your life, from work to relationships." - Daniel Goleman


1. Emotional Intelligence
2. Leadership
3. Professional Relationships

Learning Outcomes

1. Understand the importance of emotional intelligence in the workplace (Knowledge)
2. Analyze the ripple effect of a leader's emotions on their team (Analysis)
3. Explain the four domains of emotional intelligence (Explanation)
4. Evaluate the impact of a leader's emotions on team performance (Evaluation)
5. Create strategies to manage disruptive emotions in the workplace (Creation)
6. Synthesize a system for improving emotional intelligence (Synthesis)

Sample Answers

1) I have learned that emotional intelligence is a skill that can greatly improve performance in the workplace. It involves understanding, managing and controlling one's emotions, as well as being aware of the emotions of those around you. This understanding can help people to collaborate more effectively and create more productive teams.

2) I have also learned that emotional intelligence can be learned and improved upon. Self-awareness and self-management are two key components of emotional intelligence, and they can be developed through practice.

3) Finally, I have learned that emotions are contagious and can have a ripple effect in the workplace. Leaders should be mindful of their emotional state, as it can have a direct impact on their team's performance. It is also important to be aware of the emotions of those around you, as they can also affect the outcome of a task.

Daniel Goleman

Daniel Goleman is an internationally known psychologist, writer, and science journalist who has written extensively about emotional intelligence, the brain and behavior, and leadership. He is the author of the best-selling and influential books, Emotional Intelligence and Social Intelligence: The New Science of Human Relationships. Goleman is the co-founder of the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) and is a visiting scholar in the psychology department at Harvard University. He is also a former editor of the Harvard Business Review, and a Fellow of the American Psychological Association and the National Academy of Science. He has received numerous awards and honors for his work, including the American Psychological Association's Award for Distinguished Contribution to the International Advancement of Psychology. He is also the recipient of the Distinguished Contribution Award from the Society for Humanistic Psychology, the Lifetime Achievement Award from the International Leadership Association, and the Lifetime Achievement Award from the International Society for Emotional Intelligence. Daniel Goleman is an expert on Emotional Intelligence Skills For Success because of his extensive research into the field of emotional intelligence and its implications for both individuals and organizations. He has written extensively on the subject, and his research has been widely cited by other experts in the field. He is also a renowned speaker and lecturer, having delivered keynotes and workshops on emotional intelligence around the world.


Q: According to Daniel Goleman, what is the difference between Emotional Intelligence and IQ?
A. Emotional Intelligence is static while IQ is learned
B. Emotional Intelligence is learned while IQ is static
C. Emotional Intelligence is contagious while IQ is not
D. Emotional Intelligence is not contagious while IQ is contagious

Answer: B. Emotional Intelligence is learned while IQ is static


Questions about the Video:
1. What made Daniel Goleman realize the importance of emotional intelligence in the workplace?
2. What are the four domains of emotional intelligence according to Daniel Goleman?
3. How can self-awareness help with self-management?
4. What is the ripple effect of leaders' emotions on their teams?

Questions about Application:
1. What strategies can be used to help improve an individual's emotional intelligence?
2. How can organizations use emotional intelligence to improve performance metrics?
3. How can managers create an environment that encourages emotional intelligence in their teams?
4. What advice would you give to someone looking to develop their emotional intelligence skills?


Emotional Intelligence Skills, Success Daniel Goleman, Emotional Intelligence Workplace, Self Awareness Emotional Intelligence, Developing Emotional Intelligence, Emotional Intelligence Organizations, Improving Emotional Intelligence, Emotional Intelligence Competency, Emotional Balance Performance, Emotional Transaction Interaction


1. Daniel Goleman's book "Emotional Intelligence" was published in 1995 and has sold more than 5 million copies.
2. Emotions can influence performance in the workplace, with positive moods increasing productivity.
3. Self-awareness is the first step in developing emotional intelligence.
4. Emotional intelligence can be improved with practice and is not static like IQ.
5. Emotions are contagious, affecting those around you, even if you are the less powerful person.


1.Write a Guide for Leaders on How to Develop Their Emotional Intelligence: Create a guide for leaders on how to develop their emotional intelligence by focusing on self-awareness, emotional balance, empathy, and skillful relationships.

2.Create a Corporate Training Program: Create a corporate training program that focuses on developing emotional intelligence skills for success.

3.Organize an Emotional Intelligence Workshop: Organize an emotional intelligence workshop for employees that teaches them about the importance of emotional intelligence in the workplace and how to develop these skills.

4.Develop an Emotional Intelligence App: Develop an emotional intelligence app that helps users track their emotional states and learn how to manage them.

5.Write a Series of Blog Posts: Write a series of blog posts about emotional intelligence, the importance of self-awareness and how to develop it, and how emotional intelligence can help people succeed in the workplace.


This learning instructional guidance was formulated using the GPT-3 language model created by OpenAI.


Want to increase your emotional intelligence and become more successful? Listen to Daniel Goleman, author of the de-facto book on emotional intelligence, discuss the four emotional intelligence skills for success. #EmotionalIntelligence #Success #DanielGoleman 🤝 @Accredicity

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